/** * Create and save an instance of the SysOps object * * Depending on the release of nessquik being used, * different libraries need to be loaded. This method * will create a single instance of the SysOps object. * The object created will be relevant to the release * of nessquik. This object can then be retrieved at * any time by re-calling the getInstance method * * @return object SysOps instance specific to the release */ static function getInstance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { switch (_RELEASE) { case "fermi": if (!file_exists(_ABSPATH . '/lib/SysOpsFermi.php')) { die("Fermi SysOps class does not exist"); } require_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/SysOpsFermi.php'; self::$instance = new SysOpsFermi(); break; case "general": default: if (!file_exists(_ABSPATH . '/lib/SysOpsGeneral.php')) { die("General SysOps class does not exist"); } require_once _ABSPATH . '/lib/SysOpsGeneral.php'; self::$instance = new SysOpsGeneral(); break; } } return self::$instance; }
* to logout and try resetting the dn */ if ($client_dn == '') { $logout = true; } // Send them away to log out and log back in again if neccessary if ($logout) { header("Location: deps/nessquik-main/logout.php"); } } else { $_SESSION['username'] = "******"; } $db = nessquikDB::getInstance(); $tpl = SmartyTemplate::getInstance(); $_usr = User::getInstance(); $_chk = SysOps::getInstance(); $_chk->check_version(); $sql = array('select' => "\tSELECT pluginid \n\t\t\tFROM plugins \n\t\t\tLIMIT 2", 'settings' => "\tINSERT INTO profile_settings(\n\t\t\t\t`username`,\n\t\t\t\t`profile_id`,\n\t\t\t\t`alternative_cgibin_list`) \n\t\t\tVALUES (':1',':2',':3');", 'select_settings' => "\tSELECT profile_id \n\t\t\t\tFROM profile_settings \n\t\t\t\tWHERE username='******' \n\t\t\t\tAND setting_type='sys';"); $username = import_var('username', 'S'); $division = $_usr->get_division_from_uid($username); $division_id = $_usr->get_division_id($division); $editor = false; $has_whitelist = false; $has_saved_scans = false; $has_special_plugins = false; $has_clusters = false; $has_registered = false; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql['select']); $stmt3 = $db->prepare($sql['select_settings']); $stmt4 = $db->prepare($sql['settings']); $proper = $_usr->get_proper_name($username);