         * Outputs the content of the widget.
         * @author Richard Tape
         * @package themeists_latest_blog_posts
         * @since 1.0
         * @param (array) $args - The array of form elements
         * @param (array) $instance - The saved options from the widget controls
         * @return None
        function widget($args, $instance)
            extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
            echo $before_widget;
            //Get vars
            $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? false : $instance['title'], $instance, self::slug);
            $subtitle = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['subtitle']) ? false : $instance['subtitle'], $instance, self::slug);
            //How many posts to show
            $num_to_show = isset($instance['num_to_show']) ? intval($instance['num_to_show']) : 3;
            //What post type to show
            $type_to_show = isset($instance['type_to_show']) ? $instance['type_to_show'] : 'post';
            //Whether to limit to a specific taxonomy or not
            $tax_to_show = isset($instance['tax_to_show']) ? $instance['tax_to_show'] : false;
            //Whether to limit to a specific taxonomy term or not
            $term_to_show = isset($instance['term_to_show']) ? $instance['term_to_show'] : false;
            //Show a "read more" button
            $show_more_button = isset($instance['show_more_button']) ? $instance['show_more_button'] : false;
            $button_text = isset($instance['button_text']) ? strip_tags($instance['button_text']) : false;
            $button_link = isset($instance['button_link']) ? $instance['button_link'] : false;
            //Show the thumbnail?
            $show_thumbnail = isset($instance['show_thumbnail']) ? $instance['show_thumbnail'] : false;
            //Show the number of comments?
            $show_comments = isset($instance['show_comments']) ? $instance['show_comments'] : false;
            //Show date
            $show_date = isset($instance['show_date']) ? $instance['show_date'] : false;
            //Show author
            $show_author = isset($instance['show_author']) ? $instance['show_author'] : false;
            //If our like plugin is activated, show the option to show the number of likes for the post
            $show_likes = isset($instance['show_likes']) ? $instance['show_likes'] : false;
            //Now we have our values, we are going to run them through some custom filters so we can modify the output

            echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_container_open', '<div class="row">');
            if ($title) {
                echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;

            								Build the loop query based on the widget settings
            $query_args = array('posts_per_page' => $num_to_show, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1);
            //If we have a post type selected, add it to the args
            if ($type_to_show) {
                $query_args['post_type'] = $type_to_show;
            //If we have a taxonomy selected, add that to the args
            if ($tax_to_show && $term_to_show) {
                $query_args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $tax_to_show, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term_to_show));
            //Get ourselves a query object **don't forget to run wp_reset_postdata()**
            $lbp = new WP_Query(apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_query_args', $query_args));
            /* ===================================================================
            			Now the loop is built, we need to output our markup. We check if the 
            			current theme has a template file for this widget. If it does, we use
            			that, otherwise we output the default widget markup.
            			=================================================================== */
            if ($lbp->have_posts()) {
                if (locate_template('/templates/latest_blog_posts_widget.php') != '') {
                    include locate_template('/templates/latest_blog_posts_widget.php');
                } else {
                    if ($show_more_button == 1) {
                        echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_more_button', '');
                    echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_list_open', "<ul class='show_{$num_to_show}'>", $query_args, $num_to_show);
                    while ($lbp->have_posts()) {

										<li class="lbp_widget_post_<?php 
                        echo get_the_ID();
 columns <?php 
                        echo incipio_convert_number_to_words(12 / $num_to_show);

                        if ($show_thumbnail == 1) {

												<div class="hover_block">

													<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
" class="lbp_thumb">
														<div class="box">

                            the_post_thumbnail(apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_thumbnail_size', 'lbp_thumb'));
															<div class="onhover">
                            echo apply_filters('themeists_lbp_read_more_text', '
															</div><!-- .details -->


												</div><!-- .mosaic-block -->


											<h4 class="<?php 
                        echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_post_title_classes', 'widget_post_title');
												<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 

											<div class="<?php 
                        echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_post_excerpt_classes', 'widget_post_excerpt');
											</div><!-- .widget_post_excerpt -->

                        if ($show_comments == 1 || $show_date == 1 || $show_author == 1 || $show_likes == 1) {

												<ul class="<?php 
                            echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_post_meta_classes', 'widget_post_meta');

                            if ($show_comments == 1) {
													<li class="lbp_comments li_with_icon">
														<a href="<?php 
#comments" title="<?php 
                                comments_number(__('0 comments', THEMENAME), __('1 comment', THEMENAME), __('% comments', THEMENAME));

                            if ($show_date == 1) {
													<li class="lbp_date">
                                the_time('M j, Y');

                            if ($show_author == 1) {
													<li class="lbp_author li_with_icon">

                            if ($show_likes == 1) {
													<li class="lbp_likes">

												</ul><!-- .widget_post_meta -->



                    echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_list_close', '</ul>', $query_args);
            echo apply_filters('themeists_widget_lbp_container_close', '</div>');

            echo $after_widget;
						<li class="lbp_author li_with_icon">

        if ($show_likes == 1) {
						<li class="lbp_likes">

					</ul><!-- .widget_post_meta -->


