private function draw_cells_dimension($PFCALCULATOR, $name = "Summe", $ORDER = 0, $DetailRow = "0") { if ($DetailRow == 0) { //$TESTDETAIL = StammdatenGroupRecord::finder()->findByidta_stammdaten_group((StammdatenRecord::finder()->findByidtm_stammdaten($PFCALCULATOR->dimension)->idta_stammdaten_group))->stammdaten_group_original; //$DetailChecker = $TESTDETAIL==1?1:0; $DetailChecker = 0; } else { $DetailChecker = 1; } $PFCALCULATOR->executeDimensionSQL($name, $DetailChecker, $this->InputBericht); $ROWS = $PFCALCULATOR->getValues(); $ROWSPLAIN = $PFCALCULATOR->getPlainValues(); $ALTERNATING = $this->sheetrow; $ROWCOUNTER = 0; //here comes the part for the iniputfield if ($this->InputBericht == 1) { $inp_idta_feldfunktion = $PFCALCULATOR->FeldFunktion; $inp_idta_variante = $this->Variante; } $temparray = array(); //hier speicher ich die werte fuer das zwischenergebnis $WorkRowID = ""; //empty an init var foreach ($ROWS as $row) { $jj = 1; $ROWCOUNTER++; $DDRowCounter = 1; //hier bauen wir die einzelnen Zeilen $ControlListCell = array(); //clean the children $WorkRow = new TActiveTableRow(); if ($this->InputBericht == 1) { $walkerCheck = count($ROWS) > 2 ? count($ROWS) - 1 : count($ROWS); } else { $walkerCheck = count($ROWS); } if ($ROWCOUNTER < $walkerCheck or $DetailChecker == 0 and $this->InputBericht == 0 or $this->InputBericht == 1) { $WorkRowID = "R" . $this->sheetrow; //new for grouping $this->resulttable->Rows[] = $WorkRow; $ColumnCounter = 0; foreach ($row as $value) { $ControlListCellChildren = array(); //clean the children $cell = new TActiveTableCell(); $cell->setID("R" . $this->sheetrow . "C" . $jj); $jj++; $cell->EnableViewState = true; if ($this->InputBericht == 0 or $DDRowCounter == 1) { if ($this->InputBericht == 1) { $tmpText = preg_split("/xxx/", $value); $cell->Text = $tmpText[1]; $inp_idtm_struktur = $tmpText[2]; $inp_idta_struktur_type = StrukturRecord::finder()->findByidtm_struktur($inp_idtm_struktur)->idta_struktur_type; } else { $cell->Text = $value; } } else { $inp_per_month = $this->Perioden[$ColumnCounter - 1]; $inp_per_year = $PFCALCULATOR->getYearByMonth($inp_per_month); $inputfield = new TActiveTextBox(); $UniqueID = 'xxx' . $inp_per_year . 'xxx' . $inp_per_month . 'xxx' . $inp_idta_struktur_type . 'xxx' . $inp_idta_feldfunktion . 'xxx' . $inp_idtm_struktur . 'xxx' . $inp_idta_variante . 'xxx'; if (!$this->page->isPostBack && !$this->page->isCallback && $this->InputBericht == 1) { $inputfield->setText($value); $MyUserFelderRecord = new UserFelderRecord(); $MyUserFelderRecord->user_id = $this->User->getUserId($this->User->Name); $MyUserFelderRecord->tuf_feldname = $UniqueID; $MyUserFelderRecord->save(); } //$local_jahr."xxx".$local_jahr."xxx".$local_type."xxx".$local_ff."xxx".$local_id; $inputfield->setId($UniqueID); $inputfield->setCssClass("inputgrid"); //$this->page->registerObject($UniqueID,$inputfield); $cell->Controls->add($inputfield); $ControlListCellChildren[] = array("class" => "TActiveTextBox", "id" => $UniqueID, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => ""); } $WorkRow->Cells[] = $cell; $ControlListCell[] = array("class" => "TActiveTableCell", "id" => "R" . $this->sheetrow . "C" . $jj, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => "", "children" => $ControlListCellChildren); $DDRowCounter++; $ColumnCounter++; } fmod($ALTERNATING, 2) == 0 ? $WorkRow->setCssClass('listalternating') : $WorkRow->setCssClass('listnonealternating'); $ALTERNATING++; } else { $WorkRowID = "R" . $this->sheetrow . "G"; //new for grouping $this->resulttable->Rows[] = $WorkRow; $jj = 1; if ($this->InputBericht == 0) { $ControlListCellChildren = array(); foreach ($row as $value) { $cell = new TActiveTableCell(); $cell->setID("R" . $this->sheetrow . "C" . $jj); $jj++; $cell->EnableViewState = true; $cell->Text = $value; $cell->setCssClass('calculatedsumme'); $WorkRow->Cells[] = $cell; $ControlListCell[] = array("class" => "TActiveTableCell", "id" => "R" . $this->sheetrow . "C" . $jj, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => "", "children" => $ControlListCellChildren); } } } $WorkRow->setID($WorkRowID); $this->dynamicControlList[] = array("class" => "TActiveTableRow", "id" => $WorkRowID, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => "", "children" => $ControlListCell); $this->sheetrow++; //increment rowcounter } $ALTERNATING = 0; $labelcounter = 0; foreach ($ROWSPLAIN as $rowplain) { $ALTERNATING++; if ($ALTERNATING == count($ROWSPLAIN)) { foreach ($rowplain as $valueplain) { $labelcounter == 0 ? $labelcounter++ : array_push($temparray, $valueplain * 1); } } } $this->zwischenergebnisse[$name] = $temparray; }
public function createTable() { for ($ii = 1; $ii <= 10; $ii++) { $MyRow = new TActiveTableRow(); $ControlListCell = array(); //clean the children if ($ii % 3 == 0) { $rowId = "R" . $ii . "G"; } else { $rowId = "R" . $ii; } $MyRow->setID($rowId); $this->MyTable->Rows[] = $MyRow; for ($jj = 1; $jj <= 10; $jj++) { $cell = new TActiveTableCell(); $ControlListCellChildren = array(); //clean the children if ($jj % 3 == 0) { $cellID = "R" . $ii . "C" . $jj . "G"; } else { $cellID = "R" . $ii . "C" . $jj; } $cell->setID($cellID); //my imagebutton for test if ($jj == 1) { if ($ii % 3 == 0) { $imagebutton = new TActiveImageButton(); $imagebutton->setID($cellID . "IB"); $imagebutton->setImageUrl("/rliq/themes/basic/gfx/group-collapse.gif"); $imagebutton->setText("collapse"); $imagebutton->onCallback = "page.hideRowGroup"; $imagebutton->setCommandParameter($ii); $cell->Controls->add($imagebutton); $ControlListCellChildren[] = array("class" => "TActiveImageButton", "id" => $cellID . "IB", "OnCallback" => "page.hideRowGroup", "CommandParameter" => $ii); } else { $cell->Text = $jj * $ii; } } else { if ($ii == 1) { if ($jj % 3 == 0) { $imagebutton = new TActiveImageButton(); $imagebutton->setID($cellID . "IB"); $imagebutton->setImageUrl("/rliq/themes/basic/gfx/group-collapse.gif"); $imagebutton->setText("collapse"); $imagebutton->onCallback = "page.hideColumnGroup"; $imagebutton->setCommandParameter($jj); $cell->Controls->add($imagebutton); $ControlListCellChildren[] = array("class" => "TActiveImageButton", "id" => $cellID . "IB", "OnCallback" => "page.hideColumnGroup", "CommandParameter" => $jj); } else { $cell->Text = $jj * $ii; } } else { $cell->Text = $jj * $ii; } } //this must appear at the end $MyRow->Cells[] = $cell; $ControlListCell[] = array("class" => "TActiveTableCell", "id" => $cellID, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => "", "children" => $ControlListCellChildren); } $this->dynamicControlList[] = array("class" => "TActiveTableRow", "id" => $rowId, "OnCallback" => "", "CommandParameter" => "", "children" => $ControlListCell); } }