public function processActions(SwatTableView $view, SwatActions $actions) { $num = count($view->getSelection()); $message = null; $items = SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $view->getSelection(), 'integer'); switch ($actions->selected->id) { case 'delete': $this->app->replacePage($this->getComponentName() . '/Delete'); $this->app->getPage()->setItems($view->getSelection()); break; case 'enable': $instance_id = $this->app->getInstanceId(); $num = SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, sprintf('update BlorgAuthor set visible = %s where instance %s %s and id in (%s)', $this->app->db->quote(true, 'boolean'), SwatDB::equalityOperator($instance_id), $this->app->db->quote($instance_id, 'integer'), $items)); if ($num > 0 && isset($this->app->memcache)) { $this->app->memcache->flushNs('authors'); } $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Blorg::ngettext('One author has been shown on site.', '%s authors have been shown on site.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); break; case 'disable': $instance_id = $this->app->getInstanceId(); $num = SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, sprintf('update BlorgAuthor set visible = %s where instance %s %s and id in (%s)', $this->app->db->quote(false, 'boolean'), SwatDB::equalityOperator($instance_id), $this->app->db->quote($instance_id, 'integer'), $items)); if ($num > 0 && isset($this->app->memcache)) { $this->app->memcache->flushNs('authors'); } $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Blorg::ngettext('One author has been hidden on site.', '%s authors have been hidden on site.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); break; } if ($message !== null) { $this->app->messages->add($message); } }
protected function publishPosts(SwatViewSelection $post_ids) { $num = 0; $transaction = new SwatDBTransaction($this->app->db); try { $instance_id = $this->app->getInstanceId(); $post_ids = SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $post_ids); $sql = sprintf('select id, shortname, title, bodytext from BlorgPost where instance %s %s and id in (%s) and enabled = %s', SwatDB::equalityOperator($instance_id), $this->app->db->quote($instance_id, 'integer'), $post_ids, $this->app->db->quote(false, 'boolean')); $posts = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('BlorgPostWrapper')); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->shortname === null) { $post->shortname = $this->getPostShortname($post); } $post->enabled = true; $post->save(); $num++; } $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); throw $e; } if ($num > 0 && isset($this->app->memcache)) { $this->app->memcache->flushNs('posts'); } $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Blorg::ngettext('One post has been shown on site.', '%s posts have been shown on site.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); }
/** * Processes photographer actions * * @param SwatTableView $view the table-view to get selected tags * from. * @param SwatActions $actions the actions list widget. */ protected function processActions(SwatTableView $view, SwatActions $actions) { switch ($actions->selected->id) { case 'delete': $this->app->replacePage($this->getComponentName() . '/Delete'); $this->app->getPage()->setItems($view->checked_items, $view->getColumn('checkbox')->isExtendedCheckAllSelected()); break; case 'archive': $num = count($view->checked_items); $sql = sprintf('update PinholeTag set archived = true where PinholeTag.instance = %s and in(%s)', $this->app->db->quote($this->app->getInstanceId(), 'integer'), SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $view->getSelection())); SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, $sql); $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One tag has been archived.', '%s tags have been archived.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); $this->app->messages->add($message); break; case 'unarchive': $num = count($view->checked_items); $sql = sprintf('update PinholeTag set archived = false where PinholeTag.instance = %s and in(%s)', $this->app->db->quote($this->app->getInstanceId(), 'integer'), SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $view->getSelection())); SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, $sql); $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One tag has been set as not archived.', '%s tags have been set as not archived.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); $this->app->messages->add($message); break; case 'event': $num = count($view->checked_items); $sql = sprintf('update PinholeTag set event = true where PinholeTag.instance = %s and in(%s)', $this->app->db->quote($this->app->getInstanceId(), 'integer'), SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $view->getSelection())); SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, $sql); $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One tag has been set as an event.', '%s tags have been set as events.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); $this->app->messages->add($message); break; case 'unevent': $num = count($view->checked_items); $sql = sprintf('update PinholeTag set event = false where PinholeTag.instance = %s and in(%s)', $this->app->db->quote($this->app->getInstanceId(), 'integer'), SwatDB::implodeSelection($this->app->db, $view->getSelection())); SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, $sql); $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One tag has been set as not an event.', '%s tags have been set as not events.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num))); $this->app->messages->add($message); break; } }