예제 #1
  * Helper main function
  * @param $actionsHtml String HTML code showing the action buttons
  * @param $content String The content of this element
  * @param $dbId Int DB id of the object
  * @param $order Int order of this item in the DB
  * @param $params Array parameters (if any)
  * @return String HTML to be inserted in the view
 public function contentViewembeder($actionsHtml = '', $content = '', $dbId = 0, $order = 0, $params = array(), $moduleName = 'adminpages', $pageStructureId = 0, $sharedInIds = '')
     $toReturn = '';
     if (!empty($content)) {
         switch (Sydney_Tools::getConf('helpers')->content->viewembedder->method) {
             case 'ajax':
                 $toReturn = Sydney_View_Embedder_Content::ajaxContents($content);
             case 'filegetcontents':
                 $toReturn = file_get_contents(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrl() . '/' . $content . '/sydneylayout/no/');
             case 'curlgetcontents':
                 $toReturn = Sydney_View_Embedder_Content::curlGetContents(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrl() . $content . '/sydneylayout/no/');
             case 'action':
                 $i = 0;
                 $module = null;
                 $controller = null;
                 $action = null;
                 $oldv = null;
                 $params2 = array();
                 foreach (preg_split("/\\//", $content) as $v) {
                     if ($i == 1) {
                         $module = $v;
                     } elseif ($i == 2) {
                         $controller = $v;
                     } elseif ($i == 3) {
                         $action = $v;
                     } elseif ($i > 3) {
                         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                             $params2[$v] = null;
                             $oldv = $v;
                         if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                             $params2[$oldv] = $v;
                             $oldv = null;
                 $toReturn = $this->view->action($action, $controller, $module, $params2);
     // END - if content
     return '
             class="' . $params['addClass'] . ' sydney_editor_li"
             dbparams="' . $content . '"
             dbid="' . $dbId . '"
             dborder="' . $order . '"
             pagstructureid="' . $pageStructureId . '"
             sharedinids="' . $sharedInIds . '">' . $actionsHtml . '<div class="content">' . $toReturn . '</div></li>';
예제 #2
 public function processuserAction()
     $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
     $objectUser = new Users();
     if (!($this->view->status = $objectUser->save($data, true))) {
         $msg = Sydney_Messages::getInstance()->getMessages();
         $this->view->message = 'Validation errors found...';
         if (!is_array($msg)) {
             $this->view->message .= ' (' . $msg . ')';
         $this->view->ResultSet = array('errors' => Sydney_Messages::getInstance()->getMessages(), 'entry' => array());
     } else {
         // send email
         if (!$objectUser->isEditMode($data)) {
             $data['id'] = $objectUser->get()->id;
             $mailSubject = str_replace('[SITE_TITLE]', Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteTitle, Sydney_Tools::_('subjectMailSubscribe'));
             $objectUser->registermail($objectUser->get()->login, $mailSubject, $data, $confirmationAction = '/publicms/profile/confirm/init/2', false, array('management/partialmailconfirm.phtml', 'publictimedex'));
         $this->view->message = Sydney_Messages::getInstance()->getMessages();
         $this->view->ResultSet = array('errors' => Sydney_Messages::getInstance()->getMessages(), 'entry' => $objectUser->get()->toArray());
     $this->view->showtime = 3;
     $this->view->modal = false;
예제 #3
  * @return void
 public function editindexAction()
     // call upload action from adminfiles
     //$this->view->action('upload', 'index', 'adminfiles', array('calledBy' => 'adminpeople','peopleId' => $this->view->id));
     $this->layout->currentModule = $this->_request->getModuleName();
     $modeEdit = false;
     if (isset($this->getRequest()->id)) {
     } else {
     $this->setSideBar('edit', 'people');
     // request id
     if (isset($this->view->id)) {
         // search user
         $sql = $this->_getQuery('people', 'AND users.id = ' . $this->view->id);
         $u = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
         // if user exist
         if (count($u) == 1) {
             $d = array();
             $modeEdit = true;
             // get the user
             $uDB = new Users();
             $usr = $uDB->find($u[0]['id']);
             $user = $usr[0];
             $this->view->avatar = $user->avatar;
         // END - if user exist
     // Set a custom form user on publicms if exist for the current instance
     $formclass = 'UsersFormOp';
     if ($this->view->moduleName == 'publicms' && !empty(Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->form->profile) && @class_exists(Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->form->profile)) {
         $formclass = Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->form->profile;
     Sydney_Form::setParams(array('request' => $this->r));
     $this->view->usersForm = new $formclass(null, $this->usersData['member_of_groups'], $modeEdit);
     if (isset($this->view->id)) {
         $usera = $user->toArray();
     if ($modeEdit) {
예제 #4
 public function registermail($to, $mailSubject, array $row, $confirmationAction = '/publicms/profile/confirm/init/2', $generatePassword = false, array $partialMailConfirm = array('profile/mailconfirm.phtml', 'publicms'), array $partialMailPassword = array('profile/mailpassword.phtml', 'publicms'))
     // Init
     $data = $row;
     // Mail content
     $objectByPass = new Sydney_Auth_Bypass();
     $sBypass = $objectByPass->get($row['id']);
     $data['link_confirmation'] = Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteDomain . $confirmationAction . '/passid/' . $row['id'] . '/pass/' . $sBypass;
     if (empty($mailSubject)) {
         $mailSubject = 'Confirmation ' . Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteTitle;
     if (count($partialMailConfirm) >= 2) {
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $tmsg = $view->partial($partialMailConfirm[0], $partialMailConfirm[1], array('data' => $data));
         if (array_key_exists(2, $partialMailConfirm) && !empty($partialMailConfirm[2])) {
             $mailSubject = $partialMailConfirm[2];
     } else {
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $tmsg = $view->partial('profile/mailconfirm.phtml', 'publicms', array('data' => $data));
     $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
     $mail->setFrom(Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteEmail, Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteTitle);
     $mail->addTo($to, $to);
     if ($generatePassword) {
         // Change password
         $data['password'] = Sydney_Tools_Security::generatePassword($length = 8, $use_lower = true, $use_upper = true, $use_number = true, $use_custom = '');
         $user = new Users($row->id);
         $user->changePassword($data['password'], $row->id);
         // Send informations by email
         $view = new Zend_View();
         $tmsg = $view->partial($partialMailPassword[0], $partialMailPassword[1], array('data' => $data));
         // Mailer
         $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
         $mail->setFrom(Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteEmail, Sydney_Tools::getConf('general')->siteTitle);
         $mail->addTo($row->login, $row->login);