     * Overloading the doActions function : replacing the parent's function with the one below
     * @param   array()         $parameters     Hook metadatas (context, etc...)
     * @param   CommonObject    &$object        The object to process (an invoice if you are in invoice module, a propale in propale's module, etc...)
     * @param   string          &$action        Current action (if set). Generally create or edit or null
     * @param   HookManager     $hookmanager    Hook manager propagated to allow calling another hook
     * @return  int                             < 0 on error, 0 on success, 1 to replace standard code
    function addMoreActionsButtons($parameters, &$object, &$action, $hookmanager)
        $error = 0;
        if (in_array('pricesuppliercard', explode(':', $parameters['context']))) {
            global $conf, $user, $langs;
            if (!empty($conf->global->MANDARIN_TRACE_COST_PRICE) && !empty($user->rights->mandarin->graph->product_cost_price)) {
                define('INC_FROM_DOLIBARR', true);
                $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
                $TData = TProductCostPriceLog::getDataForProduct($PDOdb, $object->id);
                if (!empty($TData)) {
                    $l = new TListviewTBS('graphrate');
                    echo $l->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'curveType' => 'none', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->trans('GraphTraceCostPrice')), 'title' => array('PA' => $langs->transnoentities('PricePA'), 'PMP' => $langs->transnoentities('PricePMP'), 'OF' => $langs->transnoentities('PriceOF'))));
					<script type="text/javascript">
						$(document).ready(function() {
        if (!$error) {
            return 0;
            // or return 1 to replace standard code
        } else {
            $this->errors[] = 'Error message';
            return -1;
function _print_graph()
    global $db, $langs;
    $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
    $TDataBrut = $TData = _get_projet_cdp();
    $explorer = new stdClass();
    $explorer->actions = array("dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset");
    $listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphProjectCDP');
    print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'ColumnChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentities('graphProjectCDP')), 'hAxis' => array('title' => 'Chef de projet'), 'vAxis' => array('title' => 'Nombre de projets'), 'explorer' => $explorer));
function print_rapport()
    global $langs;
    $date_d = preg_replace('/\\//', '-', GETPOST('date_deb'));
    $date_f = preg_replace('/\\//', '-', GETPOST('date_fin'));
    $date_deb = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_d));
    $date_fin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_f));
    if (empty(GETPOST('date_deb'))) {
        $date_deb = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
    if (empty(GETPOST('date_fin'))) {
        $date_fin = date('Y-m-d');
    $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
    $interval = (strtotime($date_fin) - strtotime($date_deb)) / 3600 / 24;
    $TDataBrut = get_user_capacity_period($date_deb, $date_fin);
    $TData = array();
    $total_temps_saisi = 0;
    $hours_to_work = _get_hours_to_work($interval);
    $capacity = $hours_to_work / $interval;
    foreach ($TDataBrut as $ligne) {
        $TData[] = array('task_date' => $ligne['task_date'], 'duree' => $ligne['duree'], 'capacity' => $capacity);
        $total_temps_saisi = $ligne['total'];
    $explorer = new stdClass();
    $explorer->actions = array("dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset");
    $listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphProject');
    print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'ColumnChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentities('timeInput')), 'hAxis' => array('title' => 'Date'), 'vAxis' => array('title' => 'Temps'), 'explorer' => $explorer));
    print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("Temps saisis/capacité de production"));
    $percentage = round($total_temps_saisi / $hours_to_work * 100, 2);
			<div class="tabBar">
							<td style="font-weight: bold">Pourcentage heures saisies/capacité de production :</td>
							<td <?php 
    echo $percentage > 80 ? 'style="font-weight : bold; color : green;"' : 'style="font-weight : bold; color : red;"';
    echo $percentage;
				WHERE pt.entity = ' . $conf->entity . '
				AND pt.fk_projet = ' . $id;
if (!empty($progress_min)) {
    $sql .= ' AND pt.progress >= ' . $progress_min;
if (!empty($progress_max)) {
    $sql .= ' AND pt.progress >= ' . $progress_max;
$sql .= ' GROUP BY pt.rowid ORDER BY pt.progress';
$resql = $db->query($sql);
if ($resql) {
    while ($line = $db->fetch_object($resql)) {
        if (empty($line->temps_prevu)) {
        $temps_prevu = !empty($line->temps_prevu) ? $line->temps_prevu : 1;
        $progress_reelle = 100 * $line->temps_reel / $temps_prevu;
        $progress_theorique = 100 * $line->temps_theorique / $temps_prevu;
        $TData[] = array('name' => dol_escape_js($line->label) . ' (' . $line->ref . ')', 'Progression réelle' => $progress_reelle, 'Progression théorique' => $progress_theorique);
// Begin of page
llxHeader('', $langs->trans('mandarinTitleGraphProjet'), '');
$head = project_prepare_head($object);
dol_fiche_head($head, 'mandarin_rapport', $langs->trans("mandarinProjectTask"), 0, $object->public ? 'projectpub' : 'project');
$explorer = new stdClass();
$explorer->actions = array("dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset");
$listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphProjectTask');
print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'ColumnChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('titleGraphProjectTask')), 'xaxis' => 'name', 'hAxis' => array('title' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('subTitleHAxisGraphProjectTask')), 'vAxis' => array('title' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('subTitleVAxisGraphProjectTask')), 'explorer' => $explorer));
// End of page
function draw_graphique(&$TData, &$TabTrad)
    global $langs;
    $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
    $TSum = array();
    foreach ($TData as $code => $Tab) {
        if (empty($TabTrad[$code]['label'])) {
        $TSum[] = array($TabTrad[$code]['label'], array_sum($Tab));
    $listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphProjectByType');
    print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TSum, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'PieChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('titleGraphProjectByType'))));
//usort($TData, '_sort_company');
	<style type="text/css">
		*[field=total],tr.liste_total td {
			font-weight: bold;
$formCore = new TFormCore('auto', 'form2', 'get');
$headsearch = $formCore->hidden('mode', $mode);
$headsearch .= $formCore->combo($langs->trans('Year'), 'year', $TYear, $year);
$headsearch .= $formCore->btsubmit($langs->trans('Ok'), 'bt_ok');
$listeview = new TListviewTBS('CAClientMonth');
print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('CAClientMonth'), 'head_search' => $headsearch), 'type' => $ColFormat, 'title' => array('client' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Company'), 'total' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Total'), 'year' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Year')), 'math' => $ColTotal, 'export' => array('CSV')));
function _sort_company(&$a, &$b)
    $r = strcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);
    return empty($r) ? 0 : $r / abs($r);
function _get_company_object(&$TRender)
    global $db, $conf, $langs, $user;
    foreach ($TRender as $fk_soc => &$line) {
        $s = new Societe($db);
function _stat_wd(&$PDOdb, $id_ws, $tDeb, $tFin)
    $ws = new TWorkstation();
    $ws->load($PDOdb, $id_ws);
    $TData = _get_data_ws($PDOdb, $id_ws, $tDeb, $tFin, $ws->nb_ressource);
    // var_dump($TData);
    <table class="border" style="margin-top:20px;width:100%;">
    echo $ws->getNomUrl(1) . ' du ' . date('d/m/Y', $tDeb) . ' au ' . date('d/m/Y', $tFin);
    $l = new TListviewTBS('stat_ws_' . $id_ws);
    echo $l->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'AreaChart'));
        if (empty($line->dds)) {
            $week_end = 53;
        } else {
            $time_dds = strtotime($line->dds);
            $year_dds = date('Y', $time_dds);
            if ($year_dds < $year_n) {
            } else {
                $week_end = date('W', $time_dds);
        $Tab[] = array('week_start' => $week_start, 'week_end' => $week_end, 'horaire' => $line->weeklyhours);
if (count($Tab) > 0) {
    foreach ($Tab as &$TInfo) {
        for ($i = $TInfo['week_start']; $i <= $TInfo['week_end']; $i++) {
            $TData[$i]['Dispo CDI'] += $TInfo['horaire'];
            // Somme des horaires CDI dispo
// Begin of page
llxHeader('', $langs->trans('mandarinTitleGraphTotalHeure'), '');
$explorer = new stdClass();
$explorer->actions = array("dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset");
$listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphTotalHeure');
print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TData, array('type' => 'chart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('titleGraphTotalHeure')), 'title' => array('year' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Year'), 'week' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Week')), 'xaxis' => 'week', 'hAxis' => array('title' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('subTitleHAxisGraphTotalHeure')), 'vAxis' => array('title' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('subTitleVAxisGraphTotalHeure')), 'explorer' => $explorer));
// End of page
print '<div style="width:50%;display:inline-block;">';
$listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphPalmaresPercentCA');
print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TValue, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'PieChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('titleGraphPalmaresPercentCA', $year_n_1))));
print '</div>';
// Graph %CA par CC
$TPalmaresCAParCC = array();
$TValue = array();
$sql = 'SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, YEAR(f.datef) AS `year`, SUM(f.total) AS total_ht 
			FROM ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'facture f 
			INNER JOIN ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'user u ON (u.rowid = f.fk_user_author)
			WHERE YEAR(f.datef) = ' . $year_n_1 . '
			GROUP BY u.rowid';
$resql = $db->query($sql);
if ($resql) {
    while ($line = $db->fetch_object($resql)) {
        $name = strtoupper($line->lastname[0]) . '. ' . $line->firstname;
        $TPalmaresCAParCC[$name] += $line->total_ht;
        $total_ca += $line->total_ht;
    foreach ($TPalmaresCAParCC as $name => $total) {
        $TValue[] = array('name' => $name, 'val' => $total);
print '<div style="width:50%;display:inline-block;">';
$listeview = new TListviewTBS('graphPercentCAPerCC');
print $listeview->renderArray($PDOdb, $TValue, array('type' => 'chart', 'chartType' => 'PieChart', 'liste' => array('titre' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('titleGraphPercentCAPerCC', $year_n_1))));
print '</div>';
// End of page