예제 #1
 function alertAdmin($subject, $message, $log = false)
     global $cfg;
     //Set admin's email address
     if (!$cfg || !($to = $cfg->getAdminEmail())) {
         $to = ADMIN_EMAIL;
     //Try getting the alert email.
     $email = null;
     if ($cfg && !($email = $cfg->getAlertEmail())) {
         $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail();
     //will take the default email.
     if ($email) {
         $email->send($to, $subject, $message);
     } else {
         //no luck - try the system mail.
         Email::sendmail($to, $subject, $message, sprintf('"osTicket Alerts"<%s>', $to));
     //log the alert? Watch out for loops here.
     if ($log && is_object($cfg)) {
         //if $cfg is not set then it means we don't have DB connection.
         Sys::log(LOG_CRIT, $subject, $message, false);
         //Log the enter...and make sure no alerts are resent.
예제 #2
function api_exit($code, $msg = '')
    global $remotehost, $cfg;
    if ($code != EX_SUCCESS) {
        //Error occured...
        $_SESSION['api']['errors'] += 1;
        $_SESSION['api']['time'] = time();
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, "API error - code #{$code}", $msg);
        //echo "API Error:.$msg";
    if ($remotehost) {
        switch ($code) {
            case EX_SUCCESS:
                Http::response(200, $code, 'text/plain');
            case EX_UNAVAILABLE:
                Http::response(405, $code, 'text/plain');
            case EX_NOPERM:
                Http::response(403, $code, 'text/plain');
            case EX_DATAERR:
            case EX_NOINPUT:
                Http::response(416, $code, 'text/plain');
예제 #3
 function encrypt($text, $salt)
     //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning.
     if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) {
         $msg = 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'mcrypt missing', $msg);
         return $text;
     return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND))));
예제 #4
 function encrypt($text, $salt)
     //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning.
     if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) {
         $msg = 'A extensão de criptografia mcrypt não está habilitada ou instalada. As senhas de IMAP/POP estão sendo armazenadas como texto sem formatação no banco de dados.';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'mcrypt missing', $msg);
         return $text;
     return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND))));
예제 #5
 function encrypt($text, $salt)
     //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning.
     if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) {
         $msg = 'Extensi&oacute;n mcrypt criptograf&iacute;ca no est&aacute; habilitada o instalada. Contrase&ntilde;as de IMAP/POP se almacenan como texto sin formato en la base de datos.';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Falta mcrypt', $msg);
         return $text;
     return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND))));
예제 #6
function db_query($query, $database = "", $conn = "")
    global $cfg;
    if ($conn) {
        /* connection is provided*/
        $response = $database ? mysql_db_query($database, $query, $conn) : mysql_query($query, $conn);
    } else {
        $response = $database ? mysql_db_query($database, $query) : mysql_query($query);
    if (!$response) {
        //error reporting
        $alert = '[' . $query . ']' . "\n\n" . db_error();
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'DB Error #' . db_errno(), $alert, $cfg && $cfg->alertONSQLError());
        //echo $msg; #uncomment during debuging or dev.
    return $response;
예제 #7


    Destroy users session.

    Copyright (c)  2012-2014 Katak Support
    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    Derived from osTicket v1.6 by Peter Rotich.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    $Id: $
require_once 'user.inc.php';
//Log logout info...
$msg = sprintf("%s/%s " . _("logged out"), $_SESSION['_user']['userID'], $_SESSION['_user']['key']);
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'User logout', $msg, $_SESSION['_user']['userID']);
//We are checking to make sure the user is logged in before a logout to avoid session reset tricks on excess logins
$_SESSION['_user'] = array();
header('Location: index.php');
require 'index.php';
예제 #8
        $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Inicio de sesi&oacute;n de Staff', sprintf("%s Identificado como [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
        //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
        $dest = $dest && (!strstr($dest, 'login.php') && !strstr($dest, 'ajax.php')) ? $dest : 'index.php';
        @header("Location: {$dest}");
        require_once 'index.php';
        //Just incase header is messed up.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
        $msg = 'Acceso Denegado';
        $errors['err'] = '&iquest;Olvidaste tus datos de conexi&oacute;n?. Contacta con el Administrador';
        $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = 'Exceso de intentos de conexión por un miembro del personal' . "\n" . 'Nombre de usuario: ' . $_POST['username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Intentos #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Tiempo de espera: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " Minutos \n\n";
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excesivos intentos de conexi&oacute;n (Miembro del Staff)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = 'Nombre de usuario: ' . $_POST['username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'Hora: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Intentos #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Intento de inicio de sesi&oacute;n fallido (Miembro del Staff)', $alert);
define("OSTSCPINC", TRUE);
//Make includes happy!
$login_err = $_POST ? true : false;
//error displayed only on post
include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'staff/login.tpl.php';
예제 #9
 function getMsgTemplate($name)
     //TODO: Don't preload - do ondemand fetch!
     $tpl = array();
     switch (strtolower($name)) {
         case 'ticket_autoresp':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_autoresp_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_autoresp_body']);
         case 'msg_autoresp':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['message_autoresp_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['message_autoresp_body']);
         case 'ticket_notice':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_notice_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_notice_body']);
         case 'overlimit_notice':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_overlimit_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_overlimit_body']);
         case 'ticket_reply':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_reply_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_reply_body']);
         case 'ticket_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_alert_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_alert_body']);
         case 'msg_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['message_alert_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['message_alert_body']);
         case 'note_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['note_alert_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['note_alert_body']);
         case 'assigned_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['assigned_alert_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['assigned_alert_body']);
         case 'transfer_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['transfer_alert_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['transfer_alert_body']);
         case 'overdue_alert':
             $tpl = array('subj' => $this->ht['ticket_overdue_subj'], 'body' => $this->ht['ticket_overdue_body']);
             Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Template Fetch Error', "Unable to fetch '{$name}' template - id #" . $this->getId());
             $tpl = array();
     return $tpl;
예제 #10


    File to handle cron job calls (local and remote).

    Peter Rotich <*****@*****.**>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2010 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
    $Id: $
@chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');
//Change dir.
require 'api.inc.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.cron.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Cron Job', 'Cron Job Externo ejecutado [' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ']');
예제 #11
            $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset();
            $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving();
            //Log login info...
            $msg = sprintf("%s/%s logged in [%s]", $ticket->getEmail(), $ticket->getExtId(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'User login', $msg);
            //Redirect tickets.php
            @header("Location: tickets.php");
            require_once 'tickets.php';
            //Just incase. of header already sent error.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] > $cfg->getClientMaxLogins()) {
        $loginmsg = 'Access Denied';
        $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Please <a href="open.php">open a new ticket</a>.';
        $_SESSION['_client']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a client?' . "\n" . 'Email: ' . $_POST['lemail'] . "\n" . 'Ticket#: ' . $_POST['lticket'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'Time:' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (client)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = 'Email: ' . $_POST['lemail'] . "\n" . 'Ticket #: ' . $_POST['lticket'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Failed login attempt (client)', $alert);
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'header.inc.php';
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'login.inc.php';
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'footer.inc.php';
예제 #12


    Log out staff
    Destroy the session and redirect to login.php

    Peter Rotich <*****@*****.**>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2010 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
    $Id: $
require 'staff.inc.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff logout', sprintf("%s logged out [%s]", $thisuser->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
$_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
@header('Location: login.php');
require 'login.php';
예제 #13


    File to handle cron job calls (local and remote).

    Peter Rotich <*****@*****.**>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2010 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
    $Id: cron.php,v 2009/08/17 18:25:57 carlos.delfino Exp $
@chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');
//Change dir.
require 'api.inc.php';
require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.cron.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Cron Job', 'External cron job executed [' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ']');
예제 #14
//Leave me a lone bro!
//useless when safe_mode is on
$data = sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%", 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 1, 0, 1, 0, 128, 255, 0, 192, 192, 192, 0, 0, 0, 33, 249, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 68, 1, 0, 59);
$datasize = strlen($data);
header('Content-type:  image/gif');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header("Content-Length: {$datasize}");
header('Connection: Close');
print $data;
//Keep the image output clean. Hide our dirt.
//TODO: Make cron DB based to allow for better time limits. Direct calls for now sucks big time.
//We DON'T want to spawn cron on every page load...we record the lastcroncall on the session per user
$sec = time() - $_SESSION['lastcroncall'];
if ($sec > 180) {
    //user can call cron once every 3 minutes.
    require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.cron.php';
    //Age tickets: We're going to age tickets ever regardless of cron settings.
    if ($cfg && $cfg->enableAutoCron()) {
        //ONLY fetch tickets if autocron is enabled!
        //Fetch mail.
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Autocron', 'cron job executed [' . $thisuser->getUserName() . ']');
    $_SESSION['lastcroncall'] = time();
$output = ob_get_contents();
예제 #15
            $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset();
            $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving();
            //Log login info...
            $msg = sprintf("%s/%s logado em [%s]", $ticket->getEmail(), $ticket->getExtId(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Usu�rio de login', $msg);
            //Redirect tickets.php
            @header("Location: tickets.php");
            require_once 'tickets.php';
            //Just incase. of header already sent error.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] > $cfg->getClientMaxLogins()) {
        $loginmsg = 'Acesso negado';
        $errors['err'] = 'Esqueceu suas informa��es de login? Por favor, <a href="open.php">abra um novo ticket</a>.';
        $_SESSION['_client']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = 'Tentativas excessivas de login por um cliente?' . "\n" . 'E-mail: ' . $_POST['lemail'] . "\n" . 'Ticket#: ' . $_POST['lticket'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'Hora:' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Tentativas #' . $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Tentativas excessivas de login (cliente)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_client']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = 'E-mail: ' . $_POST['lemail'] . "\n" . 'Ticket #: ' . $_POST['lticket'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'Hora: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Tentativas #' . $_SESSION['_client']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Falha de tentativa de login (cliente)', $alert);
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'header.inc.php';
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'login.inc.php';
require CLIENTINC_DIR . 'footer.inc.php';
예제 #16


    Log out staff
    Destroy the session and redirect to login.php

    Peter Rotich <*****@*****.**>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2010 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
    $Id: $
require 'staff.inc.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Atendente desconectado', sprintf("%s desconectado [%s]", $thisuser->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
$_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
@header('Location: login.php');
require 'login.php';
예제 #17


    Log out staff
    Destroy the session and redirect to the staff entry page.

    Copyright (c)  2012-2013 Katak Support
    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    Derived from osTicket by Peter Rotich.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    $Id: $
require 'staff.inc.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff logout', sprintf("%s " . _('logged out'), $thisuser->getUserName()), $thisuser->getUserName());
$_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
@header('Location: index.php');
require 'index.php';
예제 #18


    Log out staff
    Destroy the session and redirect to login.php

    Peter Rotich <*****@*****.**>
    Copyright (c)  2006-2010 osTicket

    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
    $Id: $
require 'staff.inc.php';
Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Desconexi&oacute;n Miembro del Staff ', sprintf("%s Desconectado [%s]", $thisuser->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
$_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
@header('Location: login.php');
require 'login.php';
예제 #19
 function create($vars, &$errors, $origin, $autorespond = true, $alertstaff = true)
     global $cfg, $thisclient, $_FILES;
     //Make sure the email is not banned
     if ($vars['email'] && EmailFilter::isBanned($vars['email'])) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Ticket denied. Error #403';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ticket denied', 'Banned email - ' . $vars['email']);
         return 0;
     $id = 0;
     $fields = array();
     $fields['name'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Name required');
     $fields['email'] = array('type' => 'email', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Valid email required');
     $fields['subject'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Subject required');
     $fields['message'] = array('type' => 'text', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Message required');
     switch (strtolower($origin)) {
         case 'web':
             $fields['topicId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Select help topic');
         case 'staff':
             $fields['deptId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Dept. required');
             $fields['topicId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Topic required');
             $fields['duedate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY');
         case 'api':
             $fields['source'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Indicate source');
         case 'email':
             $fields['emailId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Email unknown');
             # TODO: Return error message
             $errors['origin'] = 'Invalid origin given';
     $fields['pri'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid Priority');
     $fields['phone'] = array('type' => 'phone', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Valid phone # required');
     if (!Validator::process($fields, $vars, $errors) && !$errors['err']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again';
     //Make sure phone extension is valid
     if ($vars['phone_ext']) {
         if (!is_numeric($vars['phone_ext']) && !$errors['phone']) {
             $errors['phone'] = 'Invalid phone ext.';
         } elseif (!$vars['phone']) {
             //make sure they just didn't enter ext without phone # XXX: reconsider allowing!
             $errors['phone'] = 'Phone number required';
     //Make sure the due date is valid
     if ($vars['duedate']) {
         if (!$vars['time'] || strpos($vars['time'], ':') === false) {
             $errors['time'] = 'Select time';
         } elseif (strtotime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time']) === false) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Invalid duedate';
         } elseif (strtotime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time']) <= time()) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Due date must be in the future';
     //check attachment..if any is set ...only set on webbased tickets..
     //XXX:?? Create ticket anyway and simply drop the attachments?? We're already doing so with emails.
     if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'] && $cfg->allowOnlineAttachments()) {
         if (!$cfg->canUploadFileType($_FILES['attachment']['name'])) {
             $errors['attachment'] = 'Invalid file type [ ' . Format::htmlchars($_FILES['attachment']['name']) . ' ]';
         } elseif ($_FILES['attachment']['size'] > $cfg->getMaxFileSize()) {
             $errors['attachment'] = 'File is too big. Max ' . $cfg->getMaxFileSize() . ' bytes allowed';
     # Perform email filter actions on the new ticket arguments XXX: Move filter to the top and check for reject...
     if (!$errors && ($ef = new EmailFilter($vars))) {
     # Some things will need to be unpacked back into the scope of this
     # function
     if (isset($vars['autorespond'])) {
         $autorespond = $vars['autorespond'];
     //check ticket limits..if limit set is >0
     //TODO: Base ticket limits on SLA... XXX: move it elsewhere??
     if ($vars['email'] && !$errors && $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() > 0 && strcasecmp($origin, 'staff')) {
         $openTickets = Ticket::getOpenTicketsByEmail($vars['email']);
         if ($openTickets >= $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()) {
             $errors['err'] = "You've reached the maximum open tickets allowed.";
             //Send the notice only once (when the limit is reached) incase of autoresponders at client end.
             if ($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() == $openTickets && $cfg->sendOverlimitNotice()) {
                 if ($vars['deptId']) {
                     $dept = Dept::lookup($vars['deptId']);
                 if (!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) {
                     $tpl = $cfg->getDefaultTemplate();
                 if (!$dept || !($email = $dept->getAutoRespEmail())) {
                     $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail();
                 if ($tpl && ($msg = $tpl->getOverlimitMsgTemplate()) && $email) {
                     $body = str_replace('%name', $vars['name'], $msg['body']);
                     $body = str_replace('%email', $vars['email'], $msg['body']);
                     $body = str_replace('%url', $cfg->getBaseUrl(), $body);
                     $body = str_replace('%signature', $dept && $dept->isPublic() ? $dept->getSignature() : '', $body);
                     $email->send($vars['email'], $msg['subj'], $body);
                 //Log + Alert admin...this might be spammy (no option to disable)...but it is helpful..I think.
                 $msg = 'Support ticket request denied for ' . $vars['email'] . "\n" . 'Open ticket:' . $openTickets . "\n" . 'Max Allowed:' . $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() . "\n\nNotice only sent once";
                 Sys::log(LOG_CRIT, 'Overlimit Notice', $msg);
     //Any error above is fatal.
     if ($errors) {
         return 0;
     // OK...just do it.
     $deptId = $vars['deptId'];
     //pre-selected Dept if any.
     $priorityId = $vars['pri'];
     $source = ucfirst($vars['source']);
     $topic = NULL;
     // Intenal mapping magic...see if we need to overwrite anything
     if (isset($vars['topicId']) && ($topic = Topic::lookup($vars['topicId']))) {
         //Ticket created via web by user/or staff
         $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $topic->getDeptId();
         $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $topic->getPriorityId();
         if ($autorespond) {
             $autorespond = $topic->autoRespond();
         $source = $vars['source'] ? $vars['source'] : 'Web';
     } elseif ($vars['emailId'] && !$vars['deptId'] && ($email = Email::lookup($vars['emailId']))) {
         //Emailed Tickets
         $deptId = $email->getDeptId();
         $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $email->getPriorityId();
         if ($autorespond) {
             $autorespond = $email->autoRespond();
         $email = null;
         $source = 'Email';
     } elseif ($vars['deptId']) {
         //Opened by staff.
         $deptId = $vars['deptId'];
         $source = ucfirst($vars['source']);
     //Last minute checks
     $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId();
     $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $cfg->getDefaultDeptId();
     $topicId = $vars['topicId'] ? $vars['topicId'] : 0;
     $ipaddress = $vars['ip'] ? $vars['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     //We are ready son...hold on to the rails.
     $extId = Ticket::genExtRandID();
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW() ' . ' ,lastmessage= NOW()' . ' ,ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ' ,dept_id=' . db_input($deptId) . ' ,topic_id=' . db_input($topicId) . ' ,priority_id=' . db_input($priorityId) . ' ,email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ' ,name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ' ,subject=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['subject'])) . ' ,phone="' . db_input($vars['phone'], false) . '"' . ' ,phone_ext=' . db_input($vars['phone_ext'] ? $vars['phone_ext'] : '') . ' ,ip_address=' . db_input($ipaddress) . ' ,source=' . db_input($source);
     //Make sure the origin is staff - avoid firebug hack!
     if ($vars['duedate'] && !strcasecmp($origin, 'staff')) {
         $sql .= ' ,duedate=' . db_input(date('Y-m-d G:i', Misc::dbtime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time'])));
     if (!db_query($sql) || !($id = db_insert_id()) || !($ticket = Ticket::lookup($id))) {
         return null;
     /* -------------------- POST CREATE ------------------------ */
     $dept = $ticket->getDept();
     if (!$cfg->useRandomIds()) {
         //Sequential ticketIDs support really..really suck arse.
         $extId = $id;
         //To make things really easy we are going to use autoincrement ticket_id.
         db_query('UPDATE ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ' WHERE ticket_id=' . $id . ' LIMIT 1');
         //TODO: RETHING what happens if this fails?? [At the moment on failure random ID is used...making stuff usable]
     //post the message.
     $msgid = $ticket->postMessage($vars['message'], $source, $vars['mid'], $vars['header'], true);
     //TODO: recover from postMessage error??
     //Upload attachments...web based. - XXX: Assumes user uploaded attachments!! XXX: move it to client interface.
     if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'] && $cfg->allowOnlineAttachments() && $msgid) {
         if (!$cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin() || $cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin() && ($thisuser && $thisuser->isValid())) {
             $ticket->uploadAttachment($_FILES['attachment'], $msgid, 'M');
     // Configure service-level-agreement for this ticket
     //Auto assign staff or team - auto assignment based on filter rules.
     if ($vars['staffId'] && !$vars['assignId']) {
         $ticket->assignToStaff($vars['staffId'], 'auto-assignment');
     if ($vars['teamId'] && !$vars['assignId']) {
         $ticket->assignToTeam($vars['teamId'], 'auto-assignment');
     /**********   double check auto-response  ************/
     //Overwrite auto responder if the FROM email is one of the internal emails...loop control.
     if ($autorespond && Email::getIdByEmail($ticket->getEmail())) {
         $autorespond = false;
     if ($autorespond && $dept && !$dept->autoRespONNewTicket()) {
         $autorespond = false;
     # Messages that are clearly auto-responses from email systems should
     # not have a return 'ping' message
     if ($autorespond && $vars['header'] && EmailFilter::isAutoResponse(Mail_Parse::splitHeaders($vars['header']))) {
         $autorespond = false;
     //Don't auto respond to mailer daemons.
     if ($autorespond && (strpos(strtolower($vars['email']), 'mailer-daemon@') !== false || strpos(strtolower($vars['email']), 'postmaster@') !== false)) {
         $autorespond = false;
     /***** See if we need to send some alerts ****/
     $ticket->onNewTicket($vars['message'], $autorespond, $alertstaff);
     return $ticket;
예제 #20
        $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff login', sprintf("%s logged in [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
        //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
        $dest = $dest && (!strstr($dest, 'login.php') && !strstr($dest, 'ajax.php')) ? $dest : 'index.php';
        @header("Location: {$dest}");
        require_once 'index.php';
        //Just incase header is messed up.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
        $msg = 'Access Denied';
        $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact IT Dept.';
        $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n";
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Failed login attempt (staff)', $alert);
define("OSTSCPINC", TRUE);
//Make includes happy!
$login_err = $_POST ? true : false;
//error displayed only on post
include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'staff/login.tpl.php';
예제 #21
         $errors['vpassword'] = '******';
     if (!$errors) {
         if (!$thisuser->check_passwd($_POST['password'])) {
             $errors['password'] = '******';
         } elseif (strcmp($_POST['npassword'], $_POST['vpassword'])) {
             $errors['npassword'] = $errors['vpassword'] = '******'t match';
         } elseif (!strcasecmp($_POST['password'], $_POST['npassword'])) {
             $errors['npassword'] = '******';
     if (!$errors) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET updated=NOW() ' . ',change_passwd=0, passwd=' . db_input(MD5($_POST['npassword'])) . ' WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($thisuser->getId());
         if (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()) {
             $msg = 'Password Changed Successfully';
             Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
         } else {
             $errors['err'] = 'Unable to complete password change. Internal error.';
 case 'info':
     //Update profile info
     if (!$_POST['firstname']) {
         $errors['firstname'] = 'First name required';
     if (!$_POST['lastname']) {
         $errors['lastname'] = 'Last name required';
     if (!$_POST['email'] || !Validator::is_email($_POST['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Valid email required';
예제 #22
        $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff login', sprintf('%s ' . _('logged in'), $user->getUserName()), $user->getUserName());
        //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
        $dest = $dest && (!strstr($dest, 'login.php') && !strstr($dest, 'ajax.php')) ? $dest : 'index.php';
        @header("Location: {$dest}");
        require_once 'index.php';
        //Just incase header is messed up.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
        $msg = _('Access Denied');
        $errors['err'] = _('Forgot your login info? Contact IT Dept.');
        $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = _('Excessive login attempts by a staff member') . "\n\n" . _('Username') . ": " . $_POST['username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . _('Time') . ': ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . _('Attempts No.') . ' ' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " " . _("minutes") . " \n";
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', $alert, $_POST['username'], $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = _('Failed login attempts by a staff member') . "\n\n" . _('Username') . ": " . $_POST['username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . _('Time') . ": " . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n" . _('Attempts No.') . ' ' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Failed login attempt (staff)', $alert, $_POST['username']);
//Make includes happy!
$login_err = $_POST ? true : false;
//error displayed only on post
include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'staff/login.tpl.php';
예제 #23
 function create($var, &$errors, $origin, $autorespond = true, $alertstaff = true)
     global $cfg, $thisclient, $_FILES;
     /* Coders never code so fully and joyfully as when they do it for free  - Peter Rotich */
     $id = 0;
     $fields = array();
     $fields['name'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Name required');
     $fields['email'] = array('type' => 'email', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Valid email required');
     $fields['subject'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Subject required');
     $fields['message'] = array('type' => 'text', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Message required');
     if (strcasecmp($origin, 'web') == 0) {
         //Help topic only applicable on web tickets.
         $fields['topicId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Select help topic');
     } elseif (strcasecmp($origin, 'staff') == 0) {
         //tickets created by staff...e.g on callins.
         $fields['deptId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Dept. required');
         $fields['source'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Indicate source');
         $fields['duedate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY');
     } else {
         //Incoming emails
         $fields['emailId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Email unknown');
     $fields['pri'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid Priority');
     $fields['phone'] = array('type' => 'phone', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Valid phone # required');
     $validate = new Validator($fields);
     if (!$validate->validate($var)) {
         $errors = array_merge($errors, $validate->errors());
     //Make sure the email is not banned
     if (!$errors && BanList::isbanned($var['email'])) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Ticket denied. Error #403';
         //We don't want to tell the user the real reason...Psssst.
         Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ticket denied', 'Banned email - ' . $var['email']);
         //We need to let admin know which email got banned.
     if (!$errors && $thisclient && strcasecmp($thisclient->getEmail(), $var['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = 'Email mismatch.';
     //Make sure phone extension is valid
     if ($var['phone_ext']) {
         if (!is_numeric($var['phone_ext']) && !$errors['phone']) {
             $errors['phone'] = 'Invalid phone ext.';
         } elseif (!$var['phone']) {
             //make sure they just didn't enter ext without phone #
             $errors['phone'] = 'Phone number required';
     //Make sure the due date is valid
     if ($var['duedate']) {
         if (!$var['time'] || strpos($var['time'], ':') === false) {
             $errors['time'] = 'Select time';
         } elseif (strtotime($var['duedate'] . ' ' . $var['time']) === false) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Invalid duedate';
         } elseif (strtotime($var['duedate'] . ' ' . $var['time']) <= time()) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Due date must be in the future';
     //check attachment..if any is set ...only set on webbased tickets..
     if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'] && $cfg->allowOnlineAttachments()) {
         if (!$cfg->canUploadFileType($_FILES['attachment']['name'])) {
             $errors['attachment'] = 'Invalid file type [ ' . Format::htmlchars($_FILES['attachment']['name']) . ' ]';
         } elseif ($_FILES['attachment']['size'] > $cfg->getMaxFileSize()) {
             $errors['attachment'] = 'File is too big. Max ' . $cfg->getMaxFileSize() . ' bytes allowed';
     //check ticket limits..if limit set is >0
     //TODO: Base ticket limits on SLA...
     if ($var['email'] && !$errors && $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() > 0 && strcasecmp($origin, 'staff')) {
         $openTickets = Ticket::getOpenTicketsByEmail($var['email']);
         if ($openTickets >= $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()) {
             $errors['err'] = "You've reached the maximum open tickets allowed.";
             //Send the notice only once (when the limit is reached) incase of autoresponders at client end.
             if ($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() == $openTickets && $cfg->sendOverlimitNotice()) {
                 if ($var['deptId']) {
                     $dept = new Dept($var['deptId']);
                 if (!$dept || !($tplId = $dept->getTemplateId())) {
                     $tplId = $cfg->getDefaultTemplateId();
                 $sql = 'SELECT ticket_overlimit_subj,ticket_overlimit_body FROM ' . EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE cfg_id=' . db_input($cfg->getId()) . ' AND tpl_id=' . db_input($tplId);
                 $resp = db_query($sql);
                 if (db_num_rows($resp) && (list($subj, $body) = db_fetch_row($resp))) {
                     $body = str_replace("%name", $var['name'], $body);
                     $body = str_replace("%email", $var['email'], $body);
                     $body = str_replace("%url", $cfg->getBaseUrl(), $body);
                     $body = str_replace('%signature', $dept && $dept->isPublic() ? $dept->getSignature() : '', $body);
                     if (!$dept || !($email = $dept->getAutoRespEmail())) {
                         $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail();
                     if ($email) {
                         $email->send($var['email'], $subj, $body);
                 //Alert admin...this might be spammy (no option to disable)...but it is helpful..I think.
                 $msg = 'Support ticket request denied for ' . $var['email'] . "\n" . 'Open ticket:' . $openTickets . "\n" . 'Max Allowed:' . $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() . "\n\nNotice only sent once";
                 Sys::alertAdmin('Overlimit Notice', $msg);
     //Any error above is fatal.
     if ($errors) {
         return 0;
     // OK...just do it.
     $deptId = $var['deptId'];
     //pre-selected Dept if any.
     $priorityId = $var['pri'];
     $source = ucfirst($var['source']);
     $topic = NULL;
     // Intenal mapping magic...see if we need to overwrite anything
     if (isset($var['topicId'])) {
         //Ticket created via web by user/or staff
         if ($var['topicId'] && ($topic = new Topic($var['topicId'])) && $topic->getId()) {
             $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $topic->getDeptId();
             $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $topic->getPriorityId();
             $topicDesc = $topic->getName();
             if ($autorespond) {
                 $autorespond = $topic->autoRespond();
         $source = $var['source'] ? $var['source'] : 'Web';
     } elseif ($var['emailId'] && !$var['deptId']) {
         //Emailed Tickets
         $email = new Email($var['emailId']);
         if ($email && $email->getId()) {
             $deptId = $email->getDeptId();
             $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $email->getPriorityId();
             if ($autorespond) {
                 $autorespond = $email->autoRespond();
         $email = null;
         $source = 'Email';
     } elseif ($var['deptId']) {
         //Opened by staff.
         $deptId = $var['deptId'];
         $source = ucfirst($var['source']);
     //Don't auto respond to mailer daemons.
     if (strpos(strtolower($var['email']), 'mailer-daemon@') !== false || strpos(strtolower($var['email']), 'postmaster@') !== false) {
         $autorespond = false;
     //Last minute checks
     $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId();
     $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $cfg->getDefaultDeptId();
     $topicId = $var['topicId'] ? $var['topicId'] : 0;
     $ipaddress = $var['ip'] ? $var['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     //We are ready son...hold on to the rails.
     $extId = Ticket::genExtRandID();
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW() ' . ',ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($deptId) . ',topic_id=' . db_input($topicId) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($priorityId) . ',email=' . db_input($var['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($var['name'])) . ',subject=' . db_input(Format::striptags($var['subject'])) . ',helptopic=' . db_input(Format::striptags($topicDesc)) . ',phone="' . db_input($var['phone'], false) . '"' . ',phone_ext=' . db_input($var['phone_ext'] ? $var['phone_ext'] : '') . ',ip_address=' . db_input($ipaddress) . ',source=' . db_input($source);
     //Make sure the origin is staff - avoid firebug hack!
     if ($var['duedate'] && !strcasecmp($origin, 'staff')) {
         $sql .= ',duedate=' . db_input(date('Y-m-d G:i', Misc::dbtime($var['duedate'] . ' ' . $var['time'])));
     //echo $sql;
     $ticket = null;
     //return $ticket;
     if (db_query($sql) && ($id = db_insert_id())) {
         if (!$cfg->useRandomIds()) {
             //Sequential ticketIDs support really..really suck arse.
             $extId = $id;
             //To make things really easy we are going to use autoincrement ticket_id.
             db_query('UPDATE ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ' WHERE ticket_id=' . $id);
             //TODO: RETHING what happens if this fails?? [At the moment on failure random ID is used...making stuff usable]
         //Load newly created ticket.
         $ticket = new Ticket($id);
         //post the message.
         $msgid = $ticket->postMessage($var['message'], $source, $var['mid'], $var['header'], true);
         //TODO: recover from postMessage error??
         //Upload attachments...web based.
         if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'] && $cfg->allowOnlineAttachments() && $msgid) {
             if (!$cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin() || $cfg->allowAttachmentsOnlogin() && ($thisclient && $thisclient->isValid())) {
                 $ticket->uploadAttachment($_FILES['attachment'], $msgid, 'M');
                 //TODO: recover from upload issues?
         $dept = $ticket->getDept();
         if (!$dept || !($tplId = $dept->getTemplateId())) {
             $tplId = $cfg->getDefaultTemplateId();
         //Overwrite auto responder if the FROM email is one of the internal emails...loop control.
         if ($autorespond && Email::getIdByEmail($ticket->getEmail())) {
             $autorespond = false;
         //New Ticket AutoResponse..
         if ($autorespond && $cfg->autoRespONNewTicket() && $dept->autoRespONNewTicket()) {
             $sql = 'SELECT ticket_autoresp_subj,ticket_autoresp_body FROM ' . EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE cfg_id=' . db_input($cfg->getId()) . ' AND tpl_id=' . db_input($tplId);
             if (($resp = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($resp) && (list($subj, $body) = db_fetch_row($resp))) {
                 $body = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($body);
                 $subj = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($subj);
                 $body = str_replace('%message', $var['issue'] ? $var['issue'] : $var['message'], $body);
                 $body = str_replace('%signature', $dept && $dept->isPublic() ? $dept->getSignature() : '', $body);
                 if (!$dept || !($email = $dept->getAutoRespEmail())) {
                     $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail();
                 if ($email) {
                     //Reply separator tag.
                     if ($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag = $cfg->getReplySeparator())) {
                         $body = "\n{$tag}\n\n" . $body;
                     $email->send($ticket->getEmail(), $subj, $body);
             } else {
                 Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Template Fetch Error', "Unable to fetch autoresponse template #{$tplId}");
         //If enabled...send alert to staff (New Ticket Alert)
         if ($alertstaff && $cfg->alertONNewTicket() && is_object($ticket)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT ticket_alert_subj,ticket_alert_body FROM ' . EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE cfg_id=' . db_input($cfg->getId()) . ' AND tpl_id=' . db_input($tplId);
             if (($resp = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($resp) && (list($subj, $body) = db_fetch_row($resp))) {
                 $body = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($body);
                 $subj = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($subj);
                 $body = str_replace('%message', $var['issue'] ? $var['issue'] : $var['message'], $body);
                 if (!($email = $cfg->getAlertEmail())) {
                     $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail();
                 if ($email && $email->getId()) {
                     $sentlist = array();
                     //Admin Alert.
                     if ($cfg->alertAdminONNewTicket()) {
                         $alert = str_replace("%staff", 'Admin', $body);
                         $email->send($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $subj, $alert);
                         $sentlist[] = $cfg->getAdminEmail();
                     //get the list
                     $recipients = array();
                     //Dept. Manager
                     if ($cfg->alertDeptManagerONNewTicket()) {
                         $recipients[] = $dept->getManager();
                     //Staff members
                     if ($cfg->alertDeptMembersONNewTicket()) {
                         $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE onvacation=0 AND dept_id=' . db_input($dept->getId());
                         if (($users = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($users)) {
                             while (list($id) = db_fetch_row($users)) {
                                 $recipients[] = new Staff($id);
                     foreach ($recipients as $k => $staff) {
                         if (!$staff || !is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable()) {
                         if (in_array($staff->getEmail(), $sentlist)) {
                         //avoid duplicate emails.
                         $alert = str_replace("%staff", $staff->getFirstName(), $body);
                         $email->send($staff->getEmail(), $subj, $alert);
                         $sentlist[] = $staff->getEmail();
             } else {
                 Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Template Fetch Error', "Unable to fetch 'new ticket' alert template #{$tplId}");
     return $ticket;
 function fetchMail()
     global $cfg;
     if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = 'PHP debe ser compilado con la extensi&oacute;n IMAP habilitada para IMAP/POP3 fetch(captura de correo) para que funcione';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Error de captura de correo', $msg);
     $MAX_ERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
     //echo $sql;
     if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) {
     //TODO: Lock the table here??
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false);
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
         } else {
             $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1;
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
             if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\nEl sistema est&aacute; teniendo problemas para obtener los correos electr&oacute;nicos de la cuenta de correo siguiente: \n" . "\nUsuario: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nError: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' errores consecutivos. M&aacute;ximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitidos' . "\n\n Esto podría ser una cuesti&oacute;n relacionada con la conexi&oacute;n al host. Siguiente intento en aprox. 10 min";
                 Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de fallo en la captura de correo', $msg, true);
 function fetchMail()
     global $cfg;
     if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) {
     //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
     if (!function_exists('imap_open')) {
         $msg = 'PHP deve ser compilado com extensão IMAP habilitado para buscar a trabalhar IMAP/POP3!';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Erro em buscar o email', $msg);
     $MAX_ERRORS = 5;
     //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.
     $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
     //echo $sql;
     if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) {
     //TODO: Lock the table here??
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
         $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']);
         if ($fetcher->connect()) {
             $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false);
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
         } else {
             $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1;
             db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id']));
             if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) {
                 //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                 $msg = "\nO sistema está tendo problemas para coletar e-mails da conta do e-mail seguinte: \n" . "\nUsuário: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nErro: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' erros consecutivos. Máximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitido' . "\n\n Isso pode ser problemas de conexão relacionados ao hospedeiro. Próxima tentativa de login em aprox. 10 minutos";
                 Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de falha na busca por email', $msg, true);
예제 #26
 function create($vars, &$errors, $origin, $autorespond = true, $alertstaff = true)
     global $cfg, $thisclient, $_FILES;
     //Check for 403
     if ($vars['email'] && Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) {
         //Make sure the email address is not banned
         if (EmailFilter::isBanned($vars['email'])) {
             $errors['err'] = 'Ticket denied. Error #403';
             Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ticket denied', 'Banned email - ' . $vars['email']);
             return 0;
         //Make sure the open ticket limit hasn't been reached. (LOOP CONTROL)
         if ($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() > 0 && strcasecmp($origin, 'staff') && ($client = Client::lookupByEmail($vars['email'])) && ($openTickets = $client->getNumOpenTickets()) && $opentickets >= $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()) {
             $errors['err'] = "You've reached the maximum open tickets allowed.";
             Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ticket denied -' . $vars['email'], sprintf('Max open tickets (%d) reached for %s ', $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets(), $vars['email']));
             return 0;
     // Make sure email contents should not be rejected
     if (($email_filter = new EmailFilter($vars)) && ($filter = $email_filter->shouldReject())) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Ticket denied. Error #403';
         Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ticket denied', sprintf('Banned email - %s by filter "%s"', $vars['email'], $filter->getName()));
         return 0;
     $id = 0;
     $fields = array();
     $fields['name'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Name required');
     $fields['email'] = array('type' => 'email', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Valid email required');
     $fields['subject'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Subject required');
     $fields['message'] = array('type' => 'text', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Message required');
     switch (strtolower($origin)) {
         case 'web':
             $fields['topicId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Select help topic');
         case 'staff':
             $fields['deptId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Dept. required');
             $fields['topicId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Topic required');
             $fields['duedate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY');
         case 'api':
             $fields['source'] = array('type' => 'string', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Indicate source');
         case 'email':
             $fields['emailId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 1, 'error' => 'Email unknown');
             # TODO: Return error message
             $errors['err'] = $errors['origin'] = 'Invalid origin given';
     $fields['priorityId'] = array('type' => 'int', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid Priority');
     $fields['phone'] = array('type' => 'phone', 'required' => 0, 'error' => 'Valid phone # required');
     if (!Validator::process($fields, $vars, $errors) && !$errors['err']) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again';
     //Make sure phone extension is valid
     if ($vars['phone_ext']) {
         if (!is_numeric($vars['phone_ext']) && !$errors['phone']) {
             $errors['phone'] = 'Invalid phone ext.';
         } elseif (!$vars['phone']) {
             //make sure they just didn't enter ext without phone # XXX: reconsider allowing!
             $errors['phone'] = 'Phone number required';
     //Make sure the due date is valid
     if ($vars['duedate']) {
         if (!$vars['time'] || strpos($vars['time'], ':') === false) {
             $errors['time'] = 'Select time';
         } elseif (strtotime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time']) === false) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Invalid duedate';
         } elseif (strtotime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time']) <= time()) {
             $errors['duedate'] = 'Due date must be in the future';
     # Perform email filter actions on the new ticket arguments XXX: Move filter to the top and check for reject...
     if (!$errors && $email_filter) {
     # Some things will need to be unpacked back into the scope of this
     # function
     if (isset($vars['autorespond'])) {
         $autorespond = $vars['autorespond'];
     //Any error above is fatal.
     if ($errors) {
         return 0;
     // OK...just do it.
     $deptId = $vars['deptId'];
     //pre-selected Dept if any.
     $priorityId = $vars['priorityId'];
     $source = ucfirst($vars['source']);
     $topic = NULL;
     // Intenal mapping magic...see if we need to overwrite anything
     if (isset($vars['topicId']) && ($topic = Topic::lookup($vars['topicId']))) {
         //Ticket created via web by user/or staff
         $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $topic->getDeptId();
         $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $topic->getPriorityId();
         if ($autorespond) {
             $autorespond = $topic->autoRespond();
         $source = $vars['source'] ? $vars['source'] : 'Web';
     } elseif ($vars['emailId'] && !$vars['deptId'] && ($email = Email::lookup($vars['emailId']))) {
         //Emailed Tickets
         $deptId = $email->getDeptId();
         $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $email->getPriorityId();
         if ($autorespond) {
             $autorespond = $email->autoRespond();
         $email = null;
         $source = 'Email';
     } elseif ($vars['deptId']) {
         //Opened by staff.
         $deptId = $vars['deptId'];
         $source = ucfirst($vars['source']);
     //Last minute checks
     $priorityId = $priorityId ? $priorityId : $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId();
     $deptId = $deptId ? $deptId : $cfg->getDefaultDeptId();
     $topicId = $vars['topicId'] ? $vars['topicId'] : 0;
     $ipaddress = $vars['ip'] ? $vars['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     //We are ready son...hold on to the rails.
     $extId = Ticket::genExtRandID();
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW() ' . ' ,lastmessage= NOW()' . ' ,ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ' ,dept_id=' . db_input($deptId) . ' ,topic_id=' . db_input($topicId) . ' ,priority_id=' . db_input($priorityId) . ' ,email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ' ,name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ' ,subject=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['subject'])) . ' ,phone="' . db_input($vars['phone'], false) . '"' . ' ,phone_ext=' . db_input($vars['phone_ext'] ? $vars['phone_ext'] : '') . ' ,ip_address=' . db_input($ipaddress) . ' ,source=' . db_input($source);
     //Make sure the origin is staff - avoid firebug hack!
     if ($vars['duedate'] && !strcasecmp($origin, 'staff')) {
         $sql .= ' ,duedate=' . db_input(date('Y-m-d G:i', Misc::dbtime($vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time'])));
     if (!db_query($sql) || !($id = db_insert_id()) || !($ticket = Ticket::lookup($id))) {
         return null;
     /* -------------------- POST CREATE ------------------------ */
     $dept = $ticket->getDept();
     if (!$cfg->useRandomIds()) {
         //Sequential ticketIDs support really..really suck arse.
         $extId = $id;
         //To make things really easy we are going to use autoincrement ticket_id.
         db_query('UPDATE ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET ticketID=' . db_input($extId) . ' WHERE ticket_id=' . $id . ' LIMIT 1');
         //TODO: RETHING what happens if this fails?? [At the moment on failure random ID is used...making stuff usable]
     //post the message.
     $msgid = $ticket->postMessage($vars['message'], $source, $vars['mid'], $vars['header'], true);
     // Configure service-level-agreement for this ticket
     //Auto assign staff or team - auto assignment based on filter rules.
     if ($vars['staffId'] && !$vars['assignId']) {
         $ticket->assignToStaff($vars['staffId'], 'auto-assignment');
     if ($vars['teamId'] && !$vars['assignId']) {
         $ticket->assignToTeam($vars['teamId'], 'auto-assignment');
     /**********   double check auto-response  ************/
     //Overwrite auto responder if the FROM email is one of the internal emails...loop control.
     if ($autorespond && Email::getIdByEmail($ticket->getEmail())) {
         $autorespond = false;
     if ($autorespond && $dept && !$dept->autoRespONNewTicket()) {
         $autorespond = false;
     # Messages that are clearly auto-responses from email systems should
     # not have a return 'ping' message
     if ($autorespond && $vars['header'] && EmailFilter::isAutoResponse(Mail_Parse::splitHeaders($vars['header']))) {
         $autorespond = false;
     //Don't auto respond to mailer daemons.
     if ($autorespond && (strpos(strtolower($vars['email']), 'mailer-daemon@') !== false || strpos(strtolower($vars['email']), 'postmaster@') !== false)) {
         $autorespond = false;
     /***** See if we need to send some alerts ****/
     $ticket->onNewTicket($vars['message'], $autorespond, $alertstaff);
     /************ check if the user JUST reached the max. open tickets limit **********/
     if ($cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() > 0 && ($client = $ticket->getClient()) && $client->getNumOpenTickets() == $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets()) {
         $ticket->onOpenLimit($autorespond && strcasecmp($origin, 'staff'));
     /* Phew! ... time for tea (KETEPA) */
     return $ticket;
예제 #27
 function send($to, $subject, $message, $attachments = null, $options = null)
     global $cfg;
     //Get SMTP info IF enabled!
     $smtp = array();
     if ($this->isSMTPEnabled() && ($info = $this->getSMTPInfo())) {
         //is SMTP enabled for the current email?
         $smtp = $info;
     } elseif ($cfg && ($email = $cfg->getDefaultSMTPEmail()) && $email->isSMTPEnabled()) {
         //What about global SMTP setting?
         if ($email->allowSpoofing() && ($info = $email->getSMTPInfo())) {
             //If spoofing is allowed..then continue.
             $smtp = $info;
         } elseif ($email->getId() != $this->getId()) {
             //No spoofing allowed. Send it via the default SMTP email.
             return $email->send($to, $subject, $message, $attachments, $options);
     //Get the goodies
     require_once 'Mail.php';
     // PEAR Mail package
     require_once 'Mail/mime.php';
     // PEAR Mail_Mime packge
     //do some cleanup
     $eol = "\n";
     $to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($to));
     $subject = stripslashes(preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($subject)));
     $body = stripslashes(preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/s", "\n", trim($message)));
     $fromname = $this->getName();
     $from = sprintf('"%s"<%s>', $fromname ? $fromname : $this->getEmail(), $this->getEmail());
     $headers = array('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date('D,d M Y H:i:s O'), 'Message-ID' => '<' . Misc::randCode(6) . '' . time() . '-' . $this->getEmail() . '>', 'X-Mailer' => 'osTicket v1.7', 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"');
     $mime = new Mail_mime();
     //XXX: Attachments
     if ($attachments) {
         foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
             if ($attachment['file_id'] && ($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($attachment['file_id']))) {
                 $mime->addAttachment($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false);
             } elseif ($attachment['file'] && file_exists($attachment['file']) && is_readable($attachment['file'])) {
                 $mime->addAttachment($attachment['file'], $attachment['type'], $attachment['name']);
     $options = array('head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'text_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8');
     //encode the body
     $body = $mime->get($options);
     //encode the headers.
     $headers = $mime->headers($headers);
     if ($smtp) {
         //Send via SMTP
         $mail = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $smtp['host'], 'port' => $smtp['port'], 'auth' => $smtp['auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $smtp['username'], 'password' => $smtp['password'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false));
         $result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body);
         if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {
             return true;
         $alert = sprintf("Unable to email via %s:%d [%s]\n\n%s\n", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage());
         Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'SMTP Error', $alert, false);
     //No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function.
     $mail = mail::factory('mail');
     return PEAR::isError($mail->send($to, $headers, $body)) ? false : true;
예제 #28
        $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
        Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff login', sprintf("%s logged in [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
        //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
        $dest = $dest && (!strstr($dest, 'login.php') && !strstr($dest, 'ajax.php')) ? $dest : 'index.php';
        @header("Location: {$dest}");
        require_once 'index.php';
        //Just incase header is messed up.
    //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
    $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
    if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
        $msg = 'Acesso Negado';
        $errors['err'] = 'Esqueceu seu login? Entre em contato com Departamento de TI';
        $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
        $alert = 'Excesso de tentativas de login por um membro da equipe?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n";
        Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
    } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
        //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
        $alert = 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
        Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Tentativa de login falhou (atendente)', $alert);
define("OSTSCPINC", TRUE);
//Make includes happy!
$login_err = $_POST ? true : false;
//error displayed only on post
include_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'staff/login.tpl.php';
예제 #29
    function fetchMail(){
        global $cfg;

        //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3
        if(!function_exists('imap_open')) {
            $msg='PHP must be compiled with IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 fetch to work!';
            Sys::log(LOG_WARN,'Mail Fetch Error',$msg);

        $MAX_ERRORS=5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now.

        $sql=' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM '.EMAIL_TABLE.
             ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<='.$MAX_ERRORS.' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )'.
             ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) ';
        //echo $sql;
        if(!($accounts=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts))

        //TODO: Lock the table here??
        while($row=db_fetch_array($accounts)) {
            $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'],Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'],SECRET_SALT),
                db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id']));
                db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id']));
                    //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals
                    $msg="\nThe system is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account: \n".
                        "\nUser: "******"\nHost: ".$row['mail_host'].
                        "\nError: ".$fetcher->getLastError().
                        "\n\n ".$errors.' consecutive errors. Maximum of '.$MAX_ERRORS. ' allowed'.
                        "\n\n This could be connection issues related to the host. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. 10 minutes";
                    Sys::alertAdmin('Mail Fetch Failure Alert',$msg,true);
예제 #30
 function login($username, $passwd, &$errors, $strike = true)
     global $cfg;
     if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) {
         if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) {
             $errors['err'] = 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.';
         } else {
             //Timeout is over.
             //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout.
             $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null;
             $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0;
     if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($passwd)) {
         //update last login && password reset stuff.
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() ';
         if ($user->isPasswdResetDue() && !$user->isAdmin()) {
             $sql .= ',change_passwd=1';
         $sql .= ' WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId());
         //Now set session crap and lets roll baby!
         $_SESSION['_staff'] = array();
         $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $username;
         //set the hash.
         $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset();
         $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight();
         Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff login', sprintf("%s logged in [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
         $sid = session_id();
         //Current ID
         //Destroy old session ID - needed for PHP version < 5.1.0 TODO: remove when we move to php 5.3 as min. requirement.
         if ($session && is_object($session) && $sid) {
         return $user;
     //If we get to this point we know the login failed.
     $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1;
     if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) {
         $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.';
         $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time();
         $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n";
         Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'Excessive login attempts (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError());
     } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) {
         //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning.
         $alert = 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'];
         Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Failed staff login attempt (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert);
     return false;