예제 #1
  *  Parse URL, extract controller and action and execute them
  *  @uses $action
  *  @uses $application_controller_file
  *  @uses $application_helper_file
  *  @uses $controller
  *  @uses $controller_class
  *  @uses $controller_file
  *  @uses $controller_object
  *  @uses determine_layout()
  *  @uses execute_after_filters()
  *  @uses $helpers
  *  @uses $helper_file
  *  @uses $helpers_base_path
  *  @uses $keep_flash
  *  @uses $loaded
  *  @uses recognize_route()
  *  @uses raise()
  *  @uses ScaffoldController
  *  @uses Session::unset_var()
  *  @uses $view_file
  *  @uses $views_path
  *  @return boolean true
 function process_route()
     # First try to load the routes and setup the paths to everything
     if (!$this->loaded) {
         if (!$this->recognize_route()) {
             $this->raise("Failed to load any defined routes", "Controller " . $this->controller . " not found", "404");
     //error_log('process_route(): controller="'.$this->controller
     //          .'"  action="'.$this->action.'"');
     # Include main application controller file
     if (file_exists($this->application_controller_file)) {
         include_once $this->application_controller_file;
     # If controller is loaded then start processing
     if ($this->loaded) {
         include_once $this->controller_file;
         if (class_exists($this->controller_class, false)) {
             $class = $this->controller_class;
             $this->controller_object = new $class();
         if (is_object($this->controller_object)) {
             $this->controller_object->controller = $this->controller;
             $this->controller_object->action = $this->action;
             $this->controller_object->controller_path = "{$this->added_path}/{$this->controller}";
             $this->controller_object->views_path = $this->views_path;
             $this->controller_object->layouts_path = $this->layouts_path;
             $this->controller_object->plugin = $this->plugin;
             Trax::$current_controller_path = "{$this->added_path}/{$this->controller}";
             Trax::$current_controller_name = $this->controller;
             Trax::$current_action_name = $this->action;
             Trax::$current_controller_object =& $this->controller_object;
             # Which layout should we use?
             # Check if there is any defined scaffolding to load
             if (isset($this->controller_object->scaffold)) {
                 $scaffold = $this->controller_object->scaffold;
                 if (file_exists(TRAX_LIB_ROOT . "/scaffold_controller.php")) {
                     include_once TRAX_LIB_ROOT . "/scaffold_controller.php";
                     $this->controller_object = new ScaffoldController($scaffold);
                     Trax::$current_controller_object =& $this->controller_object;
                     $render_options['scaffold'] = true;
                     if (!file_exists($this->controller_object->layout_file)) {
                         # the generic scaffold layout
                         $this->controller_object->layout_file = TRAX_LIB_ROOT . "/templates/scaffolds/layout.phtml";
             # Include main application helper file
             if (file_exists($this->application_helper_file)) {
                 include_once $this->application_helper_file;
             # Include helper file for this controller
             if (file_exists($this->helper_file)) {
                 include_once $this->helper_file;
             # Include any extra helper files defined in this controller
             if (count($this->controller_object->helpers) > 0) {
                 foreach ($this->controller_object->helpers as $helper) {
                     if (strstr($helper, "/")) {
                         $file = substr(strrchr($helper, "/"), 1);
                         $path = substr($helper, 0, strripos($helper, "/"));
                         $helper_path_with_file = $this->helpers_base_path . "/" . $path . "/" . $file . "_helper.php";
                     } else {
                         $helper_path_with_file = $this->helpers_base_path . "/" . $helper . "_helper.php";
                     if (file_exists($helper_path_with_file)) {
                         # Include the helper file
                         include $helper_path_with_file;
             # Suppress output
             #error_log('started capturing HTML');
             # Call the controller method based on the URL
             if ($this->controller_object->execute_before_filters()) {
                 $controller_layout = null;
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->layout)) {
                     $controller_layout = $this->controller_object->layout;
                 #Get PUBLIC methods from controller object
                 $all_methods = get_class_methods($this->controller_object);
                 # Get Inherited methods from active_controller
                 $inherited_methods = array_merge(get_class_methods(__CLASS__), $this->controller_object->before_filters, $this->controller_object->after_filters);
                 # Get non-inherited methods
                 $action_methods = array_diff($all_methods, $inherited_methods);
                 #error_log("available methods:".print_r($action_methods, true));
                 if (in_array($this->action, $action_methods)) {
                     #error_log('method '.$this->action.' exists, calling it');
                     $action = $this->controller_object->called_action = $this->action;
                     #error_log('calling action routine '
                     #          . get_class($this->controller_object)
                     #          .'::'.$action.'()');
                 } elseif (file_exists($this->views_path . "/" . $this->action . "." . Trax::$views_extension)) {
                     #error_log('views file "'.$this->action.'"');
                     $action = $this->controller_object->called_action = $this->action;
                 } elseif (method_exists($this->controller_object, "index")) {
                     #error_log('calling action routine '
                     #          . get_class($this->controller_object)
                     #          .'::index()');
                     $action = $this->controller_object->called_action = "index";
                 } else {
                     //error_log('no action');
                     $methods_size = count($action_methods);
                     if ($methods_size > 1) {
                         $last_method = ($methods_size > 2 ? "," : '') . " and " . array_pop($action_methods);
                     $this->raise("No action responded to " . $this->action . ". Actions:" . implode(", ", $action_methods) . $last_method, "Unknown action", "404");
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->layout)) {
                     if ($controller_layout != $this->controller_object->layout) {
                         # layout was set in the action need to redetermine the layout file to use.
                 $this->controller_object->action_called = true;
                 # Find out if there was a redirect to some other page
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->redirect_to) && $this->controller_object->redirect_to != '') {
                     # execution will end here redirecting to new page
                 # If render_text was defined as a string render it
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->render_text) && $this->controller_object->render_text != "") {
                     # execution will end here rendering only the text no layout
                 # If defined string render_action use that instead
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->render_action) && $this->controller_object->render_action != '') {
                     $action = $this->controller_object->render_action;
                 # Render the action / view
                 if (!$this->controller_object->render_action($action, isset($render_options) ? $render_options : null)) {
                     $this->raise("No view file found {$action} ({$this->view_file}).", "Unknown view", "404");
                 # Grab all the html from the view to put into the layout
                 $content_for_layout = ob_get_contents();
                 //error_log("captured ".strlen($content_for_layout)." bytes\n");
                 if (isset($this->controller_object->render_layout) && $this->controller_object->render_layout !== false && $this->controller_object->layout_file) {
                     $locals['content_for_layout'] = $content_for_layout;
                     # render the layout
                     #error_log("rendering layout: ".$this->controller_object->layout_file);
                     if (!$this->controller_object->render_file($this->controller_object->layout_file, false, $locals)) {
                         # No layout template so just echo out whatever is in $content_for_layout
                         //echo "HERE";
                         echo $content_for_layout;
                 } else {
                     # Can't find any layout so throw an exception
                     # $this->raise("No layout file found.", "Unknown layout", "404");
                     # No layout template so just echo out whatever is in $content_for_layout
                     //error_log("no layout found: ".$this->controller_object->layout_file);
                     echo $content_for_layout;
         } else {
             $this->raise("Failed to instantiate controller object \"" . $this->controller . "\".", "ActionController Error", "500");
     } else {
         $this->raise("No controller found.", "Unknown controller", "404");
     // error_log('keep flash='.var_export($this->keep_flash,true));
     if (!$this->keep_flash) {
         # Nuke the flash
     return true;
예제 #2
  *  Implement the "generate scaffold" command
  *  @param string $model_name
  *  @param string $controller_name
  *  @param string $views
  *  @uses generate_controller()
  *  @uses generate_model()
  *  @uses Inflector::classify()
  *  @uses Inflector::humanize()
  *  @uses Inflector::pluralize()
  *  @uses Inflector::singularize()
  *  @uses Inflector::underscore()
  *  @uses $layout_filename          Set as output from
  *                                  generate_controller().
  *                                  Not changed afterward.
  *  @uses fix_php_brackets()
 function generate_scaffold($model_name, $controller_name, $views = "")
     //echo 'generate_scaffold("'.$model_name.'", "'
     //          .$controller_name.'", "'.$views.'")'."\n";
     if (!($model_exists = $this->generate_model($model_name))) {
         echo "Error - Can't create Model: {$model_name}.\n";
     Trax::$current_controller_object =& $this;
     $model_class_name = Inflector::classify($model_name);
     $singular_model_name = Inflector::singularize($model_name);
     $plural_model_name = Inflector::pluralize($model_name);
     $human_model_name = Inflector::humanize($model_name);
     try {
         $this->{$singular_model_name} = new $model_class_name();
     } catch (ActiveRecordError $e) {
         echo "Can't create model.\n";
         echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
         echo "for database '" . ActiveRecord::$database_settings[TRAX_ENV]['database'] . "' on host '" . ActiveRecord::$database_settings[TRAX_ENV]['hostspec'] . "' as user '" . ActiveRecord::$database_settings[TRAX_ENV]['username'] . "'\nDid you configure file " . Trax::$config_path . "/database.ini correctly?\n";
     if (empty($controller_name)) {
         $controller_name = Inflector::underscore($model_name);
     } else {
         $controller_name = Inflector::underscore($controller_name);
     Trax::$current_controller_name = $controller_name;
     $controller_file = "{$this->controller_path}/" . $controller_name . "_controller.php";
     Trax::$current_controller_path = $controller_file;
     $non_scaffolded_actions = array();
     $illegal_views = array("index", "add", "edit", "show");
     if (is_array($views)) {
         foreach ($views as $view) {
             if (!in_array($view, $illegal_views)) {
                 $non_scaffolded_actions[] = $view;
     $this->generate_controller($controller_name, $non_scaffolded_actions, true);
     if (stristr($controller_name, "/")) {
         $controller_class_name = Inflector::classify(substr($controller_name, strrpos($controller_name, "/") + 1));
         $human_controller_name = Inflector::humanize(substr($controller_name, strrpos($controller_name, "/") + 1));
     } else {
         $controller_class_name = Inflector::classify($controller_name);
         $human_controller_name = Inflector::humanize($controller_name);
     # Generate the controller
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/controller.php";
     $controller_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($controller_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($controller_file, $controller_contents)) {
             echo "error creating controller class file: {$controller_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$controller_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$controller_file}\n";
     # Generate the index.phtml view
     $view_file = "{$this->view_path}/index." . Trax::$views_extension;
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/view_index.phtml";
     $index_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($view_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($view_file, $index_contents)) {
             echo "error creating view file: {$view_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$view_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$view_file}\n";
     # Generate the add.phtml view
     $view_file = "{$this->view_path}/add." . Trax::$views_extension;
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/view_add.phtml";
     $add_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($view_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($view_file, $add_contents)) {
             echo "error creating view file: {$view_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$view_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$view_file}\n";
     # Generate the edit.phtml view
     $view_file = "{$this->view_path}/edit." . Trax::$views_extension;
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/view_edit.phtml";
     $edit_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($view_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($view_file, $edit_contents)) {
             echo "error creating view file: {$view_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$view_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$view_file}\n";
     # Generate the show.phtml view
     $view_file = "{$this->view_path}/show." . Trax::$views_extension;
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/view_show.phtml";
     $show_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($view_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($view_file, $show_contents)) {
             echo "error creating view file: {$view_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$view_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$view_file}\n";
     # Generate the partial containing the form elments from the database
     $view_file = "{$this->view_path}/_form." . Trax::$views_extension;
     require "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/form_scaffolding.phtml";
     $_form_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($view_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($view_file, $_form_contents)) {
             echo "error creating view file: {$view_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$view_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$view_file}\n";
     # Generate the layout for the scaffolding
     $layout_file = $this->layouts_path . "/" . $this->layout_filename . "." . Trax::$views_extension;
     if (!file_exists($this->layouts_path)) {
     include "{$this->scaffold_template_path}/layout.phtml";
     $layout_contents = $this->fix_php_brackets(ob_get_contents());
     if (!file_exists($layout_file)) {
         if (!file_put_contents($layout_file, $layout_contents)) {
             echo "error creating layout file: {$layout_file}\n";
         } else {
             echo "create {$layout_file}\n";
     } else {
         echo "exists {$layout_file}\n";
예제 #3
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @access protected
 protected function setUp()
     Trax::$current_controller_name = 'foo_controller';
     Trax::$current_controller_path = '/foo/bar/mumble';
     Trax::$current_controller_object = 'nonobject';