$resy = $hasfedbounty->fields; if ($resy['btytotal'] > 0) { $btyamount = $resy['btytotal']; echo $langvars['l_scan_fedbounty'] . "<br>"; } } } } // Player will get a Federation Bounty on themselves if they attack a player who's score is less than bounty_ratio of // themselves. If the target has a Federation Bounty, they can attack without attracting a bounty on themselves. if ($btyamount == 0 && ($targetscore / $playerscore < $bounty_ratio || $targetinfo['turns_used'] < $bounty_minturns)) { echo $langvars['l_by_fedbounty'] . "<br><br>"; } else { echo $langvars['l_by_nofedbounty'] . "<br><br>"; } $sc_error = Tki\Scan::error($playerinfo['sensors'], $targetinfo['cloak'], $scan_error_factor); echo $langvars['l_scan_ron'] . " " . $targetinfo['ship_name'] . ", " . $langvars['l_scan_capt'] . " " . $targetinfo['character_name'] . "<br><br>"; echo "<strong>" . $langvars['l_ship_levels'] . ":</strong><br><br>"; echo "<table width=\"\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"; echo "<tr><td>" . $langvars['l_hull'] . ":</td>"; $roll = random_int(1, 100); if ($roll < $success) { $sc_hull = round($targetinfo['hull'] * $sc_error / 100); echo "<td>{$sc_hull}</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td>???</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td>" . $langvars['l_engines'] . ":</td>"; $roll = random_int(1, 100); if ($roll < $success) { $sc_engines = round($targetinfo['engines'] * $sc_error / 100);
$sc_shields = number_format(round($ownerinfo['shields'] * $sc_error / 100), 0, $langvars['local_number_dec_point'], $langvars['local_number_thousands_sep']); echo "<td>{$sc_shields}</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td>???</td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br>"; // $roll=random_int(1, 100); // if ($ownerinfo[sector] == $playerinfo[sector] && $ownerinfo[on_planet] == 'Y' && $roll < $success) // { // echo "<strong>" . $ownerinfo['character_name'] . " " . $langvars['l_planet_ison'] . "</strong><br>"; // } $res = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}ships WHERE on_planet = 'Y' and planet_id = ?;", array($planet_id)); Tki\Db::LogDbErrors($pdo_db, $res, __LINE__, __FILE__); while (!$res->EOF) { $row = $res->fields; $success = Tki\Scan::success($playerinfo['sensors'], $row['cloak']); if ($success < 5) { $success = 5; } if ($success > 95) { $success = 95; } $roll = random_int(1, 100); if ($roll < $success) { echo "<strong>" . $row['character_name'] . " " . $langvars['l_planet_ison'] . "</strong><br>"; } $res->MoveNext(); } } $update = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET turns = turns - 1, turns_used = turns_used + 1 WHERE ship_id = ?;", array($playerinfo['ship_id'])); Tki\Db::LogDbErrors($pdo_db, $update, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$ok = 0; } else { $tollstring = number_format($fighterstoll, 0, $langvars['local_number_dec_point'], $langvars['local_number_thousands_sep']); $langvars['l_chf_youpaidsometoll'] = str_replace("[chf_tollstring]", $tollstring, $langvars['l_chf_youpaidsometoll']); echo $langvars['l_chf_youpaidsometoll'] . "<br>"; $resx = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET credits=credits - {$fighterstoll} WHERE ship_id = ?;", array($playerinfo['ship_id'])); Tki\Db::LogDbErrors($pdo_db, $resx, __LINE__, __FILE__); Tki\Toll::distribute($pdo_db, $sector, $fighterstoll, $total_sector_fighters); Tki\PlayerLog::WriteLog($pdo_db, $playerinfo['ship_id'], LOG_TOLL_PAID, "{$tollstring}|{$sector}"); $ok = 1; } break; case "sneak": $resx = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET cleared_defenses = ' ' WHERE ship_id = ?;", array($playerinfo['ship_id'])); Tki\Db::LogDbErrors($pdo_db, $resx, __LINE__, __FILE__); $success = Tki\Scan::success($fighters_owner['sensors'], $playerinfo['cloak']); if ($success < 5) { $success = 5; } if ($success > 95) { $success = 95; } $roll = random_int(1, 100); if ($roll < $success) { // Sector defenses detect incoming ship echo "<h1>" . $title . "</h1>\n"; echo $langvars['l_chf_thefightersdetectyou'] . "<br>"; include_once './sector_fighters.php'; break; } else { // Sector defenses don't detect incoming ship