public function getList($refresh = false, $getEav = true, $options = array()) { static $pa, $pao; if (empty($pa)) { $pa = array(); } if (empty($pao)) { $pao = array(); } Tienda::load("TiendaHelperUser", 'helpers.user'); Tienda::load('TiendaHelperSubscription', 'helpers.subscription'); $user_helper = TiendaHelperBase::getInstance('User'); $product_helper = TiendaHelperBase::getInstance('Product'); if (empty($this->_list) || $refresh) { DSCTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_tienda/tables'); $items = parent::getList($refresh); // If no item in the list, return an array() if (empty($items)) { return array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { if (empty($item->product_qty)) { $item->product_qty = '1'; } $filter_group = $user_helper->getUserGroup(JFactory::getUser()->id, $item->product_id); // at this point, ->product_price holds the default price for the product, // but the user may qualify for a discount based on volume or date, so let's get that price override $item->product_price_override = $product_helper->getPrice($item->product_id, $item->product_qty, $filter_group, JFactory::getDate()->toMySQL()); //checking if we do price override $item->product_price_override->override = true; if (!empty($item->product_price_override)) { $item->product_price = $item->product_price_override->product_price; } if ($item->product_recurs) { $item->recurring_price = $item->product_price; if ($item->subscription_prorated) { $result = TiendaHelperSubscription::calculateProRatedTrial($item->subscription_prorated_date, $item->subscription_prorated_term, $item->recurring_period_unit, $item->recurring_trial_price, $item->subscription_prorated_charge); $item->product_price = $result['price']; $item->recurring_trial_price = $result['price']; $item->recurring_trial_period_interval = $result['interval']; $item->recurring_trial_period_unit = $result['unit']; $item->recurring_trial = $result['trial']; } else { if ($item->recurring_trial) { $item->product_price = $item->recurring_trial_price; } } } $item->product_parameters = new DSCParameter($item->product_params); $item->orderitem_attributes_price = '0.00000'; $attributes_names = array(); if (!empty($item->product_attributes)) { $item->attributes = array(); // array of each selected attribute's object $attibutes_array = explode(',', $item->product_attributes); foreach ($attibutes_array as $attrib_id) { if (empty($pao[$attrib_id])) { // load the attrib's object $pao[$attrib_id] = DSCTable::getInstance('ProductAttributeOptions', 'TiendaTable'); $pao[$attrib_id]->load($attrib_id); } $table = $pao[$attrib_id]; // update the price // + or - if ($table->productattributeoption_prefix != '=') { $item->product_price = $item->product_price + floatval("{$table->productattributeoption_prefix}" . "{$table->productattributeoption_price}"); // store the attribute's price impact $item->orderitem_attributes_price = $item->orderitem_attributes_price + floatval("{$table->productattributeoption_prefix}" . "{$table->productattributeoption_price}"); $item->product_price_override->override = true; } else { // assign the product attribute price as the product price //then set the orderitem_attributes_price to 0.0000 $item->product_price = $table->productattributeoption_price; // // store the attribute's price impact $item->orderitem_attributes_price = "0.00000"; $item->product_price_override->override = false; } $item->orderitem_attributes_price = number_format($item->orderitem_attributes_price, '5', '.', ''); $item->product_sku .= $table->productattributeoption_code; // store a csv of the attrib names, built by Attribute name + Attribute option name if (empty($pa[$table->productattribute_id])) { $pa[$table->productattribute_id] = DSCTable::getInstance('ProductAttributes', 'TiendaTable'); $pa[$table->productattribute_id]->load($table->productattribute_id); } $atable = $pa[$table->productattribute_id]; if (!empty($atable->productattribute_id)) { $name = JText::_($atable->productattribute_name) . ': ' . JText::_($table->productattributeoption_name); $attributes_names[] = $name; } else { $attributes_names[] = JText::_($table->productattributeoption_name); } } // Could someone explain to me why this is necessary? if ($item->orderitem_attributes_price >= 0) { // formatted for storage in the DB $item->orderitem_attributes_price = "+{$item->orderitem_attributes_price}"; } } $item->attributes_names = implode(', ', $attributes_names); } $this->_list = $items; } return $this->_list; }
/** * Clean the cache * * @return void * * @since 11.1 */ public function clearCache() { parent::clearCache(); self::clearCacheAuxiliary(); }
public function getList($refresh = false, $getEav = true, $options = array()) { $list = parent::getList($refresh, $getEav, $options); // If no item in the list, return an array() if (empty($list)) { return array(); } foreach ($list as $item) { $item->link = 'index.php?option=com_tienda&view=orderitems&task=edit&id=' . $item->orderitem_id; } return $list; }