예제 #1
  * add_files
  * Recurses through $this->path and pulls out all mp3s and returns the
  * full path in an array. Passes gather_type to determine if we need to
  * check id3 information against the db.
 public function add_files($path, $options)
     // Profile the memory a bit
     debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
     // See if we want a non-root path for the add
     if (isset($options['subdirectory'])) {
         $path = $options['subdirectory'];
     // Correctly detect the slash we need to use here
     if (strpos($path, '/') !== false) {
         $slash_type = '/';
     } else {
         $slash_type = '\\';
     /* Open up the directory */
     $handle = opendir($path);
     if (!is_resource($handle)) {
         debug_event('read', "Unable to open {$path}", 5);
         AmpError::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to open %s'), $path));
         return false;
     /* Change the dir so is_dir works correctly */
     if (!chdir($path)) {
         debug_event('read', "Unable to chdir to {$path}", 2);
         AmpError::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to change to directory %s'), $path));
         return false;
     debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
     /* Recurse through this dir and create the files array */
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         /* Skip to next if we've got . or .. */
         if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
         debug_event('read', "Starting work on {$file} inside {$path}", 5);
         debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
         /* Create the new path */
         $full_file = $path . $slash_type . $file;
         $this->add_file($full_file, $options);
     // end while reading directory
     debug_event('closedir', "Finished reading {$path} , closing handle", 5);
     // This should only happen on the last run
     if ($path == $this->path) {
         UI::update_text('add_count_' . $this->id, $this->count);
     /* Close the dir handle */
예제 #2
echo T_('Confirm Password');
                <input type="password" name="password2" id="password2" />
echo T_('Avatar');
 (&lt; <?php 
echo UI::format_bytes(AmpConfig::get('max_upload_size'));
                <input type="file" id="avatar" name="avatar" value="" />
                <a href="<?php 
echo AmpConfig::get('web_path');
echo $client->id;
echo UI::get_icon('delete', T_('Delete'));
예제 #3
    echo Ajax::observe('license_select', 'change', 'check_inline_song_edit("license", "0")');
echo T_('Files');
if ($upload_max > 0) {
    echo " (< " . UI::format_bytes($upload_max) . ")";
        <br /><br />
echo T_('Allowed file type');
:<br />
echo str_replace("|", ", ", AmpConfig::get('catalog_file_pattern'));
        <div id="dropfile">
echo T_('Drop File Here');
예제 #4
  * format
  * This function sets up the extra variables we need when we are displaying a
  * user for an admin, these should not be normally called when creating a
  * user object
 public function format($details = true)
     /* If they have a last seen date */
     if (!$this->last_seen) {
         $this->f_last_seen = T_('Never');
     } else {
         $this->f_last_seen = date("m\\/d\\/Y - H:i", $this->last_seen);
     /* If they have a create date */
     if (!$this->create_date) {
         $this->f_create_date = T_('Unknown');
     } else {
         $this->f_create_date = date("m\\/d\\/Y - H:i", $this->create_date);
     $this->f_name = $this->fullname_public ? $this->fullname : $this->username;
     // Base link
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/stats.php?action=show_user&user_id=' . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = '<a href="' . $this->link . '">' . $this->f_name . '</a>';
     if ($details) {
         /* Calculate their total Bandwidth Usage */
         $sql = "SELECT sum(`song`.`size`) as size FROM `song` LEFT JOIN `object_count` ON `song`.`id`=`object_count`.`object_id` " . "WHERE `object_count`.`user`='{$this->id}' AND `object_count`.`object_type`='song'";
         $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
         $result = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results);
         $total = $result['size'];
         $this->f_useage = UI::format_bytes($total);
         /* Get Users Last ip */
         if (count($data = $this->get_ip_history(1))) {
             $this->ip_history = inet_ntop($data['0']['ip']);
         } else {
             $this->ip_history = T_('Not Enough Data');
     $avatar = $this->get_avatar();
     if (!empty($avatar['url'])) {
         $this->f_avatar = '<img src="' . $avatar['url'] . '" title="' . $avatar['title'] . '" />';
     if (!empty($avatar['url_mini'])) {
         $this->f_avatar_mini = '<img src="' . $avatar['url_mini'] . '" title="' . $avatar['title'] . '" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" />';
     if (!empty($avatar['url_medium'])) {
         $this->f_avatar_medium = '<img src="' . $avatar['url_medium'] . '" title="' . $avatar['title'] . '" style="width: 64px; height: 64px;" />';
예제 #5
  * add_files
  * Recurses through $this->path and pulls out all mp3s and returns the
  * full path in an array. Passes gather_type to determine if we need to
  * check id3 information against the db.
 public function add_files($path, $options)
     // Profile the memory a bit
     debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
     // See if we want a non-root path for the add
     if (isset($options['subdirectory'])) {
         $path = $options['subdirectory'];
     // Correctly detect the slash we need to use here
     if (strpos($path, '/') !== false) {
         $slash_type = '/';
     } else {
         $slash_type = '\\';
     /* Open up the directory */
     $handle = opendir($path);
     if (!is_resource($handle)) {
         debug_event('read', "Unable to open {$path}", 5);
         Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to open %s'), $path));
         return false;
     /* Change the dir so is_dir works correctly */
     if (!chdir($path)) {
         debug_event('read', "Unable to chdir to {$path}", 2);
         Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to change to directory %s'), $path));
         return false;
     // Ensure that we've got our cache
     debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
     /* Recurse through this dir and create the files array */
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         /* Skip to next if we've got . or .. */
         if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
         debug_event('read', "Starting work on {$file} inside {$path}", 5);
         debug_event('Memory', UI::format_bytes(memory_get_usage(true)), 5);
         /* Create the new path */
         $full_file = $path . $slash_type . $file;
         /* First thing first, check if file is already in catalog.
          * This check is very quick, so it should be performed before any other checks to save time
         if (isset($this->_filecache[strtolower($full_file)])) {
         // Incase this is the second time through clear this variable
         // if it was set the day before
         if (AmpConfig::get('no_symlinks')) {
             if (is_link($full_file)) {
                 debug_event('read', "Skipping symbolic link {$path}", 5);
         /* If it's a dir run this function again! */
         if (is_dir($full_file)) {
             $this->add_files($full_file, $options);
             /* Change the dir so is_dir works correctly */
             if (!chdir($path)) {
                 debug_event('read', "Unable to chdir to {$path}", 2);
                 Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to change to directory %s'), $path));
             /* Skip to the next file */
         //it's a directory
         $is_audio_file = Catalog::is_audio_file($file);
         if (AmpConfig::get('catalog_video_pattern')) {
             $is_video_file = Catalog::is_video_file($file);
         if ($options['parse_playlist'] && AmpConfig::get('catalog_playlist_pattern')) {
             $is_playlist = Catalog::is_playlist_file($file);
         /* see if this is a valid audio file or playlist file */
         if ($is_audio_file or $is_video_file or $is_playlist) {
             /* Now that we're sure its a file get filesize  */
             $file_size = filesize($full_file);
             if (!$file_size) {
                 debug_event('read', "Unable to get filesize for {$full_file}", 2);
                 /* HINT: FullFile */
                 Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('Error: Unable to get filesize for %s'), $full_file));
             // file_size check
             if (!Core::is_readable($full_file)) {
                 // not readable, warn user
                 debug_event('read', "{$full_file} is not readable by ampache", 2);
                 /* HINT: FullFile */
                 Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('%s is not readable by ampache'), $full_file));
             // Check to make sure the filename is of the expected charset
             if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                 $convok = false;
                 $site_charset = AmpConfig::get('site_charset');
                 $lc_charset = $site_charset;
                 if (AmpConfig::get('lc_charset')) {
                     $lc_charset = AmpConfig::get('lc_charset');
                 $enc_full_file = iconv($lc_charset, $site_charset, $full_file);
                 if ($lc_charset != $site_charset) {
                     $convok = strcmp($full_file, iconv($site_charset, $lc_charset, $enc_full_file)) == 0;
                 } else {
                     $convok = strcmp($enc_full_file, $full_file) == 0;
                 if (!$convok) {
                     debug_event('read', $full_file . ' has non-' . $site_charset . ' characters and can not be indexed, converted filename:' . $enc_full_file, '1');
                     /* HINT: FullFile */
                     Error::add('catalog_add', sprintf(T_('%s does not match site charset'), $full_file));
                 $full_file = $enc_full_file;
             // end if iconv
             if ($is_playlist) {
                 debug_event('read', 'Found playlist file to import: ' . $file, '5');
                 $this->_playlists[] = $full_file;
             } else {
                 if ($is_audio_file) {
                     $this->_insert_local_song($full_file, $file_size);
                 } else {
                     $this->insert_local_video($full_file, $file_size);
                 $file = str_replace(array('(', ')', '\''), '', $full_file);
                 if (UI::check_ticker()) {
                     UI::update_text('add_count_' . $this->id, $this->count);
                     UI::update_text('add_dir_' . $this->id, scrub_out($file));
                 // update our current state
             // if it's not an m3u
         } else {
             debug_event('read', "{$full_file} ignored, non-audio file or 0 bytes", 5);
         // else not an audio file
     // end while reading directory
     debug_event('closedir', "Finished reading {$path} , closing handle", 5);
     // This should only happen on the last run
     if ($path == $this->path) {
         UI::update_text('add_count_' . $this->id, $this->count);
         UI::update_text('add_dir_' . $this->id, scrub_out($file));
     /* Close the dir handle */
예제 #6
  * get_stats
  * This returns an hash with the #'s for the different
  * objects that are associated with this catalog. This is used
  * to build the stats box, it also calculates time.
 public static function get_stats($catalog_id = null)
     $results = self::count_songs($catalog_id);
     $results = array_merge(User::count(), $results);
     $results['tags'] = self::count_tags();
     $results['videos'] = self::count_videos($catalog_id);
     $hours = floor($results['time'] / 3600);
     $results['formatted_size'] = UI::format_bytes($results['size']);
     $days = floor($hours / 24);
     $hours = $hours % 24;
     $time_text = "{$days} ";
     $time_text .= ngettext('day', 'days', $days);
     $time_text .= ", {$hours} ";
     $time_text .= ngettext('hour', 'hours', $hours);
     $results['time_text'] = $time_text;
     return $results;
예제 #7
function pGraph_Yformat_bytes($value)
    return UI::format_bytes($value);
예제 #8
  * format
  * this function takes the object and reformats some values
 public function format($details = true)
     $this->f_title = scrub_out($this->title);
     $this->f_description = scrub_out($this->description);
     $this->f_category = scrub_out($this->category);
     $this->f_author = scrub_out($this->author);
     $this->f_website = scrub_out($this->website);
     $this->f_pubdate = date("m\\/d\\/Y - H:i", $this->pubdate);
     $this->f_state = ucfirst($this->state);
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     $hour = sprintf("%02d", floor($min / 60));
     $min_h = sprintf("%02d", $min % 60);
     $this->f_time_h = $hour . ":" . $min_h . ":" . $sec;
     // Format the Size
     $this->f_size = UI::format_bytes($this->size);
     $this->f_file = $this->f_title . '.' . $this->type;
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/podcast_episode.php?action=show&podcast_episode=' . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = '<a href="' . $this->link . '" title="' . $this->f_title . '">' . $this->f_title . '</a>';
     if ($details) {
         $podcast = new Podcast($this->podcast);
         $this->catalog = $podcast->catalog;
         $this->f_podcast = $podcast->f_title;
         $this->f_podcast_link = $podcast->f_link;
         $this->f_file = $this->f_podcast . ' - ' . $this->f_file;
     return true;
예제 #9
<tr id="search_size_limit">
echo T_('Size Limit');
                <select name="size_limit">
echo "\t\t\t" . '<option value="0" ' . ($_POST['size_limit'] == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . T_('Unlimited') . "</option>\n";
foreach (array(64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) as $i) {
    echo "\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($_POST['size_limit'] == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . UI::format_bytes($i * 1048576) . "</option>\n";

require AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/show_rules.inc.php';

<div class="formValidation">
        <input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo T_('Enqueue');
예제 #10
파일: song.class.php 프로젝트: nioc/ampache
  * format
  * This takes the current song object
  * and does a ton of formating on it creating f_??? variables on the current
  * object
 public function format($details = true)
     if ($details) {
         // Get the top tags
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('song', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'song');
     // Format the album name
     $this->f_album_full = $this->get_album_name();
     $this->f_album = $this->f_album_full;
     // Format the artist name
     $this->f_artist_full = $this->get_artist_name();
     $this->f_artist = $this->f_artist_full;
     // Format the album_artist name
     $this->f_albumartist_full = $this->get_album_artist_name();
     // Format the title
     $this->f_title_full = $this->title;
     $this->f_title = $this->title;
     // Create Links for the different objects
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_song&song_id=" . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . scrub_out($this->link) . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . " - " . scrub_out($this->title) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "</a>";
     $this->f_album_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/albums.php?action=show&amp;album=" . $this->album . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_album_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_album) . "</a>";
     $this->f_artist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->artist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . "</a>";
     if (!empty($this->albumartist)) {
         $this->f_albumartist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->albumartist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_albumartist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_albumartist_full) . "</a>";
     // Format the Bitrate
     $this->f_bitrate = intval($this->bitrate / 1000) . "-" . strtoupper($this->mode);
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     $hour = sprintf("%02d", floor($min / 60));
     $min_h = sprintf("%02d", $min % 60);
     $this->f_time_h = $hour . ":" . $min_h . ":" . $sec;
     // Format the track (there isn't really anything to do here)
     $this->f_track = (string) $this->track;
     // Format the size
     $this->f_size = UI::format_bytes($this->size);
     $this->f_lyrics = "<a title=\"" . scrub_out($this->title) . "\" href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_lyrics&song_id=" . $this->id . "\">" . T_('Show Lyrics') . "</a>";
     $this->f_file = $this->f_artist . ' - ';
     if ($this->track) {
         $this->f_file .= $this->track . ' - ';
     $this->f_file .= $this->f_title . '.' . $this->type;
     $this->f_publisher = $this->label;
     $this->f_composer = $this->composer;
예제 #11
  * format
  * This takes the current song object
  * and does a ton of formating on it creating f_??? variables on the current
  * object
 public function format()
     // Format the filename
     preg_match("/^.*\\/(.*?)\$/", $this->file, $short);
     if (is_array($short) && isset($short[1])) {
         $this->f_file = htmlspecialchars($short[1]);
     // Format the album name
     $this->f_album_full = $this->get_album_name();
     $this->f_album = $this->f_album_full;
     // Format the artist name
     $this->f_artist_full = $this->get_artist_name();
     $this->f_artist = $this->f_artist_full;
     // Format the title
     $this->f_title_full = $this->title;
     $this->f_title = $this->title;
     // Create Links for the different objects
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_song&song_id=" . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . scrub_out($this->link) . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . " - " . scrub_out($this->title) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "</a>";
     $this->f_album_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/albums.php?action=show&amp;album=" . $this->album . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_album_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_album) . "</a>";
     $this->f_artist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->artist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . "</a>";
     // Format the Bitrate
     $this->f_bitrate = intval($this->bitrate / 1000) . "-" . strtoupper($this->mode);
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     // Format the track (there isn't really anything to do here)
     $this->f_track = $this->track;
     // Get the top tags
     $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('song', $this->id);
     $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags);
     // Format the size
     $this->f_size = UI::format_bytes($this->size);
     $this->f_lyrics = "<a title=\"" . scrub_out($this->title) . "\" href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_lyrics&song_id=" . $this->id . "\">" . T_('Show Lyrics') . "</a>";
     return true;