public function upload() { if (isset($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) { switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'face': $width = 99; $height = 100; $info = '头像上传成功'; break; case 'ok': $width = 300; $height = 300; $info = '图片上传成功'; break; case 'rotator': $width = 1200; $height = 530; $info = '轮播器图片上传成功'; break; default: exit('非法操作'); } $upload = new UploadFile('userfile', $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']); $path = $upload->getPath(); $thumb = new Image($path); $thumb->thumb($width, $height); $thumb->outImage(); $upload->alertThumbClose($info, $path); } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:未知错误'); } }
public function Action() { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'login': if (isset($_POST['send'])) { if (!Validate::Check_Length($_POST['code'], 4, 'equals')) { Tool::alertBack('验证码必须为四位'); } if (!Validate::Check_Equals($_POST['code'], strtolower($_SESSION['code']))) { Tool::alertBack('验证码不正确'); } $object = $this->model->Manage_Login(); if (!Validate::Check_Null($object)) { $_SESSION['admin']['username'] = $object->username; //生成session $_SESSION['admin']['level_position'] = $object->level_position; $this->model->Login_Count(); Tool::alertLocation(null, 'admin.php'); } else { Tool::alertBack('用户名或者密码错误,请重新输入'); } } break; case 'logout': if (session_start()) { session_destroy(); } Tool::alertLocation(null, 'admin_login.php'); break; } }
private function delete() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; $this->_model->deleteComment() ? Tool::alertLocation('Succeed', PREV_URL) : Tool::alertBack('Fail'); } else { Tool::alertBack("illegal operation"); } }
private function delete() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; $this->_model->deleteComment() ? Tool::alertLocation('恭喜你,删除评论成功!', PREV_URL) : Tool::alertBack('很遗憾,删除评论失败!'); } else { Tool::alertBack('非法操作!'); } }
private function add() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $this->_model->userInfo = $_POST['user_info']; echo $this->_model->addModule(); exit; } else { Tool::alertBack('非法操作!'); } }
public function Delete_Level() { $this->id = $_GET['id']; $sql_delete = "delete from manage_level where id='{$this->id}' limit 1"; $affected_rows = parent::add_up_de($sql_delete); if ($affected_rows == 1) { Tool::alertLocation('删除成功', 'level.php?action=show'); } else { Tool::alertBack('删除失败'); } }
private function add() { if (@$_POST['send'] == '新增管理员') { $this->_model->admin_user = $_POST['admin_user']; $this->_model->admin_pass = sha1($_POST['admin_pass']); $this->_model->level = $_POST['level']; $this->_model->addManage() ? Tool::alertLocation('添加成功', 'manage.php?action=list') : Tool::alertBack('添加失败'); } $this->_tpl->assign('add', true); $this->_tpl->assign('title', '新增管理员'); }
private function Agree() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->model->id = $_GET['id']; if ($this->model->Agree()) { Tool::alertLocation(null, PREV_URL); } } else { Tool::alertBack('非法操作'); } }
public function _action() { if ($_GET['action'] == 'delcache') { if (strstr($_SESSION['admin']['premission'], '2')) { $this->delCache(); } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:权限不足,您不能清理缓存!'); } } $this->cacheNum(); }
private function delete() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; $_manage = new ManageModel(); $_manage->level = $this->_model->id; if ($_manage->getOneManage()) { Tool::alertBack('this level could not be deleted. please delete user first'); } $this->_model->deleteLevel() ? Tool::alertLocation('Succeed', PREV_URL) : Tool::alertBack('Fail'); } else { Tool::alertBack("illegal operation"); } }
public function Action() { global $templates; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'show': $templates->assgin('title', '等级列表'); $templates->assgin('show', true); $all_level = $this->model->Get_ALL_Level(); $templates->assgin('ALL_Level', $all_level); break; case 'update': if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $templates->assgin('title', '修改等级'); $templates->assgin('update', true); $object = $this->model->Get_One_Level(); $templates->assgin('level_position', $object->level_position); $templates->assgin('id', $object->id); $templates->assgin('level_info', $object->level_info); if ($_POST['send'] == '修改等级') { $this->model->Update_Level(); } } break; case 'add': $templates->assgin('title', '新增等级'); $templates->assgin('add', true); if ($_POST['send'] == '新增等级') { if ($this->model->Get_One_Level()) { Tool::alertBack('等级名称已经存在'); } $this->model->Add_Level(); } break; case 'delete': $templates->assgin('title', '删除等级'); $templates->assgin('delete', true); if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { //在删除等级之前,首先进行验证,如果这个等级有管理员在,则不允许删除这个等级 if ($this->model->Date_Exist()) { Tool::alertBack('这个等级有管理员存在,请先删除这个管理员'); } $this->model->Delete_Level(); } break; default: echo '非法操作'; break; } }
private function setCount() { if (isset($_GET['cid']) && isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_GET['type'])) { parent::__construct($this->_tpl, new CommentModel()); $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; if (!$this->_model->getOneComment()) { Tool::alertBack('this comment not existing'); } if ($_GET['type'] == 'sustain') { $this->_model->setSustain() ? Tool::alertLocation('succeed', 'feedback.php?cid=' . $_GET['cid']) : Tool::alertLocation('fail', 'feedback.php?cid=' . $_GET['cid']); } if ($_GET['type'] == 'oppose') { $this->_model->setOppose() ? Tool::alertLocation('succeed', 'feedback.php?cid=' . $_GET['cid']) : Tool::alertLocation('fail', 'feedback.php?cid=' . $_GET['cid']); } } }
public function ckeUp() { if (isset($_GET['type'])) { //查看了源代码,他的名称是:upload $_fileupload = new FileUpload('upload', $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']); $_ckefn = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $_path = $_fileupload->getPath(); $_img = new Image($_path); $_img->ckeImg(650, 0); $_img->out(); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>{$_ckefn},\".{$_path}\",'图片上传成功!');</script>"; exit; } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:由于非法操作导致上传失败!'); } }
public static function checkLength($str, $length, $flag) { if ($flag == 'min') { return mb_strlen($str, 'utf-8') < $length ? true : false; } else { if ($flag == 'max') { return mb_strlen($str, 'utf-8') > $length ? true : false; } else { if ($flag == 'equal') { return mb_strlen(trim($str)) == $length ? false : true; } else { Tool::alertBack('长度传值有误!'); } } } }
private function Get_List_Nav() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { global $templates; $model = new NavModel(); $object = $model->Get_One_Nav(); $child_object = $model->selectchildNav_nolimit(); $templates->assgin('nav_name', $object->name); $templates->assgin('nav_id', $object->id); $templates->assgin('child_nav', $child_object); $par_object = $model->Get_Parnav(); $templates->assgin('par_name', $par_object->name); $templates->assgin('par_id', $par_object->id); } else { Tool::alertBack('此导航不存在'); } }
private function getFromImg($_file, $_type) { switch ($_type) { case 1: $img = imagecreatefromgif($_file); break; case 2: $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_file); break; case 3: $img = imagecreatefrompng($_file); break; default: Tool::alertBack('this image type not supported'); } return $img; }
private function Get_Img($file, $type) { switch ($type) { case 1: $img = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case 2: $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case 3: $img = imagecreatefrompng($file); default: Tool::alertBack('图片格式不支持'); break; } return $img; }
private function getImageFrom($file, $type) { switch ($type) { case 1: $img = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case 2: $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case 3: $img = imagecreatefrompng($file); break; default: Tool::alertBack('对不起,你上传的图片类型本系统不支持'); break; } return $img; }
private function login() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['code'], 4, 'equals')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:验证码必须是四位!'); } if (Validate::checkEquals(strtolower($_POST['code']), $_SESSION['code'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:验证码不正确!'); } if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['admin_user'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:用户名不得为空!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_user'], 2, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:用户名不得小于两位!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_user'], 20, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:用户名不得大于20位!'); } if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['admin_pass'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:密码不得为空!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_pass'], 6, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:密码不得小于六位!'); } $this->_model->admin_user = $_POST['admin_user']; $this->_model->admin_pass = sha1($_POST['admin_pass']); $this->_model->last_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_login = $this->_model->getLoginManage(); if ($_login) { $_preArr = explode(',', $_login->premission); if (in_array('1', $_preArr)) { $_SESSION['admin']['admin_user'] = $_login->admin_user; $_SESSION['admin']['level_name'] = $_login->level_name; $_SESSION['admin']['premission'] = $_preArr; $this->_model->setLoginCount(); Tool::alertLocation(null, 'admin.php'); } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:权限不够,您无法登录!'); } } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:用户名或密码错误!'); } } }
static function Check_Length($date, $length, $flag) { $date = trim($date); if ($flag == 'min') { if (mb_strlen($date, 'utf-8') < $length) { return true; } } elseif ($flag == 'max') { if (mb_strlen($date, 'utf-8') > $length) { return true; } } elseif ($flag == 'equals') { if (mb_strlen($date) == $length) { return true; } } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:操作有错'); } }
private function getNav() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $_nav = new NavModel(); $_nav->id = $_GET['id']; if ($_nav->getOneNav()) { if ($_nav->getOneNav()->nnav_name) { $_nav1 = '<a href="list.php?id=' . $_nav->getOneNav()->iid . '">' . $_nav->getOneNav()->nnav_name . '</a> > '; } $_nav2 = '<a href="list.php?id=' . $_nav->getOneNav()->id . '">' . $_nav->getOneNav()->nav_name . '</a>'; $this->_tpl->assign('nav', $_nav1 . $_nav2); $this->_tpl->assign('childnav', $_nav->getAllChildFrontNav()); } else { Tool::alertBack('this navigation not existing'); } } else { Tool::alertBack('illegal act'); } }
private function frontadd() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['webname'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:网站名称不得为空!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['webname'], 20, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:网站名称不得大于二十位!'); } if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['weburl'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:网站地址不得为空!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['webname'], 100, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:网站地址不得大于一百位!'); } if ($_POST['type'] == 2) { if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['logourl'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:Logo地址不得为空!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['logourl'], 100, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:Logo地址不得大于一百位!'); } } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['user'], 20, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:站长名不得大于二十位!'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['code'], 4, 'equals')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:验证码必须是四位!'); } if (Validate::checkEquals(strtolower($_POST['code']), $_SESSION['code'])) { Tool::alertBack('警告:验证码不正确!'); } $this->_model->webname = $_POST['webname']; $this->_model->weburl = $_POST['weburl']; $this->_model->logourl = $_POST['logourl']; $this->_model->user = $_POST['user']; $this->_model->type = $_POST['type']; $this->_model->state = $_POST['state']; $this->_model->addLink() ? Tool::alertClose('恭喜,申请友情链接成功!请等待管理员审核!') : Tool::alertBack('很遗憾,申请友情链接失败,请重试!'); } $this->_tpl->assign('frontadd', true); }
private function searchKeyword() { if ($_GET['type'] == 2) { if (empty($_GET['inputkeyword'])) { Tool::alertBack('search keyword empty'); } $this->_model->inputkeyword = $_GET['inputkeyword']; parent::page($this->_model->searchKeywordContentTotal(), ARTICLE_SIZE); $_object = $this->_model->searchKeywordContent(); if ($_object) { foreach ($_object as $_value) { if (empty($_value->thumbnail)) { $_value->thumbnail = 'images/none.jpg'; } $_value->keyword = str_replace($this->_model->inputkeyword, '<span class="red">' . $this->_model->inputkeyword . '</span>', $_value->keyword); } } $this->_tpl->assign('SearchContent', $_object); } }
private function getNav() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $_nav = new NavModel(); $_nav->id = $_GET['id']; if ($_nav->getOneNav()) { //主导航 if ($_nav->getOneNav()->nnav_name) { $_nav1 = '<a href="list.php?id=' . $_nav->getOneNav()->iid . '">' . $_nav->getOneNav()->nnav_name . '</a> > '; } $_nav2 = '<a href="list.php?id=' . $_nav->getOneNav()->id . '">' . $_nav->getOneNav()->nav_name . '</a>'; $this->_tpl->assign('nav', $_nav1 . $_nav2); //子导航集 $this->_tpl->assign('childnav', $_nav->getAllChildFrontNav()); } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:此导航不存在!'); } } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:非法操作!'); } }
public function Action() { global $templates; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'show': $this->Show_Rotatain(); break; case 'update_on': $this->Update_On(); break; case 'update_off': $this->Update_Off(); break; case 'add': $this->Add_Rotatain(); break; case 'del': $this->Del_Rotatain(); break; default: Tool::alertBack('非法操作'); } }
public function login() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['code'], 4, 'equals')) { Tool::alertBack('validation code must be 4'); } if (Validate::checkEquals(strtolower($_POST['code']), $_SESSION['code'])) { Tool::alertBack('wrong validation code'); } if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['admin_user'])) { Tool::alertBack('username empty'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_user'], 2, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('username less than 2'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_user'], 20, 'max')) { Tool::alertBack('username more than 20'); } if (Validate::checkNull($_POST['admin_pass'])) { Tool::alertBack('password empty'); } if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_pass'], 6, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('password less than 6'); } $this->_model->admin_user = $_POST['admin_user']; $this->_model->admin_pass = md5($_POST['admin_pass']); $_login = $this->_model->getLoginManage(); if ($_login) { $_SESSION['admin']['admin_user'] = $_login->admin_user; $_SESSION['admin']['level_name'] = $_login->level_name; Tool::alertLocation(null, 'admin.php'); } else { Tool::alertBack('username or password not right'); } } }
private function sys_banner() { $this->_model->id = 1; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_POST['id']; $getBanner = $this->_model->getBanner(); $json_string = json_encode($getBanner); echo $json_string; exit; } if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $_POST['recom'] = isset($_POST['recom']) ? 1 : 0; if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["upfile"]['tmp_name'])) { require ROOT_PATH . '/upload.php'; $_POST['textfield'] = IMG; } $this->_model->userInfo = $_POST; $this->_model->updateBanner() ? '' : Tool::alertBack('很遗憾,修改失败'); $this->_model->id = $_POST[banner_id]; } $this->_tpl->assign('mid', $this->_model->id); $this->_tpl->assign('getBanner', $this->_model->getBanner()); $this->_tpl->assign('sys_banner', true); }
public function login() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { parent::__construct($this->_tpl, new UserModel()); $this->_model->user = $_POST['user']; $this->_model->pass = md5($_POST['pass']); if (!!($_user = $this->_model->checkLogin())) { $_cookie = new Cookie('user', $_user->user, $_POST['time']); $_cookie->setCookie(); $_cookie = new Cookie('face', $_user->face, $_POST['time']); $_cookie->setCookie(); $this->_model->id = $_user->id; $this->_model->time = time(); $this->_model->setLaterUser(); Tool::alertLocation(null, './'); } else { Tool::alertBack('wrong username or password'); } } $this->_tpl->assign('login', true); }
private function checkError() { if (!empty($this->error)) { switch ($this->error) { case 1: Tool::alertBack('file size exceeds limit'); break; case 2: Tool::alertBack('file size exceeds ' . $this->maxsize . 'kb'); break; case 3: Tool::alertBack('only part uploaded'); break; case 4: Tool::alertBack('no file uploaded'); break; default: Tool::alertBack('unknown error'); } } }
<?php require substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -7) . '/'; if (isset($_GET['type'])) { //查看了源代码,他的名称是:upload $_fileupload = new FileUpload('upload', $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']); $_ckefn = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $_path = $_fileupload->getPath(); $_img = new Image($_path); $_img->ckeImg(650, 0); $_img->out(); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>{$_ckefn},\"{$_path}\",'图片上传成功!');</script>"; exit; } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:由于非法操作导致上传失败!'); }