예제 #1
 function action()
     global $surveyid;
     global $thissurvey, $thisstep;
     global $clienttoken, $tokensexist, $token;
     // only attempt to change session lifetime if using a DB backend
     // with file based sessions, it's up to the admin to configure maxlifetime
     if (isset(Yii::app()->session->connectionID)) {
         @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', Yii::app()->getConfig('iSessionExpirationTime'));
     $param = $this->_getParameters(func_get_args(), $_POST);
     $surveyid = $param['sid'];
     Yii::app()->setConfig('surveyID', $surveyid);
     $thisstep = $param['thisstep'];
     $move = getMove();
     Yii::app()->setConfig('move', $move);
     $clienttoken = trim($param['token']);
     $standardtemplaterootdir = Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterootdir');
     if (is_null($thissurvey) && !is_null($surveyid)) {
         $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid);
     // unused vars in this method (used in methods using compacted method vars)
     @($loadname = $param['loadname']);
     @($loadpass = $param['loadpass']);
     $sitename = Yii::app()->getConfig('sitename');
     if (isset($param['newtest']) && $param['newtest'] == "Y") {
     $surveyExists = $surveyid && Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid);
     $isSurveyActive = $surveyExists && Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->active == "Y";
     // collect all data in this method to pass on later
     $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
     if ($this->_isClientTokenDifferentFromSessionToken($clienttoken, $surveyid)) {
         $sReloadUrl = $this->getController()->createUrl("/survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", array('token' => $clienttoken, 'lang' => App()->language, 'newtest' => 'Y'));
         $asMessage = array(gT('Token mismatch'), gT('The token you provided doesn\'t match the one in your session.'), "<a class='reloadlink newsurvey' href={$sReloadUrl}>" . gT("Click here to start the survey.") . "</a>");
         $this->_createNewUserSessionAndRedirect($surveyid, $redata, __LINE__, $asMessage);
     if ($this->_isSurveyFinished($surveyid) && ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] != 'Y' || $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] != 'Y')) {
         $aReloadUrlParam = array('lang' => App()->language, 'newtest' => 'Y');
         if ($clienttoken) {
             $aReloadUrlParam['token'] = $clienttoken;
         $sReloadUrl = $this->getController()->createUrl("/survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", $aReloadUrlParam);
         $asMessage = array(gT('Previous session is set to be finished.'), gT('Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey. We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning.'), "<a class='reloadlink newsurvey' href={$sReloadUrl}>" . gT("Click here to start the survey.") . "</a>");
         $this->_createNewUserSessionAndRedirect($surveyid, $redata, __LINE__, $asMessage);
     $previewmode = false;
     if (isset($param['action']) && in_array($param['action'], array('previewgroup', 'previewquestion'))) {
         if (!$this->_canUserPreviewSurvey($surveyid)) {
             $asMessage = array(gT('Error'), gT("We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this."));
             $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
         } else {
             if (intval($param['qid']) && $param['action'] == 'previewquestion') {
                 $previewmode = 'question';
             if (intval($param['gid']) && $param['action'] == 'previewgroup') {
                 $previewmode = 'group';
     Yii::app()->setConfig('previewmode', $previewmode);
     if ($this->_surveyCantBeViewedWithCurrentPreviewAccess($surveyid, $isSurveyActive, $surveyExists)) {
         $bPreviewRight = $this->_userHasPreviewAccessSession($surveyid);
         if ($bPreviewRight === false) {
             $asMessage = array(gT("Error"), gT("We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this."), sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
             $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
     // TODO can this be moved to the top?
     // (Used to be global, used in ExpressionManager, merged into amVars. If not filled in === '')
     // can this be added in the first computation of $redata?
     if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'])) {
         $saved_id = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'];
     // recompute $redata since $saved_id used to be a global
     $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
     if ($this->_didSessionTimeOut($surveyid)) {
         // @TODO is this still required ?
         $asMessage = array(gT("Error"), gT("We are sorry but your session has expired."), gT("Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection."), sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
         $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
     // Set the language of the survey, either from POST, GET parameter of session var
     // Keep the old value, because SetSurveyLanguage update $_SESSION
     $sOldLang = isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang']) ? $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'] : "";
     // Keep the old value, because SetSurveyLanguage update $_SESSION
     if (!empty($param['lang'])) {
         $sDisplayLanguage = $param['lang'];
         // $param take lang from returnGlobal and returnGlobal sanitize langagecode
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'])) {
         $sDisplayLanguage = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'];
     } elseif (Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)) {
         $sDisplayLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->language;
     } else {
         $sDisplayLanguage = Yii::app()->getConfig('defaultlang');
     if ($surveyid && $surveyExists) {
         // must be called early - it clears internal cache if a new survey is being used
         SetSurveyLanguage($surveyid, $sDisplayLanguage);
         if ($previewmode) {
         if (App()->language != $sOldLang) {
             UpdateGroupList($surveyid, App()->language);
             // to refresh the language strings in the group list session variable
             // to refresh question titles and question text
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(404, "The survey in which you are trying to participate does not seem to exist. It may have been deleted or the link you were given is outdated or incorrect.");
     // Get token
     if (!isset($token)) {
         $token = $clienttoken;
     $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid, $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang']);
     $event = new PluginEvent('beforeSurveyPage');
     $event->set('surveyId', $surveyid);
     if (!is_null($event->get('template'))) {
         $thissurvey['templatedir'] = $event->get('template');
     if ($surveyExists == 1 && tableExists('{{tokens_' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '}}')) {
         $tokensexist = 1;
     } else {
         $tokensexist = 0;
     global $oTemplate;
     $thistpl = $oTemplate->viewPath;
     $timeadjust = Yii::app()->getConfig("timeadjust");
     if ($thissurvey['expiry'] != '' and dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust) > $thissurvey['expiry'] && $thissurvey['active'] != 'N' && !$previewmode) {
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         $asMessage = array(gT("Error"), gT("This survey is no longer available."), sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
         $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thissurvey['templatedir'], $asMessage);
     if ($thissurvey['startdate'] != '' and dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust) < $thissurvey['startdate'] && $thissurvey['active'] != 'N' && !$previewmode) {
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         $asMessage = array(gT("Error"), gT("This survey is not yet started."), sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
         $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thissurvey['templatedir'], $asMessage);
     //If cookies are being used, and this survey has been completed, a cookie called "PHPSID[sid]STATUS" will exist (ie: SID6STATUS) and will have a value of "COMPLETE"
     $sCookieName = "LS_" . $surveyid . "_STATUS";
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$sCookieName]) && $_COOKIE[$sCookieName] == "COMPLETE" && $thissurvey['usecookie'] == "Y" && $tokensexist != 1 && (!isset($param['newtest']) || $param['newtest'] != "Y")) {
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         $asMessage = array(gT("Error"), gT("You have already completed this survey."), sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
         $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thissurvey['templatedir'], $asMessage);
     if (Yii::app()->request->getParam('loadall') == "reload") {
         $errormsg = "";
         $sLoadName = Yii::app()->request->getParam('loadname');
         $sLoadPass = Yii::app()->request->getParam('loadpass');
         if (isset($sLoadName) && !$sLoadName) {
             $errormsg .= gT("You did not provide a name") . "<br />\n";
         if (isset($sLoadPass) && !$sLoadPass) {
             $errormsg .= gT("You did not provide a password") . "<br />\n";
         // if security question answer is incorrect
         // Not called if scid is set in GET params (when using email save/reload reminder URL)
         if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && is_null(Yii::app()->request->getQuery('scid'))) {
             $sLoadSecurity = Yii::app()->request->getPost('loadsecurity');
             if (empty($sLoadSecurity)) {
                 $errormsg .= gT("You did not answer to the security question.") . "<br />\n";
             } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['secanswer']) || $sLoadSecurity != $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['secanswer']) {
                 $errormsg .= gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "<br />\n";
         if ($errormsg == "") {
             if (loadanswers()) {
                 Yii::app()->setConfig('move', 'reload');
                 $move = "reload";
                 // veyRunTimeHelper use $move in $arg
             } else {
                 $errormsg .= gT("There is no matching saved survey");
         if ($errormsg) {
             Yii::app()->setConfig('move', "loadall");
             // Show loading form
     //Allow loading of saved survey
     if (Yii::app()->getConfig('move') == "loadall") {
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         $tmp = new Load_answers();
     //Check if TOKEN is used for EVERY PAGE
     //This function fixes a bug where users able to submit two surveys/votes
     //by checking that the token has not been used at each page displayed.
     // bypass only this check at first page (Step=0) because
     // this check is done in buildsurveysession and error message
     // could be more interresting there (takes into accound captcha if used)
     if ($tokensexist == 1 && isset($token) && $token != "" && isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step']) && $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step'] > 0 && tableExists("tokens_{$surveyid}}}")) {
         // check also if it is allowed to change survey after completion
         if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
             $tokenInstance = Token::model($surveyid)->findByAttributes(array('token' => $token));
         } else {
             $tokenInstance = Token::model($surveyid)->usable()->incomplete()->findByAttributes(array('token' => $token));
         if (!isset($tokenInstance) && !$previewmode) {
             $asMessage = array(null, gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate."), sprintf(gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname'] . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)"));
             $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage, true);
     if ($tokensexist == 1 && isset($token) && $token != "" && tableExists("{{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}}") && !$previewmode) {
         // check also if it is allowed to change survey after completion
         if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
             $tokenInstance = Token::model($surveyid)->editable()->findByAttributes(array('token' => $token));
         } else {
             $tokenInstance = Token::model($surveyid)->usable()->incomplete()->findByAttributes(array('token' => $token));
         if (!isset($tokenInstance)) {
             $oToken = Token::model($surveyid)->findByAttributes(array('token' => $token));
             if ($oToken) {
                 $now = dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", Yii::app()->getConfig("timeadjust"));
                 if ($oToken->completed != 'N' && !empty($oToken->completed)) {
                     $sError = gT("This invitation has already been used.");
                 } elseif (strtotime($now) < strtotime($oToken->validfrom)) {
                     $sError = gT("This invitation is not valid yet.");
                 } elseif (strtotime($now) > strtotime($oToken->validuntil)) {
                     $sError = gT("This invitation is not valid anymore.");
                 } else {
                     $sError = gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.");
             } else {
                 $sError = gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.");
             $asMessage = array($sError, gT("We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey."), sprintf(gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname'] . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)"));
             $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage, true);
     //Clear session and remove the incomplete response if requested.
     if (isset($move) && $move == "clearall") {
         // delete the response but only if not already completed
         $s_lang = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'];
         if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid']) && !SurveyDynamic::model($surveyid)->isCompleted($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'])) {
             // delete the response but only if not already completed
             $result = dbExecuteAssoc('DELETE FROM {{survey_' . $surveyid . '}} WHERE id=' . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] . " AND submitdate IS NULL");
             if ($result->count() > 0) {
                 // Using count() here *should* be okay for MSSQL because it is a delete statement
                 // find out if there are any fuqt questions - checked
                 $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'short', false, false, $s_lang);
                 foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
                     if ($field['type'] == "|" && !strpos($field['fieldname'], "_filecount")) {
                         if (!isset($qid)) {
                             $qid = array();
                         $qid[] = $field['fieldname'];
                 // if yes, extract the response json to those questions
                 if (isset($qid)) {
                     $query = "SELECT * FROM {{survey_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE id=" . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'];
                     $result = dbExecuteAssoc($query);
                     foreach ($result->readAll() as $row) {
                         foreach ($qid as $question) {
                             $json = $row[$question];
                             if ($json == "" || $json == NULL) {
                             // decode them
                             $phparray = json_decode($json);
                             foreach ($phparray as $metadata) {
                                 $target = Yii::app()->getConfig("uploaddir") . "/surveys/" . $surveyid . "/files/";
                                 // delete those files
                                 unlink($target . $metadata->filename);
                 // done deleting uploaded files
             // also delete a record from saved_control when there is one
             dbExecuteAssoc('DELETE FROM {{saved_control}} WHERE srid=' . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] . ' AND sid=' . $surveyid);
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/startpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
         echo "\n\n<!-- JAVASCRIPT FOR CONDITIONAL QUESTIONS -->\n" . "\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "function checkconditions(value, name, type, evt_type)\n" . "\t{\n" . "\t}\n" . "\t//-->\n" . "\t</script>\n\n";
         //Present the clear all page using clearall.pstpl template
         $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/clearall.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
         $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/endpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
     //Check to see if a refering URL has been captured.
     if (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['refurl'])) {
         $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['refurl'] = GetReferringUrl();
         // do not overwrite refurl
     // Let's do this only if
     //  - a saved answer record hasn't been loaded through the saved feature
     //  - the survey is not anonymous
     //  - the survey is active
     //  - a token information has been provided
     //  - the survey is setup to allow token-response-persistence
     if (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" && $thissurvey['active'] == "Y" && isset($token) && $token != '') {
         // load previous answers if any (dataentry with nosubmit)
         $oResponses = Response::model($surveyid)->findAllByAttributes(array('token' => $token), array('order' => 'id DESC'));
         if (!empty($oResponses)) {
              * We fire the response selection event when at least 1 response was found.
              * If there is just 1 response the plugin still has to option to choose
              * NOT to use it.
             $event = new PluginEvent('beforeLoadResponse');
             $event->set('responses', $oResponses);
             $event->set('surveyId', $surveyid);
             $oResponse = $event->get('response');
             // If $oResponse is false we act as if no response was found.
             // This allows a plugin to deny continuing a response.
             if ($oResponse !== false) {
                 // If plugin does not set a response we use the first one found, (this replicates pre-plugin behavior)
                 if (!isset($oResponse) && (!isset($oResponses[0]->submitdate) || $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') && $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'Y') {
                     $oResponse = $oResponses[0];
                 if (isset($oResponse)) {
                     $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] = $oResponse->id;
                     if (!empty($oResponse->lastpage)) {
                         $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['LEMtokenResume'] = true;
                         // If the response was completed and user is allowed to edit after completion start at the beginning and not at the last page - just makes more sense
                         if (!($oResponse->submitdate && $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y')) {
                             $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step'] = $oResponse->lastpage;
                     if (!empty($oResponse->submitdate)) {
                         $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['maxstep'] = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['totalsteps'];
     // Preview action : Preview right already tested before
     if ($previewmode) {
         // Unset all SESSION: be sure to have the last version
         unset($_SESSION['fieldmap-' . $surveyid . App()->language]);
         // Needed by createFieldMap: else fieldmap can be outdated
         unset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]);
         if ($param['action'] == 'previewgroup') {
             $thissurvey['format'] = 'G';
         } elseif ($param['action'] == 'previewquestion') {
             $thissurvey['format'] = 'S';
         buildsurveysession($surveyid, true);
     //Send local variables to the appropriate survey type
     $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
     $tmp = new SurveyRuntimeHelper();
     $tmp->run($surveyid, $redata);
     if (isset($_POST['saveall']) || isset($flashmessage)) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript'> \$(document).ready( function() { alert('" . gT("Your responses were successfully saved.", "js") . "');}) </script>";
* This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates
* If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable
* instead of using global variables
* NOTE - Don't do any embedded replacements in this function.  Create the array of replacement values and
* they will be done in batch at the end
* @param mixed $line Text to search in
* @param mixed $replacements Array of replacements:  Array( <stringtosearch>=><stringtoreplacewith>
* @param boolean $anonymized Determines if token data is being used or just replaced with blanks
* @param questionNum - needed to support dynamic JavaScript-based tailoring within questions
* @param bStaticReplacement - Default off, forces non-dynamic replacements without <SPAN> tags (e.g. for the Completed page)
* @return string  Text with replaced strings
function templatereplace($line, $replacements = array(), &$redata = array(), $debugSrc = 'Unspecified', $anonymized = false, $questionNum = NULL, $registerdata = array(), $bStaticReplacement = false, $oTemplate = '')
    global $clienttoken,$token,$sitename,$move,$showxquestions,$showqnumcode,$questioncode;
    global $s_lang,$errormsg,$saved_id, $languagechanger,$captchapath,$loadname;
    $allowedvars = array('surveylist', 'sitename', 'clienttoken', 'rooturl', 'thissurvey', 'imageurl', 'defaulttemplate',
    'percentcomplete', 'move', 'groupname', 'groupdescription', 'question', 'showxquestions',
    'showgroupinfo', 'showqnumcode', 'questioncode', 'answer', 'navigator', 'help', 'totalquestions',
    'surveyformat', 'completed', 'notanswered', 'privacy', 'surveyid', 'publicurl',
    'templatedir', 'token', 'assessments', 's_lang', 'errormsg', 'saved_id', 'usertemplaterootdir',
    'languagechanger', 'printoutput', 'captchapath', 'loadname');
    $allowedvars = array('assessments', 'captchapath', 'clienttoken', 'completed', 'errormsg', 'groupdescription', 'groupname', 'imageurl', 'languagechanger', 'loadname', 'move', 'navigator', 'moveprevbutton', 'movenextbutton', 'percentcomplete', 'privacy', 's_lang', 'saved_id', 'showgroupinfo', 'showqnumcode', 'showxquestions', 'sitename', 'sitelogo', 'surveylist', 'templatedir', 'thissurvey', 'token', 'totalBoilerplatequestions', 'totalquestions', 'questionindex', 'questionindexmenu');
    $varsPassed = array();
    foreach ($allowedvars as $var) {
        if (isset($redata[$var])) {
            ${$var} = $redata[$var];
            $varsPassed[] = $var;
    //    if (count($varsPassed) > 0) {
    //        log_message('debug', 'templatereplace() called from ' . $debugSrc . ' contains: ' . implode(', ', $varsPassed));
    //    }
    //    if (isset($redata['question'])) {
    //        LimeExpressionManager::ShowStackTrace('has QID and/or SGA',$allowedvars);
    //    }
    //    extract($redata);   // creates variables for each of the keys in the array
    // Local over-rides in case not set above
    if (!isset($showgroupinfo)) {
        $showgroupinfo = Yii::app()->getConfig('showgroupinfo');
    if (!isset($showqnumcode)) {
        $showqnumcode = Yii::app()->getConfig('showqnumcode');
    $_surveyid = Yii::app()->getConfig('surveyID');
    if (!isset($showxquestions)) {
        $showxquestions = Yii::app()->getConfig('showxquestions');
    if (!isset($s_lang)) {
        $s_lang = isset(Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['s_lang']) ? Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['s_lang'] : 'en';
    if ($_surveyid && !isset($thissurvey)) {
        $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($_surveyid, $s_lang);
    if (!isset($captchapath)) {
        $captchapath = '';
    if (!isset($sitename)) {
        $sitename = Yii::app()->getConfig('sitename');
    if (!isset($saved_id) && isset(Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['srid'])) {
        $saved_id = Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['srid'];
    if (isset($thissurvey['sid'])) {
        $surveyid = $thissurvey['sid'];
    // lets sanitize the survey template
    if (isset($thissurvey['templatedir'])) {
        $templatename = $thissurvey['templatedir'];
    } else {
        $templatename = Yii::app()->getConfig('defaulttemplate');
    if (!isset($templatedir)) {
        $templatedir = getTemplatePath($templatename);
    if (!isset($templateurl)) {
        $templateurl = getTemplateURL($templatename) . "/";
    if (!$anonymized && isset($thissurvey['anonymized'])) {
        $anonymized = $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "Y";
    $_templatecss = "";
    $_templatejs = "";
     * Template css/js files from the template config files are loaded.
     * It use the asset manager (so user never need to empty the cache, even if template is updated)
     * If debug mode is on, no asset manager is used.
     * oTemplate is defined in controller/survey/index
     * If templatereplace is called from the template editor, a $oTemplate is provided.
    $oTemplate = Template::model()->getInstance($templatename);
    $aCssFiles = $oTemplate->config->files->css->filename;
    $aJsFiles = $oTemplate->config->files->js->filename;
    $aOtherFiles = $oTemplate->otherFiles;
    //var_dump($aOtherFiles); die();
    if (stripos($line, "{TEMPLATECSS}")) {
        // If the template has files for css, we can't publish the files one by one, but we must publish them as a whole directory
        // TODO : extend asset manager so it check for file modification even in directory mode
        if (!YII_DEBUG || count($aOtherFiles) < 0) {
            foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                    Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile(App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile), $sCssFile['media']);
        } else {
            foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                    Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile("{$templateurl}{$sCssFile}", $sCssFile['media']);
        /* RTL CSS */
        if (getLanguageRTL(App()->language)) {
            $aCssFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->rtl->css->filename;
            if (!YII_DEBUG) {
                foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                        Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile(App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile), $sCssFile['media']);
            } else {
                foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                        Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile("{$templateurl}{$sCssFile}", $sCssFile['media']);
    if (stripos($line, "{TEMPLATEJS}")) {
        if (!YII_DEBUG) {
            foreach ($aJsFiles as $sJsFile) {
                if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile)) {
                    App()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile(App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile));
        } else {
            foreach ($aJsFiles as $sJsFile) {
                if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile)) {
        /* RTL JS */
        if (getLanguageRTL(App()->language)) {
            $aJsFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->rtl->js->filename;
            if (!YII_DEBUG) {
                foreach ($aJsFiles as $aJsFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $aJsFile)) {
                        App()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile(App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $aJsFile));
            } else {
                foreach ($aJsFiles as $sJsFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile)) {
    // surveyformat
    if (isset($thissurvey['format'])) {
        $surveyformat = str_replace(array("A", "S", "G"), array("allinone", "questionbyquestion", "groupbygroup"), $thissurvey['format']);
    } else {
        $surveyformat = "";
    if ($oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework) {
        $surveyformat .= " " . $oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework . "-engine ";
    if (isset(Yii::app()->session['step']) && Yii::app()->session['step'] % 2 && $surveyformat != "allinone") {
        $surveyformat .= " page-odd";
    if (isset($thissurvey['questionindex']) && $thissurvey['questionindex'] > 0 && $surveyformat != "allinone" && (isset(Yii::app()->session['step']) && Yii::app()->session['step'] > 0)) {
        $surveyformat .= " withindex";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showprogress']) && $thissurvey['showprogress'] == "Y") {
        $surveyformat .= " showprogress";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode'])) {
        $surveyformat .= " showqnumcode-" . $thissurvey['showqnumcode'];
    // real survey contact
    if (isset($surveylist) && isset($surveylist['contact'])) {
        $surveycontact = $surveylist['contact'];
    } elseif (isset($surveylist) && isset($thissurvey['admin']) && $thissurvey['admin'] != "") {
        $surveycontact = sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['admin'], $thissurvey['adminemail']);
    } else {
        $surveycontact = "";
    // If there are non-bracketed replacements to be made do so above this line.
    // Only continue in this routine if there are bracketed items to replace {}
    if (strpos($line, "{") === false) {
        // process string anyway so that it can be pretty-printed
        return LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, NULL, false, 1, 1, true);
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'name' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'N') {
        $_groupname = isset($groupname) ? $groupname : '';
    } else {
        $_groupname = '';
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'description' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'D') {
        $_groupdescription = isset($groupdescription) ? $groupdescription : '';
    } else {
        $_groupdescription = '';
    if (!isset($totalquestions)) {
        $totalquestions = 0;
    $_totalquestionsAsked = $totalquestions;
    if ($showxquestions == 'show' || $showxquestions == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showxquestions']) || $showxquestions == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showxquestions'] == 'Y') {
        if ($_totalquestionsAsked < 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There are no questions in this survey");
            // Singular
        } elseif ($_totalquestionsAsked == 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There is 1 question in this survey");
        } else {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey.");
            //Note this line MUST be before {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}
    } else {
        $_therearexquestions = '';
    if (isset($token)) {
        $_token = $token;
    } elseif (isset($clienttoken)) {
        $_token = htmlentities($clienttoken, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        // or should it be URL-encoded?
    } else {
        $_token = '';
    // Expiry
    if (isset($thissurvey['expiry'])) {
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']);
        Yii::import('application.libraries.Date_Time_Converter', true);
        $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($thissurvey['expiry'], "Y-m-d");
        $_dateoutput = $datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
    } else {
        $_dateoutput = '-';
    $_submitbutton = "<input class='submit btn btn-default' type='submit' value=' " . gT("Submit") . " ' name='move2' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = 'movesubmit';\" />";
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_url']) and $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] != "") {
        if (trim($thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']) != '') {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>";
        } else {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}</a>";
    } else {
        $_linkreplace = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['sid']) && isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $thissurvey['sid']]['srid']) && $thissurvey['active'] == 'Y') {
        $iscompleted = SurveyDynamic::model($surveyid)->isCompleted($_SESSION['survey_' . $thissurvey['sid']]['srid']);
    } else {
        $iscompleted = false;
    if (isset($surveyid) && !$iscompleted) {
        $_clearall = CHtml::htmlButton(gT("Exit and clear survey"), array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => "clearall", 'value' => 'clearall', 'name' => 'clearall', 'class' => 'clearall button  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4 hidden', 'data-confirmedby' => 'confirm-clearall', 'title' => gT("This action need confirmation.")));
        $_clearall .= CHtml::checkBox("confirm-clearall", false, array('id' => 'confirm-clearall', 'value' => 'confirm', 'class' => 'hide jshide  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4'));
        $_clearall .= CHtml::label(gT("Are you sure you want to clear all your responses?"), 'confirm-clearall', array('class' => 'hide jshide  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4'));
        $_clearalllinks = '<li><a href="#" id="clearallbtnlink">' . gT("Exit and clear survey") . '</a></li>';
    } else {
        $_clearall = "";
        $_clearalllinks = '';
    if (isset(Yii::app()->session['datestamp'])) {
        $_datestamp = Yii::app()->session['datestamp'];
    } else {
        $_datestamp = '-';
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowsave']) and $thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y") {
        $_saveall = doHtmlSaveAll(isset($move) ? $move : NULL);
        $_savelinks = doHtmlSaveLinks(isset($move) ? $move : NULL);
    } else {
        $_saveall = "";
        $_savelinks = "";
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowprev']) && $thissurvey['allowprev'] == "N") {
        $_strreview = "";
    } else {
        $_strreview = gT("If you want to check any of the answers you have made, and/or change them, you can do that now by clicking on the [<< prev] button and browsing through your responses.");
    if (isset($surveyid)) {
        $restartparam = array();
        if ($_token) {
            $restartparam['token'] = sanitize_token($_token);
        // urlencode with needed with sanitize_token
        if (Yii::app()->request->getQuery('lang')) {
            $restartparam['lang'] = sanitize_languagecode(Yii::app()->request->getQuery('lang'));
        } elseif ($s_lang) {
            $restartparam['lang'] = $s_lang;
        $restartparam['newtest'] = "Y";
        $restarturl = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", $restartparam);
        $_restart = "<a href='{$restarturl}'>" . gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $_restart = "";
    if (isset($thissurvey['anonymized']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == 'Y') {
        $_savealert = gT("To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required.");
    } else {
        $_savealert = "";
    if (isset($surveyid)) {
        if ($_token) {
            $returnlink = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", array('token' => Token::sanitizeToken($_token)));
        } else {
            $returnlink = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}");
        $_return_to_survey = "<a href='{$returnlink}'>" . gT("Return to survey") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $_return_to_survey = "";
    // Save Form
    $_saveform = "<table class='save-survey-form'><tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-name'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='savename'>" . gT("Name") . "</label>:</td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><input type='text' name='savename' id='savename' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savename'])) {
        $_saveform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savename']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-password-1'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='savepass'>" . gT("Password") . "</label>:</td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><input type='password' id='savepass' name='savepass' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass'])) {
        $_saveform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savepass']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-password-2'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='savepass2'>" . gT("Repeat password") . "</label>:</td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><input type='password' id='savepass2' name='savepass2' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass2'])) {
        $_saveform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savepass2']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-email'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='saveemail'>" . gT("Your email address") . "</label>:</td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><input type='text' id='saveemail' name='saveemail' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['saveemail'])) {
        $_saveform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['saveemail']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_saveform .= "<tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-captcha'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='loadsecurity'>" . gT("Security question") . "</label>:</td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><table class='captcha-table'><tr><td class='captcha-image' valign='middle'><img alt='' src='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/verification/image/sid/' . (isset($surveyid) ? $surveyid : '')) . "' /></td><td class='captcha-input' valign='middle' style='text-align:left'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' id='loadsecurity' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    $_saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n" . "<tr class='save-survey-row save-survey-submit'><td class='save-survey-label label-cell'><label class='hide jshide' for='savebutton'>" . gT("Save Now") . "</label></td><td class='save-survey-input input-cell'><input type='submit' id='savebutton' name='savesubmit' class='button' value='" . gT("Save Now") . "' /></td></tr>\n" . "</table>";
    // Load Form
    $_loadform = "<table class='load-survey-form'><tr class='load-survey-row load-survey-name'><td class='load-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='loadname'>" . gT("Saved name") . "</label>:</td><td class='load-survey-input input-cell'><input type='text' id='loadname' name='loadname' value='";
    if (isset($loadname)) {
        $_loadform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($loadname));
    $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr class='load-survey-row load-survey-password'><td class='load-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='loadpass'>" . gT("Password") . "</label>:</td><td class='load-survey-input input-cell'><input type='password' id='loadpass' name='loadpass' value='";
    if (isset($loadpass)) {
        $_loadform .= HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($loadpass));
    $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_loadform .= "<tr class='load-survey-row load-survey-captcha'><td class='load-survey-label label-cell' align='right'><label for='loadsecurity'>" . gT("Security question") . "</label>:</td><td class='load-survey-input input-cell'><table class='captcha-table'><tr><td class='captcha-image' valign='middle'><img src='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/verification/image/sid/' . (isset($surveyid) ? $surveyid : '')) . "' alt='' /></td><td class='captcha-input' valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' id='loadsecurity' name='loadsecurity' value='' alt=''/></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    $_loadform .= "<tr class='load-survey-row load-survey-submit'><td class='load-survey-label label-cell'><label class='hide jshide' for='loadbutton'>" . gT("Load now") . "</label></td><td class='load-survey-input input-cell'><input type='submit' id='loadbutton' class='button' value='" . gT("Load now") . "' /></td></tr></table>\n";
    // Assessments
    $assessmenthtml = "";
    if (isset($surveyid) && !is_null($surveyid) && function_exists('doAssessment')) {
        $assessmentdata = doAssessment($surveyid, true);
        $_assessment_current_total = $assessmentdata['total'];
        if (stripos($line, "{ASSESSMENTS}")) {
            $assessmenthtml = doAssessment($surveyid, false);
    } else {
        $_assessment_current_total = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) && trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) != '') {
        $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']);
    } else {
        $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim(getGlobalSetting('googleanalyticsapikey'));
    $_googleAnalyticsStyle = isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle']) ? $thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle'] : '0';
    $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = '';
    if ($_googleAnalyticsStyle != '' && $_googleAnalyticsStyle != 0 && $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey != '') {
        switch ($_googleAnalyticsStyle) {
            case '1':
                // Default Google Tracking
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){ i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments) },i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}', 'auto');  // Replace with your property ID.
ga('send', 'pageview');


            case '2':
                // SurveyName-[SID]/[GSEQ]-GroupName - create custom GSEQ based upon page step
                $moveInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult();
                if (is_null($moveInfo)) {
                    $gseq = 'welcome';
                } else {
                    if ($moveInfo['finished']) {
                        $gseq = 'finished';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($moveInfo['at_start']) && $moveInfo['at_start']) {
                            $gseq = 'welcome';
                        } else {
                            if (is_null($_groupname)) {
                                $gseq = 'printanswers';
                            } else {
                                $gseq = $moveInfo['gseq'] + 1;
                $_trackURL = htmlspecialchars($thissurvey['name'] . '-[' . $surveyid . ']/[' . $gseq . ']-' . $_groupname);
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}', 'auto');  // Replace with your property ID.
ga('send', 'pageview');
ga('send', 'pageview', '{$_trackURL}');

    $_endtext = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) && trim($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) != '') {
        $_endtext = $thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'];
    $sitelogo = !empty($oTemplate->siteLogo) ? '<img src="' . App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . '/' . $oTemplate->siteLogo) . '"/>' : '';
    // Set the array of replacement variables here - don't include curly braces
    $coreReplacements = array();
    $coreReplacements['ACTIVE'] = isset($thissurvey['active']) && !($thissurvey['active'] != "Y");
    $coreReplacements['ANSWERSCLEARED'] = gT("Answers cleared");
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENTS'] = $assessmenthtml;
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL'] = $_assessment_current_total;
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_HEADING'] = gT("Your assessment");
    $coreReplacements['CHECKJAVASCRIPT'] = "<noscript><span class='warningjs'>" . gT("Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.") . "</span></noscript>";
    $coreReplacements['CLEARALL'] = $_clearall;
    $coreReplacements['CLEARALL_LINKS'] = $_clearalllinks;
    $coreReplacements['CLOSEWINDOW'] = '';
    // Obsolete tag - keep this line for compatibility reaons
    $coreReplacements['COMPLETED'] = isset($redata['completed']) ? $redata['completed'] : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['DATESTAMP'] = $_datestamp;
    $coreReplacements['ENDTEXT'] = $_endtext;
    $coreReplacements['EXPIRY'] = $_dateoutput;
    $coreReplacements['ADMINNAME'] = isset($thissurvey['admin']) ? $thissurvey['admin'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['ADMINEMAIL'] = isset($thissurvey['adminemail']) ? $thissurvey['adminemail'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['GID'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('gid', '');
    // Use the gid of the question, except if we are not in question (Randomization group name)
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_KEY'] = $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey;
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT'] = $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPDESCRIPTION'] = $_groupdescription;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPNAME'] = $_groupname;
    $coreReplacements['LANG'] = App()->language;
    $coreReplacements['LANGUAGECHANGER'] = isset($languagechanger) ? $languagechanger : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['LOADERROR'] = isset($errormsg) ? $errormsg : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['LOADFORM'] = $_loadform;
    $coreReplacements['LOADHEADING'] = gT("Load a previously saved survey");
    $coreReplacements['LOADMESSAGE'] = gT("You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen.") . "<br />" . gT("Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password.") . "<br />";
    $coreReplacements['NAVIGATOR'] = isset($navigator) ? $navigator : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['MOVEPREVBUTTON'] = isset($moveprevbutton) ? $moveprevbutton : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['MOVENEXTBUTTON'] = isset($movenextbutton) ? $movenextbutton : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['NOSURVEYID'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['nosid'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['NUMBEROFQUESTIONS'] = $_totalquestionsAsked;
    $coreReplacements['PERCENTCOMPLETE'] = isset($percentcomplete) ? $percentcomplete : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACY'] = isset($privacy) ? $privacy : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACYMESSAGE'] = "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;'>" . gT("A Note On Privacy") . "</span><br />" . gT("This survey is anonymous.") . "<br />" . gT("The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.") . ' ' . gT("If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.");
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_INDEX'] = isset($questionindex) ? $questionindex : '';
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_INDEX_MENU'] = isset($questionindexmenu) ? $questionindexmenu : '';
    $coreReplacements['RESTART'] = $_restart;
    $coreReplacements['RETURNTOSURVEY'] = $_return_to_survey;
    $coreReplacements['SAVE_LINKS'] = $_savelinks;
    $coreReplacements['SAVE'] = $_saveall;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEALERT'] = $_savealert;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEDID'] = isset($saved_id) ? $saved_id : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SAVEERROR'] = isset($errormsg) ? $errormsg : '';
    // global - same as LOADERROR
    $coreReplacements['SAVEFORM'] = $_saveform;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEHEADING'] = gT("Save your unfinished survey");
    $coreReplacements['SAVEMESSAGE'] = gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.") . "<br />\n" . gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.") . "<br /><br />\n<span class='emailoptional'>" . gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you.") . "</span><br /><br />\n" . gT("After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey.");
    $coreReplacements['SID'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('surveyID', '');
    // Allways use surveyID from config
    $coreReplacements['SITENAME'] = isset($sitename) ? $sitename : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SITELOGO'] = $sitelogo;
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITBUTTON'] = $_submitbutton;
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITCOMPLETE'] = "<strong>" . gT("Thank you!") . "<br /><br />" . gT("You have completed answering the questions in this survey.") . "</strong><br /><br />" . gT("Click on 'Submit' now to complete the process and save your answers.");
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITREVIEW'] = $_strreview;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYCONTACT'] = $surveycontact;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYDESCRIPTION'] = isset($thissurvey['description']) ? $thissurvey['description'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYFORMAT'] = isset($surveyformat) ? $surveyformat : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLANGUAGE'] = App()->language;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLIST'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['list'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLISTHEADING'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['listheading'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYNAME'] = isset($thissurvey['name']) ? $thissurvey['name'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYRESOURCESURL'] = isset($thissurvey['sid']) ? Yii::app()->getConfig("uploadurl") . '/surveys/' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '/' : '';
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATECSS'] = $_templatecss;
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATEJS'] = $_templatejs;
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATEURL'] = $templateurl;
    $coreReplacements['THEREAREXQUESTIONS'] = $_therearexquestions;
    $coreReplacements['TOKEN'] = !$anonymized ? $_token : '';
    // Silently replace TOKEN by empty string
    $coreReplacements['URL'] = $_linkreplace;
    $coreReplacements['WELCOME'] = isset($thissurvey['welcome']) ? $thissurvey['welcome'] : '';
    if (!isset($replacements['QID'])) {
        $coreReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, SurveyRuntimeHelper::getQuestionReplacement(null));
        // so $replacements overrides core values
    if (!is_null($replacements) && is_array($replacements)) {
        $doTheseReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, $replacements);
        // so $replacements overrides core values
    } else {
        $doTheseReplacements = $coreReplacements;
    // Now do all of the replacements - In rare cases, need to do 3 deep recursion, that that is default
    $line = LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, $doTheseReplacements, false, 3, 1, false, true, $bStaticReplacement);
    return $line;
예제 #3
    function action()
        global $surveyid;
        global $thissurvey, $thisstep;
        global $clienttoken, $tokensexist, $token;
        global $clang;
        $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
        @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', Yii::app()->getConfig('iSessionExpirationTime'));
        $param = $this->_getParameters(func_get_args(), $_POST);
        $surveyid = $param['sid'];
        Yii::app()->setConfig('surveyID', $surveyid);
        $thisstep = $param['thisstep'];
        $move = $param['move'];
        $clienttoken = $param['token'];
        $standardtemplaterootdir = Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterootdir');
        // unused vars in this method (used in methods using compacted method vars)
        @($loadname = $param['loadname']);
        @($loadpass = $param['loadpass']);
        $sitename = Yii::app()->getConfig('sitename');
        if (isset($param['newtest']) && $param['newtest'] == "Y") {
        list($surveyExists, $isSurveyActive) = $this->_surveyExistsAndIsActive($surveyid);
        // collect all data in this method to pass on later
        $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
        $clang = $this->_loadLimesurveyLang($surveyid);
        if ($this->_isClientTokenDifferentFromSessionToken($clienttoken, $surveyid)) {
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT('Token mismatch'), $clang->gT('The token you provided doesn\'t match the one in your session.'), $clang->gT('Please wait to begin with a new session.'));
            $this->_createNewUserSessionAndRedirect($surveyid, $redata, __LINE__, $asMessage);
        if ($this->_isSurveyFinished($surveyid)) {
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT('Previous session is set to be finished.'), $clang->gT('Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey. We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning.'), $clang->gT('Please wait to begin with a new session.'));
            $this->_createNewUserSessionAndRedirect($surveyid, $redata, __LINE__, $asMessage);
        if ($this->_isPreviewAction($param) && !$this->_canUserPreviewSurvey($surveyid)) {
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT('Error'), $clang->gT('We are sorry but you don\'t have permissions to do this.'));
            $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
        if ($this->_surveyCantBeViewedWithCurrentPreviewAccess($surveyid, $isSurveyActive, $surveyExists)) {
            $bPreviewRight = $this->_userHasPreviewAccessSession($surveyid);
            if ($bPreviewRight === false) {
                $asMessage = array($clang->gT("Error"), $clang->gT("We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this."), sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
                $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
        // TODO can this be moved to the top?
        // (Used to be global, used in ExpressionManager, merged into amVars. If not filled in === '')
        // can this be added in the first computation of $redata?
        if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'])) {
            $saved_id = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'];
        // recompute $redata since $saved_id used to be a global
        $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
        /*if ( $this->_didSessionTimeOut() )
          // @TODO is this still required ?
          $asMessage = array(
          $clang->gT("We are sorry but your session has expired."),
          $clang->gT("Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection."),
          sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."),$thissurvey['adminname'],$thissurvey['adminemail'])
          $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, null, $asMessage);
        // Set the language of the survey, either from POST, GET parameter of session var
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
            $sTempLanguage = sanitize_languagecode($_REQUEST['lang']);
        } elseif (!empty($param['lang'])) {
            $sTempLanguage = sanitize_languagecode($param['lang']);
        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'])) {
            $sTempLanguage = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'];
        } else {
            $sTempLanguage = '';
        if ($surveyid && $surveyExists) {
            // must be called early - it clears internal cache if a new survey is being used
            $clang = SetSurveyLanguage($surveyid, $sTempLanguage);
            UpdateSessionGroupList($surveyid, $sTempLanguage);
            // to refresh the language strings in the group list session variable
            // to refresh question titles and question text
        } else {
            if (!is_null($param['lang'])) {
                $sDisplayLanguage = $param['lang'];
            } else {
                $sDisplayLanguage = Yii::app()->getConfig('defaultlang');
            $clang = $this->_loadLimesurveyLang($sDisplayLanguage);
            $languagechanger = makeLanguageChanger($sDisplayLanguage);
            //Find out if there are any publicly available surveys
            $query = "SELECT sid, surveyls_title, publicstatistics, language\n            FROM {{surveys}}\n            INNER JOIN {{surveys_languagesettings}}\n            ON ( surveyls_survey_id = sid  )\n            AND (surveyls_language=language)\n            WHERE\n            active='Y'\n            AND listpublic='Y'\n            AND ((expires >= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "') OR (expires is null))\n            AND ((startdate <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "') OR (startdate is null))\n            ORDER BY surveyls_title";
            $result = dbExecuteAssoc($query, false, true) or safeDie("Could not connect to database. If you try to install LimeSurvey please refer to the <a href='http://docs.limesurvey.org'>installation docs</a> and/or contact the system administrator of this webpage.");
            $list = array();
            foreach ($result->readAll() as $rows) {
                $querylang = "SELECT surveyls_title\n                FROM {{surveys_languagesettings}}\n                WHERE surveyls_survey_id={$rows['sid']}\n                AND surveyls_language='{$sDisplayLanguage}'";
                $resultlang = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($querylang)->queryRow();
                if ($resultlang['surveyls_title']) {
                    $rows['surveyls_title'] = $resultlang['surveyls_title'];
                    $langtag = "";
                } else {
                    $langtag = "lang=\"{$rows['language']}\"";
                $link = "<li><a href='" . $this->getController()->createUrl('/survey/index/sid/' . $rows['sid']);
                if (isset($param['lang']) && $langtag == "") {
                    $link .= "/lang-" . sanitize_languagecode($param['lang']);
                $link .= "' {$langtag} class='surveytitle'>" . $rows['surveyls_title'] . "</a>\n";
                if ($rows['publicstatistics'] == 'Y') {
                    $link .= "<a href='" . $this->getController()->createUrl("/statistics_user/action/surveyid/" . $rows['sid']) . "/language/" . $sDisplayLanguage . "'>(" . $clang->gT('View statistics') . ")</a>";
                $link .= "</li>\n";
                $list[] = $link;
            //Check for inactive surveys which allow public registration.
            // TODO add a new template replace {SURVEYREGISTERLIST} ?
            $squery = "SELECT sid, surveyls_title, publicstatistics, language\n            FROM {{surveys}}\n            INNER JOIN {{surveys_languagesettings}}\n            ON (surveyls_survey_id = sid)\n            AND (surveyls_language=language)\n            WHERE allowregister='Y'\n            AND active='Y'\n            AND listpublic='Y'\n            AND ((expires >= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "') OR (expires is null))\n            AND (startdate >= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "')\n            ORDER BY surveyls_title";
            $sresult = dbExecuteAssoc($squery) or safeDie("Couldn't execute {$squery}");
            $aRows = $sresult->readAll();
            if (count($aRows) > 0) {
                $list[] = "</ul>" . " <div class=\"survey-list-heading\">" . $clang->gT("Following survey(s) are not yet active but you can register for them.") . "</div>" . " <ul>";
                // TODO give it to template
                foreach ($aRows as $rows) {
                    $querylang = "SELECT surveyls_title\n                    FROM {{surveys_languagesettings}}\n                    WHERE surveyls_survey_id={$rows['sid']}\n                    AND surveyls_language='{$sDisplayLanguage}'";
                    $resultlang = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($querylang)->queryRow();
                    if ($resultlang['surveyls_title']) {
                        $rows['surveyls_title'] = $resultlang['surveyls_title'];
                        $langtag = "";
                    } else {
                        $langtag = "lang=\"{$rows['language']}\"";
                    $link = "<li><a href=\"#\" id='inactivesurvey' onclick = 'sendreq(" . $rows['sid'] . ");' ";
                    //$link = "<li><a href=\"#\" id='inactivesurvey' onclick = 'convertGETtoPOST(".$this->getController()->createUrl('survey/send/')."?sid={$rows['sid']}&amp;)sendreq(".$rows['sid'].",".$rows['startdate'].",".$rows['expires'].");' ";
                    $link .= " {$langtag} class='surveytitle'>" . $rows['surveyls_title'] . "</a>\n";
                    $link .= "</li><div id='regform'></div>\n";
                    $list[] = $link;
            if (count($list) < 1) {
                $list[] = "<li class='surveytitle'>" . $clang->gT("No available surveys") . "</li>";
            if (!$surveyid) {
                $thissurvey['name'] = Yii::app()->getConfig("sitename");
                $nosid = $clang->gT("You have not provided a survey identification number");
            } else {
                $thissurvey['name'] = $clang->gT("The survey identification number is invalid");
                $nosid = $clang->gT("The survey identification number is invalid");
            $surveylist = array("nosid" => $nosid, "contact" => sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), Yii::app()->getConfig("siteadminname"), encodeEmail(Yii::app()->getConfig("siteadminemail"))), "listheading" => $clang->gT("The following surveys are available:"), "list" => implode("\n", $list));
            $data['thissurvey'] = $thissurvey;
            //$data['privacy'] = $privacy;
            $data['surveylist'] = $surveylist;
            $data['surveyid'] = $surveyid;
            $data['templatedir'] = getTemplatePath(Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate"));
            $data['templateurl'] = getTemplateURL(Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate")) . "/";
            $data['templatename'] = Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate");
            $data['sitename'] = Yii::app()->getConfig("sitename");
            $data['languagechanger'] = $languagechanger;
            //A nice exit
            $this->_printTemplateContent(getTemplatePath(Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate")) . "/startpage.pstpl", $data, __LINE__);
            $this->_printTemplateContent(getTemplatePath(Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate")) . "/surveylist.pstpl", $data, __LINE__);
            echo '<script type="text/javascript" >
            function sendreq(surveyid)

            type: "GET",
            url: "' . $this->getController()->createUrl("/register/ajaxregisterform/surveyid") . '/" + surveyid,
            }).done(function(msg) {
            document.getElementById("regform").innerHTML = msg;
            $this->_printTemplateContent(getTemplatePath(Yii::app()->getConfig("defaulttemplate")) . "/endpage.pstpl", $data, __LINE__);
        // Get token
        if (!isset($token)) {
            $token = $clienttoken;
        $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid, $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang']);
        if ($surveyExists == 1 && tableExists('{{tokens_' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '}}')) {
            $tokensexist = 1;
        } else {
            $tokensexist = 0;
        $thistpl = getTemplatePath($thissurvey['templatedir']);
        $timeadjust = Yii::app()->getConfig("timeadjust");
        if ($thissurvey['expiry'] != '' and dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust) > $thissurvey['expiry'] && $thissurvey['active'] != 'N') {
            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT("Error"), $clang->gT("This survey is no longer available."), sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
            $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage);
        if ($thissurvey['startdate'] != '' and dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust) < $thissurvey['startdate'] && $thissurvey['active'] != 'N') {
            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT("Error"), $clang->gT("This survey is not yet started."), sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
            $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage);
        //If cookies are being used, and this survey has been completed, a cookie called "PHPSID[sid]STATUS" will exist (ie: SID6STATUS) and will have a value of "COMPLETE"
        $sCookieName = "LS_" . $surveyid . "_STATUS";
        if (isset($_COOKIE[$sCookieName]) && $_COOKIE[$sCookieName] == "COMPLETE" && $thissurvey['usecookie'] == "Y" && $tokensexist != 1 && (!isset($param['newtest']) || $param['newtest'] != "Y")) {
            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
            $asMessage = array($clang->gT("Error"), $clang->gT("You have already completed this survey."), sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['adminname'], $thissurvey['adminemail']));
            $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage);
        if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && $_GET['loadall'] == "reload") {
            if (returnGlobal('loadname') && returnGlobal('loadpass')) {
                $_POST['loadall'] = "reload";
        if (isset($_POST['loadall']) && $_POST['loadall'] == "reload") {
            $errormsg = "";
            if (!isset($param['loadname']) || $param['loadname'] == null) {
                $errormsg .= $clang->gT("You did not provide a name") . "<br />\n";
            if (!isset($param['loadpass']) || $param['loadpass'] == null) {
                $errormsg .= $clang->gT("You did not provide a password") . "<br />\n";
            // if security question answer is incorrect
            // Not called if scid is set in GET params (when using email save/reload reminder URL)
            if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                if ((!isset($_POST['loadsecurity']) || !isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['secanswer']) || $_POST['loadsecurity'] != $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['secanswer']) && !isset($_GET['scid'])) {
                    $errormsg .= $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "<br />\n";
            // Load session before loading the values from the saved data
            if (isset($_GET['loadall'])) {
            $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['holdname'] = $param['loadname'];
            //Session variable used to load answers every page.
            $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['holdpass'] = $param['loadpass'];
            //Session variable used to load answers every page.
            if ($errormsg == "") {
            $move = "movenext";
            if ($errormsg) {
                $_POST['loadall'] = $clang->gT("Load unfinished survey");
        //Allow loading of saved survey
        if (isset($_POST['loadall']) && $_POST['loadall'] == $clang->gT("Load unfinished survey")) {
            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
            $tmp = new Load_answers();
        //Check if TOKEN is used for EVERY PAGE
        //This function fixes a bug where users able to submit two surveys/votes
        //by checking that the token has not been used at each page displayed.
        // bypass only this check at first page (Step=0) because
        // this check is done in buildsurveysession and error message
        // could be more interresting there (takes into accound captcha if used)
        if ($tokensexist == 1 && isset($token) && $token && isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step']) && $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step'] > 0 && tableExists("tokens_{$surveyid}}}")) {
            //check if tokens actually haven't been already used
            $areTokensUsed = usedTokens(trim(strip_tags(returnGlobal('token'))), $surveyid);
            // check if token actually does exist
            // check also if it is allowed to change survey after completion
            if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
                $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM {{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE token='" . $token . "'";
            } else {
                $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM {{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE token='" . $token . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
            $aRow = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->queryRow();
            $tokendata = $aRow;
            if (!$aRow || $areTokensUsed && $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] != 'Y') {
                $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
                $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/startpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
                $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/survey.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
                $asMessage = array(null, $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate."), sprintf($clang->gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname'] . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)"));
                $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage, true);
        if ($tokensexist == 1 && isset($token) && $token && tableExists("{{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}}")) {
            // check also if it is allowed to change survey after completion
            if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
                $tkquery = "SELECT * FROM {{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE token='" . $token . "'";
            } else {
                $tkquery = "SELECT * FROM {{tokens_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE token='" . $token . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
            $tkresult = dbExecuteAssoc($tkquery);
            $tokendata = $tkresult->read();
            if (isset($tokendata['validfrom']) && (trim($tokendata['validfrom']) != '' && $tokendata['validfrom'] > dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust)) || isset($tokendata['validuntil']) && (trim($tokendata['validuntil']) != '' && $tokendata['validuntil'] < dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust))) {
                $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
                $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/startpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
                $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/survey.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
                $asMessage = array(null, $clang->gT("We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey."), $clang->gT("Your token seems to be valid but can be used only during a certain time period."), sprintf($clang->gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname'] . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)"));
                $this->_niceExit($redata, __LINE__, $thistpl, $asMessage, true);
        //Clear session and remove the incomplete response if requested.
        if (isset($move) && $move == "clearall") {
            // delete the response but only if not already completed
            $s_lang = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang'];
            if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid']) && !Survey_dynamic::model($surveyid)->isCompleted($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'])) {
                // delete the response but only if not already completed
                $result = dbExecuteAssoc('DELETE FROM {{survey_' . $surveyid . '}} WHERE id=' . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] . " AND submitdate IS NULL");
                if ($result->count() > 0) {
                    // Using count() here *should* be okay for MSSQL because it is a delete statement
                    // find out if there are any fuqt questions - checked
                    $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'short', false, false, $s_lang);
                    foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
                        if ($field['type'] == "|" && !strpos($field['fieldname'], "_filecount")) {
                            if (!isset($qid)) {
                                $qid = array();
                            $qid[] = $field['fieldname'];
                    // if yes, extract the response json to those questions
                    if (isset($qid)) {
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM {{survey_" . $surveyid . "}} WHERE id=" . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'];
                        $result = dbExecuteAssoc($query);
                        foreach ($result->readAll() as $row) {
                            foreach ($qid as $question) {
                                $json = $row[$question];
                                if ($json == "" || $json == NULL) {
                                // decode them
                                $phparray = json_decode($json);
                                foreach ($phparray as $metadata) {
                                    $target = Yii::app()->getConfig("uploaddir") . "/surveys/" . $surveyid . "/files/";
                                    // delete those files
                                    unlink($target . $metadata->filename);
                    // done deleting uploaded files
                // also delete a record from saved_control when there is one
                dbExecuteAssoc('DELETE FROM {{saved_control}} WHERE srid=' . $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] . ' AND sid=' . $surveyid);
            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
            $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/startpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
            echo "\n\n<!-- JAVASCRIPT FOR CONDITIONAL QUESTIONS -->\n" . "\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "\t<!--\n" . "function checkconditions(value, name, type, evt_type)\n" . "\t{\n" . "\t}\n" . "\t//-->\n" . "\t</script>\n\n";
            //Present the clear all page using clearall.pstpl template
            $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/clearall.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
            $this->_printTemplateContent($thistpl . '/endpage.pstpl', $redata, __LINE__);
        //Check to see if a refering URL has been captured.
        if (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['refurl'])) {
            $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['refurl'] = GetReferringUrl();
            // do not overwrite refurl
        // Let's do this only if
        //  - a saved answer record hasn't been loaded through the saved feature
        //  - the survey is not anonymous
        //  - the survey is active
        //  - a token information has been provided
        //  - the survey is setup to allow token-response-persistence
        if (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" && $thissurvey['active'] == "Y" && isset($token) && $token != '') {
            // load previous answers if any (dataentry with nosubmit)
            $sQuery = "SELECT id,submitdate,lastpage FROM {$thissurvey['tablename']} WHERE {$thissurvey['tablename']}.token='{$token}' order by id desc";
            $aRow = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->queryRow();
            if ($aRow) {
                if ($aRow['submitdate'] == '' && $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'Y' || $aRow['submitdate'] != '' && $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
                    $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'] = $aRow['id'];
                    if (!is_null($aRow['lastpage']) && $aRow['submitdate'] == '') {
                        $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['LEMtokenResume'] = true;
                        $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['step'] = $aRow['lastpage'];
        //        if (isset($move) || isset($_POST['saveprompt']))
        //        {
        //            $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
        //            //save.php
        //            Yii::import("application.libraries.Save");
        //            $tmp = new Save();
        //            $tmp->run($redata);
        //            if ($thissurvey['active'] == "Y" &&
        //            ( $thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y" || $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == "Y") )
        //            {
        //                loadanswers();
        //            }
        //        }
        if (isset($param['action']) && $param['action'] == 'previewgroup') {
            $thissurvey['format'] = 'G';
            buildsurveysession($surveyid, true);
        if (isset($param['action']) && $param['action'] == 'previewquestion') {
            $thissurvey['format'] = 'S';
            buildsurveysession($surveyid, true);
        //Send local variables to the appropriate survey type
        $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
        $tmp = new SurveyRuntimeHelper();
        $tmp->run($surveyid, $redata);
        if (isset($_POST['saveall']) || isset($flashmessage)) {
            echo "<script type='text/javascript'> \$(document).ready( function() { alert('" . $clang->gT("Your responses were successfully saved.", "js") . "');}) </script>";