<td width="20%" valign="top"> <div class="normalbox"> <div class="normal"> A JS Tree Menu </div> <?php include "lib/PHPLIB.php"; include "lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php"; include "lib/treemenu.inc.php"; $mid = new TreeMenu(); //$mid->setDirroot("./"); ////$mid->setLibjsdir("./libjs/"); ////$mid->setImgdir("./images/"); //$mid->setImgwww("images/"); $mid->setMenuStructureFile("layersmenu-vertical-1.txt"); $mid->parseStructureForMenu("treemenu1"); print $mid->newTreeMenu("treemenu1"); ?> </div> <div class="normalbox"> <div class="normal"> Another JS Tree Menu </div> <?php $mid->setMenuStructureFile("layersmenu-horizontal-1.txt"); $mid->parseStructureForMenu("treemenu2"); print $mid->newTreeMenu("treemenu2"); ?> </div> <br /> <center>
</div> <center> <?php $mid->printMenu("vermenu1"); ?> </center> <div class="normalbox"> <div class="normal"> Tree Menu version </div> <?php include "lib/treemenu.inc.php"; $treemid = new TreeMenu(); $treemid->setMenuStructureFile("layersmenu-vertical-1.txt"); $treemid->parseStructureForMenu("treemenu1"); print $treemid->newTreeMenu("treemenu1"); ?> </div> <div class="normalbox"> <div class="normal"> PHP Tree - No JavaScript </div> <?php include "lib/phptreemenu.inc.php"; $phptreemid = new PHPTreeMenu(); $phptreemid->setPHPTreeMenuDefaultExpansion("3|4|18"); $phptreemid->setMenuStructureFile("layersmenu-vertical-1.txt"); $phptreemid->parseStructureForMenu("treemenu1"); print $phptreemid->newPHPTreeMenu("treemenu1");
JavaScript Tree Menu </div> <?php require_once 'phplm320/lib/PHPLIB.php'; require_once 'phplm320/lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php'; require_once 'phplm320/lib/treemenu.inc.php'; $mid = new TreeMenu(); //$mid->setDirroot('./'); $mid->setLibjsdir('./phplm320/libjs/'); $mid->setImgdir('./phplm320/menuimages/'); $mid->setImgwww('phplm320/menuimages/'); $mid->setIcondir('./phplm320/menuicons/'); $mid->setIconwww('phplm320/menuicons/'); $mid->setMenuStructureFile('phplm320/layersmenu-vertical-1.txt'); $mid->setIconsize(16, 16); $mid->parseStructureForMenu('treemenu1'); //$mid->setSelectedItemByCount('treemenu1', 7); $mid->setSelectedItemByUrl('treemenu1', basename(__FILE__)); print $mid->newTreeMenu('treemenu1'); /* alternatively: $mid->newTreeMenu('treemenu1'); $mid->printTreeMenu('treemenu1'); */ /* alternatively: $mid->newTreeMenu('treemenu1'); $tree_menu1 = $mid->getTreeMenu('treemenu1'); print $tree_menu1; */ ?> </div> <br />
function auth_generate_admin_menu($menu_obj) { $menu_obj->auth_update(); global $C_translate, $smarty, $C_list; $i = 1; $js = ''; $arr = $menu_obj->module; $arr2 = $menu_obj->module; // loop through the modules while (list($module, $val) = each($arr)) { if (!empty($val[2])) { if ($val[1] == $val[0] || empty($val[0]) || empty($val[1])) { $module_name = $C_translate->translate('menu', $module, ''); $parent = $val[0]; $module_id = $val[0]; $module_arr[$i]["name"] = $module_name; $module_arr[$i]["module"] = $module; // loop through the methods while (list($method, $meth_arr) = each($arr[$module])) { if (gettype($meth_arr) == 'array' && !empty($meth_arr[1])) { $method_name = $C_translate->translate('menu_' . $method, $module, ''); if (empty($meth_arr[2])) { $page = $module . ':' . $method; } else { $page = eregi_replace('%%', $module, $meth_arr[2]); } $module_arr[$i]["methods"][] = array('name' => $method_name, 'page' => $page); } } // Loop through the sub-modules: reset($arr2); $ii = 0; while (list($module, $val) = each($arr2)) { if (!empty($val[2])) { if ($val[1] == $parent && $module_id != $val[0]) { $module_name = $C_translate->translate('menu', $module, ''); $module_arr[$i]["sub_name"][$ii] = $module_name; // loop through the methods while (list($method, $meth_arr) = each($arr2[$module])) { if (gettype($meth_arr) == 'array' && !empty($meth_arr[1])) { $method_name = $C_translate->translate('menu_' . $method, $module, ''); if (empty($meth_arr[2])) { $page = $module . ':' . $method; } else { $page = eregi_replace('%%', $module, $meth_arr[2]); } $module_arr[$i]["sub_methods"][$ii][] = array('name' => $method_name, 'page' => $page); } } $ii++; } } } $i++; } } } // Generate the main modules: $js = ''; $js .= ".|Overview|javascript:openUrl('?_page=core:admin');\n"; $js .= ".|Exit Administration|javascript:exitAdmin();\n"; $js .= ".|Misc\n"; $js .= "..|Documentation|http://agilebill.com/documentation|||mainFrame\n"; $js .= "..|Agileco News|http://forum.agileco.com/forumdisplay.php?f=26|||mainFrame\n"; $js .= "..|Version Check|?_page=module:upgrade|||mainFrame\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($module_arr); $i++) { $name = $module_arr[$i]['name']; $js .= ".|{$name}\n"; // Generate the main methods: for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($module_arr[$i]['methods']); $ii++) { $name = $module_arr[$i]['methods'][$ii]['name']; $page = $module_arr[$i]['methods'][$ii]['page']; $js .= "..|{$name}|javascript:openUrl('?_page={$page}')\n"; } // Generate the sub modules: for ($ii = 0; $ii < count(@$module_arr[$i]['sub_name']); $ii++) { $name = $module_arr[$i]['sub_name'][$ii]; $js .= "..|{$name}|#\n"; // Generate the sub methods: for ($iii = 0; $iii < count($module_arr[$i]['sub_methods'][$ii]); $iii++) { $name = $module_arr[$i]['sub_methods'][$ii][$iii]['name']; $page = $module_arr[$i]['sub_methods'][$ii][$iii]['page']; $js .= "...|{$name}|javascript:openUrl('?_page={$page}')\n"; } } } # set the dates for the quicksearch $smarty->assign('today_start', $C_list->date(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")))); $smarty->assign('week_start', $C_list->date(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 7, date("Y")))); $smarty->assign('month_start', $C_list->date(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("Y")))); # Generate the menu require_once PATH_INCLUDES . "phplayers/PHPLIB.php"; require_once PATH_INCLUDES . "phplayers/layersmenu-common.inc.php"; require_once PATH_INCLUDES . "phplayers/treemenu.inc.php"; // unstoppable agileco logo ;) echo '<img src="http://www.agileco.com/images/poweredby.gif" border="0" style="position: absolute; top: 8px; left: 45px;"/>'; $mnu = new TreeMenu(); $mnu->setMenuStructureString($js); $mnu->setIconsize(16, 16); $mnu->parseStructureForMenu('treemenu1'); $mnu->setTreemenuTheme("kde_"); return $mnu->newTreeMenu('treemenu1'); return $js; }
/** * This function displays the LDAP tree for all the servers that you have * in config.php. We read the session variable 'tree' to know which * dns are expanded or collapsed. No query string parameters are expected, * however, you can use a '#' offset to scroll to a given dn. The syntax is * tree.php#<server_id>_<rawurlencoded dn>, so if I wanted to scroll to * dc=example,dc=com for server 3, the URL would be: * tree.php#3_dc%3Dexample%2Cdc%3Dcom */ function draw_server_tree() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('draw_server_tree(): Entered with ()', 33); } global $ldapserver; global $recently_timed_out_servers; global $config; static $tm = null; $server_id = $ldapserver->server_id; $tree = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id, 'tree'); # Does this server want mass deletion available? if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { echo '<form name="mass_delete" action="mass_delete.php" method="post" target="right_frame">'; printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $ldapserver->server_id); echo "\n\n"; } echo '<table class="tree" cellspacing="0">'; echo '<tr class="server">'; printf('<td class="icon"><img src="images/server.png" alt="%s" /></td>', _('Server')); printf('<td colspan="99"><a name="%s"></a>', $ldapserver->server_id); printf('<nobr>%s ', htmlspecialchars($ldapserver->name)); if ($ldapserver->haveAuthInfo() && $ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { printf('<acronym title="%s"><img width=14 height=14 src="images/timeout.png" alt="timeout" /></acronym>', sprintf(_('Inactivity will log you off at %s'), strftime('%H:%M', time() + $ldapserver->session_timeout * 60))); } echo '</nobr></td></tr>'; /* do we have what it takes to authenticate here, or do we need to present the user with a login link (for 'cookie' and 'session' auth_types)? */ if ($ldapserver->haveAuthInfo()) { if ($ldapserver->connect(false)) { $schema_href = sprintf('schema.php?server_id=%s" target="right_frame', $ldapserver->server_id); $search_href = sprintf('search.php?server_id=%s" target="right_frame', $ldapserver->server_id); $refresh_href = sprintf('refresh.php?server_id=%s', $ldapserver->server_id); $logout_href = get_custom_file($ldapserver->server_id, 'logout.php', '') . '?server_id=' . $ldapserver->server_id; $info_href = sprintf('server_info.php?server_id=%s', $ldapserver->server_id); $import_href = sprintf('ldif_import_form.php?server_id=%s', $ldapserver->server_id); $export_href = sprintf('export_form.php?server_id=%s', $ldapserver->server_id); # Draw the quick-links below the server name: echo '<tr><td colspan="100" class="links">'; echo '<nobr>'; echo '( '; printf('<a title="%s %s" href="%s">%s</a> | ', _('View schema for'), $ldapserver->name, $schema_href, _('schema')); printf('<a title="%s %s" href="%s">%s</a> | ', _('search'), $ldapserver->name, $search_href, _('search')); printf('<a title="%s %s" href="%s">%s</a> | ', _('Refresh all expanded containers for'), $ldapserver->name, $refresh_href, _('refresh')); printf('<a title="%s" target="right_frame" href="%s">%s</a> | ', _('View server-supplied information'), $info_href, _('info')); printf('<a title="%s" target="right_frame" href="%s">%s</a> | ', _('Import entries from an LDIF file'), $import_href, _('import')); printf('<a href="%s" target="right_frame">%s</a>', $export_href, _('export')); if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { printf(' | <a title="%s" href="%s" target="right_frame">%s</a>', _('Logout of this server'), $logout_href, _('logout')); } echo ' )</nobr></td></tr>'; if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { $logged_in_dn = $ldapserver->getLoggedInDN(); echo '<tr><td class="links" colspan="100"><nobr>' . _('Logged in as: '); if ($ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn) == $logged_in_dn) { $logged_in_branch = ''; $logged_in_dn_array = array(); } else { $logged_in_branch = preg_replace('/,' . $ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn) . '$/', '', $logged_in_dn); $logged_in_dn_array = explode(',', $logged_in_branch); } $logged_in_dn_array[] = $ldapserver->getDNBase($logged_in_dn); $rdn = $logged_in_dn; if (strcasecmp('anonymous', $logged_in_dn)) { foreach ($logged_in_dn_array as $rdn_piece) { printf('<a class="logged_in_dn" href="template_engine.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s" target="right_frame">%s</a>', $server_id, rawurlencode($rdn), pretty_print_dn($rdn_piece)); if ($rdn_piece != end($logged_in_dn_array)) { echo ','; } $rdn = substr($rdn, 1 + strpos($rdn, ',')); } } else { echo 'Anonymous'; } echo '</nobr></td></tr>'; } if ($ldapserver->isReadOnly()) { printf('<tr><td class="links" colspan="100"><nobr>(%s)</nobr></td></tr>', _('read only')); } $javascript_forms = ''; $javascript_id = 0; $tree_plm = ''; if ($config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_plm') && !isset($tm)) { $tm = new TreeMenu(); $tm->setDirroot(JSDIR . 'phplayersmenu/'); $tm->setIcondir(HTDOCDIR . '/images/'); $tm->setIconwww('images/'); $tm->setImgwww(JSDIR . 'phplayersmenu/menuimages/'); } foreach ($ldapserver->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { # Did we get a base_dn for this server somehow? if ($base_dn) { # is the root of the tree expanded already? if (isset($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['open']) && $tree['browser'][$base_dn]['open']) { $expand_href = sprintf('collapse.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode($base_dn)); $expand_img = 'images/minus.png'; $expand_alt = '-'; $child_count = number_format(count($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['children'])); } else { /* Check if the LDAP server is not yet initialized (ie, the base DN configured in config.php does not exist) */ if (!$ldapserver->dnExists($base_dn)) { $javascript_id++; printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td><img src="images/unknown.png" /></td><td colspan="98">%s</td></tr>', pretty_print_dn($base_dn)); /* Move this form and add it to the end of the html - otherwise the javascript doesnt work when isMassDeleteEnabled returning true. */ $javascript_forms .= sprintf('<form name="create_base_form_%s" method="post" action="template_engine.php" target="right_frame">', $javascript_id); $javascript_forms .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="template" value="custom" />'); $javascript_forms .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $ldapserver->server_id); $javascript_forms .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="container" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($rdn)); $javascript_forms .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="rdn" value="%s" />', get_rdn($base_dn)); $javascript_forms .= sprintf('</form>'); printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="98"><small>%s<a href="javascript:document.create_base_form_%s.submit()">%s</a></small></td></tr>', _('This base entry does not exist.'), $javascript_id, _('Create it?')); continue; } else { $expand_href = sprintf('expand.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode($base_dn)); $expand_img = 'images/plus.png'; $expand_alt = '+'; # $size_limit = $config->GetValue('search','size_limit'); $size_limit = -1; if ($ldapserver->isLowBandwidth()) { $child_count = null; } else { $children = $ldapserver->getContainerContents($base_dn, $size_limit + 1, '(objectClass=*)', $config->GetValue('deref', 'tree')); $child_count = count($children); # if ($child_count > $size_limit) # $child_count = $size_limit.'+'; } } } $create_href = sprintf('create_form.php?server_id=%s&container=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode($base_dn)); $edit_href = sprintf('template_engine.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode($base_dn)); $icon = isset($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['icon']) ? $tree['browser'][$base_dn]['icon'] : get_icon($ldapserver, $base_dn); # Shall we draw the "mass-delete" checkbox? if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled()) { printf('<td><input type="checkbox" name="mass_delete[%s]" /></td>', htmlspecialchars($base_dn)); } if ($config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_plm')) { $tree_plm .= sprintf(".|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n", pretty_print_dn($base_dn) . ($child_count ? ' (' . $child_count . ')' : ''), $edit_href, $base_dn, $icon, 'right_frame', 0); } else { echo '<tr>'; printf('<td class="expander"><a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></a></td>', $expand_href, $expand_img, $expand_alt); printf('<td class="icon"><a href="%s" target="right_frame"><img src="images/%s" alt="img" /></a></td>', $edit_href, $icon); printf('<td class="rdn" colspan="98"><nobr><a href="%s" target="right_frame">%s</a>', $edit_href, pretty_print_dn($base_dn)); if ($child_count) { printf(' <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $child_count); } echo '</nobr></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } else { // end if( $base_dn ) # The server refuses to give out the base dn printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="98"><small>%s<br />%s<br /><b>%s</b></small></td></tr>', _('Could not determine the root of your LDAP tree.'), _('It appears that the LDAP server has been configured to not reveal its root.'), _('Please specify it in config.php')); # Proceed to the next server. We cannot draw anything else for this server. continue; } flush(); if ($config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_plm')) { foreach ($children as $child_dn) { $tree_plm .= draw_tree_plm($child_dn, $ldapserver); } } else { # Is the root of the tree expanded already? if (isset($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['open']) && $tree['browser'][$base_dn]['open']) { if ($ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled() && count($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['children']) > 10) { draw_create_link($ldapserver->server_id, $base_dn, -1, urlencode($base_dn)); } foreach ($tree['browser'][$base_dn]['children'] as $child_dn) { draw_tree_html($child_dn, $ldapserver, 0); } if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly()) { echo '<tr><td class="spacer"></td></tr>'; if ($ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled()) { draw_create_link($ldapserver->server_id, $base_dn, -1, urlencode($base_dn)); } } } } } // foreeach if ($config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_plm')) { $tm->setMenuStructureString($tree_plm); $tm->parseStructureForMenu('pla_tree_' . $ldapserver->server_id); $tm->setTreeMenuTheme(''); $tm->newTreeMenu('pla_tree_' . $ldapserver->server_id); echo '<tr><td colspan=99>' . $tm->getTreeMenu('pla_tree_' . $ldapserver->server_id) . '</td></tr>'; } } else { // end if( $ldapserver->connect(false) ) # could not connect to LDAP server printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td><img src="images/warning_small.png" alt="%s" /></td><td colspan="99"><small><span style="color:red">%s</span></small></td></tr>', _('warning'), _('Could not connect to LDAP server.')); if ($ldapserver->auth_type != 'config') { $logout_href = sprintf('%s?server_id=%s', get_custom_file($ldapserver->server_id, 'logout.php', ''), $ldapserver->server_id); printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="99"><small><a target="right_frame" href="%s">%s</a></small></td></tr>', $logout_href, _('logout')); } # Proceed to the next server in the list. We cannot do anything mroe here. return; } } else { // end if $ldapserver->haveAuthInfo() /* We don't have enough information to login to this server Draw the "login..." link */ $login_href = sprintf('%s?server_id=%s', get_custom_file($ldapserver->server_id, 'login_form.php', ''), $ldapserver->server_id); printf('<tr class="login"><td class="spacer"></td><td><a href="%s" target="right_frame"><img src="images/uid.png" align="top" alt="%s" /></a></td><td colspan="99"><a href="%s" target="right_frame">%s</a></td></tr>', $login_href, _('login'), $login_href, _('Login...')); # If the server recently timed out display the message if (in_array($ldapserver->server_id, $recently_timed_out_servers)) { printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="100" class="links">%s</td></tr>', _('(Session timed out. Automatically logged out.)')); } } if ($ldapserver->isMassDeleteEnabled() && !$config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_plm')) { printf('<tr><td colspan="99"><input type="submit" value="%s" /></td></tr>', _('Delete Checked Entries')); echo '<!-- The end of the mass deletion form -->'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; } else { echo '</table>'; } echo "\n\n"; if (isset($javascript_forms) && $javascript_forms) { echo "<!-- Forms for javascript submit to call to create base_dns -->\n"; echo $javascript_forms; echo "<!-- The end of the forms for javascript submit to call to create base_dns -->\n"; } }
} $itall = mktree(0, ".", ""); include_once "lib/phplayers/lib/PHPLIB.php"; include_once "lib/phplayers_tiki/lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php"; // include Tiki's modified version of that file to keep original intact (luci) include_once "lib/phplayers/lib/treemenu.inc.php"; $phplayers = new TreeMenu(); $phplayers->setDirrootCommon("lib/phplayers"); $phplayers->setLibjsdir("lib/phplayers/libjs/"); $phplayers->setImgdir("lib/phplayers/images/"); $phplayers->setImgwww("lib/phplayers/images/"); $phplayers->setTpldirCommon("lib/phplayers/templates/"); if ($itall) { $phplayers->setMenuStructureString($itall); } $phplayers->parseStructureForMenu("treemenu1"); $phpitall = $phplayers->newTreeMenu("treemenu1"); $smarty->assign('tree', $phpitall); } else { $tree_nodes = array(); foreach ($ctall as $c) { $tree_nodes[] = array("id" => $c["categId"], "parent" => $c["parentId"], "data" => '<a class="catname" href="tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId=' . $c["categId"] . '&deep=' . $deep . '&type=' . urlencode($type) . '">' . $c["name"] . '</a><br />'); } $tm = new CatBrowseTreeMaker("categ"); $res = $tm->make_tree($_REQUEST["parentId"], $tree_nodes); $smarty->assign('tree', $res); } $objects = $categlib->list_category_objects($_REQUEST["parentId"], $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $type, $find, $deep == 'on', !empty($_REQUEST['and']) ? true : false); if ($deep == 'on') { for ($i = count($objects["data"]) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $objects['data'][$i]['categName'] = $tikilib->other_value_in_tab_line($ctall, $objects['data'][$i]['categId'], 'categId', 'name');
<?php require_once $phplmDirPath . 'lib/PHPLIB.php'; require_once $phplmDirPath . 'lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php'; require_once $phplmDirPath . 'lib/treemenu.inc.php'; $mid = new TreeMenu(); //$mid->setDirroot($myDirPath); $mid->setLibjsdir($phplmDirPath . 'libjs/'); $mid->setImgdir($phplmDirPath . 'menuimages/'); $mid->setImgwww($phplmDirPath . 'menuimages/'); $mid->setIcondir($phplmDirPath . 'menuicons/'); $mid->setIconwww($phplmDirPath . 'menuicons/'); $menuInvmon = ".|" . TRANS('MNL_INICIO') . "|" . $invDirPath . "abertura.php|" . TRANS('MNL_INICIO_HNT') . "|" . $iconsPath . "gohome.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_CAD') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CAD_EQUIP') . "|" . $invDirPath . "incluir_computador.php||" . $iconsPath . "computador.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CAD_DOC') . "|" . $invDirPath . "documentos.php?action=incluir&cellStyle=true||" . $iconsPath . "contents.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CAD_ESTOQUE') . "|" . $invDirPath . "estoque.php?action=incluir&cellStyle=true||" . $iconsPath . "mouse.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_VIS') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_VIS_EQUIP') . "|" . $invDirPath . "mostra_consulta_comp.php||" . $iconsPath . "computador.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_VIS_DOC') . "|" . $invDirPath . "documentos.php||" . $iconsPath . "contents.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_VIS_ESTOQUE') . "|" . $invDirPath . "estoque.php||" . $iconsPath . "mouse.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_CON') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CON_RAP') . "|" . $invDirPath . "consulta_inv.php||" . $iconsPath . "search.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CON_ESP') . "|" . $invDirPath . "consulta_comp.php||" . $iconsPath . "consulta.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_VIS_ESTOQUE') . "|" . $invDirPath . "estoque.php?action=search&cellStyle=true||" . $iconsPath . "mouse.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CON_HIST') . "|\n...|" . TRANS('MNL_CON_HIST_TAG') . "|" . $invDirPath . "consulta_hist_inv.php?from_menu=1||" . $iconsPath . "tag.png|centro\n...|" . TRANS('MNL_CON_HIST_LOCAL') . "|" . $invDirPath . "consulta_hist_local.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_STAT_RELAT') . "|" . $invDirPath . "relatorios.php||" . $iconsPath . "reports.png|centro"; //.|".TRANS('MNL_SENHA']."|".$invDirPath."altera_senha.php||".$iconsPath."password.png|centro"; $mid->setMenuStructureString($menuInvmon); $mid->setIconsize(16, 16); $mid->parseStructureForMenu('treemenu1'); //$mid->setTpldir('../../includes/menu/phplm320/templates/'); //$mid->setSelectedItemByUrl('treemenu1', basename(__FILE__)); $menuOcomon = ".|" . TRANS('MNL_INICIO') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "abertura.php|" . TRANS('MNL_INICIO_HNT') . "|" . $iconsPath . "gohome.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_ABRIR') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "incluir.php||" . $iconsPath . "fone.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_CONSULTAR') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "consultar.php||" . $iconsPath . "consulta.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_BUSCA_RAP') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "alterar.php||" . $iconsPath . "search.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_SOLUCOES') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "consulta_solucoes.php||" . $iconsPath . "solucoes2.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_EMPRESTIMOS') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "emprestimos.php||" . $iconsPath . "emprestimos.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_MURAL') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "avisos.php||" . $iconsPath . "mural.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_RELATORIOS') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "relatorios.php|||centro\n..|SLAs|" . $ocoDirPath . "relatorio_slas_2.php||" . $iconsPath . "sla.png|centro"; //.|".TRANS('MNL_SENHA']."|".$invDirPath."altera_senha.php||".$iconsPath."password.png|centro $mid->setMenuStructureString($menuOcomon); $mid->parseStructureForMenu('treemenu2'); //$mid->setTreeMenuTheme('kde_'); $menuAdmin = ".|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_GERAL') . "|" . $admDirPath . "configGeral.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_ABERTURA') . "|" . $admDirPath . "configuserscreen.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SCREEN_PROFILE') . "|" . $admDirPath . "screenprofiles.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_SMTP') . "|" . $admDirPath . "configmail.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_MSG') . "|" . $admDirPath . "configmsgs.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_APARENCIA') . "|" . $admDirPath . "aparencia.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_OCORRENCIAS') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_AREAS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "sistemas.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_CONF_AREAS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "sistemas_conf_abertura.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_PROBLEMAS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "problemas.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_STATUS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "status.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_PRIORIDADES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "prioridades.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_PRIORIDADES_ATEND') . "|" . $admDirPath . "prioridades_atendimento.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_FERIADOS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "feriados.php||" . $iconsPath . "feriado.png|centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SOLUCOES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "tipo_solucoes.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SCRIPTS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "scripts.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_OCORRENCIAS') . "|" . $ocoDirPath . "ocorrencias.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_MAIL_TEMPLATES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "mail_templates.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_DIST_LISTS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "mail_distribution_lists.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_INVENTARIO') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_EQUIPAMENTOS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "tipo_equipamentos.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_COMPONENTES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "tipo_componentes.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_FABRICANTES') . "|" . $invDirPath . "fabricantes.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_FORNECEDORES') . "|" . $invDirPath . "fornecedores.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SITUACOES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "situacoes.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_GARANTIA') . "|" . $invDirPath . "tempo_garantia.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SW') . "|" . $invDirPath . "softwares.php||" . $iconsPath . "softwares2.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_USUARIOS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "usuarios.php||" . $iconsPath . "kdmconfig.png|centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_LOCAIS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "locais.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_UNIDADES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "unidades.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_CC') . "|" . $admDirPath . "ccustos.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_PERMISSOES') . "|" . $admDirPath . "permissoes.php||" . $iconsPath . "permissao.png|centro"; if ($OPERADOR_AREA) { $menuAdmin = ".|" . TRANS('MNL_OCORRENCIAS') . "\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_PROBLEMAS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "problemas.php|||centro\n..|" . TRANS('MNL_SCRIPTS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "scripts.php|||centro\n.|" . TRANS('MNL_USUARIOS') . "|" . $admDirPath . "usuarios.php||" . $iconsPath . "kdmconfig.png|centro"; } //.|".TRANS('MNL_SENHA']."|".$invDirPath."altera_senha.php||".$iconsPath."password.png|centro"; /* ..|".TRANS('MNL_COMPONENTES_MODEL','Modelos de componentes')." ...|".TRANS('MNL_CDROM')."|".$invDirPath."itens.php?tipo=5||".$iconsPath."cdrom.png|centro
function action() { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/openqrm/base/class/layersmenu.class.php'; require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/openqrm/base/class/PHPLIB.php'; $mid = new TreeMenu(); $mid->dirroot = $this->RootDir; $mid->imgdir = $this->ImgDir . 'menu/'; $mid->imgwww = $this->WebDir . 'img/menu/'; $mid->icondir = $this->ImgDir . 'menu/'; $mid->iconwww = $this->WebDir . 'img/menu/'; $strMenuStructure = ''; // define the base menu item $strMenuStructure .= implode('', file($this->RootDir . '/web/base/server/aa_server/menu.txt')); if ($strMenuStructure != '') { $mid->setMenuStructureString($strMenuStructure); } $mid->setIconsize(18, 18); $mid->parseStructureForMenu('menu1_'); // $mid->replaceStringInUrls('menu1_', '&', '&'); // var_dump($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $mid->setSelectedItemByUrl('menu1_', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $mid->newTreeMenu('menu1_'); $mid2 = new TreeMenu(); $mid2->dirroot = $this->RootDir; $mid2->imgdir = $this->ImgDir . 'menu/'; $mid2->imgwww = $this->WebDir . 'img/menu/'; $mid2->icondir = $this->ImgDir . 'menu/'; $mid2->iconwww = $this->WebDir . 'img/menu/'; $strMenuStructure = ''; // define the plugin manager menu item $strMenuStructure .= implode('', file($this->PluginsDir . '/aa_plugins/menu.txt')); // define the base plugin sections $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Cloud", "cloud"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Deployment", "deployment"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Highavailability", "HA"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Management", "management"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Monitoring", "monitoring"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Network", "network"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Storage", "storage"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Virtualization", "virtualization"); $strMenuStructure .= $this->parse_subsection("Misc", "misc"); if ($strMenuStructure != '') { $mid2->setMenuStructureString($strMenuStructure); } $mid2->setIconsize(18, 18); $mid2->parseStructureForMenu('menu2_'); $mid2->setSelectedItemByUrl('menu2_', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $mid2->newTreeMenu('menu2_'); $t = $this->response->html->template($this->tpldir . '/index_menu.tpl.php'); $t->add("time()", 'timestamp'); $t->add($mid->getTreeMenu('menu1_'), 'menu_1'); $t->add($mid2->getTreeMenu('menu2_'), 'menu_2'); return $t; }