/** * Class constructor * Creates the page */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // create the form using TQuickForm class $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_seek_sample'); $this->form->setFormTitle('Seek button'); $this->form->class = 'tform'; // create the form fields $city_id1 = new TSeekButton('city_id1'); $city_name1 = new TEntry('city_name1'); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new TFilter('id', '>', 1)); $criteria->add(new TFilter('id', '<', 5)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'name'); // define the action for city_id1 $obj = new TestCitySeek(); $action = new TAction(array($obj, 'onReload')); $city_id1->setAction($action); $city_id1->setSize(100); $city_name1->setEditable(FALSE); $this->form->addQuickFields('Manual SeekButton', array($city_id1, $city_name1)); $this->form->addQuickAction('Save', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'fa:floppy-o'); // wrap the page content using vertical box $vbox = new TVBox(); $vbox->add($this->form); parent::add($vbox); }
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'samples' TTransaction::open('samples'); // creates a repository for Category $repository = new TRepository('Category'); // creates a criteria, ordered by id $criteria = new TCriteria(); $order = isset($param['order']) ? $param['order'] : 'id'; $criteria->setProperty('order', $order); // load the objects according to criteria $categories = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($categories) { // iterate the collection of active records foreach ($categories as $category) { // add the object inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($category); } } // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * Class Constructor * @param $name widget's name * @param $database database name * @param $model model class name * @param $key table field to be used as key in the combo * @param $value table field to be listed in the combo * @param $ordercolumn column to order the fields (optional) * @param array $filter TFilter (optional) By Alexandre * @param array $expresione TExpression (opcional) by Alexandre */ public function __construct($name, $database, $model, $key, $value, $ordercolumn = NULL, $filter = NULL, $expression = NULL) { new TSession(); // executes the parent class constructor parent::__construct($name); // carrega objetos do banco de dados TTransaction::open($database); // instancia um repositório de Estado $repository = new TRepository($model); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', isset($ordercolumn) ? $ordercolumn : $key); if ($filter) { foreach ($filter as $fil) { if ($expression) { foreach ($expression as $ex) { $criteria->add($fil, $ex); } } else { $criteria->add($fil); } } } // carrega todos objetos $collection = $repository->load($criteria); // adiciona objetos na combo if ($collection) { $items = array(); foreach ($collection as $object) { $items[$object->{$key}] = $object->{$value}; } parent::addItems($items); } TTransaction::close(); }
public function getSocial() { //RECUPERA CONEXAO BANCO DE DADOS TTransaction::open('my_bd_site'); //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'nome ASC'); // instancia a instrução de SELECT $sql = new TSqlSelect(); $sql->addColumn('*'); $sql->setEntity('social'); // atribui o critério passado como parâmetro $sql->setCriteria($criteria); // obtém transação ativa if ($conn = TTransaction::get()) { // registra mensagem de log TTransaction::log($sql->getInstruction()); // executa a consulta no banco de dados $result = $conn->Query($sql->getInstruction()); $this->results = array(); if ($result) { // percorre os resultados da consulta, retornando um objeto while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) { // armazena no array $this->results; $this->results[] = $row; } } } TTransaction::close(); return $this->results; }
public function getEmails() { $this->collectionEmails = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'email'); $this->repository->addColumn('email'); $this->repository->addEntity('emails'); $this->collectionEmails = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionEmails; }
/** * Return the week events * @return Event[] */ public static function getWeekEvents() { $first_week_day = self::getFirstWeekDay(); $last_week_day = self::getLastWeekDay(); // load objects $repo = new TRepository('Event'); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new TFilter('event_date', '>=', $first_week_day)); $criteria->add(new TFilter('event_date', '<=', $last_week_day)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'event_date, start_hour'); return $repo->load($criteria); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); try { TTransaction::open('samples'); // abre uma transação $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('limit', 10); $criteria->setProperty('offset', 20); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'id'); $repository = new TRepository('Customer'); $customers = $repository->load($criteria); foreach ($customers as $customer) { echo $customer->id . ' - ' . $customer->name . '<br>'; } TTransaction::close(); // fecha a transação. } catch (Exception $e) { new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Método getImoveis * Retorna os Imóveis * * @access public * @return TRepository Coleção de Imóveis */ public function getImoveis() { $this->collectionImoveis = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'endereco'); $this->repository->addColumn('*'); $this->repository->addEntity('imoveis'); $this->collectionImoveis = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionImoveis; }
public function getTelefones() { $this->collectionTelefones = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'codigo'); $this->repository->addColumn('telefone'); $this->repository->addEntity('telefones'); $this->collectionTelefones = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionTelefones; }
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'samples' TTransaction::open('samples'); // creates a repository for Product $repository = new TRepository('Product'); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); // update the save action parameters to pass // offset, limit, page and other info to the save action $this->saveAction->setParameters($param); // important! // load the objects according to criteria $objects = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($objects) { // iterate the collection of active records foreach ($objects as $object) { $object->sale_price_edit = new TEntry('sale_price_' . $object->id); $object->sale_price_edit->setNumericMask(1, '.', ','); $object->sale_price_edit->setSize(120); $object->sale_price_edit->setValue($object->sale_price); $this->form->addField($object->sale_price_edit); // important! // add the object inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($object); } } // reset the criteria for record count $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * Método getUsuarios * Obtem todos os usuarios * * @access public * @return array Coleção de Usuário */ public function getUsuarios() { $this->collectionUsuario = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); //$criteria->addFilter('situacao', '=', $situacao); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'nome'); $this->repository = new TRepository(); $this->repository->addColumn('*'); $this->repository->addEntity('usuarios'); $this->collectionUsuario = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionUsuario; }
/** * Método getLocalizacoes * Retorna as localizações * * @access public * @return TRepository Coleção de Localizações */ public function getSituacoes() { $this->collectionSituacao = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'situacao'); $this->repository->addColumn('codigo'); $this->repository->addColumn('situacao'); $this->repository->addEntity('situacaoimoveis'); $this->collectionSituacao = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionSituacao; }
/** * Método getLocalizacoes * Retorna as localizações * * @access public * @return TRepository Coleção de Localizações */ public function getCategorias() { $this->collectionCategoria = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'categoria'); $this->repository->addColumn('codigo'); $this->repository->addColumn('categoria'); $this->repository->addEntity('categoriaimoveis'); $this->collectionCategoria = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionCategoria; }
/** * Método getGaleriaImovel * Obtém a galeria de fotos do imóvel de acordo com o código do imóvel * * @access public * @param int $codigo Código do Imóvel * @return TRepository Coleção de imagens do Imóvel */ public function getGaleriaImovel($codigo) { $this->collectionGaleria = NULL; //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->addFilter('ativo', '=', 1); $criteria->addFilter('codigoImovel', '=', $codigo); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'ordem'); $this->repository->addColumn('imagem'); $this->repository->addColumn('titulo'); $this->repository->addColumn('descricao'); $this->repository->addEntity('galeria'); $this->collectionGaleria = $this->repository->load($criteria); return $this->collectionGaleria; }
function getCollectionOrcamentosProdutos($codigo) { $this->setCollectionOrcamentosProdutos(NULL); //RECUPERA CONEXAO BANCO DE DADOS TTransaction::open('my_bd_site'); //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new TFilter('codigoOrcamento', '=', $codigo)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'nome'); $this->repository = new TRepository(); $this->repository->addColumn('*'); $this->repository->addEntity('orcamentoproduto'); $this->setCollectionOrcamentosProdutos($this->repository->load($criteria)); TTransaction::close(); return $this->collectionOrcamentosProdutos; }
function getCollectionCategoria() { $this->setCollectionCategoria(NULL); //RECUPERA CONEXAO BANCO DE DADOS TTransaction::open('my_bd_site'); //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); //$criteria->add(new TFilter('situacao', '=', $situacao)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'nome'); $this->repository = new TRepository(); $this->repository->addColumn('*'); $this->repository->addEntity('categorias'); $this->setCollectionCategoria($this->repository->load($criteria)); TTransaction::close(); return $this->collectionCategoria; }
/** * Class Constructor * @param $name widget's name * @param $database database name * @param $model model class name * @param $key table field to be used as key in the combo * @param $value table field to be listed in the combo * @param $ordercolumn column to order the fields (optional) * @param $criteria criteria (TCriteria object) to filter the model (optional) */ public function __construct($name, $database, $model, $key, $value, $ordercolumn = NULL, TCriteria $criteria = NULL) { // executes the parent class constructor parent::__construct($name); if (empty($database)) { throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'database', __CLASS__)); } if (empty($model)) { throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'model', __CLASS__)); } if (empty($key)) { throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'key', __CLASS__)); } if (empty($value)) { throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'value', __CLASS__)); } // carrega objetos do banco de dados TTransaction::open($database); // instancia um repositório de Estado $repository = new TRepository($model); if (is_null($criteria)) { $criteria = new TCriteria(); } $criteria->setProperty('order', isset($ordercolumn) ? $ordercolumn : $key); // carrega todos objetos $collection = $repository->load($criteria, FALSE); // adiciona objetos na combo if ($collection) { $items = array(); foreach ($collection as $object) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($k == 0) { $items[$object->{$key}] = str_pad($object->{$v}, 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $items[$object->{$key}] .= ' - ' . $object->{$v}; } } } else { $items[$object->{$key}] = $object->{$value}; } } parent::addItems($items); } TTransaction::close(); }
function onReload() { // inicia transação com o banco 'pg_livro' TTransaction::open('pg_livro'); // instancia um repositório para Pessoa $repository = new TRepository('Pessoa'); // cria um critério, definindo a ordenação $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'id'); // carrega os objetos $pessoas $pessoas = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($pessoas) { foreach ($pessoas as $pessoa) { // adiciona o objeto na DataGrid $this->datagrid->addItem($pessoa); } } // finaliza a transação TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; }
public function addPopulationTarget(TCombo $alvo, $model, $frm, $key_busca, $value, $key_valor, $ordercolumn = null) { if ($this->changeaction) { // carrega objetos do banco de dados TTransaction::open($this->banco); // instancia um repositório de Estado $repository = new TRepository($model); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', isset($ordercolumn) ? $ordercolumn : $key_busca); $criteria->add(new TFilter($key_busca, '=', $key_valor)); // carrega todos objetos $collection = $repository->{$model}; $items = array(); foreach ($collection as $object) { $items[$object->{$key}] = $object->{$value}; } TCombo::reload($frm, $alvo->getName(), $items); TTransaction::close(); } else { throw new Exception('you need delcare changeaction first'); } }
/** * Class Constructor * @param $name widget's name * @param $database database name * @param $model model class name * @param $key table field to be used as key in the combo * @param $value table field to be listed in the combo */ public function __construct($name, $database, $model, $key, $value) { // executes the parent class constructor parent::__construct($name); // carrega objetos do banco de dados TTransaction::open($database); // instancia um repositório de Estado $repository = new TRepository($model); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', $key); // carrega todos objetos $collection = $repository->load($criteria); // adiciona objetos na combo if ($collection) { $items = array(); foreach ($collection as $object) { $items[$object->{$key}] = $object->{$value}; } parent::addItems($items); } TTransaction::close(); }
function onReload($param = NULL) { $order = $param['order']; // inicia transação com o banco 'pg_livro' TTransaction::open('pg_livro'); // instancia um repositório para Pessoa $repository = new TRepository('Pessoa'); // retorna todos objetos que satisfazem o critério $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperty('order', $order); $pessoas = $repository->load($criteria); if ($pessoas) { $this->datagrid->clear(); foreach ($pessoas as $pessoa) { // adiciona o objeto na DataGrid $this->datagrid->addItem($pessoa); } } // finaliza a transação TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; }
/** * Class constructor * Creates the page */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // create the form using TQuickForm class $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_seek_sample'); $this->form->setFormTitle('Seek button'); $this->form->class = 'tform'; // create the form fields $city_id1 = new TSeekButton('city_id1'); $city_name1 = new TEntry('city_name1'); $city_id2 = new TDBSeekButton('city_id2', 'samples', 'form_seek_sample', 'City', 'name', 'city_id2', 'city_name2'); $city_name2 = new TEntry('city_name2'); $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new TFilter('id', '>', 1)); $criteria->add(new TFilter('id', '<', 5)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'name'); $city_id3 = new TDBSeekButton('city_id3', 'samples', 'form_seek_sample', 'City', 'name', 'city_id3', 'city_name3', $criteria); $city_name3 = new TEntry('city_name3'); // define the action for city_id1 $obj = new TestCitySeek(); $action = new TAction(array($obj, 'onReload')); $city_id1->setAction($action); $city_id1->setSize(100); $city_id2->setSize(100); $city_id3->setSize(100); $city_name1->setEditable(FALSE); $city_name2->setEditable(FALSE); $city_name3->setEditable(FALSE); $this->form->addQuickFields('Manual SeekButton', array($city_id1, $city_name1)); $this->form->addQuickFields('Standard SeekButton', array($city_id2, $city_name2)); $this->form->addQuickFields('Standard with filter', array($city_id3, $city_name3)); $this->form->addQuickAction('Save', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png'); // wrap the page content using vertical box $vbox = new TVBox(); $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__)); $vbox->add($this->form); parent::add($vbox); }
/** * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // start database transaction TTransaction::open('library'); // create a repository for Item table $repository = new TRepository('Item'); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); if (TSession::getValue('test_item_filter')) { // filter by item barcode $criteria->add(TSession::getValue('test_item_filter')); } // load the objects according to the criteria $items = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($items) { foreach ($items as $item) { // add the objects inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($item); } } // clear the criteria $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // commit and closes the database transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // show the error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Erro</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'samples' TTransaction::open('samples'); // creates a repository for Customer $repository = new TRepository('Customer'); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); // load the objects according to criteria $objects = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($objects) { // iterate the collection of active records foreach ($objects as $object) { // add the object inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($object); } } // reset the criteria for record count $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'samples' TTransaction::open('samples'); // creates a repository for Customer $repository = new TRepository('Customer'); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $newparam = $param; // define new parameters if (isset($newparam['order']) and $newparam['order'] == 'city->name') { $newparam['order'] = '(select name from city where city_id = id)'; } // default order if (empty($newparam['order'])) { $newparam['order'] = 'id'; $newparam['direction'] = 'asc'; } $criteria->setProperties($newparam); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); if (TSession::getValue('customer_filter1')) { // add the filter stored in the session to the criteria $criteria->add(TSession::getValue('customer_filter1')); } if (TSession::getValue('customer_filter2')) { // add the filter stored in the session to the criteria $criteria->add(TSession::getValue('customer_filter2')); } // load the objects according to criteria $customers = $repository->load($criteria, FALSE); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($customers) { foreach ($customers as $customer) { // add the object inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($customer); } } // reset the criteria for record count $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'changeman' TTransaction::open('changeman'); // creates a repository for Issue $repository = new TRepository('Issue'); if (!isset($param['order']) or $param['order'] == 'id') { $param['order'] = 'id'; $param['direction'] = 'desc'; } $limit = 100; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); if (TSession::getValue('Issue_filter')) { foreach (TSession::getValue('Issue_filter') as $filter) { // add the filter stored in the session to the criteria $criteria->add($filter); } } $member = Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login')); if ($member->role_mnemonic == 'CUSTOMER') { $criteria->add(new TFilter('id_user', '=', $member->id)); } // load the objects according to criteria $objects = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($objects) { // iterate the collection of active records foreach ($objects as $object) { // add the object inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($object); } } // reset the criteria for record count $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
public function getSituacoes2() { $this->collectionSituacoes = NULL; //RECUPERA CONEXAO BANCO DE DADOS TTransaction2::open('my_bd_site'); //TABELA exposition_gallery $criteria = new TCriteria(); //$criteria->add(new TFilter('situacao', '=', $situacao)); $criteria->setProperty('order', 'ordem ASC'); $this->repository = new TRepository2(); $this->repository->addColumn('*'); $this->repository->addEntity('kanban_situacao'); $this->collectionSituacoes = $this->repository->load($criteria); TTransaction2::close(); return $this->collectionSituacoes; }
/** * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { TTransaction::open($this->getBanco()); // create a repository for City table $repository = new TRepository($this->getModel()); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); if (TSession::getValue('filter')) { // filter by city name $criteria->add(TSession::getValue('filter')); } // load the objects according to the criteria $data = $repository->load($criteria); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $dados) { // add the objects inside the datagrid $this->datagrid->addItem($dados); } } // clear the criteria $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit $this->loaded = TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { // show the error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Erro</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
include_once "app.ado/{$classe}.class.php"; } } //Criar critéria de seleção e dados $criteria1 = new TCriteria(); //Selecionar todos as meninas que estão na terceira serie $criteria1->add(new TFilter('sexo', '=', 'F')); $criteria1->add(new TFilter('serie', '=', '3')); // Selecionar dados dos meninos de 4 seria $criteria2 = new TCriteria(); $criteria2->add(new TFilter('sexo', '=', 'M')); $criteria2->add(new TFilter('seria', '=', '4')); //Agrora juntamos os dois criterios Utilizados //O operador lógico OR. O resultado tem de conter //Os dados dos meninos ou das meninas $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new $criteria1(), TExpression::OR_OPERATOR); $criteria->add(new $criteria2(), TExpression::OR_OPERATOR); //Definir o ordenamento da consulta $criteria->setProperty('order', 'nome'); //Criar Instrução SELECT $sql = new TSqlSelect(); //definir o nome da entidade $sql->setEntity('aluno'); //Acrecentar colunas a consulta $sql->addColumn('*'); // Definir Critério de seleção de dado $sql->setCriteria($criteria); //Processar a intrução SQL echo $sql->getInstruction(); echo "<br>\n";
/** * method onReload() * Load the datagrid with the database objects */ function onReload($param = NULL) { try { // open a transaction with database 'atividade' TTransaction::open('atividade'); $logado = Pessoa::retornaUsuario(); // creates a repository for Ponto $repository = new TRepository('Ponto'); $limit = 10; // creates a criteria $criteria = new TCriteria(); $criteria->add(new TFilter('colaborador_id', '=', $logado->pessoa_codigo)); // default order if (empty($param['order'])) { $param['order'] = 'data_ponto'; $param['direction'] = 'desc'; } $criteria->setProperties($param); // order, offset $criteria->setProperty('limit', $limit); if (TSession::getValue('Ponto_filter')) { // add the filter stored in the session to the criteria $criteria->add(TSession::getValue('Ponto_filter')); } // load the objects according to criteria $objects = $repository->load($criteria, FALSE); $this->datagrid->clear(); if ($objects) { // iterate the collection of active records foreach ($objects as $object) { // add the object inside the datagrid $object->data_ponto ? $object->data_ponto = $this->string->formatDateBR($object->data_ponto) : null; $this->datagrid->addItem($object); } } // reset the criteria for record count $criteria->resetProperties(); $count = $repository->count($criteria); $this->pageNavigation->setCount($count); // count of records $this->pageNavigation->setProperties($param); // order, page $this->pageNavigation->setLimit($limit); // limit // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); $this->loaded = true; } catch (Exception $e) { new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // shows the exception error message TTransaction::rollback(); // undo all pending operations } }