public static function getTranlationFactory($TableSource, $ExceptDefLang = true, $Admin = false) { if ($ExceptDefLang) { $LanguageList[STT_DefaultLang] = LngConf_DataBase . "." . $TableSource . '_' . STT_DefaultLang; } // All language list Should be here without default lang for table defination. $LanguageList['az'] = LngConf_DataBase . "." . $TableSource . '_az'; $params = array('langs_avail_table' => LngConf_LangListTable, 'lang_id_col' => 'Id', 'lang_name_col' => 'Name', 'lang_meta_col' => 'Meta', 'lang_errmsg_col' => 'ErrorText', 'lang_encoding_col' => 'Encoding', 'strings_tables' => $LanguageList, 'string_id_col' => 'StringId', 'string_page_id_col' => 'PageId', 'string_text_col' => 'String'); $dbinfo = array('hostspec' => DB_HOST, 'database' => LngConf_DataBase, 'phptype' => 'mysql', 'username' => DB_USERNAME, 'password' => DB_PASSWORD); if ($Admin) { $tr =& Translation2_Admin::factory("MDB2", $dbinfo, $params); } else { $tr =& Translation2::factory("MDB2", $dbinfo, $params); } return $tr; }
/** * Initilalize the translation methods. * * Loads Translation2 if required. * * * @return none * @access public */ function initializeTranslator() { if (is_array($this->options['Translation2'])) { require_once 'Translation2.php'; $this->options['Translation2'] =& Translation2::factory($this->options['Translation2']['driver'], isset($this->options['Translation2']['options']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['options'] : array(), isset($this->options['Translation2']['params']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['params'] : array()); } if ($this->options['Translation2'] instanceof Translation2) { $this->options['Translation2']->setLang($this->options['locale']); // fixme - needs to be more specific to which template to use.. foreach ($this->options['templateDir'] as $tt) { $n = basename($this->currentTemplate); if (substr($this->currentTemplate, 0, strlen($tt)) == $tt) { $n = substr($this->currentTemplate, strlen($tt) + 1); } //echo $n; } $this->options['Translation2']->setPageID($n); } elseif (defined('LC_ALL')) { // not sure what we should really use here... - used to be LC_MESSAGES.. but that did not make sense... setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->options['locale']); } }
public static function getTranslationHandler() { if (self::$translation_handler === NULL) { if (self::useGetTextExtension() == TRUE) { //Debug::Text('Using getText()...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); return new NativeGettextTranslationHandler(); } else { //Debug::Text('Using Translation2...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); require_once 'Translation2.php'; $locale_dir = Environment::getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'interface' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // The Translation2 Gettext example has this comment: // // "Better set prefetch to FALSE for the gettext container, so we don't need // to read in the whole MO file with File_Gettext on every request." // // I haven't investigated this fully yet. So for now I am doing as they advise. // Probably worth checking out for performance purposes. Also, it is unclear // how this affects PO mode, as opposed to MO. $params = array('prefetch' => FALSE, 'langs_avail_file' => $locale_dir . 'langs.ini', 'domains_path_file' => $locale_dir . 'domains.ini', 'default_domain' => 'messages', 'file_type' => 'mo', 'cacheDir' => '/tmp/timetrex/', 'lifeTime' => 86400 * 7); self::$translation_handler = Translation2::factory('gettext', $params); //self::$translation_handler->getDecorator('CacheLiteFunction'); // Okay, this is super-gross, as we are modifying private data of the // Translation2::storage object. Why do we do it? Because the // brain-dead Translation2 api for gettext only allows specifying // fixed paths via domains.ini file. Our path depends on our environment // and we need to tell it that. So, it appears we either do this nasty // hack, or we have to start modifying the Translation2 code directly. self::$translation_handler->storage->_domains = array('messages' => $locale_dir); } } return self::$translation_handler; }
/** * process the input * * * @param array $_GET; (translate = en) * @param array $_POST; (translate = en, en[{md5}] = translation) * @return none * @access public */ function process($get, $post) { //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $displayLang = isset($get['translate']) ? $get['translate'] : (isset($post['translate']) ? $post['translate'] : false); if ($displayLang === false) { return; } require_once 'Translation2/Admin.php'; $driver = $this->options['Translation2']['driver']; $options = $this->options['Translation2']['options']; $usingGT = $driver == 'gettext'; $usingDO = $driver == 'dataobjectsimple'; $trd =& Translation2_Admin::factory($driver, $options); //$trd->setDecoratedLang('en'); foreach ($this->options['targetLangs'] as $l) { $trd->addLang(array('lang_id' => $l)); } // back to parent if no language selected.. if (!in_array($displayLang, $this->options['targetLangs'])) { require_once 'PEAR.php'; $p = new PEAR(); return $p->raiseError('Unknown Language :' . $displayLang); } $this->translate = $displayLang; if (isset($post['_apply'])) { $this->clearTemplateCache($displayLang); } $t = explode(' ', microtime()); $start = $t[0] + $t[1]; require_once 'Translation2.php'; $tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $options); $tr->setLang($displayLang); if (!$usingDO) { $suggestions =& Translation2::factory($driver, $options); $suggestions->setLang($displayLang); } $this->compileAll(); //$tr->setPageID('test.html'); // delete them after we have compiled them!! if (isset($post['_apply'])) { $this->clearTemplateCache($displayLang); } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); if ($usingDO) { $this->loadTranslations(); $this->loadTranslations($displayLang); } $all = array(); if ($usingGT) { $trd->storage->begin(); } $displayLangClean = str_replace('.', '_', $displayLang); foreach ($this->words as $page => $words) { $status[$page] = array(); $tr->setPageID($page); // pages.... if (isset($post['_clear']) && !PEAR::isError($p = $trd->getPage($page, $displayLang))) { $diff = array_diff(array_keys($p), $words); if (count($diff)) { foreach ($diff as $string) { $trd->remove($string, $page); } } } foreach ($words as $word) { if (!strlen(trim($word))) { continue; } $md5 = md5($page . ':' . $word); $value = $usingDO ? $this->getTranslation($page, $word, $displayLang) : $tr->get($word); // we posted something.. if (isset($post[$displayLangClean][$md5])) { // eak we shouldnt really deal with magic_quotes!!! $nval = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($post[$displayLangClean][$md5]) : $post[$displayLangClean][$md5]); if ($value != $nval) { $trd->add($word, $page, array($displayLang => $nval)); $value = $nval; } } if ($value == '') { // try the old gettext... if (isset($old[addslashes($word)])) { $trd->add($word, $page, array($displayLang => $old[addslashes($word)])); $value = $old[addslashes($word)]; } } $add = new StdClass(); $add->from = $word; $add->to = $value; if (!$add->to || $add->from == $add->to) { $add->untranslated = true; if ($usingDO) { $add->suggest = implode(', ', $this->getSuggestions($word, $displayLang)); } else { $suggest = $suggestions->get($word); if ($suggest && $suggest != $word) { $add->suggest = $suggest; } } } $add->md5 = $md5; // show big or small text entry.. $add->short = (bool) (strlen($add->from) < 30 && strstr($add->from, "\n") === false); $status[$page][] = $add; } } if ($usingGT) { $trd->storage->commit(); } $t = explode(' ', microtime()); $total = $t[0] + $t[1] - $start; //printf("Built All in %0.2fs<BR>",$total); $this->status = $status; }
function __construct($lang) { $params = array('filename' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/strings.xml'); require_once 'Translation2.php'; $this->translation2 = Translation2::factory('XML', $params); if (PEAR::isError($this->translation2)) { throw new Exception('Could not start Translation2: ' . $this->translation2->getMessage()); } $res = $this->translation2->setLang($lang); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { throw new Exception('Could not setLang()'); } }
/** * Initilalize the translation methods. * * Loads Translation2 if required. * * * @return none * @access public */ function initializeTranslator() { if (is_array($this->options['Translation2'])) { require_once 'Translation2.php'; $this->options['Translation2'] =& Translation2::factory($this->options['Translation2']['driver'], isset($this->options['Translation2']['options']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['options'] : array(), isset($this->options['Translation2']['params']) ? $this->options['Translation2']['params'] : array()); } if (is_a($this->options['Translation2'], 'Translation2')) { $this->options['Translation2']->setLang($this->options['locale']); // fixme - needs to be more specific to which template to use.. foreach ($this->options['templateDir'] as $tt) { $n = basename($this->currentTemplate); if (substr($this->currentTemplate, 0, strlen($tt)) == $tt) { $n = substr($this->currentTemplate, strlen($tt) + 1); } //echo $n; } $this->options['Translation2']->setPageID($n); } else { setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->options['locale']); } }
/** * Setup for the languageConf class. * tell Translation2 about our db-tables structure, * setup primary language * setup the group of module strings we want to fetch from * add a Lang decorator to provide a fallback language * add another Lang decorator to provide another fallback language, * in case some strings are not translated in all languages that exist in KINKY * * @param void * @return void * @access public */ public function setup() { try { $otherLangs = $this->dblangAvail->getLanguageList(); $entries = array(); $entries['en'] = TABLE_PREFIX . 'en'; foreach ($otherLangs as $lang) { $id = $lang['id']; $entries[$id] = TABLE_PREFIX . $id; } //Define table properties so that MDB2 knows about them $params = array('langs_avail_table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'langs_avail', 'lang_id_col' => 'id', 'lang_name_col' => 'name', 'lang_meta_col' => 'meta', 'lang_errmsg_col' => 'error_text', 'strings_tables' => $entries, 'string_id_col' => 'id', 'string_page_id_col' => 'pageID', 'string_text_col' => '%s'); $driver = 'MDB2'; //instantiate class $this->_siteConf = $this->getObject('altconfig', 'config'); $langcache = $this->_siteConf->getlangcache(); if (strtolower($langcache) === 'true') { $langcache = true; } else { $langcache = false; } //$dsn = $this->_parseDSN(KEWL_DB_DSN); $dsn = engine::parseDSN_(KEWL_DB_DSN); $this->lang =& Translation2::factory($driver, $dsn, $params); if (PEAR::isError($this->lang)) { echo '!'; throw new customException($this->lang->getMessage()); } $this->langAdmin =& Translation2_Admin::factory($driver, $dsn, $params); // caching $this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('CacheMemory'); $this->lang->setOption('prefetch', true); //$this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('CacheLiteFunction'); // TODO: make the caching configuration options for language items configurable $cacheLiteOptions = array('memoryCaching' => false, 'cacheDir' => '/tmp/', 'caching' => $langcache, 'lifeTime' => 3600, 'cleaningFrequency' => 0); //$this->lang->setOptions($cacheLiteOptions); // charsets $this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('SpecialChars'); // control the charset to use $this->lang->setOption('charset', 'UTF-8'); // add a UTF-8 decorator to automatically decode UTF-8 strings $this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('UTF8'); // add a default text decorator to deal with empty strings $this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('DefaultText'); //default value is true if (PEAR::isError($this->lang)) { throw new customException($this->lang->getMessage()); } if (!is_object($this->lang)) { throw new customException('Translation class not loaded'); } // set primary language $this->lang->setLang("en"); // set the group of strings you want to fetch from $this->caller = $this->getParam('module'); if ($this->caller == '') { $page = 'system'; } else { $page = $this->caller; } // This needs to be dynamic, coming from the module that we are using currently $this->lang->setPageID($page); // add a Lang decorator to provide a fallback language $this->lang =& $this->lang->getDecorator('Lang'); $this->lang->setOption('fallbackLang', 'en'); /* $this->lang->setOption('cacheDir', '/var/www/cache/'); $this->lang->setOption('lifeTime', 86400); $this->lang->setOption('cleaningFrequency', 0); */ // replace the empty string with its stringID return $this->lang; //} } catch (Exception $e) { // Alterations by jsc on advice from paulscott //$this->errorCallback ('Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()); echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } }
<?php /* * ____ _____ _____ ______ _____ *| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Finance Management * Visit * **/ require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/UserSettings.class.php'; $us = new UserSettings($badgerDb); $driver = 'DB'; $tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $badgerDbConnectionInfo); function getBadgerTranslation2($page, $id, $lang = NULL) { global $tr, $us; if (!$lang) { $usedLanguage = $us->getProperty('badgerLanguage'); } else { $usedLanguage = $lang; } return $tr->get($id, $page, $usedLanguage); }