<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../www/config.php'; use newznab\db\Settings; use newznab\utility\Utility; $pdo = new Settings(); $tRun = new \TmuxRun($pdo); $tOut = new \TmuxOutput($pdo); $runVar['paths']['misc'] = NN_MISC; $runVar['paths']['lib'] = NN_LIB; $db_name = DB_NAME; $dbtype = DB_TYPE; $tmux = $tRun->get('niceness'); $tmux_niceness = isset($tmux->niceness) ? $tmux->niceness : 2; $runVar['constants'] = $pdo->queryOneRow($tRun->getConstantSettings()); $PHP = $tRun->command_exist("php5") ? 'php5' : 'php'; $PYTHON = $tRun->command_exist("python3") ? 'python3 -OOu' : 'python -OOu'; //assign shell commands $show_time = NN_DEBUG ? "/usr/bin/time" : ""; $runVar['commands']['_php'] = $show_time . " nice -n{$tmux_niceness} {$PHP}"; $runVar['commands']['_phpn'] = "nice -n{$tmux_niceness} {$PHP}"; $runVar['commands']['_python'] = $show_time . " nice -n{$tmux_niceness} {$PYTHON}"; $runVar['commands']['_sleep'] = "{$runVar['commands']['_phpn']} {$runVar['paths']['misc']}update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/bin/showsleep.php"; //spawn IRCScraper as soon as possible $tRun->runPane('scraper', $runVar); //get list of panes by name $runVar['panes'] = $tRun->getListOfPanes($runVar['constants']); //totals per category in db, results by parentid $catcntqry = "SELECT c.parentid AS parentid, COUNT(r.id) AS count FROM category c, releases r WHERE r.categoryid = c.id GROUP BY c.parentid"; //create timers and set to now $runVar['timers']['timer1'] = $runVar['timers']['timer2'] = $runVar['timers']['timer3'] = $runVar['timers']['timer4'] = $runVar['timers']['timer5'] = time();