예제 #1
function unit_Movement($caveID, &$ownCave)
    global $db, $template;
    $safeForm = true;
    // get movements
    $ua_movements = Movement::getMovements();
    $details = $ownCave[$caveID];
    /**                                                                       **/
    /** CHECK ARTEFACTS                                                       **/
    /**                                                                       **/
    // artefact moving: get ID if any
    // $params->POST->myartefacts will be
    //   NULL, if it is not set at all
    //   -1 when choosing no artefact to move
    //   0 if there was a real choice
    // default: Move No Artefact (this var holds the artefactID to move)
    $moveArtefact = 0;
    // this array shall contain the artefacts if any
    $myartefacts = array();
    // does the cave contain an artefact at least?
    if ($details['artefacts'] > 0) {
        // get artefacts
        $myartefacts = artefact_getArtefactsReadyForMovement($caveID);
        $moveArtefactID = Request::getVar('myartefacts', 0);
        // was an artefact chosen?
        if ($moveArtefactID > 0) {
            // now check, whether this artefactID belongs to this cave
            foreach ($myartefacts as $key => $value) {
                // if found, set it
                if ($moveArtefactID == $value['artefactID']) {
                    $moveArtefact = $moveArtefactID;
    // now $moveArtefact should contain 0 for 'move no artefact'
    // or the artefactID of the artefact to be moved
    $moveHero = 0;
    if ($details['hero'] != 0) {
        $hero = getHeroByPlayer($_SESSION['player']->playerID);
        $hero['maxUnitsSize'] = max(HERO_MAX_UNIT_SIZE, $hero['exp']);
        if ($hero['isAlive'] != 1) {
            $details['hero'] = 0;
    if ($details['hero'] != 0 && Request::getVar('moveHero', 0) == 1) {
        $moveHero = $details['hero'];
    // put user, its session and nogfx flag into session
    $_SESSION['player'] = Player::getPlayer($_SESSION['player']->playerID);
    // get Map Size
    $size = getMapSize();
    $dim_x = ($size['maxX'] - $size['minX'] + 1) / 2;
    $dim_y = ($size['maxY'] - $size['minY'] + 1) / 2;
    $foodPerCave = eval('return ' . formula_parseToPHP(GameConstants::MOVEMENT_COST . ';', '$details'));
    $minutesPerCave = eval('return ' . formula_parseToPHP(GameConstants::MOVEMENT_SPEED . ';', '$details'));
    $minutesPerCave *= MOVEMENT_TIME_BASE_FACTOR / 60;
    if (Request::getVar('moveit', false) && sizeof(Request::getVar('unit', array('' => '')))) {
        $targetXCoord = Request::getVar('targetXCoord', 0);
        $targetYCoord = Request::getVar('targetYCoord', 0);
        $targetCaveName = Request::getVar('targetCaveName', '');
        $targetCaveID = Request::getVar('targetCaveID', 0);
        $movementID = Request::getVar('movementID', 0);
        // check for scripters
        check_timestamp(Request::getVar('tstamp', 0));
        $validCaveName = false;
        // targetCaveID >>> coords
        if ($targetCaveID > 0) {
            $result = getCaveByID(intval($targetCaveID));
            if (sizeof($result) != 0) {
                $targetXCoord = $result['xCoord'];
                $targetYCoord = $result['yCoord'];
                $validCaveName = true;
            // name >>> coords
        } else {
            if ($targetCaveName != "") {
                $result = getCaveByName($targetCaveName);
                if (sizeof($result) != 0) {
                    $targetXCoord = $result['xCoord'];
                    $targetYCoord = $result['yCoord'];
                    $validCaveName = true;
        // get target player
        $result = getCaveByCoords(intval($targetXCoord), intval($targetYCoord));
        if (sizeof($result) != 0) {
            $targetPlayer = Player::getPlayer($result['playerID']);
        // Array von Nullwerten befreien
        $unit = array_filter(Request::getVar('unit', array('' => '')), "filterZeros");
        $unit = array_map("checkFormValues", $unit);
        $resource = array_map("checkFormValues", Request::getVar('resource', array('' => '')));
        // Test, ob Einheitentragekapazität ausgelastet
        $overloaded = 0;
        foreach ($resource as $resKey => $aRes) {
            $capacity = 0;
            foreach ($unit as $unitKey => $aUnit) {
                if (isset($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitKey]->encumbranceList[$resKey])) {
                    $capacity += $aUnit * $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitKey]->encumbranceList[$resKey];
            if ($capacity < $aRes) {
                $overloaded = 1;
        $denymovement_nonenemy = false;
        $denymovement_targetwar = false;
        if ($movementID == 2) {
            // move units/resources
            if ($targetPlayer != null) {
                if ($targetPlayer->tribeID != $_SESSION['player']->tribeID) {
                    //may tade in own tribe
                    $ownTribeAtWar = TribeRelation::hasWar($_SESSION['player']->tribeID, true);
                    $targetTribeAtWar = TribeRelation::hasWar($targetPlayer->tribeID, true);
                    $TribesMayTrade = TribeRelation::isAlly($_SESSION['player']->tribeID, $targetPlayer->tribeID) && TribeRelation::hasSameEnemy($_SESSION['player']->tribeID, $targetPlayer->tribeID, true, true) || TribeRelation::isEnemy($_SESSION['player']->tribeID, $targetPlayer->tribeID);
                    $denymovement_nonenemy = $ownTribeAtWar && !$TribesMayTrade;
                    $denymovement_targetwar = $targetTribeAtWar && !$TribesMayTrade;
        // check if army is small enough for hero
        $denymovement_hero = false;
        if ($moveHero && (Request::getVar('movementID', 0) == 3 || Request::getVar('movementID', 0) == 6)) {
            //calculate size of army
            $armySize = 0;
            foreach ($unit as $unitID => $value) {
                $armySize += $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->hitPoints * $value;
            if ($armySize > $hero['exp'] && $armySize > HERO_MAX_UNIT_SIZE) {
                $denymovement_hero = true;
        if (Request::getVar('movementID', 0) == 0) {
            $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Bitte Bewegungsart auswählen!'));
            $moveHero = 0;
        } else {
            if (!sizeof($unit)) {
                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Es sind keine Einheiten ausgewählt!'));
                $moveHero = 0;
            } else {
                if (($targetXCoord == 0 || $targetYCoord == 0) && $targetCaveName == "") {
                    $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Es fehlt eine Zielkoordinate oder ein Zielhöhlenname!'));
                    $moveHero = 0;
                } else {
                    if (($targetXCoord == 0 || $targetYCoord == 0) && !($targetCaveName == "") && $validCaveName === FALSE) {
                        $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => sprintf(_('Es gibt keine Höhle mit dem Namen "%s"!'), $targetCaveName));
                        $moveHero = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($overloaded) {
                            $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Deine Krieger können die Menge an Ressourcen nicht tragen!!'));
                            $moveHero = 0;
                        } else {
                            if (beginner_isCaveProtectedByCoord($targetXCoord, $targetYCoord)) {
                                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Die Zielhöhle steht unter Anfängerschutz.'));
                                $moveHero = 0;
                            } else {
                                if (beginner_isCaveProtectedByID($caveID)) {
                                    $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Ihre Höhle steht unter Anfängerschutz. Sie können den Schutz sofort unter dem Punkt <a href="?modus=cave_detail">Bericht über diese Höhle</a> beenden'));
                                    $moveHero = 0;
                                } else {
                                    if (Request::getVar('movementID', 0) == 6 && cave_isCaveSecureByCoord($targetXCoord, $targetYCoord)) {
                                        $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Sie können diese Höhle nicht übernehmen. Sie ist gegen übernahmen geschützt.'));
                                        $moveHero = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($denymovement_nonenemy) {
                                            $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Sie können im Krieg keine Einheiten zu unbeteiligten Parteien verschieben!'));
                                        } else {
                                            if ($denymovement_targetwar) {
                                                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Sie können keine Einheiten zu kriegführenden Stämmen verschieben, wenn Sie unbeteiligt sind.'));
                                                $moveHero = 0;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($denymovement_hero) {
                                                    $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Die Armee ist zu groß um vom Helden unterstützt zu werden!'));
                                                    $moveHero = 0;
                                                } else {
                                                    // Entfernung x Dauer pro Höhle x größter Geschwindigkeitsfaktor x Bewegungsfaktor
                                                    $duration = ceil(getDistanceByCoords($details['xCoord'], $details['yCoord'], $targetXCoord, $targetYCoord) * $minutesPerCave * getMaxSpeedFactor($unit) * $ua_movements[$movementID]->speedfactor);
                                                    $distance = ceil(getDistanceByCoords($details['xCoord'], $details['yCoord'], $targetXCoord, $targetYCoord));
                                                    $tmpdist = 0;
                                                    $i = 0;
                                                    if ($distance > 15) {
                                                        $distance = $distance - 15;
                                                        $tmpdist = 15;
                                                        if (floor($distance / 5) < 11) {
                                                            $tmpdist += $distance % 5 * (1 - 0.1 * floor($distance / 5));
                                                        for ($i = 1; $i <= floor($distance / 5) && $i < 11; $i++) {
                                                            $tmpdist += 5 * (1 - 0.1 * ($i - 1));
                                                    } else {
                                                        $tmpdist = $distance;
                                                    // Dauer x Rationen x Größe einer Ration x Bewegungsfaktor
                                                    $reqFood = ceil($tmpdist * $minutesPerCave * getMaxSpeedFactor($unit) * $ua_movements[$movementID]->speedfactor * calcRequiredFood($unit) * $foodPerCave * $ua_movements[$movementID]->foodfactor);
                                                    if ($details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][GameConstants::FUEL_RESOURCE_ID]->dbFieldName] < $reqFood) {
                                                        $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Nicht genug Nahrung zum Ernähren der Krieger auf ihrem langen Marsch vorhanden!'));
                                                    } else {
                                                        $msgID = setMovementEvent($caveID, $details, $targetXCoord, $targetYCoord, $unit, $resource, $movementID, $reqFood, $duration, $moveArtefact, $moveHero, $minutesPerCave * $ua_movements[$movementID]->speedfactor);
                                                        switch ($msgID) {
                                                            case 0:
                                                                $msg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('Die Krieger wurden losgeschickt und haben %d Nahrung mitgenommen!'), $reqFood));
                                                                $safeForm = false;
                                                            case 1:
                                                                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('In diesen Koordinaten liegt keine Höhle!'));
                                                                $moveHero = 0;
                                                            case 2:
                                                                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Für diese Bewegung sind nicht genügend Einheiten/Rohstoffe verfügbar!'));
                                                                $moveHero = 0;
                                                            case 3:
                                                                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Schwerer Fehler: Bitte Admin kontaktieren!'));
                                                                $moveHero = 0;
    } else {
        if (Request::isPost('action') && Request::getVar('action', '') == 'cancel' && Request::getVar('eventID', 0)) {
            $msgID = reverseMovementEvent($caveID, Request::getVar('eventID', 0));
            switch ($msgID) {
                case 0:
                    $msg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => _('Die Einheiten kehren zurück!'));
                case 1:
                    $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Fehler bei der Rückkehr!'));
        } else {
            if (Request::getVar('moveit', false) && !sizeof(Request::getVar('unit', array('' => '')))) {
                $msg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Einheiten mitnehmen?'));
    // refresh this cave
    $temp = getCaveSecure($caveID, $_SESSION['player']->playerID);
    $ownCave[$caveID] = $details = $temp;
    // make sure that bagged artefacts are not shown again
    if ($moveArtefact != 0) {
        $myartefacts = artefact_getArtefactsReadyForMovement($caveID);
    // make sure that moved hero is not shown again
    if ($moveHero != 0) {
        $details['hero'] = 0;
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Create the page
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // open template
    // movements
    $selectableMovements = array();
    foreach ($ua_movements as $value) {
        if ($value->playerMayChoose) {
            $selectableMovements[$value->id] = get_object_vars($value);
    $template->addVar('selectable_movements', $selectableMovements);
    $movementData = array('currentX' => $details['xCoord'], 'currentY' => $details['yCoord'], 'dim_x' => $dim_x, 'dim_y' => $dim_y, 'minutesPerCave' => $minutesPerCave, 'foodID' => GameConstants::FUEL_RESOURCE_ID, 'foodfactor' => $foodPerCave, 'movements' => $selectableMovements);
    $template->addVars(array('fuel_name' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][GameConstants::FUEL_RESOURCE_ID]->name, 'status_msg' => isset($msg) ? $msg : '', 'movement_data' => json_encode($movementData)));
    // resources
    $resources = array();
    foreach ($GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'] as $resourceID => $dummy) {
        $amount = isset($details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName]) ? floor($details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName]) : 0;
        if (!$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->nodocumentation || $amount > 0) {
            $resources[] = array('resource_id' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->resourceID, 'name' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->name, 'current_amount' => $details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName], 'dbFieldName' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName, 'value' => $safeForm && isset($resource[$resourceID]) && $resource[$resourceID] > 0 ? $resource[$resourceID] : '');
            $resourcesJson[$resourceID] = array('resource_id' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->resourceID, 'name' => $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->name, 'current_amount' => $details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName], 'amount' => 0);
    $template->addVar('resource', $resources);
    $template->addVar('resource_json', json_encode($resourcesJson));
    // units table
    $unitprops = array();
    $units = array();
    $unitsJson = array();
    foreach ($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'] as $unitID => $dummy) {
        // if no units of this type, next type
        if (!$details[$GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->dbFieldName]) {
        $temp = array();
        $encumbrance = array();
        foreach ($GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'] as $resourceID => $dummy) {
            $amount = isset($details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName]) ? floor($details[$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName]) : 0;
            if (!$GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->nodocumentation || $amount > 0) {
                $encumbrance[$resourceID] = array('resourceID' => $resourceID, 'dbFieldName' => isset($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID]) ? $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->dbFieldName : '', 'name' => isset($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID]) ? $GLOBALS['resourceTypeList'][$resourceID]->name : '', 'load' => isset($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID]) ? $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID] : 0);
                $temp[] = isset($GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID]) ? $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->encumbranceList[$resourceID] : 0;
        $units[] = array('name' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->name, 'unit_id' => $unitID, 'food_cost' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->foodCost, 'speed_factor' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->wayCost, 'max_unit_count' => $details[$GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->dbFieldName], 'encumbrance' => $encumbrance, 'hitPoints' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->hitPoints, 'value' => $safeForm && isset($unit[$unitID]) ? $unit[$unitID] : '', 'size' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->hitPoints, 'arealAttack' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackAreal, 'rangeAttack' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackRange, 'attackRate' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackRate);
        $unitsJson[] = array('unit_id' => $unitID, 'foodCost' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->foodCost, 'speedFactor' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->wayCost, 'maxUnitCount' => $details[$GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->dbFieldName], 'encumbrance' => $encumbrance, 'hitPoints' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->hitPoints, 'size' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->hitPoints, 'arealAttack' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackAreal, 'rangeAttack' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackRange, 'attackRate' => $GLOBALS['unitTypeList'][$unitID]->attackRate);
    $template->addVar('unit_list', $units);
    $template->addVar('unit_list_json', json_encode($unitsJson));
    // weitergereichte Koordinaten
    if (!Request::getVar('movementID', 0) || $safeForm) {
        if (Request::getVar('targetCaveID', 0) > 0) {
            $caveData = getCaveByID(Request::getVar('targetCaveID', 0));
            $template->addVars(array('target_x_coord' => $caveData['xCoord'], 'target_y_coord' => $caveData['yCoord'], 'target_cave_name' => $caveData['name']));
        } else {
            $template->addVars(array('target_x_coord' => Request::getVar('targetXCoord', ''), 'target_y_coord' => Request::getVar('targetYCoord', ''), 'target_cave_name' => Request::getVar('targetCaveName', '')));
    // weitere Paramter
    $template->addVar('params', array(array('name' => 'moveit', 'value' => 'true'), array('name' => 'trigger', 'value' => 'self'), array('name' => 'tstamp', 'value' => "" . time())));
    $movements = digest_getMovements(array($caveID => $details), array(), true);
    $ownMovement = $oppMovement = array();
    foreach ($movements as $move) {
        if ($move['isOwnMovement']) {
            $ownMovement[] = $move;
        } else {
            $oppMovement[] = $move;
    $template->addVars(array('ownMovement' => $ownMovement, 'oppMovement' => $oppMovement));
    // artefakte
    if (sizeof($myartefacts) != 0) {
        $template->addVar('artefact', $myartefacts);
    // hero
    if ($details['hero'] != 0) {
        $template->addVar('hero', $hero);
    // Module "CaveBookmarks" Integration
    // FIXME should know whether the module is installed
    if (TRUE) {
        // get model
        $cb_model = new CaveBookmarks_Model();
        // get bookmarks
        $bookmarks = $cb_model->getCaveBookmarks(true);
        // set bookmarks
        if (sizeof($bookmarks)) {
            $template->addVar('bookmarks_cave', $bookmarks);