예제 #1
 public function myHomeroomTeacher()
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     $kelas = Account::getMyKelas($ta);
     $guru = new Guru();
     $row = $guru->getHomeroomFromKelas($ta, $kelas->kelas_id);
     Mold::both("leap/homeroom_widget", array("guru" => $guru, "kelas" => $kelas));
 public function viewNilaiGraph()
     $ta = isset($_GET['ta']) ? addslashes($_GET['ta']) : TahunAjaran::ta();
     $murid_id = $_GET['murid_id'];
     $matapelajaranID = $_GET['matapelajaranID'];
     $nilai = new Nilai($ta, "", $matapelajaranID, "");
     $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__;
     $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__;
     $return['ta'] = $ta;
     $return['murid_id'] = $murid_id;
     $return['matapelajaranID'] = $matapelajaranID;
     $return['graph'] = $nilai->getNilaiNachSubject($murid_id, $matapelajaranID, $ta);
     Mold::both("studentsetup/graphnilai", $return);
예제 #3
 function getCalinMonth($mid)
     global $db;
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     $q = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE cal_type = 'holiday' AND cal_ta_id = '{$ta}' ORDER BY cal_mulai ASC";
     $holidays = $db->query($q, 2);
     $q = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE cal_type != 'awal' AND cal_type != 'holiday' AND cal_ta_id = '{$ta}' ORDER BY cal_mulai ASC";
     $events = $db->query($q, 2);
     foreach ($holidays as $h) {
         // cek if pindah bulan ...
         $m = date("n", strtotime($h->cal_mulai));
         $y1 = date("Y", strtotime($h->cal_mulai));
         $m2 = date("n", strtotime($h->cal_akhir));
         $y2 = date("Y", strtotime($h->cal_mulai));
         $b1 = new DateTime($h->cal_mulai);
         $b2 = new DateTime($h->cal_akhir);
         $interval = $b1->diff($b2);
         //  echo $h->cal_name;
         // pr($interval);
         $bedabulan = $interval->m;
         $bedahari = $interval->days;
         if ($m != $m2) {
             $pertama = clone $h;
             $num_of_days_mulai = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $m, $y1);
             $pertama->cal_akhir = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $num_of_days_mulai, $y1));
             $harrbegin[$h->cal_mulai] = $pertama;
             $harrend[date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $num_of_days_mulai, $y1))] = $pertama;
             $holidaym[$m][] = $pertama;
             $nextmon = array();
             for ($x = 1; $x <= $bedabulan; $x++) {
                 $nextmon[] = date("Y-n-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y1)) . " +{$x} month"));
             foreach ($nextmon as $num => $nex) {
                 //   echo $num; echo count($nextmon);
                 $kedua = clone $h;
                 // $kedua->cal_name = $kedua->cal_name.$nex;
                 list($yy, $ny, $dy) = explode("-", $nex);
                 $kedua->cal_mulai = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $ny, 1, $yy));
                 $num_of_days_mulai = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $ny, $yy);
                 $harrbegin[date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $ny, 1, $yy))] = $kedua;
                 if ($num < count($nextmon) - 1) {
                     $kedua->cal_akhir = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $ny, $num_of_days_mulai, $yy));
                     $harrend[date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $ny, $num_of_days_mulai, $yy))] = $kedua;
                 } else {
                     //  $kedua->cal_akhir = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$ny,$num_of_days_mulai,$yy));
                     $harrend[$h->cal_akhir] = $kedua;
                 $holidaym[$ny][] = $kedua;
                 // pr($kedua);
         } else {
                                 // kalau beda tahun
                                $num_of_days_mulai = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $m, $y1);
             $harrbegin[$h->cal_mulai] = $h;
             $harrend[$h->cal_akhir] = $h;
             $holidaym[$m][] = $h;
             $datemulai = new DateTime($h->cal_mulai);
                   $holiday1[] = $h;
                   $holiday2[] = $h;
     $adakejadian = array();
     if (isset($holidaym[$mid])) {
         foreach ($holidaym[$mid] as $h) {
             $begin = new DateTime($h->cal_mulai);
             $end = new DateTime($h->cal_akhir);
             $end = $end->modify('+1 day');
             $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
             $daterange = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
             foreach ($daterange as $date) {
                 // echo $h->cal_name." hoho". $date->format("Ymd") . "<br>";
                 $adakejadian[$date->format("Y-m-d")][] = $h;
     foreach ($events as $h) {
         //untuk semua event simpan dikejadian harian
         $begin = new DateTime($h->cal_mulai);
         $end = new DateTime($h->cal_akhir);
         $end = $end->modify('+1 day');
         $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
         $daterange = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
         foreach ($daterange as $date) {
             // echo $h->cal_name." hoho". $date->format("Ymd") . "<br>";
             $adakejadian[$date->format("Y-m-d")][] = $h;
         $m = date("n", strtotime($h->cal_mulai));
         $holidaym[$m][] = $h;
     return $adakejadian;
     // pr($adakejadian);
     // return $holidaym[$mid];
     //  pr($holidaym);
     //  pr($holidays);
     // pr($events);
예제 #4
 function isikelas()
     $id = addslashes($_GET['id']);
     if ($id == "") {
     global $db;
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     $kelas = new Kelas();
     $murid = new Murid();
     $arrMuridinClass = $murid->getMuridDiKelas($kelas, $ta);
     $t = time();
     $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__;
     $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__;
     $return['arrMuridinClass'] = $arrMuridinClass;
     $return['id'] = $id;
     $return['kelas'] = $kelas;
     Mold::both("inbox/isikelas", $return);
 public function totalsession()
     //load ta
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     //load all mp aktiv
     $guru = new Guru();
     $arrGuru = $guru->getWhere("guru_aktiv = 1 ORDER BY nama_depan ASC", "nama_depan,guru_id,account_id,foto,guru_color");
     //load mj
     $arrMj = $guru->getTableMengajarFull($ta);
     $arrHr = $guru->getHomeroomFromTa($ta);
     $totalGuru = array();
     $detailMJ = array();
     $hrPerGuru = array();
     foreach ($arrGuru as $gr) {
         if (!isset($totalGuru[$gr->guru_id])) {
             $totalGuru[$gr->guru_id] = 0;
         foreach ($arrMj as $mj) {
             if ($gr->guru_id == $mj->guru_id) {
                 $totalGuru[$gr->guru_id] += $mj->mj_jam;
                 $detailMJ[$gr->guru_id][] = $mj;
         foreach ($arrHr as $hr) {
             if ($gr->guru_id == $hr->guru_id) {
                 $hrPerGuru[$gr->guru_id] = $hr;
     $return['ta'] = $ta;
     $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__;
     $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__;
     $return['totalGuru'] = $totalGuru;
     $return['detailMJ'] = $detailMJ;
     $return['hrPerGuru'] = $hrPerGuru;
     $return['arrHr'] = $arrHr;
     $return['arrGuru'] = $arrGuru;
     $return['arrMj'] = $arrMj;
     Mold::both("schoolsetup/totalsession", $return);
            font-size: 10px;
        / / margin-top : - 5 px;
        / / margin-left : - 1 px;

        .nav.nav-pills > li > a:hover {
            background-color: #cccccc;
            color: #fff;
            border-radius: 10px;
echo Lang::t("lang_day_eff");
echo TahunAjaran::ta();
    <div class="hidden-print">
        <div class="btn-group">
            <button id="set_mulai_ajaran_baru" type="button"
                    class="btn btn-default"><?php 
echo Lang::t('lang_start_1st_sem');
            <button id="set_mulai_ajaran_baru2" type="button"
                    class="btn btn-default"><?php 
echo Lang::t('lang_start_2nd_sem');
예제 #7
 public function viewcomment()
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     $wid = isset($_GET['wid']) ? addslashes($_GET['wid']) : '';
     $klsid = isset($_GET['klsid']) ? addslashes($_GET['klsid']) : '';
     $typ = isset($_GET['typ']) ? addslashes($_GET['typ']) : '';
     $cmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? addslashes($_GET['cmd']) : 'view';
     $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__;
     $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__;
     $return['ta'] = $ta;
     $return["klsid"] = $klsid;
     if ($cmd == "form") {
         $return["typ"] = $typ;
         $return['id'] = $wid;
         $return['mode'] = "viewcomment";
         Mold::both("wall/compose", $return);
     if ($cmd == "add") {
         $json['bool'] = 0;
         $json['err'] = '';
         if (isset($_POST['wall_msg'])) {
             $wall_msg = trim(rtrim($_POST['wall_msg']));
         if ($wall_msg == '') {
             $json['err'] .= Lang::t('Message is empty');
         $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? addslashes($_GET['id']) : '';
         if ($id == '') {
             $json['err'] .= Lang::t('Id is empty');
         if ($json['err'] == '') {
             // am 01.10.2014,insert <embed><iframe> vom Efindi
             //$wall_msg = addslashes(strip_tags(trim(rtrim ($_POST['wall_msg'])),'<p><a><br><b><i><img><hr>'));
             $wall_msg = strip_tags(trim(rtrim($_POST['wall_msg'])), '<p><a><br><b><i><img><hr><embed><iframe>');
             if ($typ == "kelas") {
                 $wall = new MuridWallComment();
                 $wall->wid = $id;
                 $wall->cid_admin_nama = Account::getMyName();
                 $wall->cid_admin_foto = Account::getMyFoto();
                 $wall->cid_admin_id = Account::getMyID();
                 //create date
                 $tgl = Wall::getDateTime();
                 $wall->c_date = $tgl;
                 $wall->c_text = $wall_msg;
                 $json['bool'] = $wall->save();
                 if ($json['bool']) {
                     $wall2 = new MuridWall();
                     $wall2->wall_update = $tgl;
                     $wall2->load = 1;
                     //spy update
                     $json['bool'] = $wall2->save();
     if ($cmd == "view") {
         $mwc = new MuridWallComment();
         $whereClause = "wid = '{$wid}' ORDER BY c_date DESC";
         $arrComment = $mwc->getWhere($whereClause);
         $wall = new MuridWall();
         $acc = new Account();
         $wall->acc = $acc;
         $target = "kelaswall___" . $wall->wall_id;
         $foto = new Fotoajax();
         $arrFoto = $foto->getWhere("photo_target_id = '{$target}' ORDER BY photo_date DESC");
         $wall->foto = $arrFoto;
         $return['wall'] = $wall;
         $return['mwc'] = $arrComment;
         Mold::both("wall/viewcomment", $return);
예제 #8
 public function myJadwal()
     //ambil tahun ajaran utk Matapelajaran
     $ta = TahunAjaran::ta();
     $murid = new Murid();
     $murid->default_read_coloms = "*";
     $kls = $murid->getMyKelas($ta);
     $cmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? $_GET['cmd'] : "read";
     $id = $kls->kelas_id;
     $tag = date("N");
     $jadwalMatapelajaran = new Jadwalmatapelajaran($id, $ta, "Weekly", "");
     // pr($jadwalMatapelajaran);
     $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__;
     $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__;
     $return['ta'] = $ta;
     $return['kls'] = $kls;
     $return['jadwalMatapelajaran'] = $jadwalMatapelajaran;
     //Mold::both("studentsetup/jadwalmatapelajaran",  $jadwalMatapelajaran);
     //Mold::both("studentsetup/jadwalmatapelajaranDaily",  $jadwalMatapelajaran);
     Mold::both("studentsetup/jadwalmatapelajaranWeekly", $return);