예제 #1
  * @expectedException \Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException 
 public function testShowMergeIsRequiredBetweenDifferentPersistenceCtxt()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // User
     $u = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
     $regFLSupportRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::REG_FIRST_LINE_SUPPORT);
     // If we create a new $this->em as below, we would need to merge detatched $u
     // and $regFLSupportRT entities back into this persistence context
     // before we can call a persist again (a persist on these entities
     // called either by a CASCADE or direct call)!
     $this->em = $this->createEntityManager();
     // simply requires bootstrap_doctrine.php
     //$u = $this->em->merge($u);
     //$regFLSupportRT = $this->em->merge($regFLSupportRT);
     // Create new NGI
     $n = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
     $roleNgi = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $regFLSupportRT, $n, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // the flush below is what causes the expected exception
예제 #2

 * Include this file in your tests in order to persist a set of known fixuture data 
 * for subsequent use in testing.
 * The Fixture data consists of NGI, Sites, Services, User and Roles etc. 
 * If you update this fixture data, make sure you update the tests that 
 * include this file as the tests assume a known fixture data structure. 
 * See the corresponding fixtureDataERD.svg file for an ERD of this fixture data 
 * @author David Meredith 
$roleType1 = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("NAME");
$roleType2 = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("NAME2");
// Create a user
$userWithRoles = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
$userId = $userWithRoles->getId();
// Create an NGI, site and services
$ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
$site1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite('site1');
$site2 = TestUtil::createSampleSite('site2');
$service1 = TestUtil::createSampleService('site1_service1');
$service2 = TestUtil::createSampleService('site1_service2');
$endpoint1 = TestUtil::createSampleEndpointLocation();
$downtime1 = TestUtil::createSampleDowntime();
$downtime2 = TestUtil::createSampleDowntime();
  * Persist some seed data - roletypes, user, Project, NGI, sites and SEs and 
  * assert that the user has the expected number of roles that grant specific 
  * actions over the owned objects. For example, assert that the user has 'n' 
  * number of roles that allow a particular site to be edited, or 'n' number 
  * of roles that allow an NGI certification status change.  
 public function testAuthorizeAction1()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // Create roletypes
     $siteAdminRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN);
     $ngiManRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN);
     $rodRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD);
     $codRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN);
     // edit site1 (but not cert status)
     // edit owned site1/site2 and cert status
     // edit owned sites 1and2 (but not cert status)
     // edit all sites cert status only
     // Create a user
     $u = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
     // Create a linked object graph
     // NGI->Site1->SE
     //   |->Site2
     $ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
     $site1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME");
     $se1 = TestUtil::createSampleService('somelabel');
     $site2_userHasNoDirectRole = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME_2");
     // Create ngiManagerRole, ngiUserRole, siteAdminRole and link user and owned entities
     $ngiManagerRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $ngiManRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $rodUserRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $rodRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $siteAdminRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $siteAdminRT, $site1, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // ********MUST******** start a new connection to test transactional
     // isolation of RoleService methods.
     $em = $this->createEntityManager();
     $siteService = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     // Assert user can edit site using 3 enabling roles
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can only edit cert status through his NGI_OPS_MAN role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Add a new project and link ngi and give user COD_ADMIN Project role (use $this->em to isolate)
     // Project->NGI->Site1->SE
     //            |->Site2
     $proj = new Project('EGI project');
     //$ngi->addProject($proj); // not strictly needed
     $codRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $codRT, $proj, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // Assert user now has 2 roles that enable SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS change action
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can edit SE using SITE_ADMIN, NGI_OPS_MAN, REG_STAFF_ROD roles (but not COD role)
     $seService = new org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     $enablingRoles = $seService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $se1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert User can only edit Site2 through his 2 indirect ngi roles
     // (user don't have any direct site level roles on this site and COD don't give edit perm)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's Project COD role
     // Assert user can only SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS through 1 role for both sites
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI manager role
     // Assert user can't edit site2 cert status
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit site via his ROD role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI ROD role
     // User can't edit site2
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit SITE1 through his direct site level role (this role has not been deleted)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete user's remaining Site role
     // User can't edit site1
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
예제 #4
 public function testGetUserRoles()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // Create two roletypes
     $ngiRoleType = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("RT1_NAME");
     $siteRoleType = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("RT2_NAME");
     // Create a user
     $u = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
     // Create an NGI
     $ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
     // Create a Role and link to the User, ngiRoleType and ngi
     $roleNgi = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $ngiRoleType, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // Create a site
     $site1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME");
     // Create another role and link to the User, siteRoleType and site
     $roleSite = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $siteRoleType, $site1, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // Create a second and third sites and add to the NGI, but DO NOT add direct
     // roles over those sites for the user. The user will still have role
     // over the sites because they have a role over the NGI !
     $site2 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME2");
     $site3 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME3");
     // ********MUST******** start a new connection to test transactional
     // isolation of RoleService methods.
     $em = $this->createEntityManager();
     $roleService = new org\gocdb\services\Role();
     // assert that user has expected roles
     $roles = $roleService->getUserRoles($u, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($roles));
     $this->assertTrue(count($roleService->getUserRoleNamesOverEntity($ngi, $u)) == 1);
     $this->assertTrue(count($roleService->getUserRoleNamesOverEntity($site1, $u)) == 1);
     $this->assertTrue(count($roleService->getUserRoleNamesOverEntity($site2, $u)) == 0);
     $this->assertTrue(count($roleService->getUserRoleNamesOverEntity($site3, $u)) == 0);
     // assert that the user has an expected site count with roles over those sites
     $mySites = $roleService->getReachableSitesFromOwnedObjectRoles($u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, sizeof($mySites));
     // assert user don't have these pending/revoked roles
     $roles = $roleService->getUserRoles($u, RoleStatus::PENDING);
예제 #5
  * Ensure no duplicate role types are inserted
  * @expectedException \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException
 public function testDuplicateRoleTypes()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // Should throw an expected exception because the role type Name value
     // must be unique
     $rt1 = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("RoleName");
     $rt2 = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType("RoleName");