예제 #1
    function run($args, $options) {
        if ($options['dns'])
            return $this->print_dns();

        // Set some forced args and options
        $temp = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        $stage_path = $temp . 'osticket'
            . substr(md5('osticket-stage'.getmypid().getcwd()), -8);
        $args['install-path'] = $stage_path . '/upload';

        // Deployment will auto-create the staging area

        // Ensure that the staging path is cleaned up on exit
        register_shutdown_function(function() use ($stage_path) {
            $delTree = function($dir) use (&$delTree) {
                $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.','..'));
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    (is_dir("$dir/$file")) ? $delTree("$dir/$file") : unlink("$dir/$file");
                return rmdir($dir);
            return $delTree($stage_path);

        $options['setup'] = true;
        $options['git'] = true;
        $options['verbose'] = true;

        $options['clean'] = false;
        $options['dry-run'] = false;
        $options['include'] = false;

        $this->_args = $args;
        $this->_options = $options;

        // TODO: Run the testing applet first
        $root = $this->find_root_folder();
        if (!$this->getOption('skip-test') && $this->run_tests($root) > 0)
            $this->fail("Regression tests failed. Cowardly refusing to package");

        // Run the deployment
        // NOTE: The deployment will change the working directory
        parent::run($args, $options);

        // Deploy the `setup/scripts` folder to `/scripts`
        $root = $this->source;
        Unpacker::unpackage("$root/setup/scripts/{,.}*", "$stage_path/scripts", -1);

        // Package up the staging area
        $version = exec('git describe');
        switch (strtolower($this->getOption('format'))) {
        case 'zip':
            $this->packageZip("$root/osTicket-$version.zip", $stage_path);
예제 #2
    function unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse=0, $exclude=false) {
        $use_git = $this->getOption('git', false);
        if (!$use_git)
            return parent::unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse, $exclude);

        // Attempt to read from git using `git ls-files` for deployment
        if (substr($destination, -1) !== '/')
            $destination .= '/';
        $source = $this->source;
        if (substr($source, -1) != '/')
            $source .= '/';
        $local = str_replace(array($source, '{,.}*'), array('',''), $folder);

        $pipes = array();
        $patterns = array();
        foreach ((array) $exclude as $x) {
            $patterns[] = str_replace($source, '', $x);
        $X = implode(' --exclude-per-directory=', $patterns);
        if (!($files = proc_open(
            "git ls-files -zs --exclude-standard --exclude-per-directory=$X -- .",
            array(1 => array('pipe', 'w')),
        ))) {
            return parent::unpackage($folder, $destination, $recurse, $exclude);

        $dryrun = $this->getOption('dry-run', false);
        $verbose = $this->getOption('verbose') || $dryrun;
        while ($line = stream_get_line($pipes[1], 255, "\x00")) {
            list($mode, $hash, , $path) = preg_split('/\s+/', $line);
            $src = $source.$local.$path;
            if ($this->exclude($exclude, $src))
            if (!$this->isChanged($src, $hash))
            $dst = $destination.$path;
            if ($verbose)
            if ($dryrun)
            if (!is_dir(dirname($dst)))
                mkdir(dirname($dst), 0755, true);
            $this->copyFile($src, $dst, $hash, octdec($mode));