예제 #1
 public function process()
     $this->translationStats = null;
     $this->translationMissLogRecord = null;
     $this->translatedPage = null;
     $proxyWriter = $this->site->getProxyWriter();
     $pageWrapper = $this->page;
     $page = $pageWrapper->getRecord();
     $tmid = null;
     if (!isset($this->translationMemory)) {
         $tmid = $pageWrapper->getTranslationMemoryId(true);
     } else {
         $tmid = $this->translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id');
     $translatedContent = null;
     $untranslatedContent = $page->val('webpage_content');
     if (!trim($untranslatedContent)) {
         // There is nothing to process on this page.
     if ($tmid or $this->translationMemory) {
         if ($this->translationMemory) {
             $tm = $this->translationMemory;
         } else {
             $tm = $this->getTranslationMemory($tmid);
         if ($tm) {
             if ($tm->getSourceLanguage() != $pageWrapper->getLanguage()) {
                 throw new Exception("Translation memory language does not match the record language.  Translation memory source language is " . $tm->getSourceLanguage() . " but the page language is " . $pageWrapper->getLanguage() . '.');
             $translatedContent = $proxyWriter->translateHtml($untranslatedContent, $translationStats, $this->logTranslationMisses);
             $this->translationStats = $translationStats;
             $page->setValues(array('last_translation_memory_applied' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'last_translation_memory_misses' => $translationStats['misses'], 'last_translation_memory_hits' => $translationStats['matches']));
             // Let's record the strings in this page.
             $res = df_q("delete from webpage_strings where webpage_id='" . addslashes($page->val('webpage_id')) . "'");
             if ($proxyWriter->lastStrings) {
                 $sqlpre = "insert into webpage_strings (webpage_id,string_id) values ";
                 $sql = array();
                 $wpid = $page->val('webpage_id');
                 foreach ($proxyWriter->lastStrings as $str) {
                     if (!trim($str)) {
                     if (preg_match('/^[^\\w]+$/', trim($str))) {
                         // This is to skip any strings that contain only
                         // non-word characters(e.g. numbers)
                     $encStr = TMTools::encode($str, $params);
                     $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($encStr, $tm->getSourceLanguage());
                     $sql[] = '(' . $wpid . ',' . $strRec->val('string_id') . ')';
                 $sql = $sqlpre . implode(',', $sql);
             $translatedPage = SweteWebpage::loadById($page->val('webpage_id'), $this->site->getDestinationLanguage());
             $translatedPage->getRecord()->setValue('webpage_content', $translatedContent);
             $res = $translatedPage->getRecord()->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 throw new Exception(mysql_error(df_db()));
             $lastApproved = $translatedPage->getLastVersionWithStatus(SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
             if ($lastApproved and $lastApproved->val('webpage_content') == $translatedContent) {
                 $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
             } else {
                 if ($translationStats['matches'] > 0 and $translationStats['misses'] == 0) {
                     // We have perfect matches in what we are supposed to be translating
                     // We are either approving this page or we are marking it pending approval
                     if ($translatedPage->getAutoApprove(true)) {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
                         $lastApproved = $translatedPage->setStatus(SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
                     } else {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_PENDING_APPROVAL);
                 } else {
                     if ($translationStats['misses'] > 0) {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_CHANGED);
                     } else {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', null);
             if ($this->logTranslationMisses and @$translationStats['log']) {
                 foreach ($translationStats['log'] as $str) {
                     $tlogEntry = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
                     $nstr = TMTools::normalize($str);
                     $estr = TMTools::encode($str, $junk);
                     $hstr = md5($estr);
                     $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::findString($estr, $this->site->getSourceLanguage());
                     if (!$strRec) {
                         $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($estr, $this->site->getSourceLanguage());
                     $tlogEntry->setValues(array('string' => $str, 'normalized_string' => $nstr, 'encoded_string' => $estr, 'string_hash' => $hstr, 'date_inserted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'webpage_id' => $page->val('webpage_id'), 'website_id' => $page->val('website_id'), 'source_language' => $this->site->getSourceLanguage(), 'destination_language' => $this->site->getDestinationLanguage(), 'translation_memory_id' => $tmid, 'string_id' => $strRec->val("string_id")));
                     if (isset($this->webpageRefreshLogId)) {
                         $tlogEntry->setValue('webpage_refresh_log_id', $this->webpageRefreshLogId);
                     if ($this->saveTranslationLogRecord) {
                         $res = $tlogEntry->save();
                         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                             //throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
                             // This will throw an error if there is a duplicate... we don't care... we're not interested in duplicates
                     $this->translationMissLogRecord = $tlogEntry;
             if ($this->savePage) {
                 $res = $page->save();
                 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                     throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
예제 #2
  * @brief Handles an HTTP request.  Processes the inputs and returns the 
  * correct output.
 public function handleRequest()
     $this->mark("handleRequest: " . $this->URL);
     $url = $this->URL;
     $siteId = $this->site->getRecord()->val('website_id');
     if (file_exists('sites/' . basename($siteId) . '/Delegate.php')) {
         require_once 'sites/' . basename($siteId) . '/Delegate.php';
         $clazz = 'sites_' . intval($siteId) . '_Delegate';
         if (class_exists($clazz) and method_exists($clazz, 'init')) {
             call_user_func(array($clazz, 'init'));
     $proxyWriter = $this->site->getProxyWriter();
     $proxyWriter->useHtml5Parser = $this->useHtml5Parser;
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $logger->proxyRequestUrl = $url;
     $isPost = strtolower($this->SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) === 'post';
     if ($isPost) {
         // We cannot cache post requests.
         // The cacher knows this, but let's make doubly sure.
         Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['nocache'] = 1;
     if (!$isPost and !preg_match('#\\.(ico|ICO|gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|SWF|swf|css|CSS|png|PNG|pdf|PDF|doc|DOC|svg|SVG|fla|FLA|zip|ZIP|js|JS)$#', $url)) {
         $logger->proxyRequestHeaders = serialize(apache_request_headers());
         $logger->proxyRequestPostVars = serialize($this->POST);
         $logger->proxyRequestMethod = $this->SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
         $logger->settingsSiteId = $this->site->getRecord()->val('settings_site_id');
         $this->mark('Loading webpage');
         $page = $this->site->loadWebpageByProxifiedUrl($url);
         $this->mark('Webpage loaded');
         if ($page) {
             $logger->webpageId = $page->getRecord()->val('webpage_id');
             if (!$page->getRecord()->val('active')) {
                 $logger->webpageNotUsedReason = 'Not active';
             } else {
                 $this->mark('Loading latest version with status ' . $this->pageStatus);
                 $version = $page->getLastVersionWithStatus($this->pageStatus, $this->site->getDestinationLanguage());
                 $this->mark('Version loaded');
                 if ($version) {
                     $logger->webpageVersionId = $version->val('webpage_version_id');
                     $this->mark('Proxifying html');
                     $out = $this->site->getProxyWriter()->proxifyHtml($version->val('page_content'));
                     $this->mark('Finished proxifying html');
                     $logger->outputContent = $out;
                     $this->header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out));
                     $this->header('Connection: close');
                     $this->header('Cache-Control: max-age=36000');
                     $this->header('X-SWeTE-Handler: ProxyServer/Static page/v' . $logger->webpageVersionId . '/' . __LINE__);
                     while (@ob_end_flush()) {
                     $this->mark('Flushed contents to browser');
                     $logger->outputResponseHeaders = serialize(headers_list());
     //Wasn't found so we try to load the
     $this->mark('Getting the source page');
     if (@$this->inputContent) {
         // The content was provided.. we don't need to try to load it from
         // the source site
         $client = $this->createClientForInputContent();
     } else {
         if ($this->liveCache and $this->liveCache->client) {
             $client = $this->liveCache->client;
         } else {
             $client = $this->getSourcePage();
     $this->mark('Source page loaded');
     //echo "We got the source page.";
     $isHtml = preg_match('/html|xml/', $client->contentType);
     $isJson = (preg_match('/json/', $client->contentType) or $client->content and ($client->content[0] == '{' or $client->content[0] == '['));
     $isCSS = preg_match('/css/', $client->contentType);
     $json = null;
     if ($isJson) {
         $json = json_decode($client->content, true);
         if (isset($json)) {
             $html = $proxyWriter->jsonToHtml($json);
             $isHtml = isset($html);
             if ($isHtml) {
                 $client->content = $html;
             } else {
                 $isJson = false;
         } else {
             $isJson = false;
     $delegate = new ProxyClientPreprocessor($this->site->getRecord()->val('website_id'));
     $headers = $proxyWriter->proxifyHeaders($client->headers, true);
     $locHeaders = preg_grep('/^Location:/i', $headers);
     // Let's see if this should be a passthru
     $translationMode = $delegate->getTranslationMode($client);
     if (!$isHtml and !$isCSS and $translationMode !== ProxyClient::TRANSLATION_MODE_TRANSLATE) {
         //$skip_decoration_phase = true;
         $cacheControlSet = false;
         foreach ($headers as $h) {
             if (preg_match('/^Cache-control:(.*)$/i', $h, $matches)) {
                 // We need to respect caching rules.
                 // If this content is private then we cannot cache it
                 $cacheControlSet = true;
                 if (preg_match('/private|no-store|max-age=0|s-maxage=0/', $matches[1])) {
         $this->header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($client->content));
         $this->header('Connection: close');
         $this->header('X-SWeTE-Handler: ProxyServer Unprocessed/Non-HTML/Non-CSS/' . __LINE__);
         //if ( !$cacheControlSet ) $this->header('Cache-Control: max-age=3600, public');
         if (!$this->buffer) {
             while (@ob_end_flush()) {
         $this->mark('Flushed non-html content');
     $stats = array();
     if ($isHtml and $translationMode !== ProxyClient::TRANSLATION_MODE_NOTRANSLATE and !$locHeaders) {
         $this->mark('Preprocessing page content');
         $client->content = $delegate->preprocess($client->content);
         $this->mark('Finished preprocessing');
         $logger->requestDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $logger->proxyRequestUrl = $url;
         $logger->proxyRequestHeaders = serialize(apache_request_headers());
         $logger->proxyRequestPostVars = serialize($this->POST);
         $logger->proxyRequestMethod = $this->SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
         $logger->websiteId = $this->site->getRecord()->val('website_id');
         $this->mark('Getting the profile for this page');
         $profile = $this->site->getProfile($proxyWriter->stripBasePath($url));
         $this->mark('Profile retrieved');
         if ($profile and $profile->val('enable_live_translation')) {
             if (isset($this->liveCache)) {
                 $this->liveCache->live = true;
             try {
                 $translation_memory_id = $profile->val('translation_memory_id');
                 if (!$translation_memory_id) {
                     throw new Exception("No translation memory is set up for this page: " . $url);
                 if (isset($this->liveCache)) {
                     $this->liveCache->translationMemoryId = $translation_memory_id;
                 require_once 'modules/tm/lib/XFTranslationMemory.php';
                 //$minApprovalLevel = $profile->val('live_translation_min_approval_level');
                 $minApprovalLevel = 3;
                 $logger->liveTranslationEnabled = 1;
                 $logger->liveTranslationMinStatus = $minApprovalLevel;
                 $this->mark('Loading translation memory: ' . $translation_memory_id);
                 $tm = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryById($translation_memory_id);
                 $this->mark('Translation memory loaded');
                 $logger->translationMemoryId = $translation_memory_id;
                 $this->mark('Translating html');
                 $client->content = $proxyWriter->translateHtml($client->content, $stats, $this->logTranslationMisses);
                 $this->mark('Translation complete');
                 $logger->liveTranslationHits = $stats['matches'];
                 $logger->liveTranslationMisses = $stats['misses'];
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->mark('PROXIFY HTML START');
         $client->content = $proxyWriter->proxifyHtml($client->content);
         $this->mark('PROXIFY HTML END');
         //$client->content = preg_replace('#</head>#', '<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="http://localhost/sfutheme/js/newclf.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/sfutheme/css/newclf.css"/></head>', $client->content);
         if ($isJson) {
             $client->content = $proxyWriter->htmlToJson($json, $client->content);
     } else {
         if ($isCSS) {
             if (isset($this->liveCache)) {
                 $this->liveCache->live = true;
             $logger->requestLoggingEnabled = false;
             $this->mark('PROXIFY CSS START');
             $client->content = $proxyWriter->proxifyCss($client->content);
             $this->mark('PROXIFY CSS END');
         } else {
             $logger->requestLoggingEnabled = false;
     $cacheControlSet = false;
     foreach ($headers as $h) {
         if (preg_match('/^Cache-control:(.*)$/i', $h, $matches)) {
             // We need to respect caching rules.
             // If this content is private then we cannot cache it
             $cacheControlSet = true;
             if (preg_match('/private|no-store|max-age=0|s-maxage=0/', $matches[1])) {
                 Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['nocache'] = 1;
         //error_log("Setting header: $h");
     $this->header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($client->content));
     $this->header('X-SWeTE-Handler: ProxyServer Live/Processed/' . __LINE__);
     $this->header('Connection: close');
     // We won't add our own cache-control.  We'll let the source site decide this and send
     // their own headers.
     if (!$cacheControlSet and class_exists('Xataface_Scaler') and !@Dataface_Application::getInstance()->_conf['nocache']) {
         //$this->header('Cache-Control: max-age=3600');
     if ($this->inputContentType === 'text/plain') {
         $client->content = trim(strip_tags($client->content));
     if (!$this->buffer) {
         while (@ob_end_flush()) {
         if (isset($this->liveCache)) {
             $this->mark('The live cache is enabled.  Lets set the content');
             $this->liveCache->siteId = $this->site->getRecord()->val('website_id');
             $this->liveCache->sourceLanguage = $this->site->getSourceLanguage();
             $this->liveCache->proxyLanguage = $this->site->getDestinationLanguage();
             $this->liveCache->proxyUrl = $this->site->getProxyUrl();
             $this->liveCache->siteUrl = $this->site->getSiteUrl();
             $this->liveCache->sourceDateLocale = $this->site->getRecord()->val('source_date_locale');
             $this->liveCache->targetDateLocale = $this->site->getRecord()->val('target_date_locale');
             if ($this->site->getRecord()->val('translation_parser_version')) {
                 $this->liveCache->translationParserVersion = intval($this->site->getRecord()->val('translation_parser_version'));
             $this->liveCache->content = $client->content;
             $this->liveCache->headers = headers_list();
             if ($this->logTranslationMisses) {
                 $this->liveCache->skipLiveCache = true;
             } else {
                 $this->liveCache->skipLiveCache = false;
             $this->mark('About to check if resource can be cached.');
             if ($this->liveCache->expires > time()) {
                 $this->mark('Caching resource for live cache');
                 if (!$this->liveCache->noServerCache) {
                 $this->mark('Finished cashing resource for live cache.');
             } else {
                 if ($this->enableProfiling) {
                     $this->mark('Resource cannot be cached with live cache.  Expiry is ' . date($this->liveCache->expires) . ' but now is ' . time() . '.');
                 $this->mark('Saving just the cache info entry');
     $this->mark('Content flushed');
     $logger->outputContent = $client->content;
     $logger->outputResponseHeaders = serialize(headers_list());
     $this->mark('Loading the translation miss log');
     $tlogEntry = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
     if ($this->logTranslationMisses and @$stats['log']) {
         $this->mark('ITERATING TRANSLATION MISSES START (' . count($stats['log']) . ')');
         foreach ($stats['log'] as $str) {
             $tlogEntry = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
             $nstr = TMTools::normalize($str);
             $trimStripped = trim(strip_tags($nstr));
             if (!$trimStripped) {
             if (preg_match('/^[0-9 \\.,%\\$#@\\(\\)\\!\\?\'":\\+=\\-\\/><]*$/', $trimStripped)) {
             // If the string is just a number or non-word we just skip it.
             $estr = TMTools::normalize(TMTools::encode($nstr, $junk));
             $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($estr, $this->site->getSourceLanguage());
             $hstr = md5($estr);
             $tlogEntry->setValues(array('http_request_log_id' => $logger->getRecord()->val('http_request_log_id'), 'string' => $str, 'normalized_string' => $nstr, 'encoded_string' => $estr, 'string_hash' => $hstr, 'date_inserted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'website_id' => $this->site->getRecord()->val('website_id'), 'source_language' => $this->site->getSourceLanguage(), 'destination_language' => $this->site->getDestinationLanguage(), 'translation_memory_id' => @$translation_memory_id, 'string_id' => $strRec->val('string_id')));
             $res = $tlogEntry->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 //throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
                 // This will throw an error if there is a duplicate... we don't care... we're not interested in duplicates
예제 #3
 public function import()
     $fh = fopen($this->inputFilePath, 'r');
     if (!$fh) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Failed to open input file '%s'", $this->inputFilePath));
     $headers = array_flip(fgetcsv($fh, 0, $this->separator));
     $required_fields = array('normalized_string', 'normalized_translation_value');
     if (!isset($this->targetTranslationMemory)) {
         $required_fields[] = 'translation_memory_uuid';
     foreach ($required_fields as $f) {
         if (!array_key_exists($f, $headers)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("Missing required column heading: %s", $f));
     while (($row = fgetcsv($fh, 0, $this->separator)) !== false) {
         $string = $row[$headers['normalized_string']];
         $translation = $row[$headers['normalized_translation_value']];
         $translationMemory = $this->targetTranslationMemory;
         $tmuuid = $row[$headers['translation_memory_uuid']];
         if (!isset($translationMemory)) {
             $translationMemory = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryByUuid($tmuuid);
         if (!isset($translationMemory)) {
             $this->errors[] = array('row' => $row, 'message' => 'No translation memory assigned.');
         $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($string, $translationMemory->getSourceLanguage());
         $res = df_q(sprintf("select string_id from translation_miss_log where string_id=%d and translation_memory_id=%d", $strRec->val('string_id'), $translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id')));
         if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
             // This string is not in the translation miss log yet.  We
             // will import it now
             $tlogEntry = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
             $nstr = TMTools::normalize($string);
             $trimStripped = trim(strip_tags($nstr));
             if (!$trimStripped) {
             if (preg_match('/^[0-9 \\.,%\\$#@\\(\\)\\!\\?\'":\\+=\\-\\/><]*$/', $trimStripped)) {
             // If the string is just a number or non-word we just skip it.
             //$estr = TMTools::normalize(TMTools::encode($nstr, $junk));
             // We don't need to encode the string
             $res = df_q(sprintf("select website_id from websites where translation_memory_id=%d", $translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id')));
             if (!$res) {
                 $this->errors[] = array('row' => $row, 'message' => sprintf("No website found for translation memory %d", $translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id')));
             list($websiteId) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
             $hstr = md5($string);
             $tlogEntry->setValues(array('http_request_log_id' => null, 'string' => $string, 'normalized_string' => $string, 'encoded_string' => $string, 'string_hash' => $hstr, 'date_inserted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'website_id' => $websiteId, 'source_language' => $translationMemory->getSourceLanguage(), 'destination_language' => $translationMemory->getDestinationLanguage(), 'translation_memory_id' => $translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id'), 'string_id' => $strRec->val('string_id')));
             $res = $tlogEntry->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 $this->errors[] = array('row' => $row, 'message' => 'Failed to insert translation miss log entry: ' . $res->getMessage());
         if (@trim($translation)) {
             try {
                 $translationMemory->setTranslationStatus($string, $translation, XFTranslationMemory::TRANSLATION_APPROVED);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $this->errors[] = array('row' => $row, 'message' => 'Failed to set translation status: ' . $ex->getMessage());
         } else {
             // No translation provided we don't need to import the translation
예제 #4
 function addWebpageForStaticSite($url, $strings, $user = '******', $lang = 'en')
     $content = "";
     $stringRecords = array();
     foreach ($strings as $string) {
         $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($string, $lang);
         $stringId = $strRec->val('string_id');
         //$strings[$string]['string_id'] = $stringId;
         $stringRecords[$stringId] = $string;
         $content .= '<div>' . $string . '</div>';
     //create a webpage for the strings
     $pg = new Dataface_Record('webpages', array());
     $pg->lang = 'en';
     $pg->setValues(array('website_id' => $this->staticSite->getRecord()->val('website_id'), 'webpage_url' => $url, 'webpage_content' => $content, 'active' => 1, 'posted_by' => 'test_user'));
     $res = $pg->save();
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
     $pgid = $pg->val('webpage_id');
     //create some translation misses for the page
     foreach ($stringRecords as $id => $string) {
         $estring = TMTools::encode($string, $params);
         $nstring = TMTools::normalize($estring);
         $hash = md5($estring);
         $tml = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
         $tml->setValues(array('string' => $string, 'normalized_string' => $nstring, 'encoded_string' => $estring, 'string_hash' => $hash, 'translation_memory_id' => $this->staticSite->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id'), 'webpage_id' => $pgid, 'website_id' => $this->staticSite->getRecord()->val('website_id'), 'source_language' => 'en', 'destination_language' => 'fr', 'string_id' => $id));
         $res = $tml->save();
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             throw new Exception($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
     return $pg;
예제 #5
  * Compiles the job inputs into its final form so that it can be worked on.  Before
  * this step the job just has a loose set of input webpages strings and translation
  * misses.  This will grab all of the resources that it needs to be able to 
  * present the job to a translator.  This includes loading all resources for all
  * pages used into the data structure so that the job doesn't depend on outside
  * factors.
 public function compile()
     require_once 'inc/SweteJobPageSucker.php';
     try {
         $res = SweteDb::q("select tml.webpage_id, tml.translation_miss_log_id, tml.string\n\t\t\t\tfrom \n\t\t\t\t\ttranslation_miss_log tml \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join job_inputs_translation_misses jitm on jitm.translation_miss_log_id=tml.translation_miss_log_id\n\t\t\t\t\twhere jitm.job_id='" . addslashes($this->_rec->val('job_id')) . "' and\n\t\t\t\t\ttml.webpage_id is not null");
         $missedWebpageIds = array();
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $missedWebpageIds[$row['webpage_id']][] = $row;
         // 1. Get all of the webpages
         $res = SweteDb::q("select webpage_id from job_inputs_webpages where job_id='" . addslashes($this->_rec->val('job_id')) . "'");
         $wpids = array();
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
             $wpids[] = $row[0];
         $site = $this->getSite();
         $proxyWriter = $site->getProxyWriter();
         $jobWordCount = 0;
         foreach ($wpids as $webpageId) {
             $webpage = SweteWebpage::loadById($webpageId, $this->_rec->val('source_language'));
             if (!$webpage) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not find webpage with id {$webpageId}");
             // Use a page sucker to suck all of the resources used by this webpage.
             $pageSucker = new SweteJobPageSucker($this);
             $pageContent = $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_content');
             $pageUrl = $site->getSiteUrl() . $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_url');
             $pageContent = $pageSucker->processHtml($pageContent, $pageUrl);
             $translatable = new Dataface_Record('job_translatable', array());
             $translatable->setValues(array('job_id' => $this->_rec->val('job_id'), 'content_type' => $webpage->getRecord()->val('last_checked_content_type'), 'full_contents' => $pageContent->save(), 'webpage_id' => $webpageId, 'source_url' => $pageUrl));
             //strings from static sites
             $strings = array();
             $res = SweteDb::q("select `string` from job_inputs_webpages_strings where job_id='" . addslashes($this->_rec->val('job_id')) . "' and webpage_id='" . addslashes($webpageId) . "'");
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                 $strings[] = $row[0];
             // Lets see if there are any other strings that were added individually to this page.
             if (isset($missedWebpageIds[$webpageId])) {
                 foreach ($missedWebpageIds[$webpageId] as $row) {
                     $strings[] = $row['string'];
             // We need to collapse duplicate strings
             $uniqueStringIndex = array();
             $uniqueStrings = array();
             foreach ($strings as $k => $str) {
                 $nstr = TMTools::normalize($str);
                 $estr = TMTools::encode($nstr, $temp);
                 if (!isset($uniqueStringIndex[$estr])) {
                     $uniqueStrings[] = $str;
                     $uniqueStringIndex[$estr] = 1;
             $strings = $uniqueStrings;
             $translatable->setValue('translatable_contents', '<div>' . implode('</div><div>', $strings) . '</div>');
             //set the word count
             $pageWordCount = self::getPageWordCount($strings);
             $jobWordCount += $pageWordCount;
             $translatable->setValue('word_count', $pageWordCount);
             // Now we need to get the previous translations
             $tmid = $webpage->getTranslationMemoryId(true);
             $tm = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryById($tmid);
             if (!$tm) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not find translation memory with id {$tmid}");
             $dict = $this->extractDictionaryFromHtml($tm, $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_content'));
             $translatable->setValue('previous_translations', serialize($dict));
             $res = $translatable->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 throw new Exception($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
         // Add the remainder of the missed webpages.
         foreach ($missedWebpageIds as $webpageId => $strings) {
             $webpage = SweteWebpage::loadById($webpageId, $this->_rec->val('source_language'));
             if (!$webpage) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not find webpage with id {$webpageId}");
             // Use a page sucker to suck all of the resources used by this webpage.
             $pageSucker = new SweteJobPageSucker($this);
             $pageContent = $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_content');
             $pageUrl = $site->getSiteUrl() . $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_url');
             $pageContent = $pageSucker->processHtml($pageContent, $pageUrl);
             $translatable = new Dataface_Record('job_translatable', array());
             $translatable->setValues(array('job_id' => $this->_rec->val('job_id'), 'content_type' => $webpage->getRecord()->val('last_checked_content_type'), 'full_contents' => $pageContent->save(), 'webpage_id' => $webpageId, 'source_url' => $pageUrl));
             // We need to collapse duplicate strings
             $uniqueStringIndex = array();
             $uniqueStrings = array();
             foreach ($strings as $k => $missedstr) {
                 $str = $missedstr['string'];
                 $nstr = TMTools::normalize($str);
                 $estr = TMTools::normalize(TMTools::encode($nstr, $temp));
                 if (!isset($uniqueStringIndex[$estr])) {
                     $uniqueStrings[] = $str;
                     $uniqueStringIndex[$estr] = 1;
             $strings = $uniqueStrings;
             $translatable->setValue('translatable_contents', '<div>' . implode('</div><div>', $strings) . '</div>');
             //set the word count
             $pageWordCount = self::getPageWordCount($strings);
             $jobWordCount += $pageWordCount;
             $translatable->setValue('word_count', $pageWordCount);
             // Now we need to get the previous translations
             $tmid = $webpage->getTranslationMemoryId(true);
             $tm = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryById($tmid);
             if (!$tm) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not find translation memory with id {$tmid}");
             $dict = $this->extractDictionaryFromHtml($tm, $webpage->getRecord()->val('webpage_content'));
             $translatable->setValue('previous_translations', serialize($dict));
             $res = $translatable->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 throw new Exception($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
         // 2. Get all of the http requests without associated webpages.
         $res = SweteDb::q("select htl.http_request_log_id, tml.translation_miss_log_id, tml.string, htl.translation_memory_id\n\t\t\t\tfrom \n\t\t\t\t\ttranslation_miss_log tml \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join http_request_log htl on tml.http_request_log_id=htl.http_request_log_id \n\t\t\t\t\tinner join job_inputs_translation_misses jitm on jitm.translation_miss_log_id=tml.translation_miss_log_id\n\t\t\t\t\twhere jitm.job_id='" . addslashes($this->_rec->val('job_id')) . "'");
         $hrids = array();
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $hrids[$row['http_request_log_id']][] = $row;
         //$site = $this->getSite();
         //$proxyWriter = $site->getProxyWriter();
         foreach ($hrids as $hrid => $tmlids) {
             $hrRecord = df_get_record('http_request_log', array('http_request_log_id' => '=' . $hrid));
             if (!$hrRecord) {
                 $ex = new Exception("Cannot add HTTP request to job because it could not be found");
                 $ex->http_request_log_id = $hrid;
                 throw $ex;
             // Use a page sucker to suck all of the resources used by this webpage.
             $pageSucker = new SweteJobPageSucker($this);
             $pageContent = $hrRecord->val('response_body');
             $pageUrl = $hrRecord->val('proxy_request_url');
             if (!$pageUrl) {
                 $ex = new Exception("Failed to add HTTP request to job because it did not have an associated proxy_request_url.");
                 $ex->http_request_log = $hrid;
                 throw $ex;
             $pageUrl = $proxyWriter->unproxifyUrl($pageUrl);
             $pageContent = $pageSucker->processHtml($pageContent, $pageUrl)->save();
             $translatable = new Dataface_Record('job_translatable', array());
             $translatable->setValues(array('job_id' => $this->_rec->val('job_id'), 'content_type' => 'text/html', 'full_contents' => $pageContent, 'webpage_id' => null, 'source_url' => $hrRecord->val('request_url')));
             $tmid = null;
             $strings = array();
             foreach ($tmlids as $tmlid) {
                 $strings[] = $tmlid['string'];
                 $tmid = $tmlid['translation_memory_id'];
             $translatable->setValue('translatable_contents', '<div>' . implode('</div><div>', $strings) . '</div>');
             //set the word count
             $pageWordCount = self::getPageWordCount($strings);
             $jobWordCount += $pageWordCount;
             $translatable->setValue('word_count', $pageWordCount);
             // Now we need to get the previous translations
             //$tmid = $webpage->getTranslationMemoryId(true);
             $tm = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryById($tmid);
             if (!$tm) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not find translation memory with id {$tmid}");
             $dict = $this->extractDictionaryFromHtml($tm, $pageContent);
             $translatable->setValue('previous_translations', serialize($dict));
             $res = $translatable->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 throw new Exception($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
         if ($jobWordCount == 0) {
             throw new Exception("The job has no translatable content.");
         $this->getRecord()->setValue('word_count', $jobWordCount);
         $this->getRecord()->setValue('compiled', 1);
         $res = $this->getRecord()->save();
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;