예제 #1
  * Data provider for testIntReturnsFalse
  * @return array Data sets
 public function functionCanBeInterpretedAsIntegerInvalidDataProvider()
     $objectWithNumericalStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     $objectWithNonNumericalStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     $objectWithEmptyStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     return array('int as string with leading zero' => array('01234'), 'positive int as string with plus modifier' => array('+1234'), 'negative int as string with leading zero' => array('-01234'), 'largest int plus one' => array(PHP_INT_MAX + 1), 'string' => array('testInt'), 'empty string' => array(''), 'int in string' => array('5 times of testInt'), 'int as string with space after' => array('5 '), 'int as string with space before' => array(' 5'), 'int as string with many spaces before' => array('     5'), 'float' => array(3.14159), 'float as string' => array('3.14159'), 'float as string only a dot' => array('10.'), 'float as string trailing zero would evaluate to int 10' => array('10.0'), 'float as string trailing zeros	 would evaluate to int 10' => array('10.00'), 'null' => array(NULL), 'empty array' => array(array()), 'int in array' => array(array(32425)), 'int as string in array' => array(array('32425')), 'object without string representation' => array(new \stdClass()), 'object with numerical string representation' => array($objectWithNumericalStringRepresentation), 'object without numerical string representation' => array($objectWithNonNumericalStringRepresentation), 'object with empty string representation' => array($objectWithEmptyStringRepresentation));
예제 #2
  * Data provider for canBeInterpretedAsFloatReturnsFalse
  * @return array Data sets
 public function functionCanBeInterpretedAsFloatInvalidDataProvider()
     $objectWithNumericalStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     $objectWithNonNumericalStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     $objectWithEmptyStringRepresentation = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\MathUtilityTestClassWithStringRepresentationFixture();
     return array('string' => array('testInt'), 'empty string' => array(''), 'int in string' => array('5 times of testInt'), 'int as string with space after' => array('5 '), 'int as string with space before' => array(' 5'), 'int as string with many spaces before' => array('     5'), 'null' => array(null), 'empty array' => array(array()), 'int in array' => array(array(32425)), 'int as string in array' => array(array('32425')), 'negative float as string with invalid chars in exponent' => array('-7.5eX3'), 'object without string representation' => array(new \stdClass()), 'object with numerical string representation' => array($objectWithNumericalStringRepresentation), 'object without numerical string representation' => array($objectWithNonNumericalStringRepresentation), 'object with empty string representation' => array($objectWithEmptyStringRepresentation));