public static function putGbbq($file, $data) { if (empty($data)) { return false; } return parent::putAllData($file, $data); }
/** * Override the default method to handle the specific things of the download module and * update the database after file was successful uploaded. * This method has the same parameters as the default. * @param $uploaded_file * @param $name * @param $size * @param $type * @param $error * @param $index * @param $content_range * @return stdClass */ protected function handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index = null, $content_range = null) { global $gPreferences, $gL10n, $gDb, $getId, $gCurrentOrganization, $gCurrentUser; $file = parent::handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index, $content_range); if (!isset($file->error)) { try { // check filesize against module settings if ($file->size > $gPreferences['max_file_upload_size'] * 1024 * 1024) { throw new AdmException('DOW_FILE_TO_LARGE', $gPreferences['max_file_upload_size']); } // check filename and throw exception if something is wrong admStrIsValidFileName($file->name, true); // get recordset of current folder from database and throw exception if necessary $targetFolder = new TableFolder($gDb); $targetFolder->getFolderForDownload($getId); // now add new file to database $newFile = new TableFile($gDb); $newFile->setValue('fil_fol_id', $targetFolder->getValue('fol_id')); $newFile->setValue('fil_name', $file->name); $newFile->setValue('fil_locked', $targetFolder->getValue('fol_locked')); $newFile->setValue('fil_counter', '0'); $newFile->save(); // Benachrichtigungs-Email für neue Einträge $message = $gL10n->get('DOW_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname'), $file->name, $gCurrentUser->getValue('FIRST_NAME') . ' ' . $gCurrentUser->getValue('LAST_NAME'), date($gPreferences['system_date'], time())); $notification = new Email(); $notification->adminNotfication($gL10n->get('DOW_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE'), $message, $gCurrentUser->getValue('FIRST_NAME') . ' ' . $gCurrentUser->getValue('LAST_NAME'), $gCurrentUser->getValue('EMAIL')); } catch (AdmException $e) { $file->error = $e->getText(); unlink($this->options['upload_dir'] . $file->name); return $file; } } return $file; }
public static function getPurposeList() { $purpose = array(); if (($d1 = opendir(TASK_PATH)) == false) { return $purpose; } while (($d2 = readdir($d1)) !== false) { if (!is_dir(TASK_PATH . $d2) || $d2 == "." || $d2 == "..") { continue; } $p = TASK_PATH . $d2 . "/"; $f = $p . "SUMMARY.txt"; if (!file_exists($f)) { continue; } $sd = TableFile::getAllData($f); if (!$sd) { continue; } $l = array(); foreach ($sd as $d) { if ($d['aim'] != self::$aim) { continue; } $f = $p . 'data/' . $d['table']; if (file_exists($f)) { $l[] = array('table' => $d['table'], 'info' => $d['info'], 'url' => Url::getBasePhp('Sheet') . '?task=' . $d2 . '&table=' . $d['table'] . '&info=' . $d['info']); } } if ($l) { $f = $p . "README.txt"; $re = array(); if (file_exists($f)) { $re = BaseFile::getFileContent($f); $re = explode("\r\n", $re); } $purpose[ucfirst($d2)] = array('readme' => $re, 'list' => $l); } } return $purpose; }
//Es muss entweder eine FileID ODER eine FolderId uebergeben werden //beides ist auch nicht erlaubt $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_INVALID_PAGE_VIEW')); } $gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline); if (isset($_SESSION['download_request'])) { $form_values = strStripSlashesDeep($_SESSION['download_request']); unset($_SESSION['download_request']); } else { $form_values['new_name'] = null; $form_values['new_description'] = null; } try { if ($getFileId) { // get recordset of current file from databse $file = new TableFile($gDb); $file->getFileForDownload($getFileId); $originalName = $file->getValue('fil_name'); if ($form_values['new_name'] == null) { $form_values['new_name'] = admFuncGetFilenameWithoutExtension($originalName); } if ($form_values['new_description'] == null) { $form_values['new_description'] = $file->getValue('fil_description'); } } else { // get recordset of current folder from databses $folder = new TableFolder($gDb); $folder->getFolderForDownload($getFolderId); $originalName = $folder->getValue('fol_name'); if ($form_values['new_name'] == null) { $form_values['new_name'] = $originalName;
// nun alle relevanten Downloads finden $sql = 'SELECT fil_timestamp, fil_name, fil_usr_id, fol_name, fol_path, fil_id, fil_fol_id FROM ' . TBL_FILES . ', ' . TBL_FOLDERS . ' WHERE fil_fol_id = fol_id ORDER BY fil_timestamp DESC'; $filesStatement = $gDb->query($sql); if ($filesStatement->rowCount() > 0) { $anzahl = 0; while ($plg_row = $filesStatement->fetchObject()) { $errorCode = ''; $html = ''; $timestampHtml = ''; echo '<div class="btn-group-vertical" role="group">'; try { // get recordset of current file from databse $file = new TableFile($gDb); $file->getFileForDownload($plg_row->fil_id); } catch (AdmException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getMessage(); if ($errorCode !== 'DOW_FOLDER_NO_RIGHTS') { $e->showText(); } } // only show download if user has rights to view folder if ($errorCode !== 'DOW_FOLDER_NO_RIGHTS') { // Ermittlung der Dateiendung $fileExtension = mb_strtolower(substr($plg_row->fil_name, strrpos($plg_row->fil_name, '.') + 1), 'UTF-8'); // Auszugebendes Icon ermitteln $iconFile = 'page_white_question.png'; if (array_key_exists($fileExtension, $icon_file_extension)) { $iconFile = $icon_file_extension[$fileExtension];
require '../../system/common.php'; // Initialize and check the parameters $getFileId = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'file_id', 'numeric', array('requireValue' => true)); //pruefen ob das Modul ueberhaupt aktiviert ist if ($gPreferences['enable_download_module'] != 1) { // das Modul ist deaktiviert $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_MODULE_DISABLED')); } //nur von eigentlicher OragHompage erreichbar if ($gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_shortname') != $g_organization) { // das Modul ist deaktiviert $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_MODULE_ACCESS_FROM_HOMEPAGE_ONLY', $g_organization)); } try { // get recordset of current file from databse $file = new TableFile($gDb); $file->getFileForDownload($getFileId); } catch (AdmException $e) { $e->showHtml(); } //kompletten Pfad der Datei holen $completePath = $file->getCompletePathOfFile(); //pruefen ob File ueberhaupt physikalisch existiert if (!file_exists($completePath)) { $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_FILE_NOT_EXIST')); } //Downloadcounter inkrementieren $file->setValue('fil_counter', $file->getValue('fil_counter') + 1); $file->save(); //Dateigroese ermitteln $fileSize = filesize($completePath);
// Es muss entweder eine FileID ODER eine FolderId uebergeben werden // beides ist auch nicht erlaubt $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_INVALID_PAGE_VIEW')); } $gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline); if (isset($_SESSION['download_request'])) { $form_values = strStripSlashesDeep($_SESSION['download_request']); unset($_SESSION['download_request']); } else { $form_values['new_name'] = null; $form_values['new_description'] = null; } try { if ($getFileId) { // get recordset of current file from database $file = new TableFile($gDb); $file->getFileForDownload($getFileId); $originalName = pathinfo($file->getValue('fil_name'), PATHINFO_FILENAME); $fileType = pathinfo($file->getValue('fil_name'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($form_values['new_name'] === null) { $form_values['new_name'] = $originalName; } if ($form_values['new_description'] === null) { $form_values['new_description'] = $file->getValue('fil_description'); } } else { // get recordset of current folder from databases $folder = new TableFolder($gDb); $folder->getFolderForDownload($getFolderId); $originalName = $folder->getValue('fol_name'); if ($form_values['new_name'] == null) {
public static function _getRefer($file) { $refer = array(); if (!file_exists($file)) { return $refer; } $refer = parent::getAllData($file); return $refer; }
} try { // check filename and throw exception if something is wrong if (admStrIsValidFileName(urldecode($getName), true)) { $getName = urldecode($getName); // get recordset of current folder from databse $targetFolder = new TableFolder($gDb); $targetFolder->getFolderForDownload($getFolderId); } } catch (AdmException $e) { $e->showHtml(); } //Pruefen ob das neue Element eine Datei order ein Ordner ist. if (is_file($targetFolder->getCompletePathOfFolder() . '/' . $getName)) { //Datei hinzufuegen $newFile = new TableFile($gDb); $newFile->setValue('fil_fol_id', $targetFolder->getValue('fol_id')); $newFile->setValue('fil_name', $getName); $newFile->setValue('fil_locked', $targetFolder->getValue('fol_locked')); $newFile->setValue('fil_counter', '0'); $newFile->save(); //Zurueck zur letzten Seite $gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL); $location = 'Location: ' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/system/back.php'; header($location); exit; } elseif (is_dir($targetFolder->getCompletePathOfFolder() . '/' . $getName)) { //Ordner der DB hinzufuegen $newFolder = new TableFolder($gDb); $newFolder->setValue('fol_fol_id_parent', $targetFolder->getValue('fol_id')); $newFolder->setValue('fol_type', 'DOWNLOAD');
public static function importOnce() { $dir = dir('D:\\wamp\\www\\ForeShadowAlpha\\data\\tmp'); $filelist = array(); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 3) == 'ths') { //echo "filename: " . $file . "<br />"; $filelist[] = $file; } } $dir->close(); sort($filelist); //print_r($filelist); //echo '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title></title></head><body>'; //$i = 1; foreach ($filelist as $file) { //if ( --$i < 0 ) exit(0); //echo "filename: " . $file . "<br />"; $content = DataFile::getFileContent('D:\\wamp\\www\\ForeShadowAlpha\\data\\tmp/' . $file); //echo $content; $rows = explode("\n\r", $content); if (!$file) { continue; } foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$row) { continue; } $lie = explode('|', $row); //get Code $r = "/[0-9]{6}/"; preg_match($r, $lie[0], $code); //echo $lie[0] . $code[0]; $c = $code[0]; $r = substr($code[0], 0, 1); if ($r == '6') { $code = 'sh' . $c; } else { if ($r == '0') { $code = 'sz' . $c; } else { if ($r == '3') { $code = 'sz' . $c; } } } //echo $code . "<br />"; $thsPath = 'D:\\wamp\\www\\ForeShadowAlpha\\data\\thsdoctor/'; $thsFile = $thsPath . $code . '.txt'; echo $thsFile . "<br />"; $thsRow = array(); //time $r = "/[0-9.]+/"; preg_match_all($r, $lie[3], $k); //if (sizeof($k) < 5 ) continue; $t = $k[0][0] . '-' . $k[0][1] . '-' . $k[0][2]; //echo $t. "<br />"; //echo $k[0][3]. "<br />"; $thsRow['time'] = $t; $thsRow['hour'] = $k[0][3] . ':' . $k[0][4]; //total $r = "/([0-9.]+)分/"; preg_match($r, $lie[2], $k); //echo $k[0].'--'.$k[1]."<br />"; $thsRow['total_score'] = $k[1]; $thsRow['total_text'] = $lie[13]; //shot_trend $thsRow['shot_trend'] = $lie[5]; //mid_trend $thsRow['mid_trend'] = $lie[6]; //long_trend $thsRow['long_trend'] = $lie[7]; //technical $r = "/([0-9.]+)/"; preg_match($r, $lie[8], $k); $thsRow['technical_score'] = $k[0]; //echo $k[0]."<br />"; $k = trim($lie[8]); $kk = preg_split('/\\s/', $k, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $thsRow['technical_text'] = end($kk); //funds $r = "/([0-9.]+)/"; preg_match($r, $lie[9], $k); $thsRow['funds_score'] = $k[0]; //echo $k[0]."<br />"; $k = trim($lie[9]); $kk = preg_split('/\\s/', $k, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $thsRow['funds_text'] = end($kk); //message $r = "/([0-9.]+)/"; preg_match($r, $lie[10], $k); $thsRow['message_score'] = $k[0]; //echo $k[0]."<br />"; $k = trim($lie[10]); $kk = preg_split('/\\s/', $k, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $thsRow['message_text'] = end($kk); //trade $r = "/([0-9.]+)/"; preg_match($r, $lie[11], $k); $thsRow['trade_score'] = $k[0]; //echo $k[0]."<br />"; $k = trim($lie[11]); $kk = preg_split('/\\s/', $k, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $thsRow['trade_text'] = end($kk); //basic $r = "/([0-9.]+)/"; preg_match($r, $lie[12], $k); $thsRow['basic_score'] = $k[0]; //echo $k[0]."<br />"; $k = trim($lie[12]); $kk = preg_split('/\\s/', $k, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $thsRow['basic_text'] = end($kk); //print_r($thsRow); //echo "<br />"; TableFile::putSomeData($thsFile, array($thsRow)); } } }
public static function appendTable($file, $data) { if (file_exists($file)) { $l = filemtime($file); $l = Date("ymdHis", $l); if (substr($file, strlen($file) - 4) == ".txt") { $bakF = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - 3) . $l . ".txt"; } else { $bakF = $file . "." . $l . ".txt"; } rename($file, $bakF); copy($bakF, $file); } return TableFile::putSomeData($file, $data); }
public function _getData($file) { $this->_innerData = TableFile::getAllData($file); return $this->_innerData; }