public function registrar()
     $proteccion = new Proteccion();
     $nombre = $proteccion->html($_POST['nombre']);
     $apellido = $proteccion->html($_POST['apellido']);
     $sexo = $proteccion->html($_POST['sexo']);
     $fecha_nacimiento = $proteccion->html($_POST['fecha_nacimiento']);
     $direccion = $proteccion->html($_POST['direccion']);
     $email = $proteccion->html($_POST['email']);
     $dni = $proteccion->html($_POST['dni']);
     $pass = $proteccion->html($_POST['password']);
     $persona = new Usuario($email, $pass);
     $existe = $persona->existe();
     if ($existe) {
         $tp = new TemplatePower("templates/registro.html");
         $tp->assign("usuario", $email);
         $webapp = $tp->getOutputContent();
     } else {
         $persona->setDatosUsuario($nombre, $apellido, $sexo, $fecha_nacimiento, $direccion, $dni);
         $_SESSION['user'] = $email;
         $tp = new TemplatePower("templates/index.html");
         $tp->assign("usuario", $_SESSION['user']);
         $webapp = $tp->getOutputContent();
     echo $webapp;
 public function consultarReserva()
     $proteccion = new Proteccion();
     $cod_reserva = $proteccion->html($_POST['cod_reserva']);
     $reserva = new Reserva();
     $result = $reserva->BuscarReserva($cod_reserva);
     foreach ($result['result'] as $r) {
         $cod_reserva = $r['cod_reserva'];
     $nom_hotel = $r['nom_hotel'];
     $nombre = $r['nombre'];
     $apellido = $r['apellido'];
     $email = $r['email'];
     $fec_llegada = $r['fec_llegada'];
     $fec_salida = $r['fec_salida'];
     $fec_reserva = $r['fec_reserva'];
     $piso = $r['piso'];
     $ubicacion = $r['ubicacion'];
     $tp = new TemplatePower("templates/reserva.html");
     $tp->assign("cod_reserva", $cod_reserva);
     $tp->assign("nom_hotel", $nom_hotel);
     $tp->assign("nombre", $nombre);
     $tp->assign("apellido", $apellido);
     $tp->assign("email", $email);
     $tp->assign("fec_llegada", $fec_llegada);
     $tp->assign("fec_salida", $fec_salida);
     $tp->assign("fec_reserva", $fec_reserva);
     $tp->assign("piso", $piso);
     $tp->assign("ubicacion", $ubicacion);
     echo $tp->getOutputContent();
예제 #3
function makePlanetTooltip($options, $actions, $actionName = 'missiontype')
    global $lang;
    if (!$options or !is_array($options)) {
        return false;
    $tp = new TemplatePower(PATH . TEMPLATE_DIR . TEMPLATE_NAME . "/planet_actions.tpl");
    switch ($options[type]) {
        case "planet":
        case "moon":
        case "debris":
        case "ally":
            return false;
    $actionName = $lang[$actionName];
    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
        $tp->assign($k, $v);
    if ($actions and is_array($actions)) {
        foreach ($actions[id] as $k => $actionId) {
            //echo $actionId . "<-- <br>";
            $tp->newBlock($options[type] . "_actions");
            $tp->assign("action_name", $actionName[$actionId]);
            $tp->assign("action_link", $actions[alink][$k]);
    $tool = $tp->getOutputContent();
    $find = array('"', "'", "\n", "\r");
    $rep = array('\\"', "\\'", "", "");
    $tool = str_replace($find, $rep, $tool);
    return $tool;
 function hotel($idHotel)
     $mhotels = new MHotels();
     $result = $mhotels->buscar_id($idHotel);
     foreach ($result['result'] as $r) {
         $nombreHotel = $r['nom_hotel'];
         $prov = $r['provincia'];
         $local = $r['localidad'];
         $calle = $r['calle'];
         $ncalle = $r['nro_calle'];
         $tel = $r['telefono'];
         $precio = $r['precio_persona'];
         $cant_imagenes = $r['cant_imagenes'];
         $descripcion = $r['descripcion'];
     $tp = new TemplatePower("templates/hotel.html");
     $tp->assign("nombre", $nombreHotel);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $cant_imagenes; $i++) {
         $tp->assign("nombre", $nombreHotel);
         $tp->assign("numero", $i);
     $tp->assign("descripcion", $descripcion);
     $tp->assign("prov", $prov);
     $tp->assign("local", $local);
     $tp->assign("calle", $calle);
     $tp->assign("ncalle", $ncalle);
     $tp->assign("tel", $tel);
     $tp->assign("precio", $precio);
     if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
         $tp->assign("idHotel", $idHotel);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
     echo $tp->getOutputContent();
예제 #5
function savePluginFile($tplName, $fileName, $fields)
    $pluginTpl = PATH_GULLIVER_HOME . 'bin' . PATH_SEP . 'tasks' . PATH_SEP . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . $tplName . '.tpl';
    $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
    if (is_array($fields)) {
        foreach ($fields as $block => $data) {
            if (is_array($data)) {
                foreach ($data as $rowId => $row) {
                    foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
                        $template->assign($key, $val);
            } else {
                $template->assign($block, $data);
    $content = $template->getOutputContent();
    $iSize = file_put_contents($fileName, $content);
    return $iSize;
예제 #6
    if ($result['found']) {
        foreach ($result['result'] as $r) {
            $tpl->assign("idHotel", $r['id_hotel']);
            $tpl->assign("name", $r['nom_hotel']);
            $tpl->assign("prov", $r['provincia']);
            $tpl->assign("local", $r['localidad']);
            $tpl->assign("calle", $r['calle']);
            $tpl->assign("ncalle", $r['nro_calle']);
            $tpl->assign("tel", $r['telefono']);
            $tpl->assign("precio", $r['precio_persona']);
    } else {
    $webapp = $tpl->getOutputContent();
} else {
    if (!strpos($_REQUEST["action"], "::")) {
        $_REQUEST["action"] .= "::main";
    $array = explode('::', $_REQUEST["action"]);
    $tam = count($array);
    if ($tam == 2) {
        list($classParam, $method) = $array;
    if ($tam == 3) {
        list($classParam, $method, $param1) = $array;
    if ($tam == 4) {
        list($classParam, $method, $param1, $param2) = $array;
        require_once 'classes/model/Step.php';
        $oStep = new Step();
        $sUidGrids = $oStep->lookingforUidGrids($sPRO_UID, $sDYNAFORM);
        $template->assign("URL_MABORAK_JS", G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/js/maborak/core/maborak.js"));
        $template->assign("URL_TRANSLATION_ENV_JS", G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/jscore/labels/" . SYS_LANG . ".js"));
        $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
        $template->assign("sysSys", SYS_SYS);
        $template->assign("sysLang", SYS_LANG);
        $template->assign("sysSkin", SYS_SKIN);
        $template->assign("processUid", $sPRO_UID);
        $template->assign("dynaformUid", $sDYNAFORM);
        $template->assign("taskUid", $sTASKS);
        $template->assign("dynFileName", $sPRO_UID . "/" . $sDYNAFORM);
        $template->assign("formId", $G_FORM->id);
        $template->assign("scriptCode", $scriptCode);
        if (sizeof($sUidGrids) > 0) {
            foreach ($sUidGrids as $k => $v) {
                $template->assign('siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
                $template->assign('gridFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $v);
        print_r('<textarea cols="77" rows="26" style="width:100%; height:99%">' . htmlentities(str_replace('</body>', '</form></body>', str_replace('</form>', '', $template->getOutputContent()))) . '</textarea>');
        G::auditLog('WebEntry', 'Generate web entry with single HTML (dynaform uid: ' . $sDYNAFORM . ') in process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
    $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
    $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage);
    G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw');
예제 #8
 function update($aData)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(EventPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $oEvent = EventPeer::retrieveByPK($aData['EVN_UID']);
         if (!is_null($oEvent)) {
             //$oEvent->setProUid( $aData['PRO_UID'] );
             if (isset($aData['EVN_RELATED_TO'])) {
                 if ($aData['EVN_RELATED_TO'] == 'SINGLE') {
                     if (isset($aData['TAS_UID']) && $aData['TAS_UID'] != '') {
                 } else {
                     if (isset($aData['EVN_TAS_UID_TO'])) {
                     if (isset($aData['EVN_TAS_UID_FROM'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_POSX'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_POSY'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_TAS_ESTIMATED_DURATION'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_WHEN_OCCURS'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_STATUS'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_WHEN'])) {
             if (isset($aData['TRI_UID'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_TYPE'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_CONDITIONS'])) {
             if (isset($aData['EVN_ACTION'])) {
             //if ( isset ($aData['ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS'] )) $oEvent->setEvnMaxAttempts( 3 );
             if (isset($aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']) && $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS'] != 0) {
                 $oTP = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'events' . PATH_SEP . 'sendMessage.tpl');
                 $oTP->assign('from', '*****@*****.**');
                 $oTP->assign('subject', addslashes($aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['SUBJECT']));
                 $oTP->assign('template', $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['TEMPLATE']);
                 $oTP->assign('timestamp', date("l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"));
                 $recipientTO = implode(',', $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['TO']);
                 $recipientCC = implode(',', $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['CC']);
                 $recipientBCC = implode(',', $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['BCC']);
                 $oTP->assign('TO', addslashes($recipientTO));
                 $oTP->assign('CC', addslashes($recipientCC));
                 $oTP->assign('BCC', addslashes($recipientBCC));
                 $sTrigger = $oTP->getOutputContent();
                 $oTrigger = new Triggers();
                 $aTrigger = $oTrigger->load($oEvent->getTriUid());
                 $aTrigger['TRI_WEBBOT'] = $sTrigger;
                 $oParameters = new StdClass();
                 $oParameters->hash = md5($sTrigger);
                 $oParameters->SUBJECT = $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['SUBJECT'];
                 $oParameters->TO = $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['TO'];
                 $oParameters->CC = $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['CC'];
                 $oParameters->BCC = $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['BCC'];
                 $oParameters->TEMPLATE = $aData['EVN_ACTION_PARAMETERS']['TEMPLATE'];
                 //$oParameters->TRI_UID  = $sTrigger->getTriUid();
             if ($oEvent->validate()) {
                 //start the transaction
                 if (array_key_exists('EVN_DESCRIPTION', $aData)) {
                 $iResult = $oEvent->save();
                 return $iResult;
             } else {
                 $sMessage = '';
                 $aValidationFailures = $oEvent->getValidationFailures();
                 foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                     $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
                 throw new Exception('The registry cannot be updated!<br />' . $sMessage);
         } else {
             throw new Exception('This row doesn\'t exist!');
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
예제 #9
파일: galaxy.php 프로젝트: sonicmaster/RPG
            // ACTIONS
            $actions = _TooltipActions($planetsrow[$i], $g, $s, $i, 0);
            $tp->assign("actions", $actions);
        } else {
            // ADD BLANK TDS ?
    $replace[fleet_count] = $MaxFleetCount;
    $replace[fleet_max] = $FleetMax;
    $replace[Recyclers] = pretty_number($CurrentRC);
    $replace[SpyProbes] = pretty_number($CurrentSP);
    $replace[CurrentMIP] = pretty_number($CurrentMIP);
    $replace[this_galaxy] = $planetrow['galaxy'];
    $replace[this_system] = $planetrow['system'];
    $replace[this_planet] = $planetrow['planet'];
    $replace[this_planet_type] = $planetrow['planet_type'];
    $replace[PHP_SELF] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (is_array($replace)) {
        foreach ($replace as $k => $v) {
            $tp->assign($k, $v);
    $lang[dpath] = $dpath;
    foreach ($lang as $name => $trans) {
        $tp->assignGlobal($name, $trans);
    $galaxy = $tp->getOutputContent();
    display($galaxy, 'Galaxy', false);
예제 #10
    //para el caso de que queramos añadir una mascota desde el perfil de un propietario
    if ($_GET['dni']) {
        $tplPacientes->assign('dni', $_GET['dni']);
    } else {
        $tplPacientes->assign('disp_class', 'hidden');
    //creamos el bloque que nos mostrará la lista de todos los pacientes ordenados por especie y mostramos
    $query = 'SELECT *
                     FROM pacientes
                     ORDER BY especie';
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        echo mysql_error();
    } else {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $tplPacientes->assign('historia', $row['historia']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('nombre', $row['nombre_pac']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('especie', $row['especie']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('edad', $row['edad']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('sexo', $row['sexo']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('raza', $row['raza']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('dni_propietario', $row['dni_propietario']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('remitente', $row['remitente']);
            $tplPacientes->assign('id_pac', $row['id_pac']);
$tplIndex->assign("contenido", $tplPacientes->getOutputContent());
예제 #11
  * Set value in WE_DATA
  * @param string $webEntryUid Unique id of Web Entry
  * return void
 public function setWeData($webEntryUid)
     try {
         //Verify data
         $this->throwExceptionIfNotExistsWebEntry($webEntryUid, $this->arrayFieldNameForException["webEntryUid"]);
         //Set variables
         $arrayWebEntryData = $this->getWebEntry($webEntryUid, true);
         $processUid = $arrayWebEntryData["PRO_UID"];
         $taskUid = $arrayWebEntryData["TAS_UID"];
         $dynaFormUid = $arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"];
         $webEntryMethod = $arrayWebEntryData["WE_METHOD"];
         $webEntryInputDocumentAccess = $arrayWebEntryData["WE_INPUT_DOCUMENT_ACCESS"];
         $webEntryData = "";
         $wsRoundRobin = 0;
         //0, 1 //0 - Cyclical Assignment
         $pathDataPublicProcess = PATH_DATA_PUBLIC . $processUid;
         //Delete previous files
         if (trim($arrayWebEntryData["WE_DATA"]) != "") {
             $fileName = str_replace(".php", "", trim($arrayWebEntryData["WE_DATA"]));
             $file = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . ".php";
             if (is_file($file) && file_exists($file)) {
                 unlink($pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . "Post.php");
         //Create files
         \G::mk_dir($pathDataPublicProcess, 0777);
         $http = \G::is_https() ? "https://" : "http://";
         switch ($webEntryMethod) {
             case "WS":
                 require_once PATH_RBAC . "model" . PATH_SEP . "RbacUsers.php";
                 $user = new \RbacUsers();
                 $arrayUserData = $user->load($arrayWebEntryData["USR_UID"]);
                 $usrUsername = $arrayUserData["USR_USERNAME"];
                 $usrPassword = $arrayUserData["USR_PASSWORD"];
                 $dynaForm = new \Dynaform();
                 $arrayDynaFormData = $dynaForm->Load($arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"]);
                 $sitePublicPath = "";
                 if (file_exists($sitePublicPath . "")) {
                 //Creating the first file
                 $weTitle = $this->sanitizeFilename($arrayWebEntryData["WE_TITLE"]);
                 $fileName = $weTitle;
                 $fileContent = "<?php\n";
                 $fileContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n";
                 $fileContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n";
                 $fileContent .= "  \$_DBArray = array();\n";
                 $fileContent .= "}\n";
                 $fileContent .= "\$_SESSION[\"PROCESS\"] = \"" . $processUid . "\";\n";
                 $fileContent .= "\$_SESSION[\"CURRENT_DYN_UID\"] = \"" . $dynaFormUid . "\";\n";
                 $fileContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();\n";
                 $fileContent .= "G::LoadClass(\"pmDynaform\");\n";
                 $fileContent .= "\$a = new pmDynaform(array(\"CURRENT_DYNAFORM\" => \"" . $arrayWebEntryData["DYN_UID"] . "\"));\n";
                 $fileContent .= "if (\$a->isResponsive()) {";
                 $fileContent .= "  \$a->printWebEntry(\"" . $fileName . "Post.php\");";
                 $fileContent .= "} else {";
                 $fileContent .= "  \$G_PUBLISH->AddContent(\"dynaform\", \"xmlform\", \"" . $processUid . PATH_SEP . $dynaFormUid . "\", \"\", array(), \"" . $fileName . "Post.php\");\n";
                 $fileContent .= "  G::RenderPage(\"publish\", \"blank\");";
                 $fileContent .= "}";
                 file_put_contents($pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $fileName . ".php", $fileContent);
                 //Creating the second file, the  post file who receive the post form.
                 $pluginTpl = PATH_TPL . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "webentryPost.tpl";
                 $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
                 $template->assign("wsdlUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/wsdl2");
                 $template->assign("wsUploadUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/upload");
                 $template->assign("processUid", $processUid);
                 $template->assign("dynaformUid", $dynaFormUid);
                 $template->assign("taskUid", $taskUid);
                 $template->assign("wsUser", $usrUsername);
                 $template->assign("wsPass", \Bootstrap::getPasswordHashType() . ':' . $usrPassword);
                 $template->assign("wsRoundRobin", $wsRoundRobin);
                 if ($webEntryInputDocumentAccess == 0) {
                     //Restricted to process permissions
                     $template->assign("USR_VAR", "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t  \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;");
                 } else {
                     //No Restriction
                     $template->assign("USR_VAR", "\$USR_UID = -1;");
                 $template->assign("dynaform", $arrayDynaFormData["DYN_TITLE"]);
                 $template->assign("timestamp", date("l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"));
                 $template->assign("ws", SYS_SYS);
                 $template->assign("version", \System::getVersion());
                 $fileName = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . $weTitle . "Post.php";
                 file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
                 //Creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exist.
                 $fileName = $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php";
                 $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . "templates" . PATH_SEP . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php";
                 if (file_exists($fileName)) {
                     if (filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl)) {
                         copy($fileName, $pathDataPublicProcess . PATH_SEP . "wsClient.php.bak");
                         $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
                         file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
                 } else {
                     $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
                     file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
                 $task = new \Task();
                 $arrayTaskData = $task->load($arrayWebEntryData["TAS_UID"]);
                 $weEventUid = $task->getStartingEvent();
                 if ($weEventUid != "") {
                     $event = new \Event();
                     $arrayEventData = array();
                     $arrayEventData["EVN_UID"] = $weEventUid;
                     $arrayEventData["EVN_RELATED_TO"] = "MULTIPLE";
                     $arrayEventData["EVN_ACTION"] = $dynaFormUid;
                     $arrayEventData["EVN_CONDITIONS"] = $usrUsername;
                     $result = $event->update($arrayEventData);
                 $webEntryData = $weTitle . ".php";
             case "HTML":
                 global $G_FORM;
                 if (!class_exists("Smarty")) {
                     $loader = \Maveriks\Util\ClassLoader::getInstance();
                     $loader->addClass("Smarty", PATH_THIRDPARTY . "smarty" . PATH_SEP . "libs" . PATH_SEP . "Smarty.class.php");
                 $G_FORM = new \Form($processUid . "/" . $dynaFormUid, PATH_DYNAFORM, SYS_LANG, false);
                 $G_FORM->action = $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/services/cases_StartExternal.php";
                 $scriptCode = "";
                 $scriptCode = $G_FORM->render(PATH_TPL . "xmlform" . ".html", $scriptCode);
                 $scriptCode = str_replace("/controls/", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/controls/", $scriptCode);
                 $scriptCode = str_replace("/js/maborak/core/images/", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/js/maborak/core/images/", $scriptCode);
                 //Render the template
                 $pluginTpl = PATH_TPL . "processes" . PATH_SEP . "webentry.tpl";
                 $template = new \TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
                 $step = new \Step();
                 $sUidGrids = $step->lookingforUidGrids($processUid, $dynaFormUid);
                 $template->assign("URL_MABORAK_JS", \G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/js/maborak/core/maborak.js"));
                 $template->assign("URL_TRANSLATION_ENV_JS", \G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/jscore/labels/" . SYS_LANG . ".js"));
                 $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
                 $template->assign("sysSys", SYS_SYS);
                 $template->assign("sysLang", SYS_LANG);
                 $template->assign("sysSkin", SYS_SKIN);
                 $template->assign("processUid", $processUid);
                 $template->assign("dynaformUid", $dynaFormUid);
                 $template->assign("taskUid", $taskUid);
                 $template->assign("dynFileName", $processUid . "/" . $dynaFormUid);
                 $template->assign("formId", $G_FORM->id);
                 $template->assign("scriptCode", $scriptCode);
                 if (sizeof($sUidGrids) > 0) {
                     foreach ($sUidGrids as $k => $v) {
                         $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
                         $template->assign("gridFileName", $processUid . "/" . $v);
                 $html = str_replace("</body>", "</form></body>", str_replace("</form>", "", $template->getOutputContent()));
                 $webEntryData = $html;
         //Update where
         $criteriaWhere = new \Criteria("workflow");
         $criteriaWhere->add(\WebEntryPeer::WE_UID, $webEntryUid);
         //Update set
         $criteriaSet = new \Criteria("workflow");
         $criteriaSet->add(\WebEntryPeer::WE_DATA, $webEntryData);
         \BasePeer::doUpdate($criteriaWhere, $criteriaSet, \Propel::getConnection("workflow"));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
  * generateJrxmlFromDynaform
  * @param string $outDocUid
  * @param string $dynaformUid
  * @param object $template
  * @return void
 function generateJrxmlFromDynaform($outDocUid, $dynaformUid, $template)
     require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php';
     $dyn = new Dynaform();
     $aFields = $dyn->load($dynaformUid);
     $xmlFields = $dyn->getDynaformFields($dynaformUid);
     $reportTpl = PATH_TPL . 'javaBridgePM/classic.xml';
     $reportFilename = PATH_DYNAFORM . $aFields['PRO_UID'] . PATH_SEP . $outDocUid . '.jrxml';
     foreach ($xmlFields as $key => $val) {
         if ($val->type == 'submit' || $val->type == 'button' || $val->type == 'title' || $val->type == 'subtitle') {
     //$sqlSentence = 'SELECT * from ' . $tableName;
     $sqlSentence = 'dynaform/';
     $template = new TemplatePower($reportTpl);
     $template->assign('sqlSentence', $sqlSentence);
     $template->assign('tableName', $aFields['DYN_TITLE']);
     $template->assign('heightDetail', count($xmlFields) * 15 + 20);
     $template->assign('PAGE_NUMBER', '{PAGE_NUMBER}');
     $logoReporte = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '/images/processmaker.logo.jpg';
     $template->assign('logoReporte', $logoReporte);
     foreach ($xmlFields as $key => $val) {
         $template->assign('fieldName', $key);
     $posX = 140;
     $posLabelX = 5;
     $posY = 10;
     foreach ($xmlFields as $key => $val) {
         $template->assign('fieldName', '{' . $key . '}');
         $template->assign('fieldLabel', $key);
         $template->assign('labelPosX', $posLabelX);
         $template->assign('fieldPosX', $posX);
         $template->assign('fieldPosY', $posY);
         $posY += 15;
     $content = $template->getOutputContent();
     $iSize = file_put_contents($reportFilename, $content);
     printf("saved %s bytes in file %s \n", $iSize, $reportFilename);
예제 #13
  * Formata a news padrão da linklar
  * @params string $titulo
  * @params string $texto
  * @returns html formatada.
 public function formataEmail($titulo, $texto)
     global $geral;
     $MAIL = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "includes/mail.tpl");
     $MAIL->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH);
     $MAIL->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH);
     $MAIL->assign('titulo', $titulo);
     $MAIL->assign('texto', $texto);
     return $MAIL->getOutputContent();
예제 #14
  * Send a test email
  * @param array $arrayData Data
  * return array Return array with result of send test mail
 public function sendTestMail(array $arrayData)
     try {
         $aConfiguration = array("MESS_ENGINE" => $arrayData["MESS_ENGINE"], "MESS_SERVER" => $arrayData["MESS_SERVER"], "MESS_PORT" => (int) $arrayData["MESS_PORT"], "MESS_ACCOUNT" => $arrayData["MESS_ACCOUNT"], "MESS_PASSWORD" => $arrayData["MESS_PASSWORD"], "MESS_FROM_NAME" => $arrayData["FROM_NAME"], "MESS_FROM_MAIL" => $arrayData["FROM_EMAIL"], "MESS_RAUTH" => (int) $arrayData["MESS_RAUTH"], "SMTPSecure" => isset($arrayData["SMTPSecure"]) ? $arrayData["SMTPSecure"] : "none");
         $sFrom = \G::buildFrom($aConfiguration);
         $sSubject = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MESS_TEST_SUBJECT");
         $msg = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MESS_TEST_BODY");
         switch ($arrayData["MESS_ENGINE"]) {
             case "MAIL":
                 $engine = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_1");
             case "PHPMAILER":
                 $engine = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_2");
             case "OPENMAIL":
                 $engine = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_3");
         $sBodyPre = new \TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . "admin" . PATH_SEP . "email.tpl");
         $sBodyPre->assign("server", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
         $sBodyPre->assign("date", date("H:i:s"));
         $sBodyPre->assign("ver", \System::getVersion());
         $sBodyPre->assign("engine", $engine);
         $sBodyPre->assign("msg", $msg);
         $sBody = $sBodyPre->getOutputContent();
         $oSpool = new \spoolRun();
         $oSpool->create(array("msg_uid" => "", "app_uid" => "", "del_index" => 0, "app_msg_type" => "TEST", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, "app_msg_from" => $sFrom, "app_msg_to" => $arrayData["TO"], "app_msg_body" => $sBody, "app_msg_cc" => "", "app_msg_bcc" => "", "app_msg_attach" => "", "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_attach" => ""));
         $arrayTestMailResult = array();
         if ($oSpool->status == "sent") {
             $arrayTestMailResult["status"] = true;
             $arrayTestMailResult["success"] = true;
             $arrayTestMailResult["msg"] = \G::LoadTranslation("ID_MAIL_TEST_SUCCESS");
         } else {
             $arrayTestMailResult["status"] = false;
             $arrayTestMailResult["success"] = false;
             $arrayTestMailResult["msg"] = $oSpool->error;
         return $arrayTestMailResult;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
예제 #15
 private function _extjs()
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
     if ($oHeadPublisher->extJsInit === true) {
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsVariablesScript();
         $styles = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsScripts();
         $templateFile = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . 'base' . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html';
         //Custom skins
         if (defined('PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS') && is_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $this->mainSkin)) {
             $templateFile = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $this->mainSkin . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html';
         //Skin uxs - simplified
         if (!isset($_SESSION['user_experience'])) {
             $_SESSION['user_experience'] = 'NORMAL';
         if ($_SESSION['user_experience'] != 'NORMAL') {
             $templateFile = is_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . 'uxs') ? PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . 'simplified' . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html' : $templateFile;
     } else {
         $styles = "";
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $header .= $oHeadPublisher->includeExtJs();
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->renderExtJs();
         $templateFile = $this->layoutFile['dirname'] . PATH_SEP . $this->layoutFileExtjs['basename'];
     $template = new TemplatePower($templateFile);
     $template->assign('header', $header);
     $template->assign('styles', $styles);
     $template->assign('bodyTemplate', $body);
     // verify is RTL
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     if ($oServerConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG)) {
         $template->assign('dirBody', 'dir="RTL"');
     // end verify
     // verify is IE
     $doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">';
     $meta = '';
     $iexplores = array('IE=10' => '(MSIE 10\\.[0-9]+)', 'IE=9' => '(MSIE 9\\.[0-9]+)', 'IE=8' => '(MSIE 8\\.[0-9]+)', 'IE=7' => '(MSIE 7\\.[0-9]+)', 'IE=6' => '(MSIE 6\\.[0-9]+)');
     foreach ($iexplores as $browser => $pattern) {
         if (preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             $doctype = '';
             $meta = '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="' . $browser . '"/>';
     // end verify
     $template->assign('meta', $meta);
     $template->assign('doctype', $doctype);
     echo $template->getOutputContent();
예제 #16
 function enviarCambioHr($fecha, $hrIni, $hrFin)
     //Cuando se realizo un cambio de horario en valija
     include "config/connect.php";
     include "class/correo.php";
     $correo = new Correo($conn);
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     $mail->Host = $correo->getHostMail();
     //la dirección del servidor, p. ej.:
     $mail->Port = $correo->getPortMail();
     //Puerto del servidor
     $mail->Username = $correo->getusUarioMail();
     //usuario de cuenta
     $mail->Password = $correo->getPassMail();
     $mail->From = $correo->getCuentaMail();
     // dirección remitente, p. ej.:
     $mail->FromName = $correo->getNameMail();
     // nombre remitente, p. ej.: "Servicio de envío automático"
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
     // si el SMTP necesita autenticación
     $tpl = new TemplatePower($correo->getCuerpoCambioHr(), T_BYVAR);
     $tpl->assign('fechaH', $fecha);
     $tpl->assign('horaI', $hrIni);
     $tpl->assign('horaF', $hrFin);
     $mail->Subject = $correo->getAsuntoCambioHr();
     // asunto y cuerpo alternativo del mensaje
     //$mail->MsgHTML($correo->getCuerpoCambioHr());										// si el cuerpo del mensaje es HTML
     //direcion de correo
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $this->mensaje = $mail->ErrorInfo;
         echo "SMTP " . $this->mensaje;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
     include "config/disconnect.php";
예제 #17

require_once '';
$tpl_main = new TemplatePower('template/master.html');
// see if the login form was submitted
if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
    $user = stripslashes($_POST['username']);
    $pass = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
    $goto = $_POST['redirect'];
    if ($_AUTH->login($user, $pass)) {
        include_once $goto;
    } else {
        $tpl = new TemplatePower('template/error.html');
        $tpl->assignGlobal('error_message', 'Invalid username / password.' . $user);
    // display the default login form
} else {
    $tpl = new TemplatePower('template/login.html');
    $tpl->assignGlobal('redirect', $_GET['redirect']);
$tpl_main->assign('content', $tpl->getOutputContent());
예제 #18
  * call to execute a internal proxy method and handle its exceptions
  * @param string $name
 public function call($name)
     try {
         $result = $this->{$name}($this->__request__);
         if ($this->responseType == 'json') {
             print G::json_encode($result);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->responseType != 'json') {
             $result->exception->class = get_class($e);
             $result->exception->code = $e->getCode();
             $template = new TemplatePower(PATH_TEMPLATE . 'controller.exception.tpl');
             $template->assign('controller', function_exists('get_called_class') ? get_called_class() : 'Controller');
             $template->assign('message', $e->getMessage());
             $template->assign('file', $e->getFile());
             $template->assign('line', $e->getLine());
             $template->assign('trace', $e->getTraceAsString());
             echo $template->getOutputContent();
         } else {
             $result->success = false;
             $result->msg = $e->getMessage();
             switch (get_class($e)) {
                 case 'Exception':
                     $error = "SYSTEM ERROR";
                 case 'PMException':
                     $error = "PROCESSMAKER ERROR";
                 case 'PropelException':
                     $error = "DATABASE ERROR";
                 case 'UserException':
                     $error = "USER ERROR";
             $result->error = $error;
             $result->exception->class = get_class($e);
             $result->exception->code = $e->getCode();
             print G::json_encode($result);
예제 #19
  * Function renderExtJs
  * this function returns the content rendered using ExtJs
  * extJsContent have an array, and we iterate this array to draw the content
  * @author Fernando Ontiveros <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @return string
 public function renderExtJs()
     $body = '';
     if (isset($this->extJsContent) && is_array($this->extJsContent)) {
         foreach ($this->extJsContent as $key => $file) {
             $sPath = PATH_TPL;
             //if the template  file doesn't exists, then try with the plugins folders
             if (!is_file($sPath . $file . ".html")) {
                 $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $file);
                 //check if G_PLUGIN_CLASS is defined, because publisher can be called without an environment
                 if (count($aux) == 2 && defined('G_PLUGIN_CLASS')) {
                     $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
                     if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($aux[0])) {
                         $sPath = PATH_PLUGINS;
             $template = new TemplatePower($sPath . $file . '.html');
             foreach ($this->getVars() as $k => $v) {
                 $template->assign($k, $v);
             $body .= $template->getOutputContent();
     return $body;
예제 #20
                $template->assign('ADD_TRI_VARIABLE', $tri_Button);
                // $template->assign ( 'ADD_TRI_VALUE', str_replace ( "'", "",
                //                     str_replace ( '"', '', $paramDefaultValue ) ) );
                $paramValue = isset($_GET[trim(str_replace("\$", "", $paramName))]) ? $_GET[trim(str_replace("\$", "", $paramName))] : '';
                $template->assign('ADD_TRI_VALUE', str_replace("\\'", "&apos;", $paramValue));
                //turn single quotes to double quotes into an array asignation
                $template->assign('ADD_TRI_VALUE', str_replace("'", "&#34;", $paramValue));
                if ($paramDefaultValue != "") {
                    $fieldDescription = $paramDescription . "<br>";
                    $fieldDescription .= G::LoadTranslation("ID_NOT_REQUIRED") . " | " . $paramDefaultValue . " | " . $paramType;
                } else {
                    $fieldDescription = "";
                    $fieldDescription .= G::LoadTranslation("ID_REQUIRED_FIELD") . " | " . $paramType;
                    $fieldRequired[] = trim(str_replace("\$", "", $paramName));
                $template->assign('ADD_TRI_DESCRIPTION', $fieldDescription);
    $template->assign('FIELDS_REQUIRED', implode(",", $fieldRequired));
    $template->assign('ALLFUNCTION_TYPE', implode(",", $methodParametersNamesType));
    $template->assign('ALLFUNCTION', implode(",", $methodParametersOnlyNames));
    $sPMfunction .= ");";
    $content = $template->getOutputContent();
    print $content;
} catch (Exception $oException) {
예제 #21
                    $replace[id] = $CurMess['message_sender'];
                    $replace[subject] = $lang['mess_answer_prefix'] . htmlspecialchars($CurMess['message_subject']);
                    foreach ($replace as $k => $v) {
                        $tp->assign($k, $v);
    $tp->assignGlobal("PHPSELF", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    foreach ($lang as $name => $trans) {
        $tp->assignGlobal("lang_" . $name, $trans);
    $page .= $tp->getOutputContent();
    display($page, $lang['mess_pagetitle']);
} else {
    $OwnerID = $_GET['id'];
    $MessCategory = $_GET['messcat'];
    $MessPageMode = $_GET["mode"];
    $DeleteWhat = $_POST['deletemessages'];
    if (isset($DeleteWhat)) {
        $MessPageMode = "delete";
    $UsrMess = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_owner` = '" . $user['id'] . "' ORDER BY `message_time` DESC;", 'messages');
    $UnRead = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $user['id'] . "';", 'users', true);
    $MessageType = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 99, 100);
    $TitleColor = array(0 => '#FFFF00', 1 => '#FF6699', 2 => '#FF3300', 3 => '#FF9900', 4 => '#773399', 5 => '#009933', 15 => '#030070', 99 => '#007070', 100 => '#ABABAB');
    $BackGndColor = array(0 => '#663366', 1 => '#336666', 2 => '#000099', 3 => '#666666', 4 => '#999999', 5 => '#999999', 15 => '#999999', 99 => '#999999', 100 => '#999999');
    for ($MessType = 0; $MessType < 101; $MessType++) {
예제 #22
 private function _extjs()
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
     if ($oHeadPublisher->extJsInit === true) {
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsVariablesScript();
         $styles = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsScripts();
         $templateFile = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . 'base' . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html';
     } else {
         $styles = "";
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $header .= $oHeadPublisher->includeExtJs();
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->renderExtJs();
         $templateFile = $this->layoutFile['dirname'] . PATH_SEP . $this->layoutFileExtjs['basename'];
     $template = new TemplatePower($templateFile);
     $template->assign('header', $header);
     $template->assign('styles', $styles);
     $template->assign('bodyTemplate', $body);
     echo $template->getOutputContent();
예제 #23
if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
    $token = $_GET['token'];
    //en caso de que haya un token en la querystring gestionamos el proceso para nueva contraseña
    //debemos comprobar que el toquen sea valido, sino mostramos un mensaje de error
    $fecha = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:m:s"));
    $fecha->modify("-1 day");
    $query = "SELECT token, usuarios.usuario FROM usuarios_recuperar_clave, usuarios\n                WHERE token='{$token}' \n                AND fecha>'" . $fecha->format("Y-m-d H:m:s") . "'\n                AND usuarios_recuperar_clave.idusuario = usuarios.idusuario";
    $datos = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query));
    if (!$datos) {
        //token invalido o no presente en la base de datos
    } else {
        //token valido
        //mostramos el usuario para el cual se va a asignar la nueva clave
        $tplClave->assign("user", $datos['usuario']);
        $tplClave->assign("token", $datos['token']);
} else {
    //comprobamos si ha ocurrido un error durante la recepcion del formulario para generar el token
    if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
        $tplClave->newBlock("error" . $_GET['error']);
    //si no hay token mostramos el html para que se pueda recuperar la contraseña
//imprimimos por pantalla
$tplIndex->assign("contenido", $tplClave->getOutputContent());
예제 #24
 public function forgotPassword($httpData)
     global $RBAC;
     require_once PATH_RBAC . "model/RbacUsers.php";
     require_once 'classes/model/Users.php';
     $rbacUser = new RbacUsers();
     $user = new Users();
     try {
         $userData = $rbacUser->getByUsername($httpData->username);
         if (!$userData) {
             $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_USER') . ' <b>' . $httpData->username . '</b> ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_IS_NOT_REGISTERED');
             throw new Exception($msg);
         if (trim($userData['USR_EMAIL']) != trim($httpData->email)) {
             $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_EMAIL_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FOR_USER') . ' <b>' . $httpData->username . '</b>';
             throw new Exception($msg);
         $newPass = G::generate_password();
         $aData['USR_UID'] = $userData['USR_UID'];
         $aData['USR_PASSWORD'] = md5($newPass);
         $subject = G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SERVICE');
         $template = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'main/forgotPassword.tpl');
         $template->assign('server', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
         $template->assign('serviceMsg', G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SERVICE'));
         $template->assign('content', G::loadTranslation('ID_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY'));
         $template->assign('passwd', $newPass);
         $template->assign('poweredBy', G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_SLOGAN1'));
         $template->assign('versionLabel', G::loadTranslation('ID_VERSION'));
         $template->assign('version', System::getVersion());
         $template->assign('visit', G::loadTranslation('ID_VISIT'));
         $template->assign('footer', '');
         $body = $template->getOutputContent();
         G::sendMail('', 'ProcessMaker Service', $httpData->email, $subject, $body);
         $result->success = true;
         $result->message = G::LoadTranslation('ID_NEW_PASSWORD_SENT');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $result->success = false;
         $result->message = $e->getMessage();
     return $result;
예제 #25
     * DEPRECATED createPropelClasses()
     * Don't use this method, it was left only for backward compatibility
     * for some external plugins that still is using it
    public function createPropelClasses($sTableName, $sClassName, $aFields, $sAddTabUid, $connection = 'workflow')
        try {
            /* $aUID = array('FLD_NAME'           => 'PM_UNIQUE_ID',
              'FLD_TYPE'           => 'INT',
              'FLD_KEY'            => 'on',
              'FLD_SIZE'           => '11',
              'FLD_NULL'           => '',
              'FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT' => 'on');
              array_unshift($aFields, $aUID); */
            $aTypes = array(
                'VARCHAR' => 'string',
                'TEXT'    => 'string',
                'DATE'    => 'int',
                'INT'     => 'int',
                'FLOAT'   => 'double'
            $aCreoleTypes = array(
                'VARCHAR' => 'VARCHAR',
                'TEXT'    => 'LONGVARCHAR',
                'DATE'    => 'TIMESTAMP',
                'INT'     => 'INTEGER',
                'FLOAT'   => 'DOUBLE'
            if ($sClassName == '') {
                $sClassName = $this->getPHPName($sTableName);

            $sPath = PATH_DB . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . 'classes' . PATH_SEP;
            if (!file_exists($sPath)) {
            if (!file_exists($sPath . 'map')) {
                G::mk_dir($sPath . 'map');
            if (!file_exists($sPath . 'om')) {
                G::mk_dir($sPath . 'om');
            $aData = array();
            $aData['pathClasses'] = substr(PATH_DB, 0, -1);
            $aData['tableName'] = $sTableName;
            $aData['className'] = $sClassName;
            $aData['connection'] = $connection;
            $aData['GUID'] = $sAddTabUid;

            $aData['firstColumn'] = isset($aFields[0])
                                    ? strtoupper($aFields[0]['FLD_NAME'])
                                    : ($aFields[1]['FLD_NAME']);
            $aData['totalColumns'] = count($aFields);
            $aData['useIdGenerator'] = 'false';
            $oTP1 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'Table.tpl');
            file_put_contents($sPath . $sClassName . '.php', $oTP1->getOutputContent());
            $oTP2 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'TablePeer.tpl');
            file_put_contents($sPath . $sClassName . 'Peer.php', $oTP2->getOutputContent());
            $aColumns = array();
            $aPKs = array();
            $aNotPKs = array();
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($aFields as $iKey => $aField) {
                $aField['FLD_NAME'] = strtoupper($aField['FLD_NAME']);
                if ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE') {
                    $aField['FLD_NULL'] = '';
                $aColumn = array(
                    'name' => $aField['FLD_NAME'],
                    'phpName' => $this->getPHPName($aField['FLD_NAME']),
                    'type' => $aTypes[$aField['FLD_TYPE']],
                    'creoleType' => $aCreoleTypes[$aField['FLD_TYPE']],
                    'notNull' => ($aField['FLD_NULL'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false'),
                    'size' => (($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'VARCHAR')
                              || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'INT')
                              || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'FLOAT') ? $aField['FLD_SIZE'] : 'null'),
                    'var' => strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']),
                    'attribute' => (($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'VARCHAR')
                                   || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'TEXT')
                                   || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE')
                                   ? '$' . strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']) . " = ''"
                                   : '$' . strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']) . ' = 0'),
                    'index' => $i,
                if ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE') {
                    $aColumn['getFunction'] = '/**
   * Get the [optionally formatted] [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] column value.
   * @param      string $format The date/time format string (either date()-style or strftime()-style).
   *              If format is NULL, then the integer unix timestamp will be returned.
   * @return     mixed Formatted date/time value as string or integer unix timestamp (if format is NULL).
   * @throws     PropelException - if unable to convert the date/time to timestamp.
  public function get' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '($format = "Y-m-d")

    if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' === null || $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' === "") {
      return null;
    } elseif (!is_int($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ')) {
      // a non-timestamp value was set externally, so we convert it
      if (($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' == "0000-00-00 00:00:00")
           || ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' == "0000-00-00") || !$this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ') {
        $ts = "0";
      else {
        $ts = strtotime($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ');
      if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { // in PHP 5.1 return value changes to FALSE
        throw new PropelException("Unable to parse value of [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] as date/time value: "
                                 . var_export($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ', true));
    } else {
      $ts = $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ';
    if ($format === null) {
      return $ts;
    } elseif (strpos($format, "%") !== false) {
      return strftime($format, $ts);
    } else {
      return date($format, $ts);
                } else {
                    $aColumn['getFunction'] = '/**
   * Get the [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] column value.
   * @return     string
  public function get' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '()

    return $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ';
                switch ($aField['FLD_TYPE']) {
                    case 'VARCHAR':
                    case 'TEXT':
                        $aColumn['setFunction'] = '// Since the native PHP type for this column is string,
    // we will cast the input to a string (if it is not).
    if ($v !== null && !is_string($v)) {
      $v = (string) $v;

    if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v) {
      $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v;
      $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . ';
                    case 'DATE':
                        $aColumn['setFunction'] = 'if ($v !== null && !is_int($v)) {
      // if($v == \'\')
      //   $ts = null;
     // else
       $ts = strtotime($v);
     if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { // in PHP 5.1 return value changes to FALSE
       //throw new PropelException("Unable to parse date/time value for [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] from input: "
       //                          . var_export($v, true));
   } else {
     $ts = $v;
   if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $ts) {
     $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $ts;
     $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . ';
                    case 'INT':
                        $aColumn['setFunction'] = '// Since the native PHP type for this column is integer,
   // we will cast the input value to an int (if it is not).
   if ($v !== null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
     $v = (int) $v;
   if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v || $v === 1) {
     $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v;
     $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . ';
                    case 'FLOAT':
                        $aColumn['setFunction'] = 'if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v || $v === 0) {
     $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v;
     $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . ';
                $aColumns[] = $aColumn;
                if ($aField['FLD_KEY'] == 1 || $aField['FLD_KEY'] === 'on') {
                    $aPKs[] = $aColumn;
                } else {
                    $aNotPKs[] = $aColumn;
                if ($aField['FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT'] == 1 || $aField['FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT'] === 'on') {
                    $aData['useIdGenerator'] = 'true';
            $oTP3 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'map'
                                    . PATH_SEP . 'TableMapBuilder.tpl');
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP3->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aNotPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP3->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'map' . PATH_SEP . $sClassName
                           . 'MapBuilder.php', $oTP3->getOutputContent());
            $oTP4 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'BaseTable.tpl');
            switch (count($aPKs)) {
                case 0:
                    $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = 'return null;';
                    $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '';
                case 1:
                    $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = 'return $this->get' . $aPKs[0]['phpName'] . '();';
                    $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '$this->set' . $aPKs[0]['phpName'] . '($key);';
                    $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '$pks = array();' . "\n";
                    $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '';
                    foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                        $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= '$pks[' . $iIndex . '] = $this->get'
                                                         . $aColumn['phpName'] . '();' . "\n";
                        $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= '$this->set' . $aColumn['phpName']
                                                         . '($keys[' . $iIndex . ']);' . "\n";
                    $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= 'return $pks;' . "\n";
            foreach ($aColumns as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aNotPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'Base'
                            . $sClassName . '.php', $oTP4->getOutputContent());
            $oTP5 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'BaseTablePeer.tpl');
            $sKeys = '';
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $sKeys .= '$' . $aColumn['var'] . ', ';
            $sKeys = substr($sKeys, 0, -2);
            //$sKeys = '$pm_unique_id';
            if ($sKeys != '') {
                $aData['sKeys'] = $sKeys;
            } else {
                $aData['sKeys'] = '$DUMMY';
            foreach ($aColumns as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) {
                $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn);
                foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
                    $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]);
            file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'Base'
                            . $sClassName . 'Peer.php', $oTP5->getOutputContent());
        } catch (Exception $oError) {
예제 #26
 function save($params)
     require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';
     global $G_FORM;
     $sPRO_UID = $params->pro_uid;
     $sEVN_UID = $params->evn_uid;
     $sDYNAFORM = $params->initDyna;
     $sWS_USER = trim($params->username);
     $sWS_PASS = trim($params->password);
     $sWS_ROUNDROBIN = '';
     $sWE_USR = '';
     $xDYNA = $params->dynaform;
     if ($xDYNA != '') {
         $pro_uid = $params->pro_uid;
         $filename = $xDYNA;
         $filename = $filename . '.php';
         unlink(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "public" . PATH_SEP . $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . $filename);
         unlink(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "public" . PATH_SEP . $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . str_replace(".php", "Post", $filename) . ".php");
     //return $params;
     $pathProcess = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'public' . PATH_SEP . $sPRO_UID . PATH_SEP;
     G::mk_dir($pathProcess, 0777);
     $oEvent = new Event();
     $sTASKS = $oEvent->getEvnTasUidTo();
     $oTask = new Task();
     $tas_title = $oTask->getTasTitle();
     if (G::is_https()) {
         $http = 'https://';
     } else {
         $http = 'http://';
     $sContent = '';
     $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH = '';
     if (file_exists($SITE_PUBLIC_PATH . '')) {
     require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php';
     $oDynaform = new Dynaform();
     $aDynaform = $oDynaform->load($sDYNAFORM);
     $dynTitle = str_replace(' ', '_', str_replace('/', '_', $aDynaform['DYN_TITLE']));
     $sContent = "<?php\n";
     $sContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n";
     $sContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n";
     $sContent .= "  \$_DBArray = array();\n";
     $sContent .= "}\n";
     $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['PROCESS'] = '" . $sPRO_UID . "';\n";
     $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID'] = '" . $sDYNAFORM . "';\n";
     $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher;\n";
     $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('dynaform', 'xmlform', '" . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM . "', '', array(), '" . $dynTitle . 'Post.php' . "');\n";
     $sContent .= "G::RenderPage('publish', 'blank');";
     file_put_contents($pathProcess . $dynTitle . '.php', $sContent);
     //creating the second file, the  post file who receive the post form.
     $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentryPost.tpl';
     $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
     $template->assign('wsdlUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/wsdl2');
     $template->assign('wsUploadUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/upload');
     $template->assign('processUid', $sPRO_UID);
     $template->assign('dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM);
     $template->assign('taskUid', $sTASKS);
     $template->assign('wsUser', $sWS_USER);
     $template->assign('wsPass', 'md5:' . md5($sWS_PASS));
     $template->assign('wsRoundRobin', $sWS_ROUNDROBIN);
     if ($sWE_USR == "2") {
         $template->assign('USR_VAR', "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t  \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;");
     } else {
         $template->assign('USR_VAR', '$USR_UID = -1;');
     $template->assign('dynaform', $dynTitle);
     $template->assign('timestamp', date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'));
     $template->assign('ws', SYS_SYS);
     $template->assign('version', System::getVersion());
     $fileName = $pathProcess . $dynTitle . 'Post.php';
     file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     //creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exists.
     $fileName = $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php';
     $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'test' . PATH_SEP . 'unit' . PATH_SEP . 'ws' . PATH_SEP . 'wsClient.php';
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         if (filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl)) {
             @copy($fileName, $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php.bck');
             $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
             file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     } else {
         $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
         file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';
     $oEvent = new Event();
     $aDataEvent = array();
     $aDataEvent['EVN_UID'] = $sEVN_UID;
     $aDataEvent['EVN_RELATED_TO'] = 'MULTIPLE';
     $aDataEvent['EVN_ACTION'] = $sDYNAFORM;
     $aDataEvent['EVN_CONDITIONS'] = $sWS_USER;
     $output = $oEvent->update($aDataEvent);
     $link = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $dynTitle . '.php';
     $this->success = true;
     $this->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_WEB_ENTRY_SUCCESS_NEW');
     $this->W_LINK = $link;
     $this->TAS_TITLE = $tas_title;
     $this->DYN_TITLE = $dynTitle;
     $this->USR_UID = $sWS_USER;
예제 #27

//llamamos al constructor de la plantilla y la preparamos para ser mostrada
$tplCitaRealizar = new TemplatePower("plantilla/cita_realizar.html");
$citaId = addslashes($_GET['id']);
$query = "SELECT pacientes.nombre_pac, pacientes.historia, citas.fecha, citas.hora, usuarios.nombre \r\n                FROM pacientes, citas\r\n                LEFT JOIN usuarios\r\n                ON citas.responsable=usuarios.usuario\r\n                WHERE citas.id_cita='{$citaId}'\r\n                AND citas.mascota=pacientes.id_pac";
$rec = mysql_query($query);
$datosCita = mysql_fetch_assoc($rec);
//si no hay datos de la cita indicada lo envio a index
if (!$datosCita) {
    echo "NO EXISTEN CITAS";
    header("Location: /gicorec/index.php");
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("nombre_mascota", $datosCita['nombre_pac']);
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("historia", $datosCita['historia']);
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("fecha", $datosCita['fecha']);
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("hora", $datosCita['hora']);
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("vet_responsable", $datosCita['nombre']);
$tplCitaRealizar->assign("id_cita", $citaId);
//imprimimos por pantalla
$tplIndex->assign("contenido", $tplCitaRealizar->getOutputContent());
 public function bajau($email)
     global $db;
     $tp = new TemplatePower("templates/BajaUsuario.html");
     $sql = "delete from usuario where(email='{$email}')";
     echo $tp->getOutputContent();
예제 #29
 private function _extjs()
     $oServerConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
     if ($oHeadPublisher->extJsInit === true) {
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsVariablesScript();
         $styles = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsScripts();
         $templateFile = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . 'base' . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html';
         //Custom skins
         if (defined('PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS') && is_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $this->mainSkin)) {
             $templateFile = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $this->mainSkin . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html';
         //Skin uxs - simplified
         if (!isset($_SESSION['user_experience'])) {
             $_SESSION['user_experience'] = 'NORMAL';
         if ($_SESSION['user_experience'] != 'NORMAL') {
             $templateFile = is_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . 'uxs') ? PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . 'simplified' . PATH_SEP . 'extJsInitLoad.html' : $templateFile;
     } else {
         $styles = "";
         $header = $oHeadPublisher->getExtJsStylesheets($this->cssFileName);
         $header .= $oHeadPublisher->includeExtJs();
         $body = $oHeadPublisher->renderExtJs();
         $templateFile = $this->layoutFile['dirname'] . PATH_SEP . $this->layoutFileExtjs['basename'];
     $template = new TemplatePower($templateFile);
     $template->assign('header', $header);
     $template->assign('styles', $styles);
     $template->assign('bodyTemplate', $body);
     $doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">";
     $meta = null;
     $dirBody = null;
     if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) && preg_match("/^.*\\(.*MSIE (\\d+)\\..+\\).*\$/", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], $arrayMatch)) {
         $ie = intval($arrayMatch[1]);
         $swTrident = preg_match("/^.*Trident.*\$/", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) ? 1 : 0;
         //Trident only in IE8+
         $sw = 1;
         if (($ie == 7 && $swTrident == 1 || $ie == 8) && !preg_match("/^ux.+\$/", SYS_SKIN)) {
             $sw = 0;
         if ($sw == 1) {
             if ($ie == 10) {
                 $ie = 8;
             $doctype = null;
             $meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE={$ie}\" />";
     $serverConf =& serverConf::getSingleton();
     if ($serverConf->isRtl(SYS_LANG)) {
         $dirBody = "dir=\"RTL\"";
     $template->assign("doctype", $doctype);
     $template->assign("meta", $meta);
     $template->assign("dirBody", $dirBody);
     echo $template->getOutputContent();
예제 #30
  * for send email configuration
  * @autor Alvaro  <*****@*****.**>
 public function sendTestMail()
     global $G_PUBLISH;
     $sFrom = ($_POST['FROM_NAME'] != '' ? $_POST['FROM_NAME'] . ' ' : '') . '<' . $_POST['FROM_EMAIL'] . '>';
     $sSubject = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESS_TEST_SUBJECT');
     $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESS_TEST_BODY');
     switch ($_POST['MESS_ENGINE']) {
         case 'MAIL':
             $engine = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_1');
         case 'PHPMAILER':
             $engine = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_2');
         case 'OPENMAIL':
             $engine = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESS_ENGINE_TYPE_3');
     $sBodyPre = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'admin' . PATH_SEP . 'email.tpl');
     $sBodyPre->assign('server', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
     $sBodyPre->assign('date', date('H:i:s'));
     $sBodyPre->assign('ver', System::getVersion());
     $sBodyPre->assign('engine', $engine);
     $sBodyPre->assign('msg', $msg);
     $sBody = $sBodyPre->getOutputContent();
     $oSpool = new spoolRun();
     $oSpool->setConfig(array('MESS_ENGINE' => $_POST['MESS_ENGINE'], 'MESS_SERVER' => $_POST['MESS_SERVER'], 'MESS_PORT' => $_POST['MESS_PORT'], 'MESS_ACCOUNT' => $_POST['MESS_ACCOUNT'], 'MESS_PASSWORD' => $_POST['MESS_PASSWORD'], 'SMTPAuth' => $_POST['SMTPAuth'], 'SMTPSecure' => isset($_POST['SMTPSecure']) ? $_POST['SMTPSecure'] : 'none'));
     $oSpool->create(array('msg_uid' => '', 'app_uid' => '', 'del_index' => 0, 'app_msg_type' => 'TEST', 'app_msg_subject' => $sSubject, 'app_msg_from' => $sFrom, 'app_msg_to' => $_POST['TO'], 'app_msg_body' => $sBody, 'app_msg_cc' => '', 'app_msg_bcc' => '', 'app_msg_attach' => '', 'app_msg_template' => '', 'app_msg_status' => 'pending', 'app_msg_attach' => ''));
     $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher();
     if ($oSpool->status == 'sent') {
         $o->status = true;
         $o->success = true;
         $o->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MAIL_TEST_SUCCESS');
     } else {
         $o->status = false;
         $o->success = false;
         $o->msg = $oSpool->error;
     return $o;