public function __construct($id = false) { parent::__construct(); $this->add("products"); $this->name = "form_slider"; $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data"; $this->action = URL::current(); $this->products = ProductDB::getAdminShow(); if (!$id) { $this->text("title", "Название:"); $this->textarea("description", "Описание:"); $this->submit("insert_slider", "Сохранить"); } else { $this->add("img"); $this->add("product_id"); $this->hidden("id", $id); $obj = new SliderDB(); $obj->load($id); $this->text("title", "Название:", $obj->title); $img = ProductDB::getCellOnID($obj->product_id, "img"); $view = new View(Config::DIR_TMPL); $this->img = $view->render("img", array("src" => Config::DIR_IMG_PRODUCT . $img), true); $this->textarea("description", "Описание:", $obj->description); $this->submit("update_slider", "Сохранить"); $this->product_id = $obj->product_id; } }
/** * Report or log an exception. * * This is a great spot to send exceptions to Sentry, Bugsnag, etc. * * @param \Exception $e * @return void */ public function report(Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof VerifyCsrfToken) { Log::error('CSRF Error', ['exception' => $e, 'url' => URL::current()]); } return parent::report($e); }
public function __construct($view, $param) { parent::__construct(); $this->add("hornav"); $this->add("n"); $this->name = "form_viewgallery"; $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data"; $this->action = URL::current(); $viewgallery_obj = new ViewgalleryDB(); $viewgallery_obj->load($param["view_id"]); $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB(); $gallery_obj->load($param["gallery_id"]); $this->hornav = new Hornav(); $this->hornav->addData("Админпанель", URL::get("menu", "admin")); $this->hornav->addData("Галерея", URL::get("viewgallery", "admin")); $this->hornav->addData($viewgallery_obj->title, URL::get("listgallery", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"]))); $this->hornav->addData($gallery_obj->title, URL::get("listimg", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"], "gallery_id" => $param["gallery_id"]))); if (!$param["img_id"]) { $this->hornav->addData("Добавить"); $this->file("img", "Картинка:"); $this->submit("insert_imggallery", "Сохранить"); } else { $this->hidden("id", $param["img_id"]); $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB(); $gallery_obj->load($param["img_id"]); $this->hornav->addData("Изменить"); $this->file("img", "Картинка:"); $this->submit("update_imggallery", "Сохранить"); } }
protected function download(Path $path) { // check basic auth headers as well, so if specified, // client doesn't have to go through the login and cookie dance. Auth::onceBasic("username"); // check we're logged in if (!Auth::check()) { Session::flash('redirect', URL::current()); return Redirect::route('login'); } // record the download in the db $record = $path->loadCreateRecord($path); $record->downloaded_at = $record->freshTimestamp(); $record->increment('downloads'); $record->save(); $isMisc = strpos($path->getRelative(), '/Misc/') === 0; if ($isMisc || $path->isSafeExtension()) { // check if the extension is safe to download $file = new AsciiSafeDownloadFile($path->getPathname()); // see comments in AsciiSafeDownloadFile class $baseName = $path->getBasename(); $baseName = str_replace('%', '', $baseName); try { return Response::download($file, $baseName); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { App::abort(500, 'This file has a malformed filename. Please contact an admin.'); } } else { App::abort(403, sprintf('File type "%s" not allowed', $path->getExtension())); } }
public function __construct($id = false) { parent::__construct(); $this->name = "form_section"; $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data"; $this->action = URL::current(); if (!$id) { $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title")); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc")); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key")); $this->textarea("full_text", "Длинное описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("full_text")); $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", FormProcessor::getSessionData("alias")); $this->submit("insert_section", "Сохранить"); } else { $this->hidden("id", $id); $obj = new SectionDB(); $obj->load($id); $this->text("title", "Название:", $obj->title); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $obj->meta_desc); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $obj->meta_key); $this->textarea("full_text", "Длинное описание:", $obj->full_text); $link = URL::get("section", "", array("id" => $id), true, "", false); $alias = SefDB::getAliasOnLink($link); $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", $alias); $this->submit("update_section", "Сохранить"); } }
public function image() { if (!Auth::check()) { Session::flash('redirect', URL::current()); return Redirect::route('login'); } $relativePath = Input::get('path'); $filePath = Input::get('file'); $path = Path::fromRelative($relativePath); if (!$path->exists()) { App::abort(404, 'Archive not found'); } $archive = Archive\Factory::open($path); $imageStream = $archive->getEntryStream($filePath); $imageData = stream_get_contents($imageStream); $response = Response::make($imageData); $ext = pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg'); break; case 'png': $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png'); break; } $response->header('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $path->getMTime()) . ' GMT'); $response->header('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime('+1 year')) . ' GMT'); $response->header('Cache-Control', 'public'); return $response; }
public function __construct($id = false) { parent::__construct(); $this->add("sections"); $this->name = "form_category"; $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data"; $this->action = URL::current(); $this->sections = SectionDB::getAll(); if (!$id) { $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title")); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc")); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key")); $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", FormProcessor::getSessionData("alias")); $this->checkbox("show", "Показывать:", "1"); $this->submit("insert_category", "Сохранить"); } else { $this->add("section_id"); $this->hidden("id", $id); $obj = new CategoryDB(); $obj->load($id); $this->text("title", "Название:", $obj->title); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $obj->meta_desc); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $obj->meta_key); $link = URL::get("category", "", array("id" => $id), true, "", false); $alias = SefDB::getAliasOnLink($link); $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", $alias); $this->checkbox("show", "Показывать:", "1", "", (int) $obj->show); $this->submit("update_category", "Сохранить"); $this->section_id = $obj->section_id; } }
/** * Handles authentication * * @param string $slug * @return mixed */ public function getCallback($slug) { try { $user = Social::authenticate($slug, URL::current(), function ($link, $provider, $token, $slug) { if ($slug == 'facebook') { // Retrieve the user in question for modificiation $user = $link->getUser(); // Get user details $data = $provider->getUserDetails($token)->getArrayCopy(); // Update user details $user->facebook_uid = $data['uid']; $user->save(); } else { if ($slug == 'twitter') { // Retrieve the user in question for modificiation $user = $link->getUser(); // Get user details $data = $provider->getUserDetails($token); // Update user details $user->twitter_nickname = $data->nickname; $user->twitter_image_url = $data->imageUrl; $user->save(); } } }); return Redirect::to('oauth/authenticated'); } catch (Exception $e) { return Redirect::to('oauth')->withErrors($e->getMessage()); } }
public function __construct($view, $param) { parent::__construct(); $this->add("hornav"); $this->add("n"); $this->name = "form_viewgallery"; $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data"; $this->action = URL::current(); $viewgallery_obj = new ViewgalleryDB(); $viewgallery_obj->load($param["view_id"]); $this->hornav = new Hornav(); $this->hornav->addData("Админпанель", URL::get("menu", "admin")); $this->hornav->addData("Галерея", URL::get("viewgallery", "admin")); $this->hornav->addData($viewgallery_obj->title, URL::get("listgallery", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"]))); if (!$param["gallery_id"]) { $this->hornav->addData("Добавить"); $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title")); $this->file("img", "Картинка:"); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc")); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key")); $this->submit("insert_listgallery", "Сохранить"); } else { $this->hidden("id", $param["gallery_id"]); $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB(); $gallery_obj->load($param["gallery_id"]); $this->hornav->addData("Изменить"); $this->text("title", "Название:", $gallery_obj->title); $this->file("img", "Картинка:"); $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $gallery_obj->meta_desc); $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $gallery_obj->meta_key); $this->submit("update_listgallery", "Сохранить"); } }
public function oauth($tokenid) { $successURL = isset($_GET['returnurl']) ? $_GET['returnurl'] : new URL('auth', 'invalidReturn'); $failureURL = isset($_GET['cancelurl']) ? $_GET['cancelurl'] : $successURL; $grant = isset($_GET['grant']) ? (int) $_GET['grant'] === 1 : null; $session = Session::getInstance(); $token = db()->table('token')->get('token', $tokenid)->fetch(); #No token, no access if (!$token) { throw new PublicException('No token', 404); } $this->view->set('token', $token); $this->view->set('cancelURL', $failureURL); $this->view->set('continue', (string) new URL('auth', 'oauth', $tokenid, array_merge($_GET->getRaw(), array('grant' => 1)))); if (!$session->getUser()) { return $this->response->getHeaders()->redirect(new URL('user', 'login', array('returnto' => (string) URL::current()))); } if ($grant === false) { return $this->response->getHeaders()->redirect($failureURL); } if ($grant === true) { $token->user = $this->user; $token->store(); return $this->response->getHeaders()->redirect($successURL); } }
public function do_help() { $user = Sentry::getUser(); $subject = "Newsletter Help: " . Input::get('subject'); $emailbody = Input::get('message'); $from_name = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name; $from_email = $user->email; $admin = User::first(); $to_name = $admin->first_name . ' ' . $admin->last_name; $to_email = $admin->email; $rules = array('subject' => 'required|max:128', 'message' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('dashboard/help')->withErrors($validator); } else { $browser = new Browser(); $userbrowser = $browser->getBrowser() . ' ' . $browser->getVersion(); $userplatform = $browser->getPlatform(); $userIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $page = URL::current(); $data = array('emailbody' => $emailbody, 'userbrowser' => $userbrowser, 'userplatform' => $userplatform, 'userIP' => $userIP, 'page' => $page); $issent = Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use($from_email, $from_name, $subject, $to_name, $to_email) { $message->from($from_email, $from_name)->to($to_email, $to_name)->subject($subject); }); if ($issent) { return Redirect::to('dashboard/help')->with('success', 'Success! You will be contacted soon regarding your issue.'); } else { return Redirect::to('dashboard/help')->with('error', 'An error was encountered sending the email. Please try again.'); } } }
public static function current($stripPages = true) { $url = str_replace(URL::to('/'), '', URL::current()); if ($stripPages === true) { $url = str_replace('/pages/', '', $url); } return $url; }
public function edit() { $post = $this->request->post(); $post['author'] = $_SESSION['user']['username']; $post['sesuatu'] = 'Powered by Xinix'; $this->get($this->request->getPathInfo())->save($post); $this->app->redirect(\URL::current()); }
public function __construct() { $uri = str_replace(\URL::route('admin.index'), '', \URL::current()); $parts = explode('/', $uri); $route_name = $parts[1]; $this->entity = \EntityDriver::findByRouteName($route_name); $this->driver = new \EntityCrudDriver($this->entity->model_name); }
public function __construct($options = null, $initialize = true, $error_messages = null) { $this->options = ['csrf_token' => ['name' => '_token', 'value' => csrf_token()], 'script_url' => \URL::current(), 'upload_dir' => dirname($this->get_server_var('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) . '/files/', 'upload_url' => $this->get_full_url() . '/files/']; if ($options) { $this->options = $options + $this->options; } parent::__construct($this->options, $initialize, $error_messages); }
function setBroadcasterActive($path, $active = "active") { if ($path == "/") { return URL::route('broadcasterHome') === URL::current() ? $active : ""; } $path = "broadcaster" . $path; return Request::is($path . '*') ? $active : ""; }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (!\Auth::check()) { \Session::put('attemptUrl', \URL::current()); return \Redirect::route('admin.get.login'); } return $next($request); }
public function postResourceSet() { $url = URL::current(); $name = Input::get('name'); $icon = Input::get('icon'); $scopes = Input::get('scopes'); $result = $this->uma_resource_set($url, $name, $icon, $scopes); return $result; }
public function action_edit() { Breadcrumbs::add(Breadcrumb::factory()->set_title(__('Edit Translation'))); $this->template->title = __('Edit Translation'); $this->template->bind('content', $content); $content = View::factory('oc-panel/pages/translations/edit'); $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/oc-panel/translations.js'; $language = $this->language_fix($this->request->param('id')); //get the translated ad not translated. list($translation_array, $untranslated_array) = $this->get_translation($language); //watch out at any standard php installation there's a limit of 1000 posts....edit php.ini max_input_vars = 10000 to amend it. if ($this->request->post() and is_array(Core::post('translations'))) { $data_translated = Core::post('translations'); if ($this->save_translation($language, $translation_array, $data_translated)) { Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $language . ' ' . __('Language saved')); } else { Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $language); } $this->redirect(URL::current()); } //add filters to search $translation_array_filtered = $translation_array; //only display not translated if (core::get('translated') == 1) { $translation_array_filtered_aux = array(); foreach ($untranslated_array as $key => $value) { $translation_array_filtered_aux[] = $translation_array_filtered[$value]; } $translation_array_filtered = $translation_array_filtered_aux; } elseif (core::get('search') !== NULL) { $translation_array_filtered_aux = array(); foreach ($translation_array as $key => $value) { if (strpos($value['original'], core::get('search')) !== FALSE or strpos($value['translated'], core::get('search')) !== FALSE) { $translation_array_filtered_aux[] = $value; } } $translation_array_filtered = $translation_array_filtered_aux; } //how many translated items we have? $total_items = count($translation_array_filtered); //get elements for current page $pagination = Pagination::factory(array('view' => 'oc-panel/crud/pagination', 'total_items' => $total_items, 'items_per_page' => 20))->route_params(array('controller' => $this->request->controller(), 'action' => $this->request->action(), 'id' => $language)); $trans_array_paginated = array(); $from = $pagination->offset; $to = $from + $pagination->items_per_page; for ($key = $from; $key < $to; $key++) { if (isset($translation_array_filtered[$key])) { $trans_array_paginated[$key] = $translation_array_filtered[$key]; } } $content->edit_language = $language; $content->translation_array = $trans_array_paginated; $content->cont_untranslated = count($untranslated_array); $content->total_items = count($translation_array); $content->pagination = $pagination->render(); }
/** * @return mixed */ public function rss() { $feed = Rss::feed('2.0', 'UTF-8'); $feed->channel(array('title' => \Config::get('laravel-blog.meta.rss_feed.title'), 'description' => \Config::get('laravel-blog.meta.rss_feed.description'), 'link' => \URL::current())); $posts = $this->post->live()->where($this->post->getTable() . '.in_rss', '=', true)->orderBy($this->post->getTable() . '.published_date', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $feed->item(array('title' => $post->title, 'description' => $post->summary, 'link' => \URL::action('\\Fbf\\LaravelBlog\\PostsController@view', array('slug' => $post->slug)))); } return \Response::make($feed, 200, array('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml')); }
public function initDynamicItem() { if (in_array(\URL::current(), self::$dynamic_item_config['table']['routes']['pages'])) { $dynamic_table_view = view('pxl::layouts/partials/dynamic_item/table/table_container'); $dynamic_table_view->add_url = self::$dynamic_item_config['item']['routes']['add']; $dynamic_table_view->identifier = self::$dynamic_item_config['identifier']; $this->assign('dynamic_table', $dynamic_table_view->render()); $this->assign('dynamic_item', ['config' => self::$dynamic_item_config, 'current_page' => 'table'], self::SECTION_JS); } }
public function __construct($id = null, $method = 'post', $attributes = null, $trackSubmit = true) { $attributes['action'] = Arr::get($attributes, 'action', \URL::current()); parent::__construct($id, $method, $attributes, $trackSubmit); if (method_exists($this, 'build')) { $this->build(); } $this->initValidator(); $this->addHidden('_token', ['value' => csrf_token()]); }
/** * * Contruct that checks you are loged in before nothing else happens! */ function __construct(Request $request, Response $response) { //setting the user $this->user = Auth::instance()->get_user(); parent::__construct($request, $response); //check 2 step if (strtolower($this->request->controller()) != 'auth' and Auth::instance()->logged_in() and core::config('general.google_authenticator') == TRUE and Auth::instance()->get_user()->google_authenticator != '' and Cookie::get('google_authenticator') != Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_user) { //redirect to 2step page $url = Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => '2step')) . '?auth_redirect=' . URL::current(); $this->redirect($url); } }
/** * Set the active class to the current opened menu * * @param string|array $route * @param string $className * @return string */ function is_active($route, $className = 'active') { if (is_array($route)) { return in_array(Route::currentRouteName(), $route) ? $className : ''; } if (Route::currentRouteName() == $route) { return $className; } if (strpos(URL::current(), $route)) { return $className; } }
public function action_view() { $uri = $this->request->detect_uri(); if ($uri == '') { $this->redirect(URL::to('page@view:home')); } $id = $this->request->param('id'); $query = $this->request->query(); $username = $this->request->post('username'); $password = $this->request->post('password'); $login = $this->request->post('login'); $identity = Identity::instance(); $info = ORM::factory('Page')->filter('alias', $id)->load(); if ($info->loaded()) { //downloads if ($id == 'download') { $downloads = true; } //contact if ($id == 'contact') { $form = Form::factory('Contact'); //$form = Form:: if ($form->valid()) { //var_dump($form->values()); $this->redirect(URL::to('page@view:contact') . '?form=sent'); } } else { $form = FALSE; } //login mechanism if (empty($username) && $login == 'Login') { $this->redirect(URL::current() . '?auth=nameError'); } elseif (empty($password) && $login == 'Login') { $this->redirect(URL::current() . '?auth=false'); } elseif (!empty($username) && !empty($password) && $login == 'Login') { $auth = $identity->authenticate($username, $password); if ($auth) { $this->redirect(URL::current()); } else { $this->redirect(URL::current() . '?auth=false'); } } //logout mechanism if ($login == 'Logout') { $identity->destroy(); $this->redirect(URL::current()); } $view = View::factory('page/item', array('item' => Viewer::factory($info), 'form' => $form, 'query' => $query, 'downloads' => isset($downloads) ? $downloads : null)); $this->response->body($view->render()); } else { throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404, 'Page not found'); } }
/** * Publish vendor files when app is ready. */ protected function autoPublish() { \Artisan::call('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => self::class]); /* * Little "hack" because we are not in a Controller so we can not use Redirect. * * We have to refresh (we won't have files ready for this request) */ sleep(1); header('Location: ' . \URL::current()); die; }
public function __construct() { if (Config::get('app.production')) { echo "Something cool is going to be here soon."; die; } $this->beforeFilter(function () { if (!Session::has('user_id')) { Session::put('pre_login_url', URL::current()); return Redirect::to('/user/signin'); } else { $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $owner = Owner::where('id', $user_id)->first(); Session::put('user_name', $owner->first_name . " " . $owner->last_name); Session::put('user_pic', $owner->picture); } }, array('except' => array('userLogin', 'userVerify', 'userForgotPassword', 'userRegister', 'userSave', 'surroundingCars'))); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $time_limit = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($date) - 3 * 60 * 60); $owner_id = Session::get('user_id'); $current_request = Requests::where('owner_id', $owner_id)->where('is_cancelled', 0)->where('created_at', '>', $time_limit)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->where(function ($query) { $query->where('status', 0)->orWhere(function ($query_inner) { $query_inner->where('status', 1)->where('is_walker_rated', 0); }); })->first(); $this->status = 0; if ($current_request) { if ($current_request->confirmed_walker) { $walker = Walker::find($current_request->confirmed_walker); } if ($current_request->is_completed) { $this->status = 5; } elseif ($current_request->is_started) { $this->status = 4; } elseif ($current_request->is_walker_arrived) { $this->status = 3; } elseif ($current_request->is_walker_started) { $this->status = 2; } elseif ($current_request->confirmed_walker) { $this->status = 1; } else { if ($current_request->status == 1) { $this->status = 6; } } Session::put('status', $this->status); Session::put('request_id', $current_request->id); } $paypal_conf = Config::get('paypal'); $this->_api_context = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($paypal_conf['client_id'], $paypal_conf['secret'])); $this->_api_context->setConfig($paypal_conf['settings']); }
public function __construct() { $this->beforeFilter(function () { if (!Auth::check()) { $url = URL::current(); $routeName = Route::currentRouteName(); Log::info('current route =' . print_r(Route::currentRouteName(), true)); if ($routeName != "AdminLogin" && $routeName != 'admin') { Session::put('pre_admin_login_url', $url); } return Redirect::to('/admin/login'); } }, array('except' => array('login', 'verify', 'add', 'walker_xml'))); }
public static function canonical() { $link = explode("/", URL::current(true)); $i = 0; $uri = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($link) - 2; $i++) { if ($i != count($link) - 2) { $uri .= $link[$i] . '/'; } else { $uri .= $link[$i]; } } return $uri; }
public function Content($path) { $slug = str_contains(\URL::current(), '/eng/') ? 'eng_slug' : 'slug'; $menu = Menu::where($slug, '/' . $path)->first(); if ($menu != null) { view()->share('content', $menu); view()->share('custom_header', $menu->header); $lang = \Request::segment(1) == 'eng' ? 'Eng' : null; \Activity::log('Ziyaret: ' . $menu->title . ($lang ? ' | Dil: Eng' : null)); return view('content')->with(['menu' => $menu]); } else { return \Redirect::action('SiteController@index'); } }