/** * Configure Dependency Injection Container * * @return void */ protected function _initDependencyInjectionContainer() { // Configure DI Container $container = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder(); $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($container); $loader->load(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../config') . '/di/services.xml'); // Store DI Container for later reuse Zend_Registry::set('di', $container); }
<?php // Configure DI Container $container = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder(); $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($container); $loader->load(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../config') . '/di/services.xml'); // Get Entity Manager from DI Container $entityManager = $container->get('doctrine.orm'); // Configure Helpers $helperSet = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet(array('db' => new \Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Helper\ConnectionHelper($entityManager->getConnection()), 'dialog' => new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper(), 'em' => new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Helper\EntityManagerHelper($entityManager)));
/** * Entry-point for Erebot. * * \return * This method never returns. * Instead, the program exits with an appropriate * return code when Erebot is stopped. */ public static function run() { // Apply patches. \Erebot\Patches::patch(); // Load the configuration for the Dependency Injection Container. $dic = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder(); $dic->setParameter('Erebot.src_dir', __DIR__); $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($dic, new \Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator(getcwd())); $dicConfig = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml'; $dicCwdConfig = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml'; if (!strncasecmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) { if (!file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) { copy($dicConfig, $dicCwdConfig); } $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig; } elseif (file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) { $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig; } $loader->load($dicConfig); // Determine availability of PHP extensions // needed by some of the command-line options. $hasPosix = in_array('posix', get_loaded_extensions()); $hasPcntl = in_array('pcntl', get_loaded_extensions()); $logger = $dic->get('logging'); $localeGetter = $dic->getParameter('i18n.default_getter'); $coreTranslatorCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.i18n'); $translator = new $coreTranslatorCls("Erebot\\Core"); $categories = array('LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_MONETARY', 'LC_TIME', 'LC_NUMERIC'); foreach ($categories as $category) { $locales = call_user_func($localeGetter); $locales = empty($locales) ? array() : array($locales); $localeSources = array('LANGUAGE' => true, 'LC_ALL' => false, $category => false, 'LANG' => false); foreach ($localeSources as $source => $multiple) { if (!isset($_SERVER[$source])) { continue; } if ($multiple) { $locales = explode(':', $_SERVER[$source]); } else { $locales = array($_SERVER[$source]); } break; } $translator->setLocale($translator->nameToCategory($category), $locales); } // Also, include some information about the version // of currently loaded PHAR modules, if any. $version = 'dev-master'; if (!strncmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) { $phar = new \Phar(\Phar::running(true)); $md = $phar->getMetadata(); $version = $md['version']; } if (defined('Erebot_PHARS')) { $phars = unserialize(Erebot_PHARS); ksort($phars); foreach ($phars as $module => $metadata) { if (strncasecmp($module, 'Erebot_Module_', 14)) { continue; } $version .= "\n with {$module} version {$metadata['version']}"; } } \Console_CommandLine::registerAction('StoreProxy', '\\Erebot\\Console\\StoreProxyAction'); $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'Erebot', 'description' => $translator->gettext('A modular IRC bot written in PHP'), 'version' => $version, 'add_help_option' => true, 'add_version_option' => true, 'force_posix' => false)); $parser->accept(new \Erebot\Console\MessageProvider()); $parser->renderer->options_on_different_lines = true; $defaultConfigFile = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Erebot.xml'; $parser->addOption('config', array('short_name' => '-c', 'long_name' => '--config', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Path to the configuration file to use instead ' . 'of "Erebot.xml", relative to the current ' . 'directory.'), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => $defaultConfigFile)); $parser->addOption('daemon', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Run the bot in the background (daemon).' . ' [requires the POSIX and pcntl extensions]'), 'action' => 'StoreTrue')); $noDaemon = new \Erebot\Console\ParallelOption('no_daemon', array('short_name' => '-n', 'long_name' => '--no-daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Do not run the bot in the background. ' . 'This is the default, unless the -d option ' . 'is used or the bot is configured otherwise.'), 'action' => 'StoreProxy', 'action_params' => array('option' => 'daemon'))); $parser->addOption($noDaemon); $parser->addOption('pidfile', array('short_name' => '-p', 'long_name' => '--pidfile', 'description' => $translator->gettext("Store the bot's PID in this file."), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null)); $parser->addOption('group', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--group', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set group identity to this GID/group during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change group ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'GROUP/GID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null)); $parser->addOption('user', array('short_name' => '-u', 'long_name' => '--user', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set user identity to this UID/username during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change user ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'USER/UID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null)); try { $parsed = $parser->parse(); } catch (\Exception $exc) { $parser->displayError($exc->getMessage()); exit(1); } // Parse the configuration file. $config = new \Erebot\Config\Main($parsed->options['config'], \Erebot\Config\Main::LOAD_FROM_FILE, $translator); $coreCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.core'); $bot = new $coreCls($config, $translator); $dic->set('bot', $bot); // Use values from the XML configuration file // if there is no override from the command line. $overrides = array('daemon' => 'mustDaemonize', 'group' => 'getGroupIdentity', 'user' => 'getUserIdentity', 'pidfile' => 'getPidfile'); foreach ($overrides as $option => $func) { if ($parsed->options[$option] === null) { $parsed->options[$option] = $config->{$func}(); } } /* Handle daemonization. * See also: * - http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~dpotter/howto/daemonize * - http://andytson.com/blog/2010/05/daemonising-a-php-cli-script */ if ($parsed->options['daemon']) { if (!$hasPosix) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('The posix extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background')); exit(1); } if (!$hasPcntl) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pcntl extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background')); exit(1); } foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) { if (defined($signal)) { pcntl_signal(constant($signal), array(__CLASS__, 'startupSighandler')); } } $logger->info($translator->gettext('Starting the bot in the background...')); $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid < 0) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)')); exit(1); } if ($pid > 0) { pcntl_wait($dummy, WUNTRACED); pcntl_alarm(2); pcntl_signal_dispatch(); exit(1); } $parent = posix_getppid(); // Ignore some of the signals. foreach (array('SIGTSTP', 'SIGTOU', 'SIGTIN', 'SIGHUP') as $signal) { if (defined($signal)) { pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_IGN); } } // Restore the signal handlers we messed with. foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) { if (defined($signal)) { pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_DFL); } } umask(0); if (umask() != 0) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Could not change umask')); } if (posix_setsid() == -1) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to setsid)')); exit(1); } // Prevent the child from ever acquiring a controlling terminal. // Not required under Linux, but required by at least System V. $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid < 0) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)')); exit(1); } if ($pid > 0) { exit(0); } // Avoid locking up the current directory. if (!chdir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not chdir to "%(path)s"'), array('path' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); } // Explicitly close the magic stream-constants (just in case). foreach (array('STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STDERR') as $stream) { if (defined($stream)) { fclose(constant($stream)); } } // Re-open them with the system's blackhole. /** * \todo * should be made portable, but the requirement on the POSIX * extension prevents this, so this is okay for now. */ $stdin = fopen('/dev/null', 'r'); $stdout = fopen('/dev/null', 'w'); $stderr = fopen('/dev/null', 'w'); if (defined('SIGUSR1')) { posix_kill($parent, SIGUSR1); } $logger->info($translator->gettext('Successfully started in the background')); } try { /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that. $identd = $dic->get('identd'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $identd = null; } try { /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that. $prompt = $dic->get('prompt'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $prompt = null; } // Change group identity if necessary. if ($parsed->options['group'] !== null && $parsed->options['group'] != '') { if (!$hasPosix) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change group identity.')); } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change group identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid())); } else { if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['group'])) { $info = posix_getgrgid((int) $parsed->options['group']); } else { $info = posix_getgrnam($parsed->options['group']); } if ($info === false) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such group "%(group)s"'), array('group' => $parsed->options['group'])); exit(1); } if (!posix_setgid($info['gid'])) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('id' => $info['gid'], 'name' => $info['name'])); exit(1); } $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['gid'])); } } // Change user identity if necessary. if ($parsed->options['user'] !== null || $parsed->options['user'] != '') { if (!$hasPosix) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change user identity.')); } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change user identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid())); } else { if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['user'])) { $info = posix_getpwuid((int) $parsed->options['user']); } else { $info = posix_getpwnam($parsed->options['user']); } if ($info === false) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such user "%(user)s"'), array('user' => $parsed->options['user'])); exit(1); } if (!posix_setuid($info['uid'])) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid'])); exit(1); } $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid'])); } } // Write new pidfile. if ($parsed->options['pidfile'] !== null && $parsed->options['pidfile'] != '') { $pid = @file_get_contents($parsed->options['pidfile']); // If the file already existed, the bot may already be started // or it may contain data not related to Erebot at all. if ($pid !== false) { $pid = (int) rtrim($pid); if (!$pid) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pidfile (%(pidfile)s) contained garbage. ' . 'Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'])); exit(1); } else { posix_kill($pid, 0); $res = posix_errno(); switch ($res) { case 0: // No error. $logger->error($translator->gettext('Erebot is already running ' . 'with PID %(pid)d'), array('pid' => $pid)); exit(1); case 3: // ESRCH. $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Found stalled PID %(pid)d in pidfile ' . '"%(pidfile)s". Removing it'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid)); @unlink($parsed->options['pidfile']); break; case 1: // EPERM. $logger->error($translator->gettext('Found another program\'s PID %(pid)d in ' . 'pidfile "%(pidfile)s". Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid)); exit(1); default: $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unknown error while checking for ' . 'the existence of another running ' . 'instance of Erebot (%(error)s)'), array('error' => posix_get_last_error())); exit(1); } } } $pidfile = fopen($parsed->options['pidfile'], 'wt'); flock($pidfile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock); if ($wouldBlock) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not lock pidfile (%(pidfile)s). ' . 'Is the bot already running?'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'])); exit(1); } $pid = sprintf("%u\n", getmypid()); $res = fwrite($pidfile, $pid); if ($res !== strlen($pid)) { $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unable to write PID to pidfile (%(pidfile)s)'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'])); exit(1); } $logger->debug($translator->gettext('PID (%(pid)d) written into %(pidfile)s'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => getmypid())); // Register a callback to remove the pidfile upon exit. register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'cleanupPidfile'), $pidfile, $parsed->options['pidfile']); } // Display a desperate warning when run as user root. if ($hasPosix && posix_getuid() === 0) { $logger->warning($translator->gettext('You SHOULD NOT run Erebot as root!')); } if ($identd !== null) { $identd->connect(); } if ($prompt !== null) { $prompt->connect(); } // This doesn't return until we purposely // make the bot drop all active connections. $bot->start($dic->get('factory.connection')); exit(0); }
public function load(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container) { $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($container, new \Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator(__DIR__)); $loader->load('services.xml'); }