/** * This is construct base of the class. * * A public constructor; initializes the variable $instanceDataBase. * */ public function __construct($instanceDataBase) { parent::__construct($instanceDataBase); SystemCatalog::setDataOperationBusiness($instanceDataBase); SystemCatalog::getBusiness(); SystemCatalog::getDescriptionBusiness(); }
} Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'ID_PERSON', $idPerson, '', array(), $itemsSelectPerson); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel($v_label["STATUS_SUPERVISOR"]); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $objectStatusSupervisor = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogoStatusSupervisor = $objectStatusSupervisor->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_SUPERVISOR_ADMISSION_AREA'); $itemsSelectStatusSupervisor = array(); foreach ($catalogoStatusSupervisor as $item) { $itemsSelectStatusSupervisor[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $idStatusSupervisor = null; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $idStatusSupervisor = $data['status_supervisor_admission_area']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'ID_STATUS_SUPERVISOR', $idStatusSupervisor, '', array(), $itemsSelectStatusSupervisor); ?> </td> </tr> <tr>
if (isset($_GET['ACTION']) && $_GET['ACTION'] == 'EDIT') { $action = 'EDIT'; } /* $direction = new TypeDirection($db); $catalogo1 = $direction->getListTypeDirection() ; */ $person = new Person($db); $catalogo1 = $person->getListPerson(); /* $city = new Location($db); $catalogo2 = $city->getListLocation() ; */ $kinship = new Kinship($db); $catalogo2 = $kinship->getListKinship(); $status_holder = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo3 = $status_holder->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_HOLDER'); $holder = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo4 = $status_holder->getListSystemCatalog('CURRENT_PERIOD'); //AGREGAR PARA EL HOLDER UN SI/NO /* $pk_id_person_direction = 0; $pk_id_direction = 0; $pk_id_type_direction = 0; $fk_id_location = 0; $direction = ''; */ $pk_id_student = 0; $pk_id_kinship = 0; $pk_id_holder = 0; $direction = '';
<td> <?php $anio_ex_alumno_madre = $action == 'EDIT' ? $data_madre['year_is_an_alumnus'] : ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'INSERT') { Forms::printInput('TEXT', 'anio_ex_alumno_madre', $anio_ex_alumno_madre, 'mini', array()); } elseif ($action == 'PREVIEW') { echo $data_madre['year_is_an_alumnus']; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>¿ PERTENECE A ALGUNA ASOCIACION CIVIL O RELIGIOSA ? </td> <td> <?php $RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATIONm = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogoaaam = $RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATIONm->getListSystemCatalog('RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATION'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogoaaam as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $itemsSelect['0'] = 'SELECCIONE UNA OPCION'; $RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATION2m = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATION2m = $data_padre['religious_association']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'religious_association_madre', $RELIGIOUS_ASSOCIATION2m, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> <td>CUAL: (si corresponde)</td>
} elseif ($action == 'PREVIEW') { echo $data_student['student_code']; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Estado'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $estado_estudiante = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $estado_estudiante->getListSystemCatalog('STUDENT_STATUS'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $estado_estudiante2 = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $estado_estudiante2 = $data_student['student_status']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'STUDENT_STATUS', $estado_estudiante2, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1">
} Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'pk_id_person', $id_person, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Estado:'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $estado_profesor = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $estado_profesor->getListSystemCatalog('TEACHER_STATUS'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $estado_profesor2 = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $estado_profesor2 = $data_teacher['teacher_status']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'TEACHER_STATUS', $estado_profesor2, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1">
Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'pk_id_person', $id_person, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Estado:'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $estado_profesor = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $estado_profesor->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_LEVEL_MAIN_COURSE'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $estado_profesor2 = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $estado_profesor2 = $data_teacher['teacher_status']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'TEACHER_STATUS', $estado_profesor2, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr>
</td> <td> <?php Forms::printInput('TEXT', 'ID_FORM', '', 'mini', array(), array(), 0); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php Forms::printLabel('Estado de Formulario'); ?> </td> <td> <?php $statusAdmission = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $statusAdmission->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_ADMISSION'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $status_admission_pendient = 100; Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'STATUS_ADMISSION', $status_admission_pendient, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php Forms::printLabel('Nombre Postulante'); ?>
* and open the template in the editor. */ $action = 'INSERT'; if (isset($_GET['ACTION'])) { $action = $_GET['ACTION']; } if (isset($_GET['page']) != "course/course_ajax") { $action = 'PREVIEW'; } $preview_flag = 0; $mainCourse = new MainCourse($registry[$nameDataBase]); $listCourses = $mainCourse->getListMainCourse(); // print_r($list); $period = new Period($registry[$nameDataBase]); $listPeriod = $period->getListPeriod(); $courseStatus = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $courseStatus->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_COURSE_HARD'); $courseHard = new CourseHard($registry[$nameDataBase]); $data = array(); if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { if (isset($_GET['PK_ID_COURSE_HARD'])) { $res = $courseHard->getListCourseHard($_GET['PK_ID_COURSE_HARD']); $data = $res[0]; //print_r($data); } if ($action == 'PREVIEW') { $preview_flag = 1; } } ?>
Forms::printInput('TEXT', 'MARRIED_NAME', $married_name, 'mini', array(), array(), $preview_flag); ?> </td> </tr> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Tipo de Sangre'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $tipo_sangre = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $tipo_sangre->getListSystemCatalog('BLOOD_TYPE'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $tipo_sangre2 = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT') { $tipo_sangre2 = $data['blood_type']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'BLOOD_TYPE', $tipo_sangre2, 'mini', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr>
$flag_consulta_cerrada = 1; } $request_sucess_response = $request_data['satisfy_fk_id_response']; $request_subject = $request_data['subject']; $request_date = $request_data['datetime_consultation']; $request_name = $_SESSION['authenticated_user']; $request_rol_open = $_SESSION['authenticated_role']; $request_description = $request_data['consultation']; } //obtener datos de respuestas $response = new Response($db); $consultation = new Consultations($db); $responses = $response->getListResponseByConsultation($pk_id_consultation); $consult = $consultation->getListConsultations($pk_id_consultation); // catalogo de respuesta de datos de respuesta $courseStatus = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $courseStatus->getListSystemCatalog('STATE_SATISFACTION'); $escalations = $consultation->getConsultationEscalation($pk_id_consultation); ?> <div class="grid_10"> <div class="box round first"> <h2><?php echo 'Respuestas de Consulta'; ?> </h2> <br> <a href="?page=course/course_request_admin&ACTION=EDIT&PK_ID_COURSE_HARD=<?php echo $_GET['PK_ID_COURSE_HARD']; ?>
<?php echo $areaName; ?> </td> <td style=" text-align: center; vertical-align:middle;font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; width: 80px;padding: 3px; border-left: solid 1px <?php echo $color; ?> ; " > <?php if ($active == 1) { // echo "ALGO : $pk_id_supervisor_admission_area - FIN ALGO"; $estado_proceso = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $estado_proceso->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_ADMISSION_PROCESS'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $STATUS_ADMISION_PROCESS = $status; Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'status_admission_process', $STATUS_ADMISION_PROCESS, '', array(), $itemsSelect); } else { echo "<span style=\"color:{$colorFontStatus};\" >" . $statusDesc . "</span>"; } ?> </td> <td style="vertical-align:middle;font-size: 11px; min-width: 150px;padding: 3px; border-left: solid 1px <?php
$es_config2 = $data_main_course['is_course_configuration']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'is_course_configuration', $es_config2, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Estado:'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $estado_mc = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo1 = $estado_mc->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_MAIN_COURSE'); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($catalogo1 as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['pk_id_catalog']] = $item['description']; } $estado_mc2 = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $estado_mc2 = $data_main_course['status_main_course']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'status_main_course', $estado_mc2, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1">
if (isset($_GET['ACTION']) && $_GET['ACTION'] == 'EDIT') { $action = 'EDIT'; } /* $direction = new TypeDirection($db); $catalogo1 = $direction->getListTypeDirection() ; */ $person = new Person($db); $catalogo1 = $person->getListPerson(); /* $city = new Location($db); $catalogo2 = $city->getListLocation() ; */ $kinship = new Kinship($db); $catalogo2 = $kinship->getListKinship(); $status_holder = new SystemCatalog($db); $catalogo3 = $status_holder->getListSystemCatalog('STATUS_HOLDER'); /* $pk_id_person_direction = 0; $pk_id_direction = 0; $pk_id_type_direction = 0; $fk_id_location = 0; $direction = ''; */ $pk_id_student = 0; $pk_id_kinship = 0; $pk_id_holder = 0; $direction = ''; /* if($action=='EDIT'){ $pk_id_person_direction = $_GET['pk_id_person_direction'];