/** * Returns list of tags by article and topic * * @param Articles $article * @param TagsGroups $topic * @return array */ public function get_tags_by_article_topic($article, $topic, $clone = false) { $topic_url = $topic->get_href(); $topic_name = $topic->get_name(); $this->_query->reset_query(); $this->_query->set_from(VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . $this->_sql_table . ' AS t'); $this->_query->add_fields('t.*'); $this->_query->add_group_by('t.id'); $this->add_filter('tags_group_id', $topic->get_id()); $this->add_filter('article_id', $article->get_id()); $this->set_list(); if (!empty($this->list)) { foreach ($this->list as &$tag) { $clone and $tag = clone $tag; $tag->set_group_url($topic_url); $tag->set_group_name($topic_name); } unset($tag); } return $this->list; }
/** * Autocomplete box feed */ public function _autocomplete_links() { $sm = vivvo_lite_site::get_instance(); $template = $sm->get_template(); $um = $sm->get_url_manager(); $pm = $sm->get_plugin_manager(); $content_template = new template(null, $template); $content_template->set_template_file($this->_template_root . 'autocomplete_links.xml'); $hrefs = array(); $db = $sm->get_db(); $name = secure_sql($um->get_param('name')); $sql = "(SELECT id, category_name AS title, sefriendly, '' AS category_id, 'Categories' AS type FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_name LIKE '{$name}%')\n\t\t\t\t\t UNION\n\t\t\t\t (SELECT id, title, sefriendly, category_id, 'Articles' AS type FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "articles WHERE title LIKE '{$name}%')"; if ($pm->is_installed('pages')) { $sql .= "UNION (SELECT id, title, sefriendly, '' AS category_id, 'Pages' AS type FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "pages WHERE title LIKE '{$name}%')"; } $sql .= "UNION (SELECT t.id, CONCAT(tg.name,': ',t.name) AS title, t.sefriendly AS sefriendly, tg.url AS category_id, 'Tags' AS type FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "tags AS t INNER JOIN " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "tags_to_tags_groups AS ttg ON ttg.tag_id = t.id INNER JOIN " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "tags_groups AS tg ON ttg.tags_group_id = tg.id WHERE t.name LIKE '{$name}%' GROUP BY t.id, tg.id) " . "UNION (SELECT id, name AS title, url AS sefriendly, '' AS category_id, 'Topics' AS type FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "tags_groups WHERE name LIKE '{$name}%')"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!PEAR::isError($res)) { $i = 0; while ($row = $res->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $hrefs[$i] = array(); $hrefs[$i]['title'] = $row['title']; $hrefs[$i]['id'] = $row['id']; $hrefs[$i]['type'] = $row['type']; switch ($row['type']) { case 'Articles': if (!$article) { require_once VIVVO_FS_INSTALL_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/Articles.class.php'; $article = new Articles(); } $article->id = $row['id']; $article->title = $row['title']; $article->sefriendly = $row['sefriendly']; $article->category_id = $row['category_id']; $hrefs[$i]['href'] = $article->get_href(); break; case 'Categories': if (!$cat) { $cat = $sm->get_categories(); } $hrefs[$i]['href'] = $cat->list[$row['id']]->get_href(); break; case 'Pages': if (!$page) { require_once VIVVO_FS_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'plugins/pages/Pages.class.php'; $page = new Pages(); } $page->id = $row['id']; $page->title = $row['title']; $page->sefriendly = $row['sefriendly']; $hrefs[$i]['href'] = $page->get_href(); break; case 'Tags': if (!$tag) { require_once VIVVO_FS_INSTALL_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/Tags.class.php'; $tag = new Tags(); } $tag->id = $row['id']; $tag->name = $row['title']; $tag->sefriendly = $row['sefriendly']; $tag->group_url = $row['category_id'] . '/'; $hrefs[$i]['href'] = $tag->get_href(); break; case 'Topics': if (!$topic) { require_once VIVVO_FS_INSTALL_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/TagsGroups.class.php'; $topic = new TagsGroups(); } $topic->id = $row['id']; $topic->name = $row['title']; $topic->url = $row['sefriendly']; $hrefs[$i]['href'] = rtrim($topic->get_href(), '/'); break; } $i++; } } $content_template->assign('link_list', $hrefs); return $content_template; }
/** * Add tag group * * @param string $name * @param string $url * @param string $template * @param array $metadata */ public function add_tag_group($name, $url, $template, $tag_template, $metadata, $return_id_if_exists = false, $new_tags = '') { if (!vivvo_hooks_manager::call('tag_addGroup', array(&$name, &$url, &$template, &$tag_template, &$metadata, &$return_id_if_exists, &$new_tags))) { return vivvo_hooks_manager::get_status(); } $sm = vivvo_lite_site::get_instance(); $user = $sm->user; if ($user && $user->can('MANAGE_TAGS')) { $tag_group_list = new TagsGroups_list(); $tag_group = new TagsGroups(); if (!$tag_group->set_name($name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))) { $this->set_error_code(12, vivvo_lang::get_instance()->get_value('LNG_DB_tags_groups_name')); return false; } if ($existing_group = $tag_group_list->get_group_by_name($name)) { if (!$return_id_if_exists) { $this->set_error_code(2417); return false; } return $existing_group->get_id(); } $um = $sm->get_url_manager(); if (empty($url)) { $url = make_sefriendly($name); } else { $url = make_sefriendly($url); } $um->set_param('TAG_GROUP_url', $url); $sefriendly = secure_sql($url); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE sefriendly = '{$sefriendly}' LIMIT 1 UNION\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT id FROM " . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "tags_groups WHERE url = '{$sefriendly}' LIMIT 1"; if (($res = $sm->get_db()->query($sql)) && $res->numRows() > 0) { $this->set_error_code(2418); return false; } $tag_group->set_url($url); $tag_group->set_template($template); $tag_group->set_tag_template($tag_template); $tag_group->set_metadata($metadata); $this->_post_master->set_data_object($tag_group); if (!$this->_post_master->sql_insert()) { $this->set_error_code(2412); return false; } $work_id = $this->_post_master->get_work_id(); $um->register_url(urlencode($url), 'lib/vivvo/url_handlers/topic.php', 'topic_url_handler', 'topic_content_handler'); $um->set_param('search_id', $work_id); if ($new_tags) { $this->add_tag_names_to_topic($new_tags, $work_id); } admin_log($user->get_username(), 'Added topic #' . $work_id); return $work_id; } $this->set_error_code(2410); return false; }