예제 #1
  * Change the format of the current page
  * @param $format (mixed) The format used for pages. It can be either: one of the string values specified at getPageSizeFromFormat() documentation or an array of two numners (width, height) or an array containing the following measures and options:<ul>
  * <li>['format'] = page format name (one of the above);</li>
  * <li>['Rotate'] : The number of degrees by which the page shall be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The value shall be a multiple of 90.</li>
  * <li>['PZ'] : The page's preferred zoom (magnification) factor.</li>
  * <li>['MediaBox'] : the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page shall be displayed or printed:</li>
  * <li>['MediaBox']['llx'] : lower-left x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['MediaBox']['lly'] : lower-left y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['MediaBox']['urx'] : upper-right x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['MediaBox']['ury'] : upper-right y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['CropBox'] : the visible region of default user space:</li>
  * <li>['CropBox']['llx'] : lower-left x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['CropBox']['lly'] : lower-left y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['CropBox']['urx'] : upper-right x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['CropBox']['ury'] : upper-right y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['BleedBox'] : the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment:</li>
  * <li>['BleedBox']['llx'] : lower-left x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['BleedBox']['lly'] : lower-left y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['BleedBox']['urx'] : upper-right x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['BleedBox']['ury'] : upper-right y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['TrimBox'] : the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming:</li>
  * <li>['TrimBox']['llx'] : lower-left x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['TrimBox']['lly'] : lower-left y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['TrimBox']['urx'] : upper-right x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['TrimBox']['ury'] : upper-right y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['ArtBox'] : the extent of the page's meaningful content:</li>
  * <li>['ArtBox']['llx'] : lower-left x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['ArtBox']['lly'] : lower-left y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['ArtBox']['urx'] : upper-right x coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['ArtBox']['ury'] : upper-right y coordinate in points</li>
  * <li>['BoxColorInfo'] :specify the colours and other visual characteristics that should be used in displaying guidelines on the screen for each of the possible page boundaries other than the MediaBox:</li>
  * <li>['BoxColorInfo'][BOXTYPE]['C'] : an array of three numbers in the range 0-255, representing the components in the DeviceRGB colour space.</li>
  * <li>['BoxColorInfo'][BOXTYPE]['W'] : the guideline width in default user units</li>
  * <li>['BoxColorInfo'][BOXTYPE]['S'] : the guideline style: S = Solid; D = Dashed</li>
  * <li>['BoxColorInfo'][BOXTYPE]['D'] : dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing dashed guidelines</li>
  * <li>['trans'] : the style and duration of the visual transition to use when moving from another page to the given page during a presentation</li>
  * <li>['trans']['Dur'] : The page's display duration (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the page shall be displayed during presentations before the viewer application shall automatically advance to the next page.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['S'] : transition style : Split, Blinds, Box, Wipe, Dissolve, Glitter, R, Fly, Push, Cover, Uncover, Fade</li>
  * <li>['trans']['D'] : The duration of the transition effect, in seconds.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['Dm'] : (Split and Blinds transition styles only) The dimension in which the specified transition effect shall occur: H = Horizontal, V = Vertical. Default value: H.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['M'] : (Split, Box and Fly transition styles only) The direction of motion for the specified transition effect: I = Inward from the edges of the page, O = Outward from the center of the pageDefault value: I.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['Di'] : (Wipe, Glitter, Fly, Cover, Uncover and Push transition styles only) The direction in which the specified transition effect shall moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. If the value is a number, it shall be one of: 0 = Left to right, 90 = Bottom to top (Wipe only), 180 = Right to left (Wipe only), 270 = Top to bottom, 315 = Top-left to bottom-right (Glitter only). If the value is a name, it shall be None, which is relevant only for the Fly transition when the value of SS is not 1.0. Default value: 0.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['SS'] : (Fly transition style only) The starting or ending scale at which the changes shall be drawn. If M specifies an inward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from SS to 1.0 over the course of the transition. If M specifies an outward transition, the scale of the changes drawn shall progress from 1.0 to SS over the course of the transition. Default: 1.0.</li>
  * <li>['trans']['B'] : (Fly transition style only) If true, the area that shall be flown in is rectangular and opaque. Default: false.</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param $orientation (string) page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive):<ul>
  * <li>P or Portrait (default)</li>
  * <li>L or Landscape</li>
  * <li>'' (empty string) for automatic orientation</li>
  * </ul>
  * @protected
  * @since 3.0.015 (2008-06-06)
  * @see getPageSizeFromFormat()
 protected function setPageFormat($format, $orientation = 'P')
     if (!empty($format) and isset($this->pagedim[$this->page])) {
         // remove inherited values
     if (is_string($format)) {
         // get page measures from format name
         $pf = TCPDF_STATIC::getPageSizeFromFormat($format);
         $this->fwPt = $pf[0];
         $this->fhPt = $pf[1];
     } else {
         // the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page shall be displayed or printed
         if (isset($format['MediaBox'])) {
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'MediaBox', $format['MediaBox']['llx'], $format['MediaBox']['lly'], $format['MediaBox']['urx'], $format['MediaBox']['ury'], false, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
             $this->fwPt = ($format['MediaBox']['urx'] - $format['MediaBox']['llx']) * $this->k;
             $this->fhPt = ($format['MediaBox']['ury'] - $format['MediaBox']['lly']) * $this->k;
         } else {
             if (isset($format[0]) and is_numeric($format[0]) and isset($format[1]) and is_numeric($format[1])) {
                 $pf = array($format[0] * $this->k, $format[1] * $this->k);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($format['format'])) {
                     // default value
                     $format['format'] = 'A4';
                 $pf = TCPDF_STATIC::getPageSizeFromFormat($format['format']);
             $this->fwPt = $pf[0];
             $this->fhPt = $pf[1];
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'MediaBox', 0, 0, $this->fwPt, $this->fhPt, true, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
         // the visible region of default user space
         if (isset($format['CropBox'])) {
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'CropBox', $format['CropBox']['llx'], $format['CropBox']['lly'], $format['CropBox']['urx'], $format['CropBox']['ury'], false, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
         // the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment
         if (isset($format['BleedBox'])) {
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'BleedBox', $format['BleedBox']['llx'], $format['BleedBox']['lly'], $format['BleedBox']['urx'], $format['BleedBox']['ury'], false, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
         // the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming
         if (isset($format['TrimBox'])) {
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'TrimBox', $format['TrimBox']['llx'], $format['TrimBox']['lly'], $format['TrimBox']['urx'], $format['TrimBox']['ury'], false, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
         // the page's meaningful content (including potential white space)
         if (isset($format['ArtBox'])) {
             $this->pagedim = TCPDF_STATIC::setPageBoxes($this->page, 'ArtBox', $format['ArtBox']['llx'], $format['ArtBox']['lly'], $format['ArtBox']['urx'], $format['ArtBox']['ury'], false, $this->k, $this->pagedim);
         // specify the colours and other visual characteristics that should be used in displaying guidelines on the screen for the various page boundaries
         if (isset($format['BoxColorInfo'])) {
             $this->pagedim[$this->page]['BoxColorInfo'] = $format['BoxColorInfo'];
         if (isset($format['Rotate']) and $format['Rotate'] % 90 == 0) {
             // The number of degrees by which the page shall be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The value shall be a multiple of 90.
             $this->pagedim[$this->page]['Rotate'] = intval($format['Rotate']);
         if (isset($format['PZ'])) {
             // The page's preferred zoom (magnification) factor
             $this->pagedim[$this->page]['PZ'] = floatval($format['PZ']);
         if (isset($format['trans'])) {
             // The style and duration of the visual transition to use when moving from another page to the given page during a presentation
             if (isset($format['trans']['Dur'])) {
                 // The page's display duration
                 $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['Dur'] = floatval($format['trans']['Dur']);
             $stansition_styles = array('Split', 'Blinds', 'Box', 'Wipe', 'Dissolve', 'Glitter', 'R', 'Fly', 'Push', 'Cover', 'Uncover', 'Fade');
             if (isset($format['trans']['S']) and in_array($format['trans']['S'], $stansition_styles)) {
                 // The transition style that shall be used when moving to this page from another during a presentation
                 $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['S'] = $format['trans']['S'];
                 $valid_effect = array('Split', 'Blinds');
                 $valid_vals = array('H', 'V');
                 if (isset($format['trans']['Dm']) and in_array($format['trans']['S'], $valid_effect) and in_array($format['trans']['Dm'], $valid_vals)) {
                     $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['Dm'] = $format['trans']['Dm'];
                 $valid_effect = array('Split', 'Box', 'Fly');
                 $valid_vals = array('I', 'O');
                 if (isset($format['trans']['M']) and in_array($format['trans']['S'], $valid_effect) and in_array($format['trans']['M'], $valid_vals)) {
                     $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['M'] = $format['trans']['M'];
                 $valid_effect = array('Wipe', 'Glitter', 'Fly', 'Cover', 'Uncover', 'Push');
                 if (isset($format['trans']['Di']) and in_array($format['trans']['S'], $valid_effect)) {
                     if (($format['trans']['Di'] == 90 or $format['trans']['Di'] == 180) and $format['trans']['S'] == 'Wipe' or $format['trans']['Di'] == 315 and $format['trans']['S'] == 'Glitter' or ($format['trans']['Di'] == 0 or $format['trans']['Di'] == 270)) {
                         $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['Di'] = intval($format['trans']['Di']);
                 if (isset($format['trans']['SS']) and $format['trans']['S'] == 'Fly') {
                     $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['SS'] = floatval($format['trans']['SS']);
                 if (isset($format['trans']['B']) and $format['trans']['B'] === true and $format['trans']['S'] == 'Fly') {
                     $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['B'] = 'true';
             } else {
                 $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['S'] = 'R';
             if (isset($format['trans']['D'])) {
                 // The duration of the transition effect, in seconds
                 $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['D'] = floatval($format['trans']['D']);
             } else {
                 $this->pagedim[$this->page]['trans']['D'] = 1;