예제 #1

include '../before.php';
include '../../../src/php/example.php';
Tester::describe('Example Tests', Tester::describe('__construct', Tester::it('should construct.', Tester::func('construct'), '')) . Tester::describe('square', Tester::it('should square a number.', Tester::func('square'), 4)) . Tester::describe('add_two', Tester::it('should add two to a number.', Tester::func('addTwo'), 5)) . Tester::describe('positive', Tester::it('should detect a positive number.', Tester::func('positive'), true) . Tester::it('should detect a negative number.', Tester::func('negative'), 'true')) . Tester::describe('Demo of auto-loading of a Mocked class', Tester::it('should say hello.', Tester::func('runAmock', 'hello!'), 'hello!')), true);
/* Functions to return values for the test inputs */
function construct()
    $example = new Example();
function square()
    $example = new Example();
    return $example->square(2);
function addTwo()
    return Example::add_two(3);
function positive()
    return Example::positive(6);
function negative()
    return Tester::bool_to_string(Example::positive(-1));
function runAmock($msg)
예제 #2

include '../before.php';
Tester::describe('Capture HTML Example', Tester::describe('Do HTML', Tester::it('should output code.', Tester::func('html'), 'Some text')), true);
/* Functions to return values for the test inputs */
function html()
    echo "<p>Some text</p>";
예제 #3

include '../before.php';
Tester::describe('Divide by Zero Error Example', Tester::describe('Do Math', Tester::it('should do math.', Tester::func('doMath'), 4)), true);
/* Functions to return values for the test inputs */
function doMath()
    $x = 1;
    return $x / 0;
예제 #4

include '../before.php';
Tester::describe('Undefined Variable Example', Tester::describe('__construct', Tester::it('should construct.', Tester::func('construct'), '')) . Tester::describe('hello', Tester::it('should say hello.', Tester::func('sayHello'), 'hello')), true);
/* Functions to return values for the test inputs */
function construct()
    return $unknown_var;
function sayHello()
    return 'hello';