예제 #1
  * Constructor.
  * @param integer             $objectId  Identifier of treated object.
  * @param integer             $areaId    Name of hook area.
  * @param string              $module    Name of the owning module.
  * @param string              $urlString **deprecated**
  * @param Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject Object carrying url arguments.
 function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
     // call base constructor to store arguments in member vars
     parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);
     // derive object type from url object
     $urlArgs = $urlObject->getArgs();
     $objectType = isset($urlArgs['ot']) ? $urlArgs['ot'] : 'review';
     $component = $module . ':' . ucwords($objectType) . ':';
     $perm = SecurityUtil::checkPermission($component, $objectId . '::', ACCESS_READ);
     if (!$perm) {
     $entityClass = $module . '_Entity_' . ucwords($objectType);
     $serviceManager = ServiceUtil::getManager();
     $entityManager = $serviceManager->getService('doctrine.entitymanager');
     $repository = $entityManager->getRepository($entityClass);
     $useJoins = false;
     /** TODO support composite identifiers properly at this point */
     $entity = $repository->selectById($objectId, $useJoins);
     if ($entity === false || !is_array($entity) && !is_object($entity)) {
     $dateFieldName = $repository->getStartDateFieldName();
     if ($dateFieldName != '') {
     } else {
     if (method_exists($entity, 'getCreatedUserId')) {
         $this->setObjectAuthor(UserUtil::getVar('uname', $entity['createdUserId']));
     } else {
예제 #2
  * Construct.
  * @param int $objectId Object ID.
  * @param int $areaId A blockinfo structure.
  * @param string $module Module.
  * @param string $urlString Url.
  * @param Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject Url object.
 function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
     parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);
     $args = $urlObject->getArgs();
     $ot = $args['ot'];
     if ($ot == 'posting') {
         $posting = ModUtil::apiFunc('MUBoard', 'selection', 'getEntity', array('ot' => 'posting', 'id' => $this->getObjectId()));
         // the Api checks for perms and there is nothing else to check
         if ($posting) {
             $userid = $posting->getCreatedUserId();
             $date = $posting->getCreatedDate();
             $title = $posting->getTitle();
             $this->setObjectAuthor(UserUtil::getVar('uname', $userid));
     if ($ot == 'picture') {
         $picture = ModUtil::apiFunc('MUImage', 'selection', 'getEntity', array('ot' => 'picture', 'id' => $this->getObjectId()));
         // the Api checks for perms and there is nothing else to check
         if ($picture) {
             $userid = $picture->getCreatedUserId();
             $date = $picture->getCreatedDate();
             $title = $picture->getTitle();
             $this->setObjectAuthor(UserUtil::getVar('uname', $userid));
예제 #3
     * Construct.
     * @param int $objectId Object ID.
     * @param int $areaId A blockinfo structure.
     * @param string $module Module.
     * @param string $urlString Url.
     * @param Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject Url object.
    function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
        parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);

        $page = ModUtil::apiFunc('Pages', 'user', 'get', array('pageid' => $this->getObjectId()));
        // the Api checks for perms and there is nothing else to check
        if ($page) {
            $this->setObjectAuthor(UserUtil::getVar('uname', $page['cr_uid']));
예제 #4
  * Construct.
  * @param int $objectId Object ID.
  * @param int $areaId A blockinfo structure.
  * @param string $module Module.
  * @param string $urlString Url.
  * @param \Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject Url object.
 public function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, \Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
     parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);
     $sm = \ServiceUtil::getManager();
     /** @var \Zikula\PagesModule\Entity\PageEntity $page */
     $page = $sm->get('doctrine.entitymanager')->getRepository('ZikulaPagesModule:PageEntity')->find($this->getObjectId());
     // the Api checks for perms and there is nothing else to check
     if ($page) {
예제 #5
 function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
     parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);
     $perm = SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Content:page:', $objectId . '::', ACCESS_READ);
     if ($perm) {
         $page = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Page', 'getPage', array('id' => $this->getObjectId(), 'preview' => false, 'includeContent' => false));
         // the Page Api resolves page active status and availabilty times
         if ($page) {
예제 #6
파일: News.php 프로젝트: projectesIF/Sirius
    function __construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString = null, Zikula_ModUrl $urlObject = null)
        parent::__construct($objectId, $areaId, $module, $urlString, $urlObject);

        $newsItem = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'get', array('sid' => $this->getObjectId()));
        // the api takes care of the permissions check. we must check for pending/expiration & status
        $expired = (isset($newsItem['to']) && (strtotime($newsItem['to']) < strtotime("now")));
        $pending = (strtotime($newsItem['from']) > strtotime("now"));
        $statuspublished = ($newsItem['published_status'] == News_Api_User::STATUS_PUBLISHED);
        if ($newsItem && $statuspublished && !$pending && !$expired) {