예제 #1
 function executeRequest($request)
     $prices = array();
     $client = new TaxServiceSoap($this->_connectionType);
     try {
         if (!class_exists('TaxLine')) {
             require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'TaxLine.class.php';
         if (!class_exists('TaxDetail')) {
             require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'TaxDetail.class.php';
         if (!class_exists('SeverityLevel')) {
             require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'SeverityLevel.class.php';
         //avadebug('executeRequest $request',$request);
         $_taxResult = $client->getTax($request);
         //avadebug('executeRequest $_taxResult',$_taxResult);
         if ($_taxResult->getResultCode() == SeverityLevel::$Success) {
             //avadebug("DocCode: ".$request->getDocCode() );
             //avadebug("DocId: ".self::$_taxResult->getDocId()."\n");
             //avadebug("TotalAmount: ".self::$_taxResult->getTotalAmount() );
             $totalTax = $_taxResult->getTotalTax();
             $taxlines = $_taxResult->getTaxLines();
             $taxlinexCount = count($taxlines);
             //avadebug('my $request, $taxlines',$taxlines);
             foreach ($taxlines as $ctl) {
                 $nr = $ctl->getNo();
                 if (isset($this->_lineNumbersToCartProductId[$nr]) and $nr <= $taxlinexCount) {
                     $line = $request->getLine($nr);
                     //vmdebug('my $line',$line);
                     if (strpos($line->getItemCode(), 'VMShipmentId') === 0) {
                         $prices['shipmentTax'] = $ctl->getTax();
                         $totalTax = $totalTax - $ctl->getTax();
                         /*} else if(strpos($line->getItemCode(),'VMPaymentId')===0){
                         							$prices['paymentTax'] = $ctl->getTax();
                         							$totalTax = $totalTax - $ctl->getTax();
                         							vmdebug('VMPaymentId '.$prices['paymentTax']);*/
                     } else {
                         $quantity = $line->getQty();
                         //avadebug('my $request qty ',$quantity);
                         //on the long hand, the taxAmount must be replaced by taxAmountQuantity to avoid rounding errors
                         $prices[$this->_lineNumbersToCartProductId[$nr]]['taxAmount'] = $ctl->getTax() / $quantity;
                         $prices[$this->_lineNumbersToCartProductId[$nr]]['taxAmountQuantity'] = $ctl->getTax();
                 } else {
                     avadebug('got more lines back, then requested => my $ctl', $ctl);
             $prices['totalTax'] = $totalTax;
         } else {
             foreach ($_taxResult->getMessages() as $msg) {
                 vmError($msg->getName() . ": " . $msg->getSummary(), 'AvaTax Error ' . $msg->getSummary());
             vmdebug('Error, but no exception in getAvaTax ' . SeverityLevel::$Success, $_taxResult);
             return false;
     } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
         $msg = "Exception: in getAvaTax, while executeRequest ";
         if ($exception) {
             $msg .= $exception->faultstring;
         avadebug($msg, $request);
         return false;
     return $prices;
예제 #2
     * @brief Executes tax actions on documents
     * @param Array $products Array of Product for which taxes need to be calculated
     * @param Array $params
     * 		type : (default SalesOrder) SalesOrder|SalesInvoice|ReturnInvoice
     * 		cart : (required for SalesOrder and SalesInvoice) Cart object
     * 		DocCode : (required in ReturnInvoice, and when 'cart' is not set) Specify the Document Code
    public function getTax($products = array(), $params = array())
        if (!isset($params['type'])) {
            $params['type'] = 'SalesOrder';
        $client = new TaxServiceSoap(Configuration::get('AVALARATAX_MODE'));
        $request = new GetTaxRequest();
        if (isset($params['cart']) && (int) $params['cart']->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}) {
            $address = new Address((int) $params['cart']->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')});
        } elseif (isset($this->context->cookie) && isset($this->contract->cookie->id_customer) && $this->context->cookie->id_customer) {
            $address = new Address((int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_address` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address`	WHERE `id_customer` = ' . (int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer . ' AND active = 1 AND deleted = 0'));
        if (isset($address)) {
            if (!empty($address->id_state)) {
                $state = new State((int) $address->id_state);
            $addressDest = array();
            $addressDest['Line1'] = $address->address1;
            $addressDest['Line2'] = $address->address2;
            $addressDest['City'] = $address->city;
            $addressDest['Region'] = isset($state) ? $state->iso_code : '';
            $addressDest['PostalCode'] = $address->postcode;
            $addressDest['Country'] = Country::getIsoById($address->id_country);
            // Try to normalize the address depending on option in the BO
            if (Configuration::get('AVALARATAX_ADDRESS_NORMALIZATION')) {
                $normalizedAddress = $this->validateAddress($address);
            if (isset($normalizedAddress['Normalized'])) {
                $addressDest = $normalizedAddress['Normalized'];
            // Add Destination address (Customer address)
            $destination = new AvalaraAddress();
        // Origin Address (Store Address or address setup in BO)
        $origin = new AvalaraAddress();
        $origin->setLine1(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_ADDRESS_LINE1']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_ADDRESS_LINE1'] : '');
        $origin->setLine2(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_ADDRESS_LINE2']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_ADDRESS_LINE2'] : '');
        $origin->setCity(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_CITY']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_CITY'] : '');
        $origin->setRegion(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_STATE']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_STATE'] : '');
        $origin->setPostalCode(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_ZIP_CODE']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_ZIP_CODE'] : '');
        $request->setCompanyCode(isset($confValues['AVALARATAX_COMPANY_CODE']) ? $confValues['AVALARATAX_COMPANY_CODE'] : '');
        $orderId = isset($params['cart']) ? (int) $params['cart']->id : (int) $params['DocCode'];
        $nowTime = date('mdHis');
        // Type: Only supported types are SalesInvoice or SalesOrder
        if ($params['type'] == 'SalesOrder') {
            // SalesOrder: Occurs when customer adds product to the cart (generally to check how much the tax will be)
        } elseif ($params['type'] == 'SalesInvoice') {
            $orderId = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_order` FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders WHERE `id_cart` = ' . (int) $params['cart']->id);
            // Make sure we got the orderId, even if it was/wasn't passed in $params['DocCode']
        } elseif ($params['type'] == 'ReturnInvoice') {
            $orderId = isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'ReturnInvoice' ? $orderId . '.' . $nowTime : $orderId;
            $orderDate = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
			SELECT `id_order`, `date_add`
			FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders`
			WHERE ' . (isset($params['cart']) ? '`id_cart` = ' . (int) $params['cart']->id : '`id_order` = ' . (int) $params['DocCode']));
            $taxOverride = new TaxOverride();
            $taxOverride->setTaxDate(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($orderDate[0]['date_add'])));
        if (isset($this->context->cookie->id_customer)) {
            $customerCode = $this->context->cookie->id_customer;
        } else {
            if (isset($params['DocCode'])) {
                $id_order = (int) $params['DocCode'];
            } elseif (isset($_POST['id_order'])) {
                $id_order = (int) $_POST['id_order'];
            } elseif (isset($params['id_order'])) {
                $id_order = (int) $params['id_order'];
            } else {
                $id_order = 0;
            $customerCode = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_customer` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order);
        $request->setDocCode('Order ' . Tools::safeOutput($orderId));
        // Order Id - has to be float due to the . and more numbers for returns
        // date
        $request->setCustomerCode('CustomerID: ' . (int) $customerCode);
        // string Required
        // string Entity Usage
        // decimal
        // Summary or Document or Line or Tax or Diagnostic
        // Add line
        $lines = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($products as $product) {
            // Retrieve the tax_code for the current product if not defined
            if (isset($params['taxable']) && !$params['taxable']) {
                $taxCode = 'NT';
            } else {
                $taxCode = !isset($product['tax_code']) ? $this->getProductTaxCode((int) $product['id_product']) : $product['tax_code'];
            if (isset($product['id_product'])) {
                $line = new Line();
                // string line Number of invoice ($i)
                $line->setItemCode((int) $product['id_product'] . ' - ' . substr($product['name'], 0, 20));
                $line->setDescription(substr(Tools::safeOutput($product['name'] . ' - ' . $product['description_short']), 0, 250));
                $line->setQty(isset($product['quantity']) ? (double) $product['quantity'] : 1);
                $line->setAmount($params['type'] == 'ReturnInvoice' && (double) $product['total'] > 0 ? (double) $product['total'] * -1 : (double) $product['total']);
                $lines[] = $line;
        // Send shipping as new line
        if (isset($params['cart'])) {
            $line = new Line();
            // string line Number of invoice ($i)
            $line->setDescription('Shipping costs');
            if (isset($params['taxable']) && !$params['taxable']) {
            } else {
            // Default TaxCode for Shipping. Avalara will decide depending on the State if taxes should be charged or not
            $line->setAmount((double) $params['cart']->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_SHIPPING));
            $lines[] = $line;
        $buffer = array();
        try {
            $result = $client->getTax($request);
            $buffer['ResultCode'] = Tools::safeOutput($result->getResultCode());
            if ($result->getResultCode() == SeverityLevel::$Success) {
                $buffer['DocCode'] = Tools::safeOutput($request->getDocCode());
                $buffer['TotalAmount'] = Tools::safeOutput($result->getTotalAmount());
                $buffer['TotalTax'] = Tools::safeOutput($result->getTotalTax());
                $buffer['NowTime'] = $nowTime;
                foreach ($result->getTaxLines() as $ctl) {
                    $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['GetTax'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctl->getTax());
                    $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxCode'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctl->getTaxCode());
                    foreach ($ctl->getTaxDetails() as $ctd) {
                        $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxDetails']['JurisType'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctd->getJurisType());
                        $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxDetails']['JurisName'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctd->getJurisName());
                        $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxDetails']['Region'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctd->getRegion());
                        $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxDetails']['Rate'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctd->getRate());
                        $buffer['TaxLines'][$ctl->getNo()]['TaxDetails']['Tax'] = Tools::safeOutput($ctd->getTax());
            } else {
                foreach ($result->getMessages() as $msg) {
                    $buffer['Messages']['Name'] = Tools::safeOutput($msg->getName());
                    $buffer['Messages']['Summary'] = Tools::safeOutput($msg->getSummary());
        } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
            $buffer['Exception']['FaultString'] = Tools::safeOutput($exception->faultstring);
            $buffer['Exception']['LastRequest'] = Tools::safeOutput($client->__getLastRequest());
            $buffer['Exception']['LastResponse'] = Tools::safeOutput($client->__getLastResponse());
        return $buffer;
try {
    $getTaxResult = $client->getTax($request);
    echo 'GetTax is: ' . $getTaxResult->getResultCode() . "\n";
    if ($getTaxResult->getResultCode() == SeverityLevel::$Success) {
        echo "DocCode: " . $request->getDocCode() . "\n";
        echo "TotalAmount: " . $getTaxResult->getTotalAmount() . "\n";
        echo "TotalTax: " . $getTaxResult->getTotalTax() . "\n";
        foreach ($getTaxResult->getTaxLines() as $ctl) {
            echo "     Line: " . $ctl->getNo() . " Tax: " . $ctl->getTax() . " TaxCode: " . $ctl->getTaxCode() . "\n";
            foreach ($ctl->getTaxDetails() as $ctd) {
                echo "          Juris Type: " . $ctd->getJurisType() . "; Juris Name: " . $ctd->getJurisName() . "; Rate: " . $ctd->getRate() . "; Amt: " . $ctd->getTax() . "\n";
            echo "\n";
    } else {
        foreach ($getTaxResult->getMessages() as $msg) {
            echo $msg->getName() . ": " . $msg->getSummary() . "\n";
예제 #4
 function getTax($calculationHelper, $calc, $price, $sale = false, $committ = false)
     if ($calc->activated == 0) {
         return false;
     $shopperData = $this->getShopperData();
     if (!$shopperData) {
         return false;
     //if(self::$stop) return self::$stop;
     if (!class_exists('TaxServiceSoap')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'TaxServiceSoap.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('DocumentType')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'DocumentType.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('DetailLevel')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'DetailLevel.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('Line')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'Line.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('ServiceMode')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'ServiceMode.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('Line')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'Line.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('GetTaxRequest')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'GetTaxRequest.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('GetTaxResult')) {
         require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'GetTaxResult.class.php';
     $client = new TaxServiceSoap('Development');
     $request = new GetTaxRequest();
     $origin = new Address();
     //$destination = $this->fillValidateAvalaraAddress($calc);
     //In Virtuemart we have not differenct warehouses, but we have a shipment address
     //So when the vendor has a shipment address, we assume that it is his warehouse
     //Later we can combine products with shipment addresses for different warehouse (yehye, future music)
     //But for now we just use the BT address
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelVendor')) {
         require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'vendor.php';
     $userId = VirtueMartModelVendor::getUserIdByVendorId($calc->virtuemart_vendor_id);
     $userModel = VmModel::getModel('user');
     $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $userModel->getBTuserinfo_id($userId);
     // this is needed to set the correct user id for the vendor when the user is logged
     $vendorFieldsArray = $userModel->getUserInfoInUserFields('mail', 'BT', $virtuemart_userinfo_id, FALSE, TRUE);
     $vendorFields = $vendorFieldsArray[$virtuemart_userinfo_id];
     //vmdebug('my vendor fields',$vendorFields);
     if (isset($this->addresses[0])) {
         $destination = $this->addresses[0];
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     //vmdebug('The date',$origin,$destination);
     // Your Company Code From the Dashboard
     if ($calc->committ and $sale) {
         // Only supported types are SalesInvoice or SalesOrder
         //invoice number, problem is that the invoice number is at this time not known, but the order_number may reachable
         vmdebug('Request as SalesInvoice with invoiceNumber ' . $committ);
     } else {
         //invoice number, problem is that the invoice number is at this time not known, neither the order_number
         vmdebug('Request as SalesOrder');
     //$request->setSalespersonCode("");             // string Optional
     //string Required
     if (isset($shopperData['tax_usage_type'])) {
         //string   Entity Usage
     $cartPrices = $calculationHelper->getCartPrices();
     //	$request->setPurchaseOrderNo("");     //string Optional
     //If I understand correctly, we need to add for this an userfield, for example with the name
     //exemption_no, then user could enter their number.
     if (isset($shopperData['tax_exemption_number'])) {
         //string   if not using ECMS which keys on customer code
     //Summary or Document or Line or Tax or Diagnostic
     //	$request->setReferenceCode1("");       //string Optional
     //	$request->setReferenceCode2("");       //string Optional
     //	$request->setLocationCode("");        //string Optional - aka outlet id for tax forms
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) {
         require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php';
     $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart();
     $products = array();
     if ($calculationHelper->inCart) {
         $products = $cart->products;
         $prices = $calculationHelper->getCartPrices();
         foreach ($products as $k => $product) {
             if (!empty($prices[$k]['discountedPriceWithoutTax'])) {
                 $price = $prices[$k]['discountedPriceWithoutTax'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($prices[$k]['basePriceVariant'])) {
                     $price = $prices[$k]['basePriceVariant'];
                 } else {
                     vmdebug('There is no price in getTax for product ' . $k . ' ', $prices);
                     $price = 0.0;
             $product->price = $price;
             if (!empty($price[$k]['discountAmount'])) {
                 $product->discount = $price[$k]['discountAmount'];
             } else {
                 $product->discount = FALSE;
     } else {
         $calculationHelper->_product->price = $price;
         $products[0] = $calculationHelper->_product;
         if (!isset($products[0]->amount)) {
             $products[0]->amount = 1;
         if (isset($calculationHelper->productPrices['discountAmount'])) {
             $products[0]->discount = $calculationHelper->productPrices['discountAmount'];
         } else {
             $products[0]->discount = FALSE;
     $lines = array();
     $n = 0;
     $lineNumbersToCartProductId = array();
     foreach ($products as $k => $product) {
         $lineNumbersToCartProductId[$n] = $k;
         $line = new Line();
         //string  // line Number of invoice
         //product description, like in cart, atm only the name, todo add customfields
         //$line->setTaxCode("");             //string
         $line->setAmount($product->price * $product->amount);
         //decimal // TotalAmmount
         $line->setDiscounted($product->discount * $product->amount);
         if (isset($shopperData['tax_exemption_number'])) {
         if (isset($shopperData['tax_usage_type'])) {
         $lines[] = $line;
     $line = new Line();
     //$lineNumbersToCartProductId[$n] = count($products)+1;
     $cartPrices = $calculationHelper->getCartPrices();
     //vmdebug('$calculationHelper $cartPrices',$cartPrices);
     if (isset($shopperData['tax_exemption_number'])) {
     if (isset($shopperData['tax_usage_type'])) {
     $lines[] = $line;
     //vmdebug('avalaragetTax setLines',$lines);
     //vmdebug('My request',$request);
     $totalTax = 0.0;
     try {
         if (!class_exists('TaxLine')) {
             require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'TaxLine.class.php';
         if (!class_exists('TaxDetail')) {
             require VMAVALARA_CLASS_PATH . DS . 'TaxDetail.class.php';
         $getTaxResult = $client->getTax($request);
         vmTime('Avalara getTax', 'avagetTax');
         * [0] => getDocCode
             [1] => getAdjustmentDescription
             [2] => getAdjustmentReason
             [3] => getDocDate
             [4] => getTaxDate
             [5] => getDocType
             [6] => getDocStatus
             [7] => getIsReconciled
             [8] => getLocked
             [9] => getTimestamp
             [10] => getTotalAmount
             [11] => getTotalDiscount
             [12] => getTotalExemption
             [13] => getTotalTaxable
             [14] => getTotalTax
             [15] => getHashCode
             [16] => getVersion
             [17] => getTaxLines
             [18] => getTotalTaxCalculated
             [19] => getTaxSummary
             [20] => getTaxLine
             [21] => getTransactionId
             [22] => getResultCode
             [23] => getMessages
         //vmdebug( 'GetTax is: '. $getTaxResult->getResultCode(),$getTaxResult);
         if ($getTaxResult->getResultCode() == SeverityLevel::$Success) {
             //vmdebug("DocCode: ".$request->getDocCode() );
             //vmdebug("DocId: ".$getTaxResult->getDocId()."\n");
             vmdebug("TotalAmount: " . $getTaxResult->getTotalAmount());
             $totalTax = $getTaxResult->getTotalTax();
             vmdebug("TotalTax: " . $totalTax);
             foreach ($getTaxResult->getTaxLines() as $ctl) {
                 if ($calculationHelper->inCart) {
                     $nr = $ctl->getNo();
                     if (isset($lineNumbersToCartProductId[$nr])) {
                         $quantity = $products[$lineNumbersToCartProductId[$nr]]->amount;
                         //on the long hand, the taxAmount must be replaced by taxAmountQuantity to avoid rounding errors
                         $prices[$lineNumbersToCartProductId[$ctl->getNo()]]['taxAmount'] = $ctl->getTax() / $quantity;
                         $prices[$lineNumbersToCartProductId[$ctl->getNo()]]['taxAmountQuantity'] = $ctl->getTax();
                     } else {
                         //$this->_cartPrices['shipmentValue'] = 0; //could be automatically set to a default set in the globalconfig
                         //$this->_cartPrices['shipmentTax'] = 0;
                         //$this->_cartPrices['shipmentTotal'] = 0;
                         //$prices = array('shipmentValue'=>$cartPrices['shipmentValue'],'shipmentTax'=> $ctl->getTax(), 'shipmentTotal' =>($cartPrices['shipmentValue'] +$ctl->getTax() ));
                         //vmdebug('my $cartPrices',$cartPrices);
                         $prices['shipmentTax'] = $ctl->getTax();
                         $prices['salesPriceShipment'] = $prices['shipmentValue'] + $ctl->getTax();
                         //$cartPrices = array_merge($prices,$cartPrices);
                         //$calculationHelper->setCartPrices( $cartPrices );
                         $totalTax = $totalTax - $ctl->getTax();
                         //vmdebug('my $cartPrices danach',$cartPrices);
                 //vmdebug('my lines ',$ctl);
                 //vmdebug( "     Line: ".$ctl->getNo()." Tax: ".$ctl->getTax()." TaxCode: ".$ctl->getTaxCode());
                 foreach ($ctl->getTaxDetails() as $ctd) {
                     //vmdebug( "          Juris Type: ".$ctd->getJurisType()."; Juris Name: ".$ctd->getJurisName()."; Rate: ".$ctd->getRate()."; Amt: ".$ctd->getTax() );
             if ($calculationHelper->inCart) {
         } else {
             foreach ($getTaxResult->getMessages() as $msg) {
                 vmError($msg->getName() . ": " . $msg->getSummary());
     } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
         $msg = "Exception: ";
         if ($exception) {
             $msg .= $exception->faultstring;
         vmdebug($msg . '<br />' . $client->__getLastRequest() . '<br />' . $client->__getLastResponse());
     //self::$stop = $totalTax;
     return $totalTax;