public static function displayCalendarBody(SiteWebApplication $app, SwatDate $date) { if (isset($app->memcache)) { $cache_key = sprintf('PinholeCalendarGadget.%s.%s.%s', 'displayCalendarBody', $date->getISO8601(), $app->session->isLoggedIn() ? 'private' : 'public'); $body = $app->memcache->getNs('photos', $cache_key); if ($body !== false) { echo $body; return; } } ob_start(); $day_count = self::getPhotoCountPerDay($app, $date); echo '<table>'; $wd = new SwatDate(); $wd->setDate(1995, 1, 1); echo '<tr class="days-of-week">'; for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { echo '<td>' . $wd->formatLikeIntl('EEE') . '</td>'; $wd->setDay($i + 1); } echo '</tr>'; $locale = SwatI18NLocale::get(); $start = -1 * $date->getDayOfWeek() + 1; $current_date = clone $date; for ($i = 0; $i <= 41; $i++) { $day = $i + $start; if ($i == 0) { echo '<tr>'; } elseif ($i % 7 == 0) { echo '</tr><tr>'; } if ($day > 0 && $day <= $date->getDaysInMonth()) { $current_date->setDay($day); if (array_key_exists($day, $day_count)) { printf('<td class="has-photos">' . '<a href="%stag?" ' . 'title="%s %s">%s</a></td>', $app->config->pinhole->path, $current_date->formatLikeIntl('yyyy-MM-dd'), $locale->formatNumber($day_count[$day]), Pinhole::ngettext('Photo', 'Photos', $day_count[$day]), $day); } else { echo '<td>' . $day . '</td>'; } } else { echo '<td> </td>'; } } echo '</tr></table>'; $body = ob_get_clean(); if (isset($app->memcache)) { $app->memcache->setNs('photos', $cache_key, $body); } echo $body; }
/** * Checks whether or not this date tag applies to a given photo * * @param PinholePhoto the photo to check. * * @return boolean true if this tag applies to the given photo and false if * this tag does not apply to the given photo. */ public function appliesToPhoto(PinholePhoto $photo) { switch ($this->name) { case 'date': $date = new SwatDate($this->value); // database content is always UTC $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $date->toUTC(); $applies = SwatDate::compare($photo->photo_date, $date) == 0; break; case 'week': if (ctype_digit($this->value)) { // get date by week number $days = ($this->value - 1) * 7; $start_date = new SwatDate(); $start_date->setMonth(1); $start_date->setDay(1); $start_date->addDays($days); // beginning of next week $end_date = clone $start_date; $end_date->addDays(7 - $end_date->getDayOfWeek()); } else { // beginning of week $start_date = new SwatDate($this->value); $start_date->subtractDays($start_date->getDayOfWeek()); // beginning of next week $end_date = new SwatDate($this->value); $end_date->addDays(7 - $end_date->getDayOfWeek()); } // database content is always UTC $start_date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $end_date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $start_date->toUTC(); $end_date->toUTC(); $applies = SwatDate::compare($photo->photo_date, $start_date) >= 0 && SwatDate::compare($photo->photo_date, $end_date) <= 0; break; case 'year': $local_photo_date = clone $photo->photo_date; $local_photo_date->convertTZById($photo->photo_time_zone); $applies = $local_photo_date->getYear() == $this->value; break; case 'month': $local_photo_date = clone $photo->photo_date; $local_photo_date->convertTZById($photo->photo_time_zone); $applies = $local_photo_date->getMonth() == $this->value; break; case 'day': $local_photo_date = clone $photo->photo_date; $local_photo_date->convertTZById($photo->photo_time_zone); $applies = $local_photo_date->getDay() == $this->value; break; default: $applies = false; break; } return $applies; }
/** * Displays tags for all the photos in the site instance of * this date tag browser's tag list * * The <i>$start_date</i> and <i>$end_date</i> are used to tell which * day, month and year are currently selected. * * @param SwatDate $start_date the start date of the photos in this date * tag browser's tag list. * @param SwatDate $end_date the end date of the photos in this date * tag browser's tag list. */ protected function displayDays(SwatDate $start_date, SwatDate $end_date) { $date = new SwatDate(); /* * Setting the month and year to the $start_date month and year makes * sense because the day list is only displayed if the start year and * month are the same as the end year and month. */ $date->setMonth($start_date->getMonth()); $date->setYear($start_date->getYear()); // get selected day if it exists if ($start_date->getDay() == $end_date->getDay()) { $selected_day = $start_date->getDay(); } else { $selected_day = null; } // create base tag list that new date.month tags will be added to $tag_list = $this->tag_list->filter(array('PinholeDateTag')); $tag_list->add(sprintf('date.year=%s', $date->formatLikeIntl('yyyy'))); $tag_list->add(sprintf('date.month=%s', $date->formatLikeIntl('MM'))); $photos = $tag_list->getPhotoCountByDate('day'); // Filter again since the day list uses tags instead of // combined date.year, date.month and tags. $tag_list = $this->tag_list->filter(array('PinholeDateTag')); // display tags for each day $div_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('div'); $div_tag->class = 'days clearfix'; $div_tag->open(); $days_in_month = $date->getDaysInMonth(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $days_in_month; $i++) { $date->setDay($i); $key = $date->formatLikeIntl('yyyy-MM-dd'); $tag_string = sprintf('', $date->formatLikeIntl('yyyy-MM-dd')); $tag_list->add($tag_string); if ($selected_day === $i) { $span_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('span'); $span_tag->setContent($date->formatLikeIntl('dd')); $span_tag->class = 'selected'; $span_tag->display(); } elseif (array_key_exists($key, $photos)) { $a_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('a'); $a_tag->href = $this->base . '?' . $tag_list->__toString(); $a_tag->title = sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('1 photo', '%s photos', $photos[$key]), SwatString::numberFormat($photos[$key])); $a_tag->setContent($date->formatLikeIntl('dd')); $a_tag->display(); } else { $span_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('span'); $span_tag->setContent($date->formatLikeIntl('dd')); $span_tag->display(); } $tag_list->remove($tag_string); } $div_tag->close(); }