private function get_families()
     $userfamilies = TypedGroupEntityRelation::get_relation_for_user($this->uid, 'family');
     $family_details = array();
     foreach ($userfamilies as $i => $fam) {
         $group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $fam->object_id, PA::$login_uid);
         $member_exist = Group::member_exists((int) $fam->object_id, $this->uid);
         $picture = $group->picture;
         $cnt = Group::get_member_count($group->collection_id);
         $family_details[$i]['id'] = $group->collection_id;
         $family_details[$i]['title'] = stripslashes($group->title);
         $desc = stripslashes($group->description);
         $desc = substr($desc, 0, 100);
         $family_details[$i]['desc'] = $desc;
         $family_details[$i]['picture'] = $picture;
         $family_details[$i]['members'] = $cnt;
         $family_details[$i]['access'] = $group->access_type;
     return $family_details;
 static function in_same_family($user_id1, $user_id2)
     $in_same_family = array();
     // get all families for each user
     $user_1_families = TypedGroupEntityRelation::get_relation_for_user($user_id1, 'family', false);
     $user_2_families = TypedGroupEntityRelation::get_relation_for_user($user_id2, 'family', false);
     $fam1 = array();
     $fam2 = array();
     foreach ($user_1_families as $i => $fam) {
         // we make a real string of the id here, so we don't get confusion with integer indices
         $fam1["family_" . $fam->object_id] = $fam->relation_type;
     foreach ($user_2_families as $i => $fam) {
         // we make a real string of the id here, so we don't get confusion with integer indices
         $fam2["family_" . $fam->object_id] = $fam->relation_type;
     foreach ($fam1 as $id => $relation) {
         if (!empty($fam2[$id])) {
             $in_same_family[] = $id;
     return $in_same_family;
   Purpose : this function is core funtion of this Navigation class. It is used to make links level_1,level_2,level_3
   Some links need extra parameters
   append them here but first set them in their methods
     public function set_group_id($group_id){
       $this->group_id = $group_id;
     public function get_group_id() {
       return $this->group_id();
   Scope : public
   @param - it needs no direct input
   @return - it sets class variables level_1,level_2,level_3 which can be used further.
 function make_links()
     $user_id = isset($_SESSION['user']['id']) ? $_SESSION['user']['id'] : 0;
     ////These are level 1 links shown in top navigation bar
     $level_1 = array('home_network' => array('caption' => __('Return to home network'), 'url' => $this->mothership_info['url']));
     // Display network directory, if network operation is enabled.
     if (PA::$network_capable) {
         $level_1['networks_directory'] = array('caption' => __('Network directory'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORKS_HOME);
     $owner = Network::is_admin($this->network_info->network_id, $user_id);
     //is_member will be true when user is registered member of the nework.
     $is_member = Network::member_exists($this->network_info->network_id, $this->get_uid());
     if (!$this->is_anonymous && $this->network_info && !$is_member && $this->network_info->type != MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
         $level_1['join_network'] = array('caption' => __('JOIN Network'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_ACTION . '?action=join&nid=' . $this->network_info->network_id . '&cid=' . $this->network_info->category_id);
     } else {
         if (!$this->is_anonymous && $is_member && !$owner && $this->network_info->type != MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
             $level_1['unjoin_network'] = array('caption' => __('Unjoin Network'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_ACTION . '?action=leave&nid=' . $this->network_info->network_id . '&cid=' . $this->network_info->category_id);
         } else {
             if (Network::is_admin($this->network_info->network_id, (int) $user_id)) {
                 $level_1['configure_network'] = array('caption' => __('Configure'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_CONFIGURE_NETWORK);
     if ($this->network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
     if (PA::$config->enable_network_spawning) {
         $level_1['create_network'] = array('caption' => __('Create a network'), 'url' => $this->mothership_info['extra']['links']['create_network']);
     ////END OF These are level 1 links shown in top navigation bar
     ////These are level 2 links shown in second navigation bar
     $level_2 = array('home' => array('caption' => __('Home'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_HOME_PAGE), 'user' => array('caption' => __(PA::$mypage_noun), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PRIVATE), 'people' => array('caption' => __(PA::$people_noun), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_PEOPLES_PAGE), 'groups' => array('caption' => __(PA::$group_noun_plural), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUPS));
     if (!empty(PA::$config->useTypedGroups)) {
         $level_2 = $level_2 + array('directory' => array('caption' => __('Orgs'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_TYPED_DIRECTORY));
         if (!empty(PA::$config->simple['use_families'])) {
             $level_2 = $level_2 + array('families' => array('caption' => __('Neighbors'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY_DIRECTORY));
     $level_2 = $level_2 + array('forum' => array('caption' => __('Forum'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FORUMS . "/network_id=" . $this->network_info->network_id), 'search' => array('caption' => __('Search'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_SEARCH_HOME . '/btn_searchContent=Search+Content'));
     ////END OF These are level 2 links shown in second navigation bar
     /// children of user 2nd level link
     $uid = $this->get_uid();
     //we need uid for some links
     $user_children = array();
     $user_children = $user_children + array('user_private' => array('caption' => __('My Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PRIVATE));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('user_widgets' => array('caption' => __('My Widgets'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_WIDGET));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('messages' => array('caption' => __('My Messages'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_MYMESSAGE));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('my_gallery' => array('caption' => __('My Gallery'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_MEDIA_GALLEY_IMAGES . "/uid={$uid}"));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('my_events' => array('caption' => __('My Events'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_USER_CALENDAR), 'my_friends' => array('caption' => __('My Friends'), 'url' => $this->base_url . "/view_all_members.php?view_type=in_relations&uid={$uid}"));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('my_forum' => array('caption' => __('My Forum'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FORUMS . "/network_id=" . $this->network_info->network_id . '&user_id=' . $uid));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('my_points' => array('caption' => __('My Points'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_POINTS_DIRECTORY . "?uid={$uid}"));
     if (!empty(PA::$config->simple['use_families'])) {
         // get this users Family or Families
         require_once "api/Entity/TypedGroupEntityRelation.php";
         $userfamilyRelations = TypedGroupEntityRelation::get_relation_for_user($uid, 'family');
         if (count($userfamilyRelations) == 1) {
             $user_children = $user_children + array('my_family' => array('caption' => __('My Family'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY . "?gid=" . $userfamilyRelations[0]->object_id));
         } else {
             $html = "<ul>";
             foreach ($userfamilyRelations as $i => $relation) {
                 $group = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $relation->object_id, PA::$login_uid);
                 $html .= "<li>";
                 $html .= "<a href=\"" . $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY . "?gid=" . $relation->object_id . "\">" . $group->title . "</a>";
                 $html .= "</li>";
             $html .= "</ul>";
             $user_children = $user_children + array('my_family' => array('caption' => __('My Families'), 'html' => $html));
     // end of !empty(PA::$config->simple['use_families'])
     $user_children = $user_children + array('settings' => array('caption' => __('Edit My Account'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_EDIT_PROFILE));
     $user_children = $user_children + array('customize_ui' => array('caption' => __('Themes'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_CUSTOMIZE_USER_GUI . "/theme/uid={$uid}"));
     if ($this->is_anonymous) {
         //these links are not for anonymous
     ///END OF children of user 2nd level link
     /// children of people 2nd level link
     //required friend id in some places
     $friend_id = $this->get_friend_uid();
     $people_children = array('find_people' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('Find %s'), __(PA::$people_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_PEOPLES_PAGE), 'my_friends' => array('caption' => __('My friends'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?view_type=relations&amp;uid=' . $uid), 'friends_gallery' => array('caption' => __('Friends gallery'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_MEDIA_GALLEY_IMAGES . "/uid={$friend_id}&view=friends"));
     if ($this->is_anonymous) {
         //these links are not for anonymous
     ///EOF children of people 2nd level link
     $family_children = array('neighbors' => array('caption' => __("Neighbors"), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY_DIRECTORY), 'family_home' => array('caption' => __("Family Homepage"), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY . "/gid=" . $this->group_id), 'family_members' => array('caption' => __("Family Members"), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FAMILY_MEMBERS . "/gid=" . $this->group_id));
     /// group general children
     //    $users_first_group_id = $this->get_users_first_group_id();
     $groups_general = array('find_groups' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('Find %s'), __(PA::$group_noun_plural)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUPS), 'create_group' => array('caption' => __('Create'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_ADDGROUP), 'invite' => array('caption' => __('Invite'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_GROUP_INVITATION));
     if ($this->is_anonymous) {
         //these links are not for anonymous
     /// EOF group general children
     ///group specific menu children
     $gid = $group_id = $this->get_group_id();
     $group_specific = array('group_home' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Home'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP . '/gid=' . $group_id), 'group_forum' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Forum'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_FORUMS . "/network_id=" . $this->network_info->network_id . '&gid=' . $group_id), 'group_members' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Members'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?gid=' . $group_id), 'group_gallery' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Gallery'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_MEDIA_GALLEY_IMAGES . '/view=groups_media&amp;gid=' . $group_id), 'group_events' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Events'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_GROUP_CALENDAR . '?gid=' . $group_id));
     $group_member = FALSE;
     $group_may_post = FALSE;
     $group_may_invite = FALSE;
     $group_moderator = FALSE;
     $group_manange_ads = FALSE;
     $group_owner = FALSE;
     if (PA::$login_uid) {
         if (Group::member_exists($gid, PA::$login_uid)) {
             $group_member = TRUE;
             // TODO: split this out to it's own perm check
             $group_may_post = TRUE;
             $group_may_invite = TRUE;
         if (PermissionsHandler::can_group_user(PA::$login_uid, $gid, array('permissions' => 'manage_groups, manage_roles')) || Group::is_admin($gid, PA::$login_uid)) {
             $group_owner = TRUE;
             $group_moderator = TRUE;
         } else {
             if (PermissionsHandler::can_group_user(PA::$login_uid, $gid, array('permissions' => 'manage_groups'))) {
                 $group_moderator = TRUE;
         // network level ad manager?
         $group_manange_ads = PermissionsHandler::can_user(PA::$login_uid, array('permissions' => 'manage_ads'));
         // check for manageads of group permissions
         if (!$group_manange_ads) {
             // we do this check only if the user is not already permitted to manage ads
             $group_manange_ads = PermissionsHandler::can_group_user(PA::$login_uid, $gid, array('permissions' => 'manage_ads'));
         if ($group_may_invite) {
             $group_specific = array('invite' => array('caption' => __("Invite a Friend"), 'url' => PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP_INVITE . '/gid=' . $gid)) + $group_specific;
         if ($group_may_post) {
             // member get's a 'Create Post' link on top
             $group_specific = array('create_post' => array('caption' => __("Create post"), 'url' => PA::$url . '/post_content.php?ccid=' . $gid)) + $group_specific;
         // admin / owner
         if ($group_owner) {
             $group_specific = $group_specific + array('settings' => array('caption' => __("Group Settings"), 'url' => PA::$url . '/addgroup.php?gid=' . $gid), 'group_poll_select' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Poll Select'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/group_poll.php?gid=' . $group_id . '&type=select'), 'group_poll_create' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('%s Poll Create'), __(PA::$group_noun)), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/group_poll.php?gid=' . $group_id . '&type=create'));
         // admin / moderator
         if ($group_moderator) {
             $group_specific = $group_specific + array('bulletin' => array('caption' => __("Group Bulletin"), 'url' => PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP_BULLETINS . '?gid=' . $gid), 'moderate' => array('caption' => __("Moderate"), 'url' => PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP_MODERATION . '/view=members&amp;gid=' . $gid), 'manage_members' => array('caption' => __("Manage Content"), 'url' => PA::$url . '/manage_group_content.php?gid=' . $gid), 'group_customize_ui' => array('caption' => __('Group Appearance'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_CUSTOMIZE_GROUP_GUI . '/theme/gid=' . $group_id));
         // ads
         if ($group_manange_ads) {
             $group_specific = $group_specific + array('ads' => array('caption' => __("Manage Ads"), 'url' => PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP_AD_CENTER . '?gid=' . $gid));
         // the join/unjoin/delete go last
         if ($group_owner) {
             // only the owner can delete
             $group_specific = $group_specific + array('delete_group' => array('caption' => __('Delete'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP . '/action=delete&amp;gid=' . $group_id, 'extra' => ' onclick ="return delete_confirmation_msg(\'' . __('Are you sure you want to delete this group') . '?\') "'));
         } else {
             // anyone else
             if ($group_member) {
                 $group_specific = $group_specific + array('unjoin' => array('caption' => __('Unjoin'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP . '/gid=' . $group_id . '&amp;action=leave'));
             } else {
                 $group_specific = $group_specific + array('join' => array('caption' => __('Join'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP . '/gid=' . $group_id . '&amp;action=join'));
     ///EOF group specific menu children
     /// children of group
     $groups_children = array('groups_general' => $groups_general, 'group_specific' => $group_specific);
     ///EOF children of group
     //for network option at 3 level
     $network = array('configure_network' => array('caption' => __('Configure'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_CONFIGURE_NETWORK)) + $level_2;
     $network_notify = array('email_notification' => array('caption' => __('Email Notification'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION), 'network_bulletins' => array('caption' => __('Bulletins'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_BULLETINS));
     $network_setting = array('network_feature' => array('caption' => __('Set Feature Network'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_FEATURE), 'manage_emblem' => array('caption' => __('Manage Emblem'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MANAGE_EMBLEM), 'manage_taketour' => array('caption' => __('Personalized Video'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MANAGE_TAKETOUR), 'splash_page' => array('caption' => __('Configure Splash Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_CONFIGURE_SPLASH_PAGE), 'top_bar' => array('caption' => __('Top Bar Enable/Disable'), 'url' => '#'));
     $network_default = array('new_user_by_admin' => array('caption' => __('Create User'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NEW_USER_BY_ADMIN), 'user_defaults' => array('caption' => __('User Defaults'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_USER_DEFAULTS), 'relationship_settings' => array('caption' => __('Relationships'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_RELATIONSHIP_SETTINGS));
     $manage_network = array('manage_user' => array('caption' => __('Manage Users'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_USER), 'manage_content' => array('caption' => __('Manage Contents'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_CONTENT), 'manage_links' => array('caption' => __('Manage Links'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_LINKS));
     $network_stats = array('statistics' => array('caption' => __('General'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_CONFIGURE_NETWORK), 'customize_ui' => array('caption' => __('Customize UI'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_CUSTOMIZE_UI_PAGE));
     $network_module_selector = array('home_page_id' => array('caption' => __('Home Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR . '?page_id=home_page_id'), 'user_default_page_id' => array('caption' => __('User Default Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR . '?page_id=user_default_page_id'), 'group_directory_page_id' => array('caption' => __('Group Directory Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR . '?page_id=group_directory_page_id'), 'network_directory_page_id' => array('caption' => __('Network Directory Page'), 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR . '?page_id=network_directory_page_id'));
     if ($this->network_info->type != MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
     if ($this->network_info->type != MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
     /// second level menu for network
     $level_3 = array('user' => @$user_children, 'people' => @$people_children, 'family' => @$family_children, 'groups' => $groups_children, 'network' => $network, 'network_notify' => $network_notify, 'network_module_selector' => $network_module_selector, 'network_setting' => $network_setting, 'network_default' => $network_default, 'manage_network' => $manage_network, 'network_stats' => $network_stats);
     ///EOF second level menu children
     ///set level menu items
     $this->level_1 = $level_1;
     $this->level_2 = $level_2;
     $this->level_3 = $level_3;