예제 #1
  * Method used to send an email from the user interface.
  * @access  public
  * @return  integer 1 if it worked, -1 otherwise
 function sendEmail($parent_sup_id = FALSE)
     // if we are replying to an existing email, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly
     if ($parent_sup_id) {
         $in_reply_to = Support::getMessageIDByID($parent_sup_id);
     } else {
         $in_reply_to = false;
     // get ID of whoever is sending this.
     $sender_usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail(Mail_API::getEmailAddress($HTTP_POST_VARS["from"]));
     if (empty($sender_usr_id)) {
         $sender_usr_id = false;
     // get type of email this is
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['type'])) {
         $type = $HTTP_POST_VARS['type'];
     } else {
         $type = '';
     // remove extra 'Re: ' from subject
     $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'] = Mail_API::removeExcessRe($HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], true);
     $internal_only = false;
     $message_id = Mail_API::generateMessageID();
     // hack needed to get the full headers of this web-based email
     $full_email = Support::buildFullHeaders($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $message_id, $HTTP_POST_VARS["from"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["to"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["cc"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["subject"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["message"], $in_reply_to);
     // email blocking should only be done if this is an email about an associated issue
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
         $user_info = User::getNameEmail(Auth::getUserID());
         // check whether the current user is allowed to send this email to customers or not
         if (!Support::isAllowedToEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $user_info['usr_email'])) {
             // add the message body as a note
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['blocked_msg'] = $full_email;
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['title'] = $HTTP_POST_VARS["subject"];
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['note'] = Mail_API::getCannedBlockedMsgExplanation() . $HTTP_POST_VARS["message"];
             Note::insert(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
             Workflow::handleBlockedEmail(Issue::getProjectID($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id']), $HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $HTTP_POST_VARS, 'web');
             return 1;
     // only send a direct email if the user doesn't want to add the Cc'ed people to the notification list
     if (@$HTTP_POST_VARS['add_unknown'] == 'yes') {
         if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
             // add the recipients to the notification list of the associated issue
             $recipients = array($HTTP_POST_VARS['to']);
             $recipients = array_merge($recipients, Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']));
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) {
                 if (!empty($recipients[$i]) && !Notification::isIssueRoutingSender($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $recipients[$i])) {
                     Notification::subscribeEmail(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], Mail_API::getEmailAddress($recipients[$i]), array('emails'));
     } else {
         // Usually when sending out emails associated to an issue, we would
         // simply insert the email in the table and call the Notification::notifyNewEmail() method,
         // but on this case we need to actually send the email to the recipients that are not
         // already in the notification list for the associated issue, if any.
         // In the case of replying to an email that is not yet associated with an issue, then
         // we are always directly sending the email, without using any notification list
         // functionality.
         if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) {
             // send direct emails only to the unknown addresses, and leave the rest to be
             // catched by the notification list
             $from = Notification::getFixedFromHeader($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['from'], 'issue');
             // build the list of unknown recipients
             if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['to'])) {
                 $recipients = array($HTTP_POST_VARS['to']);
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']));
             } else {
                 $recipients = Support::getRecipientsCC($HTTP_POST_VARS['cc']);
             $unknowns = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) {
                 if (!Notification::isSubscribedToEmails($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $recipients[$i])) {
                     $unknowns[] = $recipients[$i];
             if (count($unknowns) > 0) {
                 $to = array_shift($unknowns);
                 $cc = implode('; ', $unknowns);
                 // send direct emails
                 Support::sendDirectEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $from, $to, $cc, $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], $message_id, $sender_usr_id);
         } else {
             // send direct emails to all recipients, since we don't have an associated issue
             $project_info = Project::getOutgoingSenderAddress(Auth::getCurrentProject());
             // use the project-related outgoing email address, if there is one
             if (!empty($project_info['email'])) {
                 $from = Mail_API::getFormattedName(User::getFullName(Auth::getUserID()), $project_info['email']);
             } else {
                 // otherwise, use the real email address for the current user
                 $from = User::getFromHeader(Auth::getUserID());
             // send direct emails
             Support::sendDirectEmail($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'], $from, $HTTP_POST_VARS['to'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['cc'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], $message_id);
     $t = array('customer_id' => 'NULL', 'issue_id' => $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"] ? $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"] : 0, 'ema_id' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['ema_id'], 'message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'from' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['from'], 'to' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['to'], 'cc' => @$HTTP_POST_VARS['cc'], 'subject' => @$HTTP_POST_VARS['subject'], 'body' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['message'], 'full_email' => $full_email, 'has_attachment' => 0);
     // associate this new email with a customer, if appropriate
     if (Auth::getCurrentRole() == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
         $customer_id = User::getCustomerID(Auth::getUserID());
         if (!empty($customer_id) && $customer_id != -1) {
             $t['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
     $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($full_email, true, false);
     $t['headers'] = $structure->headers;
     $res = Support::insertEmail($t, $structure, $sup_id);
     if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"])) {
         // need to send a notification
         Notification::notifyNewEmail(Auth::getUserID(), $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], $t, $internal_only, false, $type, $sup_id);
         // mark this issue as updated
         if (!empty($t['customer_id']) && $t['customer_id'] != 'NULL') {
             Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'customer action');
         } else {
             if (!empty($sender_usr_id) && User::getRoleByUser($sender_usr_id, Issue::getProjectID($HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'])) > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'staff response');
             } else {
                 Issue::markAsUpdated($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], 'user response');
         // save a history entry for this
         History::add($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"], Auth::getUserID(), History::getTypeID('email_sent'), 'Outgoing email sent by ' . User::getFullName(Auth::getUserID()));
         // also update the last_response_date field for the associated issue
         if (Auth::getCurrentRole() > User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
             $stmt = "UPDATE\n                            " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                         SET\n                            iss_last_response_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "'\n                         WHERE\n                            iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
             $stmt = "UPDATE\n                            " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                         SET\n                            iss_first_response_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "'\n                         WHERE\n                            iss_first_response_date IS NULL AND\n                            iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
     return 1;
예제 #2
  * Method used to close off an issue.
  * @param   integer $usr_id The user ID
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   bool $send_notification Whether to send a notification about this action or not
  * @param   integer $resolution_id The resolution ID
  * @param   integer $status_id The status ID
  * @param   string $reason The reason for closing this issue
  * @param   string  $send_notification_to Who this notification should be sent too
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked, -1 otherwise
 public static function close($usr_id, $issue_id, $send_notification, $resolution_id, $status_id, $reason, $send_notification_to = 'internal')
     $usr_id = (int) $usr_id;
     $issue_id = (int) $issue_id;
     $resolution_id = (int) $resolution_id;
     $status_id = (int) $status_id;
     $params = array('iss_updated_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'iss_last_public_action_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'iss_last_public_action_type' => 'closed', 'iss_closed_date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'iss_sta_id' => $status_id);
     if (!empty($resolution_id)) {
         $params['iss_res_id'] = $resolution_id;
     $stmt = 'UPDATE {{%issue}} SET ' . DB_Helper::buildSet($params) . ' WHERE iss_id=?';
     $params[] = $issue_id;
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     $prj_id = self::getProjectID($issue_id);
     // record the change
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'issue_closed', "Issue updated to status '{status}' by {user}", array('status' => Status::getStatusTitle($status_id), 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     if ($send_notification_to == 'all') {
         $from = User::getFromHeader($usr_id);
         $message_id = User::getFromHeader($usr_id);
         $full_email = Support::buildFullHeaders($issue_id, $message_id, $from, '', '', 'Issue closed comments', $reason, '');
         $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($full_email, true, false);
         $email = array('ema_id' => Email_Account::getEmailAccount(self::getProjectID($issue_id)), 'issue_id' => $issue_id, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'subject' => 'Issue closed comments', 'from' => $from, 'has_attachment' => 0, 'body' => $reason, 'full_email' => $full_email, 'headers' => $structure->headers);
         $sup_id = null;
         Support::insertEmail($email, $structure, $sup_id, true);
         $ids = $sup_id;
     } else {
         // add note with the reason to close the issue
         $_POST['title'] = 'Issue closed comments';
         $_POST['note'] = $reason;
         Note::insertFromPost($usr_id, $issue_id, false, true, true, $send_notification);
         $ids = false;
     if ($send_notification) {
         if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
             $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
             // send a special confirmation email when customer issues are closed
             $stmt = 'SELECT
             $customer_contact_id = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getOne($stmt, array($issue_id));
             if (!empty($customer_contact_id)) {
                 try {
                     $contact = $crm->getContact($customer_contact_id);
                     $contact->notifyIssueClosed($issue_id, $reason);
                 } catch (CRMException $e) {
         // send notifications for the issue being closed
         Notification::notify($issue_id, 'closed', $ids);
     Workflow::handleIssueClosed($prj_id, $issue_id, $send_notification, $resolution_id, $status_id, $reason, $usr_id);
     return 1;
예제 #3
  * Method used to close off an issue.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $usr_id The user ID
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   bool $send_notification Whether to send a notification about this action or not
  * @param   integer $resolution_id The resolution ID
  * @param   integer $status_id The status ID
  * @param   string $reason The reason for closing this issue
  * @param   string  $send_notification_to Who this notification should be sent too
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked, -1 otherwise
 function close($usr_id, $issue_id, $send_notification, $resolution_id, $status_id, $reason, $send_notification_to = 'internal')
     global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
     $usr_id = Misc::escapeInteger($usr_id);
     $issue_id = Misc::escapeInteger($issue_id);
     $resolution_id = Misc::escapeInteger($resolution_id);
     $status_id = Misc::escapeInteger($status_id);
     $stmt = "UPDATE\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                 SET\n                    iss_updated_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "',\n                    iss_last_public_action_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "',\n                    iss_last_public_action_type='closed',\n                    iss_closed_date='" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "',\n";
     if (!empty($resolution_id)) {
         $stmt .= "iss_res_id={$resolution_id},\n";
     $stmt .= "iss_sta_id={$status_id}\n                 WHERE\n                    iss_id={$issue_id}";
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->query($stmt);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return -1;
     } else {
         $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
         // record the change
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, History::getTypeID('issue_closed'), "Issue updated to status '" . Status::getStatusTitle($status_id) . "' by " . User::getFullName($usr_id));
         if ($send_notification_to == 'all') {
             $from = User::getFromHeader($usr_id);
             $message_id = User::getFromHeader($usr_id);
             $full_email = Support::buildFullHeaders($issue_id, $message_id, $from, '', '', 'Issue closed comments', $reason, '');
             $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($full_email, true, false);
             $email = array('ema_id' => Email_Account::getEmailAccount(), 'issue_id' => $issue_id, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'subject' => 'Issue closed comments', 'from' => $from, 'has_attachment' => 0, 'body' => $reason, 'full_email' => $full_email, 'headers' => $structure->headers);
             Support::insertEmail($email, $structure, $sup_id, true);
             $ids = $sup_id;
         } else {
             // add note with the reason to close the issue
             $HTTP_POST_VARS['title'] = 'Issue closed comments';
             $HTTP_POST_VARS["note"] = $reason;
             Note::insert($usr_id, $issue_id, false, true, true);
             $ids = false;
         if ($send_notification) {
             if (Customer::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
                 // send a special confirmation email when customer issues are closed
                 $stmt = "SELECT\n                                iss_customer_contact_id\n                             FROM\n                                " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\n                             WHERE\n                                iss_id={$issue_id}";
                 $customer_contact_id = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->getOne($stmt);
                 if (!empty($customer_contact_id)) {
                     Customer::notifyIssueClosed($prj_id, $issue_id, $customer_contact_id);
             // send notifications for the issue being closed
             Notification::notify($issue_id, 'closed', $ids);
         Workflow::handleIssueClosed($prj_id, $issue_id, $send_notification, $resolution_id, $status_id, $reason);
         return 1;