// This example uses an existing account
$accountId = $argv[1];
$dryrun = $argv[2];
print "accountId is {$accountId} \n";
print "dryrun is {$dryrun} \n";
$account = new Account();
$return = $account->fetchByMerchantAccountId($accountId);
$customer = $return['data']->account;
// This example is assuming we already know it's the default PM and type is Credit Card
$pm = $customer->paymentMethods[0];
$nv = new NameValuePair();
$transaction = new Transaction();
$transaction->setMerchantTransactionId('testTrx-' . rand(10000, 99999));
$transaction_lineItem0 = new TransactionItem();
$transaction_lineItem0->setName('LineItem 1');
// Campaign Code can be assigned to each individual line item:
$lineitems = array($transaction_lineItem0);
// we can choose to send email for one-time transactions, or not
$sendEmailNotification = 1;
$pm->setMerchantPaymentMethodId('VINTESTPM-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique payment method id
$hostedPageInfo = new HostedPage();
// specify a page on your site customer will be redirected to after completing the MOLPay payment
// Customer can choose any payment method type at MOLPay
$provider = new PaymentProvider();
$transaction = new Transaction();
// Unique transaction ID, use prefix to tell transactions apart from the subscription transactions
$transaction->setMerchantTransactionId('VINTEST-' . rand(10000, 99999));
//Create purchase line items. This can also be created by looking up a CashBox Product
$transaction_lineItem0 = new TransactionItem();
// If using a CashBox Product, specify the Product's ID here
$transaction_lineItem0->setName('Digital Magazine');
// Specify appropriate Avalara TaxCode here
// Campaign Code can be specified for each individual line item:
예제 #3
  * Verifica se uma notificação IPN é válida, fazendo a autenticação
  * da mensagem segundo o protocolo de segurança do serviço.
  * @param array $message Um array contendo a notificação recebida.
  * @return boolean TRUE se a notificação for autência, ou FALSE se não for.
 function handleIpn(array $message)
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->endpoint);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 6);
     //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1);
     //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($message));
     $response = curl_exec($curl);
     $error = curl_error($curl);
     $errno = curl_errno($curl);
     if (!empty($error) || $errno > 0 || $response != 'VERIFIED') {
         return array('error' => 'Not verified', 'errors' => $error);
     if ($_POST['receiver_email'] != $this->getReceiverEmail()) {
         return array('error' => 'Receiver mail is different', 'errors' => array('expected' => $this->receiverEmail, 'returned' => $_POST['receiver_email']));
     $arr = array_merge(array('txn_id' => null, 'txn_type' => null, 'payment_status' => null, 'pending_reason' => null, 'reason_code' => null, 'custom' => null, 'invoice' => null, 'address_country' => null, 'address_city' => null, 'address_country_code' => null, 'address_name' => null, 'address_state' => null, 'address_status' => null, 'address_street' => null, 'address_zip' => null, 'contact_phone' => null, 'first_name' => null, 'last_name' => null, 'business_name' => null, 'payer_email' => null, 'payer_id' => null, 'mc_currency' => null, 'mc_gross' => null, 'mc_fee' => null, 'mc_handling' => null, 'mc_shipping' => null, 'tax' => null), $message);
     $notification = new Notification();
     $customer = new Customer();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     return array('notification' => $notification, 'customer' => $customer, 'transaction' => $transaction);
function prepay($autobill)
    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    $sparseAccount = new Account();
    $sparseAccount->merchantAccountId = $autobill->account->merchantAccountId;
    $fetchedPaymentMethod = $autobill->account->paymentMethods[0];
    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    $sparsePaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod();
    $sparsePaymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId = $fetchedPaymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId;
    $transaction = new Transaction();
    // loop through the cart on server side to add items.
    $transaction_lineitem1 = new TransactionItem();
    $transaction_lineitem1->setName('PRE-PAY:' . $autobill->items[0]->product->descriptions[0]->description);
    $lineitems = array($transaction_lineitem1);
    $sendEmailNotification = false;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaign = NULL;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $transaction->authCapture($sendEmailNotification, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaign, $dryrun);
    if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
        print $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        print "returnCode=" . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print "returnString=" . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
        if ($response['returnCode'] == "200") {
            $returnTransaction = $response['data']->transaction;
            if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Authorized') {
                print "Transaction approved\n";
                print "Transaction with id " . $returnTransaction->merchantTransactionId . " was successfully captured";
                return $returnTransaction->merchantTransactionId;
            } else {
                if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Cancelled') {
                    print "Transaction not approved \n";
                    print "Reason code is: ";
                    print $returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->creditCardStatus->authCode;
                    print "\n";
                } else {
                    print "Error: Unexpected transaction status\n";
        } else {
            if ($response['returnCode'] == "202") {
                print "Transaction cannot be processed due to taxes being temporarily unavailable\n";
            } else {
                if ($response['returnCode'] == "400") {
                    print "Transaction cannot be processed due to data validation error\n";
                } else {
                    if ($response['returnCode'] == "402") {
                        print "Transaction cannot be processed due to transaction error\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($response['returnCode'] == "409") {
                            print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed AVS and CVN policy evaluation\n";
                        } else {
                            if ($response['returnCode'] == "410") {
                                print "Transaction cannot be processed due to not being able to perform AVS and CVN policy evaluation\n";
                            } else {
                                print "Error while making call to Vindicia CashBox\n";
function createTransaction($account, $merchantPaymentMethodId, $merchantTransactionId)
    # Process Transaction, setting Line Items so they will be helpful in providing
    # a clear indication of what was being purchased, the cost per item and the
    # price for each item, to be used for the first step in collecting information
    # needed for Chargeback defense.
    # 1) Line Item Detail (at time of transaction):
    # a) Line Item Detail for One Time Transactions:
    # First, note that at the time of the transaction, you are already logging Line Item
    # information in TransactionItem entries on the Transaction in realtime.
    # This function demonstrates setting of these Line Items in preparation for use as
    # part of Chargeback defense, used in conjunction with the Activity Reporting which
    # is subsequent sent to CashBox once Usage by the Cardholder has occurred.
    $transaction = new Transaction();
    # Specify Account to use:
    # Specify PaymentMethod to use:
    # use a sparse local PaymentMethod object, only specify an identifier for CashBox
    # to locate existing PaymentMethod:
    $pm = new PaymentMethod();
    # Specify merchantTransactionId to use:
    # Considerations for Line Time Detail:
    # 1) Descriptive name for the Product/SKU, ideally readable text clearly indicating:
    #		- Product name
    #		- Duration it is valid
    #		- What the Product/SKU applies to
    # 2) Description field, set in the API as TransactionItem.name field, indicating:
    #		- How much it cost for 1 item
    #		- For what period the purchase is applicable
    #		- League or other identifying information.
    # 3) Quantity should show how many were purchased.
    # 4) The Amount for a single unit should be indicated in the Line Item.
    # This will result in CashBox automatically setting the Transaction Amount to be
    # the total of the extended price for each Line Item from the product of Quantity
    # & Amount from each Line Item.
    # Use a single Line Item for this sample:
    $tx_lineItem0 = new TransactionItem();
    # 1) Descriptive name
    $tx_lineItem0->setName('600 Widgets ($3.30 for 200)');
    # 2) Description field
    # 3) Quantity: how many were purchased
    # 4) Amount for a single unit
    # CashBox automatically computes extended price (3 X $3.30) & sets the
    # Transaction amount to be the result, $9.90.
    # Campaign Code can be assigned to each individual line item:
    # $transaction_lineItem0->setCampaignCode('promo2');
    $lineitems = array($tx_lineItem0);
    # we can choose to send email for one-time transactions, or not
    $sendEmailNotification = true;
    # use the default CashBox AVS and CVN policy
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = false;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = false;
    # Campaign Code can also be passed in to the call as a param to apply to all eligible items
    $campaign = '';
    # 'promo2';
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $transaction->authCapture($sendEmailNotification, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaign, $dryrun);
    $return_code = $response['returnCode'];
    print "Transaction.authCapture Return Code is: {$return_code} \n";
    $return_string = $response['returnString'];
    print "Transaction.authCapture Return String is: {$return_string} \n";
    $txAuthCapture_SoapId = $response['data']->return->soapId;
    print "Transaction.authCapture soapId: " . $txAuthCapture_SoapId . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    $txStatus = $response['data']->transaction->statusLog[0];
    $status = $txStatus->status;
    print "Transaction.authCapture status: " . $status . PHP_EOL;
    $vinAVS = $txStatus->vinAVS;
    print "Transaction.authCapture vinAVS: " . $vinAVS . PHP_EOL;
    $ccStatus = $txStatus->creditCardStatus;
    $authCode = $ccStatus->authCode;
    print "Transaction.authCapture authCode: " . $authCode . PHP_EOL;
    $avsCode = $ccStatus->avsCode;
    print "Transaction.authCapture avsCode: " . $avsCode . PHP_EOL;
    $cvnCode = $ccStatus->cvnCode;
    print "Transaction.authCapture cvnCode: " . $cvnCode . PHP_EOL;
    $extendedCardAttributes = $ccStatus->extendedCardAttributes;
    print "Transaction.authCapture extendedCardAttributes: " . PHP_EOL;
function finalize_paypal_AutoBill_then_transaction_auth_capture_Transaction_Items($vid)
    $autobill = new Autobill();
    $response = $autobill->finalizePayPalAuth($vid, true);
    if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
        print 'Error finalizing autobill' . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        // You can obtain the paypal payer email address from the return object if you desire to persist this.
        $response_object = $response['data'];
        $auth_status = $response_object->authStatus;
        $payPalEmail = $auth_status->payPalStatus->paypalEmail;
        print 'Successfully paid for by ' . $payPalEmail;
        //Get info from autobill transaction for use processing remaining cart items
        $autobill = $response['data']->autobill;
        $account = $autobill->account;
        $paymentMethod = $autobill->paymentMethod;
        $transaction = new Transaction();
        // loop through the cart on server side to add items.
        $transaction_lineitem1 = new TransactionItem();
        $transaction_lineitem1->setSku('club cover');
        $transaction_lineitem1->setName('club cover');
        $transaction_lineitem2 = new TransactionItem();
        $lineitems = array($transaction_lineitem1, $transaction_lineitem2);
        $billPayPalImmediately = new NameValuePair();
        $autobillVID = new NameValuePair();
        $transaction->setNameValues(array($billPayPalImmediately, $autobillVID));
        $sendEmailNotification = false;
        $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
        $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
        $campaign = NULL;
        $dryrun = false;
        $response = $transaction->authCapture($sendEmailNotification, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaign, $dryrun);
        if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
            print $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
            print $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            print "returnCode=" . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
            print "returnString=" . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
            if ($response['returnCode'] == "200") {
                $returnTransaction = $response['data']->transaction;
                if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Authorized') {
                    print "Transaction approved\n";
                    print "Transaction with id " . $returnTransaction->merchantTransactionId . " was successfully captured";
                    return $returnTransaction->merchantTransactionId;
                } else {
                    if ($returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->status == 'Cancelled') {
                        print "Transaction not approved \n";
                        print "Reason code is: ";
                        print $returnTransaction->statusLog[0]->creditCardStatus->authCode;
                        print "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "Error: Unexpected transaction status\n";
            } else {
                if ($response['returnCode'] == "202") {
                    print "Transaction cannot be processed due to taxes being temporarily unavailable\n";
                } else {
                    if ($response['returnCode'] == "400") {
                        print "Transaction cannot be processed due to data validation error\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($response['returnCode'] == "402") {
                            print "Transaction cannot be processed due to transaction error\n";
                        } else {
                            if ($response['returnCode'] == "409") {
                                print "Transaction cannot be processed due to Failed AVS and CVN policy evaluation\n";
                            } else {
                                if ($response['returnCode'] == "410") {
                                    print "Transaction cannot be processed due to not being able to perform AVS and CVN policy evaluation\n";
                                } else {
                                    print "Error while making call to Vindicia CashBox\n";

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$testId = rand(1, 1000000);
// random number for some unique IDs
$tx = new Transaction();
$tx->setMerchantTransactionId('DRYRUN-' . $testId);
$acct = new Account();
// existing customer account ID
$txItem1 = new TransactionItem();
$txItem1->setName('Premium Pay-per-view movie (English)');
$txItem2 = new TransactionItem();
$txItem2->setName('Social Media Chat Access');
$tx->setTransactionItems(array($txItem1, $txItem2));
$addr = new Address();
$addr->setAddr1('809 Cuesta Dr');
$addr->setCity('Mountain View');