function oneLoop($pause = True) { if (file_exists($this->command_file())) { $text = file_get_contents($this->command_file()); $command_lines = split("\n", $text); $command = $command_lines[0]; if ($command == "stop") { return False; } } $delay = $pause ? 1 : 0; System_Daemon::iterate($delay); return True; }
public function execute() { ob_start(); if ($this->runmodes['help'] == true) { echo 'Usage: ' . $argv[0] . ' [runmodes]' . "\n"; echo 'Available runmodes:' . "\n"; foreach ($this->runmodes as $runmode) { echo ' --' . $runmode . "\n"; } die; } System_Daemon::setOptions($this->options); if (!$this->runmodes['no-daemon']) { System_Daemon::start(); } if (!$this->runmodes['write-initd']) { System_Daemon::info('not writing an init.d script this time'); } else { if (($initd_location = System_Daemon::writeAutoRun()) === false) { System_Daemon::notice('unable to write init.d script'); } else { System_Daemon::info('sucessfully written startup script: %s', $initd_location); } } $this->application->dataLink->disconnect(); $this->application->dataLink->connect(); while (!System_Daemon::isDying() && $this->status == self::RUN) { $this->process(); System_Daemon::iterate($this->ownOptions['sleep']); $output = ob_get_contents(); if ($output != '') { System_Daemon::info($output); } ob_clean(); } }
// 'daemon" mode'; // System_Daemon::info('{appName} in %s %s/300', $a, $b); try { require_once 'lib/php/beanstalkd/ColaMensajes.php'; $colaMensajes = new ColaMensajes("transformarvideos"); $job = $colaMensajes->pop(); if ($job == "") { //Time out //System_Daemon::info("Time out!"); } else { $json = $job->getData(); require_once 'modulos/videos/controladores/videoControlador.php'; if (transformar($json)) { System_Daemon::notice('Video transformado correctamente'); } else { System_Daemon::info("ERROR! el resultado de la transformación no es cero"); } $colaMensajes->deleteJob($job); } } catch (Exception $e) { System_Daemon::info('ERROR! %s', $e->getMessage()); } if (!$runningOkay) { System_Daemon::err('parseLog() produced an error, ' . 'so this will be my last run'); } // Relax the system by sleeping for a little bit iterate also clears statcache System_Daemon::iterate(2); } // Shut down the daemon nicely // This is ignored if the class is actually running in the foreground System_Daemon::stop();
$JPYs = floatval($block["JPY"]["sell"]); $PLNb = floatval($block["PLN"]["buy"]); $PLNs = floatval($block["PLN"]["sell"]); $GBPb = floatval($block["GBP"]["buy"]); $GBPs = floatval($block["GBP"]["sell"]); $SEKb = floatval($block["SEK"]["buy"]); $SEKs = floatval($block["SEK"]["sell"]); $NZDb = floatval($block["NZD"]["buy"]); $NZDs = floatval($block["NZD"]["sell"]); $BRLb = floatval($block["BRL"]["buy"]); $BRLs = floatval($block["BRL"]["sell"]); $RUBb = floatval($block["RUB"]["buy"]); $RUBs = floatval($block["RUB"]["sell"]); $time = time(); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT MAX(id) as max FROM worldbitcoin"); $maxnum = 0; if ($result) { while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $num = $row->max; $maxnum = $num + 1; } } else { $maxnum = 1; } $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO worldbitcoin(id, USDs, \n\n USDb, \n\n ISKs, \n\n ISKb, \n\n HKDs, \n\n HKDb, \n\n TWDs, \n\n TWDb, \n\n CHFs, \n\n CHFb, \n\n EURs, \n\n EURb, \n\n DKKs, \n\n DKKb, \n\n CLPs, \n\n CLPb, \n\n CADs, \n\n CADb, \n\n CNYs, \n\n CNYb, \n\n THBs, \n\n THBb, \n\n AUDs, \n\n AUDb, \n\n SGDs, \n\n SGDb, \n\n KRWs, \n\n KRWb, \n\n JPYs, \n\n JPYb, \n\n PLNs, \n\n PLNb, \n\n GBPs, \n\n GBPb, \n\n SEKs, \n\n SEKb, \n\n NZDs, \n\n NZDb, \n\n BRLs, \n\n BRLb, \n\n RUBs, \n\n RUBb, \n\n date )\n\nvalues(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $stmt->bind_param('iddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddi', $maxnum, $USDb, $USDs, $ISKb, $ISKs, $HKDb, $HKDs, $TWDb, $TWDs, $CHFb, $CHFs, $EURb, $EURs, $DKKb, $DKKs, $CLPb, $CLPs, $CADb, $CADs, $CNYb, $CNYs, $THBb, $THBs, $AUDb, $AUDs, $SGDb, $SGDs, $KRWb, $KRWs, $JPYb, $JPYs, $PLNb, $PLNs, $GBPb, $GBPs, $SEKb, $SEKs, $NZDb, $NZDs, $BRLb, $BRLs, $RUBb, $RUBs, $time); $stmt->execute(); //Get Blockchain Data per 15 minitus.Limit This. System_Daemon::iterate(900); } System_Daemon::stop();
<?php require_once "../System/Daemon.php"; System_Daemon::setOption("appName", "leakplugger"); System_Daemon::start(); $last = 0; while (!System_Daemon::isDying()) { $mem = memory_get_peak_usage(); $use = $mem - $last; if ($use >= 0) { $use = '+' . $use; } System_Daemon::info("test"); echo "debug: memory_get_peak_usage: " . $use . "\n"; $last = $mem; System_Daemon::iterate(1); }
} array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:17280"); array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:86400"); array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:8760"); //print_r($options); $ret = rrd_create($filename, $options); // File erzeugen if (!$ret) { //echo "<b>Creation error: </b>".rrd_error()."\n"; } } $w++; } // sleep(3); gc_enable(); System_Daemon::iterate(3); // check ob ein rrd File in der Datenbanck gelöscht wurde. mysql_free_result($result); $files1 = array(); $files2 = array(); if ($handle = opendir('https/rrd')) { // namen aus dem rrd verzeichniss auslesen while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { array_push($files1, $file); } } closedir($handle); } mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); // namen aus der Datenbanck auslesen