<?php require_once __DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'bootstrap.php'; $weight = 0; if (is_cli()) { $testimonial = new Testimonial(); $testimonial->setName('Peter Wang'); $testimonial->setFrom('UNSW master student'); $testimonial->setComment('Great service! I got my uni offer in just 20 days. Thumbs up!'); $testimonial->setImage('files/testimonial/1.jpg'); $testimonial->save(); $testimonial = new Testimonial(); $testimonial->setName('Helen White'); $testimonial->setFrom('Staint George College'); $testimonial->setComment('The staff at Century 21 are very open and helpful. Whenever I\'ve got any enquiry, they always respond me promptly. Nice job!'); $testimonial->setImage('files/testimonial/2.jpg'); $testimonial->save(); $testimonial = new Testimonial(); $testimonial->setName('Steven Tan'); $testimonial->setFrom('English course student in UOW'); $testimonial->setComment('I was an oversea student and not so good with my English. Century 21 assisted me finding the right English language instition and I now have got my college offer. All thanks to them!'); $testimonial->setImage('files/testimonial/3.jpg'); $testimonial->save(); $testimonial = new Testimonial(); $testimonial->setName('Mike Nash'); $testimonial->setFrom('High school student at ACIIA'); $testimonial->setComment('Very appreciated for the free consulation. Century 21 provided me all the school details free of charge. I choose their service and got the offer!'); $testimonial->setImage('files/testimonial/4.jpg'); $testimonial->save(); }
} // validation for $comment $comment = isset($_POST["comment"]) ? $_POST["comment"] : null; if (empty($comment)) { Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "comment is required.", "zh" => "请填写comment")))); $error_flag = true; } // validation for $from $from = isset($_POST["from"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["from"]) : null; /// proceed submission // proceed for $name $object->setName($name); // proceed for $image $object->setImage($image); // proceed for $comment $object->setComment($comment); // proceed for $from $object->setFrom($from); if ($error_flag == false) { if ($object->save()) { Message::register(new Message(Message::SUCCESS, i18n(array("en" => "Record saved", "zh" => "记录保存成功")))); HTML::forwardBackToReferer(); } else { Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "Record failed to save", "zh" => "记录保存失败")))); } } } $html = new HTML(); $html->renderOut('core/backend/html_header', array('title' => i18n(array('en' => 'Create Testimonial', 'zh' => 'Create 客户评语')))); $html->output('<div id="wrapper">'); $html->renderOut('core/backend/header');