function column_default($item, $column_name)
     if ($column_name == 'valid_for') {
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::NO_EXPIRY) {
             return 'No Expiry';
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE) {
             $formatted_date = SwpmUtils::get_formatted_date_according_to_wp_settings($item['subscription_period']);
             return $formatted_date;
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::DAYS) {
             return $item['subscription_period'] . " Day(s)";
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::WEEKS) {
             return $item['subscription_period'] . " Week(s)";
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::MONTHS) {
             return $item['subscription_period'] . " Month(s)";
         if ($item['subscription_duration_type'] == SwpmMembershipLevel::YEARS) {
             return $item['subscription_period'] . " Year(s)";
     if ($column_name == 'role') {
         return ucfirst($item['role']);
     return stripslashes($item[$column_name]);
 public function can_i_read_post($id)
     $this->lastError = '';
     global $post;
     $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance();
     $protect_everything = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('protect-everything');
     if (!empty($protect_everything)) {
         $error_msg = SwpmUtils::_('You need to login to view this content. ') . SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_login_link();
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_not_logged_in_post_msg', $error_msg);
         return false;
     $protected = SwpmProtection::get_instance();
     if (!$protected->is_protected($id)) {
         return true;
     if (!$auth->is_logged_in()) {
         $error_msg = SwpmUtils::_('You need to login to view this content. ') . SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_login_link();
         $this->lastError = str_replace("Join Us", "Contact Us", SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_login_link());
         return false;
     if ($auth->is_expired_account()) {
         $error_msg = '<div class="swpm-account-expired-msg swpm-yellow-box">' . SwpmUtils::_('Your account has expired. Please renew your account to gain access to this content.') . '</div>';
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_account_expired_msg', $error_msg);
         return false;
     $protect_older_posts = apply_filters('swpm_should_protect_older_post', false, $id);
     if ($protect_older_posts) {
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_restricted_post_msg_older_post', SwpmUtils::_('This content can only be viewed by members who joined on or before ' . SwpmUtils::get_formatted_date_according_to_wp_settings($post->post_date)));
         return false;
     $perms = SwpmPermission::get_instance($auth->get('membership_level'));
     if ($perms->is_permitted($id)) {
         return true;
     $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_restricted_post_msg', '<div class="swpm-no-access-msg">' . SwpmUtils::_('This content is not permitted for your membership level.') . '</div>');
     return false;
 public static function get_expire_date($start_date, $subscription_duration, $subscription_duration_type)
     if ($subscription_duration_type == SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE) {
         //Membership will expire after a fixed date.
         return SwpmUtils::get_formatted_date_according_to_wp_settings($subscription_duration);
     $expires = self::calculate_subscription_period_days($subscription_duration, $subscription_duration_type);
     if ($expires == 'noexpire') {
         //Membership is set to no expiry or until cancelled.
         return SwpmUtils::_('Never');
     //Membership is set to a duration expiry settings.
     return date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($start_date . ' ' . $expires . ' days'));
 public function can_i_read_comment($comment)
     if (!is_a($comment, 'WP_Comment')) {
         //This is not a valid WP_Comment object. So we don't want to handle it in our plugin.
         return true;
     $id = $comment->comment_ID;
     $post_id = $comment->comment_post_ID;
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     $this->lastError = '';
     $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance();
     //Check if everything protected settings is on.
     //$protect_everything = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('protect-everything');
     //Everything is protected by default.
     //TODO - This feature is currently not implemented.
     //Check if the post (that this comment belongs to) is protected.
     $protected = SwpmProtection::get_instance();
     if (!$protected->is_protected($post_id)) {
         //The post of this comment is not protected. So this is an unprotected comment. Show it to everyone.
         return true;
     /*** At this point, we have a protected comment. So we need to check if this user can view this comment. ***/
     //Check if the user is logged-in as a member.
     if (!$auth->is_logged_in()) {
         //User is not logged-in. Not allowed to see this protected comment.
         $error_msg = '<div class="swpm-comment-not-logged-in">' . SwpmUtils::_("You need to login to view this content. ") . '</div>';
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_not_logged_in_comment_msg', $error_msg);
         return false;
     //Check if member account is expired.
     if ($auth->is_expired_account()) {
         //This user's account is expired. Not allowed to see this comment. Show account expiry notice also.
         $text = SwpmUtils::_('Your account has expired. ') . SwpmMiscUtils::get_renewal_link();
         $error_msg = '<div class="swpm-comment-account-expired-msg swpm-yellow-box">' . $text . '</div>';
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_account_expired_msg', $error_msg);
         return false;
     //Check if older post protection addon is active and protection according to it's settings.
     $protect_older_posts = apply_filters('swpm_should_protect_older_post', false, $post_id);
     if ($protect_older_posts) {
         //This comment is protected due to the older post protection addon settings configuration.
         $text = SwpmUtils::_('This content can only be viewed by members who joined on or before ' . SwpmUtils::get_formatted_date_according_to_wp_settings($post->post_date));
         $error_msg = '<div class="swpm-comment-older-post-msg">' . $text . '</div>';
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_restricted_comment_older_post', $error_msg);
         return false;
     //Check if this member can view this comment based on his membership level
     $permission = SwpmPermission::get_instance($auth->get('membership_level'));
     if (!$permission->is_permitted($post_id)) {
         //This member's membership level doesn't have access to this comment's post. Not allowed to see this comment.
         $error_msg = '<div class="swpm-comment-no-access-msg">' . SwpmUtils::_('This content is not permitted for your membership level.') . '</div>';
         $this->lastError = apply_filters('swpm_restricted_comment_msg', $error_msg);
         return false;
     //All checks have passed at this stage. Show this comment to this user.
     return true;