예제 #1
  * dataentry::insert()
  * insert new dataentry
  * @return
 public function insert()
     $subaction = Yii::app()->request->getPost('subaction');
     $surveyid = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sid');
     $lang = isset($_POST['lang']) ? Yii::app()->request->getPost('lang') : NULL;
     $aData = array('surveyid' => $surveyid, 'lang' => $lang);
     if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'responses', 'create')) {
         if ($subaction == "insert" && Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'responses', 'create')) {
             $surveytable = "{{survey_{$surveyid}}}";
             $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid);
             $errormsg = "";
             $aViewUrls['display']['menu_bars']['browse'] = gT("Data entry");
             $aDataentryoutput = '';
             $aDataentrymsgs = array();
             $hiddenfields = '';
             $lastanswfortoken = '';
             // check if a previous answer has been submitted or saved
             $rlanguage = '';
             if (Yii::app()->request->getPost('token') && Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'tokens', 'update')) {
                 $tokencompleted = "";
                 $tcquery = "SELECT completed from {{tokens_{$surveyid}}} WHERE token=" . dbQuoteAll($_POST['token']);
                 $tcresult = dbExecuteAssoc($tcquery);
                 $tcresult = $tcresult->readAll();
                 $tccount = count($tcresult);
                 foreach ($tcresult as $tcrow) {
                     $tokencompleted = $tcrow['completed'];
                 if ($tccount < 1) {
                     // token doesn't exist in token table
                     $lastanswfortoken = 'UnknownToken';
                 } elseif ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == "Y") {
                     // token exist but survey is anonymous, check completed state
                     if ($tokencompleted != "" && $tokencompleted != "N") {
                         // token is completed
                         $lastanswfortoken = 'PrivacyProtected';
                 } else {
                     // token is valid, survey not anonymous, try to get last recorded response id
                     $aquery = "SELECT id,startlanguage FROM {$surveytable} WHERE token=" . dbQuoteAll($_POST['token']);
                     $aresult = dbExecuteAssoc($aquery);
                     foreach ($aresult->readAll() as $arow) {
                         if ($tokencompleted != "N") {
                             $lastanswfortoken = $arow['id'];
                         $rlanguage = $arow['startlanguage'];
             // First Check if the survey uses tokens and if a token has been provided
             if (tableExists('{{tokens_' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '}}') && !$_POST['token']) {
                 $errormsg = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'warningheader'), gT("Error"));
                 $errormsg .= CHtml::tag('p', array(), gT("This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a valid token.  Please contact the administrator for assistance."));
             } elseif (tableExists('{{tokens_' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '}}') && $lastanswfortoken == 'UnknownToken') {
                 $errormsg = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'warningheader'), gT("Error"));
                 $errormsg .= CHtml::tag('p', array(), gT("The token you have provided is not valid or has already been used."));
             } elseif (tableExists('{{tokens_' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '}}') && $lastanswfortoken != '') {
                 $errormsg = CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'warningheader'), gT("Error"));
                 $errormsg .= CHtml::tag('p', array(), gT("There is already a recorded answer for this token"));
                 if ($lastanswfortoken != 'PrivacyProtected') {
                     $errormsg .= "<br /><br />" . gT("Follow the following link to update it") . ":\n";
                     $errormsg .= CHtml::link("[id:{$lastanswfortoken}]", $this->getController()->createUrl('/admin/dataentry/sa/editdata/subaction/edit/id/' . $lastanswfortoken . '/surveyid/' . $surveyid . '/lang/' . $rlanguage), array('title' => gT("Edit this entry")));
                     $errormsg .= "<br/><br/>";
                 } else {
                     $errormsg .= "<br /><br />" . gT("This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response.") . "\n";
             } else {
                 $last_db_id = 0;
                 if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == "on") {
                     $aData['save'] = TRUE;
                     $saver['identifier'] = $_POST['save_identifier'];
                     $saver['language'] = $_POST['save_language'];
                     $saver['password'] = $_POST['save_password'];
                     $saver['passwordconfirm'] = $_POST['save_confirmpassword'];
                     $saver['email'] = $_POST['save_email'];
                     if (!returnGlobal('redo')) {
                         $password = md5($saver['password']);
                     } else {
                         $password = $saver['password'];
                     $errormsg = "";
                     if (!$saver['identifier']) {
                         $errormsg .= gT("Error") . ": " . gT("You must supply a name for this saved session.");
                     if (!$saver['password']) {
                         $errormsg .= gT("Error") . ": " . gT("You must supply a password for this saved session.");
                     if ($saver['password'] != $saver['passwordconfirm']) {
                         $errormsg .= gT("Error") . ": " . gT("Your passwords do not match.");
                     $aData['errormsg'] = $errormsg;
                     if ($errormsg) {
                         foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                             if (substr($key, 0, 4) != "save" && $key != "action" && $key != "sid" && $key != "datestamp" && $key != "ipaddr") {
                                 $hiddenfields .= CHtml::hiddenField($key, $val);
                                 //$aDataentryoutput .= "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$val' />\n";
                 $baselang = Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->language;
                 $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', false, false, getBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid));
                 $insert_data = array();
                 $_POST['startlanguage'] = $baselang;
                 if ($thissurvey['datestamp'] == "Y") {
                     $_POST['startdate'] = $_POST['datestamp'];
                 if (isset($_POST['closerecord'])) {
                     if ($thissurvey['datestamp'] == "Y") {
                         $_POST['submitdate'] = dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", Yii::app()->getConfig('timeadjust'));
                     } else {
                         $_POST['submitdate'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1980));
                 foreach ($fieldmap as $irow) {
                     $fieldname = $irow['fieldname'];
                     if (isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
                         if ($_POST[$fieldname] == "" && ($irow['type'] == 'D' || $irow['type'] == 'N' || $irow['type'] == 'K')) {
                             // can't add '' in Date column
                             // Do nothing
                         } else {
                             if ($irow['type'] == '|') {
                                 if (!strpos($irow['fieldname'], "_filecount")) {
                                     $json = $_POST[$fieldname];
                                     $phparray = json_decode(stripslashes($json));
                                     $filecount = 0;
                                     for ($i = 0; $filecount < count($phparray); $i++) {
                                         if ($_FILES[$fieldname . "_file_" . $i]['error'] != 4) {
                                             $target = Yii::app()->getConfig('uploaddir') . "/surveys/" . $thissurvey['sid'] . "/files/" . randomChars(20);
                                             $size = 0.001 * $_FILES[$fieldname . "_file_" . $i]['size'];
                                             $name = rawurlencode($_FILES[$fieldname . "_file_" . $i]['name']);
                                             if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname . "_file_" . $i]['tmp_name'], $target)) {
                                                 $phparray[$filecount]->filename = basename($target);
                                                 $phparray[$filecount]->name = $name;
                                                 $phparray[$filecount]->size = $size;
                                                 $pathinfo = pathinfo($_FILES[$fieldname . "_file_" . $i]['name']);
                                                 $phparray[$filecount]->ext = $pathinfo['extension'];
                                     $insert_data[$fieldname] = ls_json_encode($phparray);
                                 } else {
                                     $insert_data[$fieldname] = count($phparray);
                             } elseif ($irow['type'] == 'D') {
                                 $qidattributes = getQuestionAttributeValues($irow['qid']);
                                 $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatDataForQID($qidattributes, $thissurvey);
                                 $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($_POST[$fieldname], $dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
                                 $insert_data[$fieldname] = $datetimeobj->convert("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                             } else {
                                 $insert_data[$fieldname] = $_POST[$fieldname];
                 $new_response = new SurveyDynamic();
                 foreach ($insert_data as $column => $value) {
                     $new_response->{$column} = $value;
                 $last_db_id = $new_response->getPrimaryKey();
                 if (isset($_POST['closerecord']) && isset($_POST['token']) && $_POST['token'] != '') {
                     // get submit date
                     if (isset($_POST['closedate'])) {
                         $submitdate = $_POST['closedate'];
                     } else {
                         $submitdate = dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", $timeadjust);
                     // check how many uses the token has left
                     $usesquery = "SELECT usesleft FROM {{tokens_}}{$surveyid} WHERE token=" . dbQuoteAll($_POST['token']);
                     $usesresult = dbExecuteAssoc($usesquery);
                     $usesrow = $usesresult->readAll();
                     if (isset($usesrow)) {
                         $usesleft = $usesrow[0]['usesleft'];
                     // query for updating tokens
                     $utquery = "UPDATE {{tokens_{$surveyid}}}\n";
                     if (isTokenCompletedDatestamped($thissurvey)) {
                         if (isset($usesleft) && $usesleft <= 1) {
                             $utquery .= "SET usesleft=usesleft-1, completed=" . dbQuoteAll($submitdate);
                         } else {
                             $utquery .= "SET usesleft=usesleft-1\n";
                     } else {
                         if (isset($usesleft) && $usesleft <= 1) {
                             $utquery .= "SET usesleft=usesleft-1, completed='Y'\n";
                         } else {
                             $utquery .= "SET usesleft=usesleft-1\n";
                     $utquery .= "WHERE token=" . dbQuoteAll($_POST['token']);
                     $utresult = dbExecuteAssoc($utquery);
                     //Yii::app()->db->Execute($utquery) or safeDie ("Couldn't update tokens table!<br />\n$utquery<br />\n".Yii::app()->db->ErrorMsg());
                     // save submitdate into survey table
                     $sdquery = "UPDATE {{survey_{$surveyid}}} SET submitdate='" . $submitdate . "' WHERE id={$last_db_id}\n";
                     $sdresult = dbExecuteAssoc($sdquery) or safeDie("Couldn't set submitdate response in survey table!<br />\n{$sdquery}<br />\n");
                 if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == "on") {
                     $srid = $last_db_id;
                     $aUserData = Yii::app()->session;
                     //CREATE ENTRY INTO "saved_control"
                     $saved_control_table = '{{saved_control}}';
                     $columns = array("sid", "srid", "identifier", "access_code", "email", "ip", "refurl", 'saved_thisstep', "status", "saved_date");
                     $values = array("'" . $surveyid . "'", "'" . $srid . "'", "'" . $saver['identifier'] . "'", "'" . $password . "'", "'" . $saver['email'] . "'", "'" . $aUserData['ip_address'] . "'", "'" . getenv("HTTP_REFERER") . "'", 0, "'" . "S" . "'", "'" . dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", "'" . Yii::app()->getConfig('timeadjust')) . "'");
                     $SQL = "INSERT INTO {$saved_control_table}\n                        (" . implode(',', $columns) . ")\n                        VALUES\n                        (" . implode(',', $values) . ")";
                     /*$scdata = array("sid"=>$surveyid,
                       'saved_thisstep' => 0,
                       "saved_date"=>dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", Yii::app()->getConfig('timeadjust')));
                     if (dbExecuteAssoc($SQL)) {
                         $scid = getLastInsertID('{{saved_control}}');
                         $aDataentrymsgs[] = CHtml::tag('font', array('class' => 'successtitle'), gT("Your survey responses have been saved successfully.  You will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you."));
                         //$aDataentryoutput .= "<font class='successtitle'></font><br />\n";
                         $tokens_table = "{{tokens_{$surveyid}}}";
                         if (tableExists($tokens_table)) {
                             $tkquery = "SELECT * FROM {$tokens_table}";
                             $tkresult = dbExecuteAssoc($tkquery);
                             /*$tokendata = array (
                               "firstname"=> $saver['identifier'],
                               "lastname"=> $saver['identifier'],
                               "sent"=>dateShift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i", $timeadjust),
                             $columns = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "token", "language", "sent", "completed");
                             $values = array("'" . $saver['identifier'] . "'", "'" . $saver['identifier'] . "'", "'" . $saver['email'] . "'", "'" . $password . "'", "'" . randomChars(15) . "'", "'" . $saver['language'] . "'", "'" . "N" . "'");
                             $SQL = "INSERT INTO {$token_table}\n                                (" . implode(',', $columns) . ")\n                                VALUES\n                                (" . implode(',', $values) . ")";
                             $aDataentrymsgs[] = CHtml::tag('font', array('class' => 'successtitle'), gT("A token entry for the saved survey has been created too."));
                             //$aDataentryoutput .= "<font class='successtitle'></font><br />\n";
                         if ($saver['email']) {
                             //Send email
                             if (validateEmailAddress($saver['email']) && !returnGlobal('redo')) {
                                 $subject = gT("Saved Survey Details");
                                 $message = gT("Thank you for saving your survey in progress.  The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off.  Please keep this e-mail for your reference - we cannot retrieve the password for you.");
                                 $message .= "\n\n" . $thissurvey['name'] . "\n\n";
                                 $message .= gT("Name") . ": " . $saver['identifier'] . "\n";
                                 $message .= gT("Password") . ": " . $saver['password'] . "\n\n";
                                 $message .= gT("Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser):") . "\n";
                                 $message .= Yii::app()->getController()->createAbsoluteUrl("/survey/index/sid/{$iSurveyID}/loadall/reload/scid/{$scid}/loadname/" . rawurlencode($saver['identifier']) . "/loadpass/" . rawurlencode($saver['password']) . "/lang/" . rawurlencode($saver['language']));
                                 if (isset($tokendata['token'])) {
                                     $message .= "/token/" . rawurlencode($tokendata['token']);
                                 $from = $thissurvey['adminemail'];
                                 if (SendEmailMessage($message, $subject, $saver['email'], $from, $sitename, false, getBounceEmail($surveyid))) {
                                     $emailsent = "Y";
                                     $aDataentrymsgs[] = CHtml::tag('font', array('class' => 'successtitle'), gT("An email has been sent with details about your saved survey"));
                     } else {
                         safeDie("Unable to insert record into saved_control table.<br /><br />");
                 $aData['thisid'] = $last_db_id;
             $aData['errormsg'] = $errormsg;
             $aData['dataentrymsgs'] = $aDataentrymsgs;
             $aData['sidemenu']['state'] = false;
             $this->_renderWrappedTemplate('dataentry', 'insert', $aData);
예제 #2
* This function import CSV file to responses table
* @param string $sFullFilePath
* @param integer $iSurveyId
* @param array $aOptions
* Return array $result ("errors","warnings","success")
function CSVImportResponses($sFullFilePath, $iSurveyId, $aOptions = array())
    $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
    // Default optional
    if (!isset($aOptions['bDeleteFistLine'])) {
        $aOptions['bDeleteFistLine'] = true;
    // By default delete first line (vvimport)
    if (!isset($aOptions['sExistingId'])) {
        $aOptions['sExistingId'] = "ignore";
    // By default exclude existing id
    if (!isset($aOptions['bNotFinalized'])) {
        $aOptions['bNotFinalized'] = false;
    // By default don't change finalized part
    if (!isset($aOptions['sCharset']) || !$aOptions['sCharset']) {
        $aOptions['sCharset'] = "utf8";
    if (!isset($aOptions['sSeparator'])) {
        $aOptions['sSeparator'] = "\t";
    if (!isset($aOptions['sQuoted'])) {
        $aOptions['sQuoted'] = "\"";
    // Fix some part
    if (!array_key_exists($aOptions['sCharset'], aEncodingsArray())) {
        $aOptions['sCharset'] = "utf8";
    // Prepare an array of sentence for result
    $CSVImportResult = array();
    // Read the file
    $handle = fopen($sFullFilePath, "r");
    // Need to be adapted for Mac ? in options ?
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        $buffer = fgets($handle);
        //To allow for very long lines . Another option is fgetcsv (0 to length), but need mb_convert_encoding
        $aFileResponses[] = mb_convert_encoding($buffer, "UTF-8", $aOptions['sCharset']);
    // Close the file
    if ($aOptions['bDeleteFistLine']) {
    $aRealFieldNames = Yii::app()->db->getSchema()->getTable(SurveyDynamic::model($iSurveyId)->tableName())->getColumnNames();
    //$aCsvHeader=array_map("trim",explode($aOptions['sSeparator'], trim(array_shift($aFileResponses))));
    $aCsvHeader = str_getcsv(array_shift($aFileResponses), $aOptions['sSeparator'], $aOptions['sQuoted']);
    $aLemFieldNames = LimeExpressionManager::getLEMqcode2sgqa($iSurveyId);
    $aKeyForFieldNames = array();
    // An array assicated each fieldname with corresponding responses key
    if (!$aCsvHeader) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("File seems empty or has only one line");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // Assign fieldname with $aFileResponses[] key
    foreach ($aRealFieldNames as $sFieldName) {
        if (in_array($sFieldName, $aCsvHeader)) {
            // First pass : simple associated
            $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = array_search($sFieldName, $aCsvHeader);
        } elseif (in_array($sFieldName, $aLemFieldNames)) {
            // Second pass : LEM associated
            $sLemFieldName = array_search($sFieldName, $aLemFieldNames);
            if (in_array($sLemFieldName, $aCsvHeader)) {
                $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = array_search($sLemFieldName, $aCsvHeader);
            } elseif ($aOptions['bForceImport']) {
                // as fallback just map questions in order of apperance
                // find out where the answer data columns start in CSV
                if (!isset($csv_ans_start_index)) {
                    foreach ($aCsvHeader as $i => $name) {
                        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $name)) {
                            $csv_ans_start_index = $i;
                // find out where the answer data columns start in destination table
                if (!isset($table_ans_start_index)) {
                    foreach ($aRealFieldNames as $i => $name) {
                        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $name)) {
                            $table_ans_start_index = $i;
                // map answers in order
                if (isset($table_ans_start_index, $csv_ans_start_index)) {
                    $csv_index = array_search($sFieldName, $aRealFieldNames) - $table_ans_start_index + $csv_ans_start_index;
                    if ($csv_index < sizeof($aCsvHeader)) {
                        $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = $csv_index;
                    } else {
                        $force_import_failed = true;
    // check if forced error failed
    if (isset($force_import_failed)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey.");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // make sure at least one answer was imported before commiting
    foreach ($aKeyForFieldNames as $field => $index) {
        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $field)) {
            $import_ok = true;
    if (!isset($import_ok)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("Import failed: No answers could be mapped.");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // Now it's time to import
    // Some var to return
    $iNbResponseLine = 0;
    $iNbResponseExisting = 0;
    $aResponsesInserted = array();
    $aResponsesUpdated = array();
    $aResponsesError = array();
    $aExistingsId = array();
    $iMaxId = 0;
    // If we set the id, keep the max
    // Some specific header (with options)
    $iIdKey = array_search('id', $aCsvHeader);
    // the id is allways needed and used a lot
    if (is_int($iIdKey)) {
    $iSubmitdateKey = array_search('submitdate', $aCsvHeader);
    // submitdate can be forced to null
    if (is_int($iSubmitdateKey)) {
    $iIdReponsesKey = is_int($iIdKey) ? $iIdKey : 0;
    // The key for reponses id: id column or first column if not exist
    // Import each responses line here
    while ($sResponses = array_shift($aFileResponses)) {
        $bExistingsId = false;
        $aResponses = str_getcsv($sResponses, $aOptions['sSeparator'], $aOptions['sQuoted']);
        if ($iIdKey !== false) {
            $oSurvey = SurveyDynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findByPk($aResponses[$iIdKey]);
            if ($oSurvey) {
                $bExistingsId = true;
                $aExistingsId[] = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
                // Do according to option
                switch ($aOptions['sExistingId']) {
                    case 'replace':
                        $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
                    case 'replaceanswers':
                    case 'renumber':
                        $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
                    case 'skip':
                    case 'ignore':
                        $oSurvey = false;
                        // Remove existing survey : don't import again
            } else {
                $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
        } else {
            $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
        if ($oSurvey) {
            // First rule for id and submitdate
            if (is_int($iIdKey)) {
                if (!$bExistingsId) {
                    $oSurvey->id = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
                    $iMaxId = $aResponses[$iIdKey] > $iMaxId ? $aResponses[$iIdKey] : $iMaxId;
                } elseif ($aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'replace' || $aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'replaceanswers') {
                    $oSurvey->id = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
            if ($aOptions['bNotFinalized']) {
                $oSurvey->submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
            } elseif (is_int($iSubmitdateKey)) {
                if ($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '{question_not_shown}' || trim($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '')) {
                    $oSurvey->submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
                } else {
                    // Maybe control valid date : see http://php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php#78362 for example
                    $oSurvey->submitdate = $aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey];
            foreach ($aKeyForFieldNames as $sFieldName => $iFieldKey) {
                if ($aResponses[$iFieldKey] == '{question_not_shown}') {
                    $oSurvey->{$sFieldName} = new CDbExpression('NULL');
                } else {
                    $sResponse = str_replace(array("{quote}", "{tab}", "{cr}", "{newline}", "{lbrace}"), array("\"", "\t", "\r", "\n", "{"), $aResponses[$iFieldKey]);
                    $oSurvey->{$sFieldName} = $sResponse;
            // We use transaction to prevent DB error
            $oTransaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
            try {
                if (isset($oSurvey->id) && !is_null($oSurvey->id)) {
                    switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('survey_' . $iSurveyId, true);
                    $bSwitched = true;
                if ($oSurvey->save()) {
                    if ($bExistingsId && $aOptions['sExistingId'] != 'renumber') {
                        $aResponsesUpdated[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                    } else {
                        $aResponsesInserted[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                } else {
                    $aResponsesError[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                if (isset($bSwitched) && $bSwitched == true) {
                    switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('survey_' . $iSurveyId, false);
                    $bSwitched = false;
            } catch (Exception $oException) {
                $aResponsesError[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                // Show some error to user ?
                // $CSVImportResult['errors'][]=$oException->getMessage(); // Show it in view
                // tracevar($oException->getMessage());// Show it in console (if debug is set)
    // Fix max next id (for pgsql)
    // mysql dot need fix, but what for mssql ?
    // Do a model function for this can be a good idea (see activate_helper/activateSurvey)
    if (Yii::app()->db->driverName == 'pgsql') {
        $sSequenceName = Yii::app()->db->getSchema()->getTable("{{survey_{$iSurveyId}}}")->sequenceName;
        $iActualSerial = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT last_value FROM  {$sSequenceName}")->queryScalar();
        if ($iActualSerial < $iMaxId) {
            $sQuery = "SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('{{survey_{$iSurveyId}}}', 'id'),{$iMaxId},false);";
            $result = @Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->execute();
    // End of import
    // Construction of returned information
    if ($iNbResponseLine) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s response lines in your file."), $iNbResponseLine);
    } else {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("No response lines in your file.");
    if (count($aResponsesInserted)) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses were inserted."), count($aResponsesInserted));
        // Maybe add implode aResponsesInserted array
    if (count($aResponsesUpdated)) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses were updated."), count($aResponsesUpdated));
    if (count($aResponsesError)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses cannot be inserted or updated."), count($aResponsesError));
    if (count($aExistingsId) && ($aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'skip' || $aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'ignore')) {
        $CSVImportResult['warnings'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses already exist."), count($aExistingsId));
    return $CSVImportResult;