  * cleanup values that are passed by GET, POST or COOKIE
  * the php "feature" magic_quotes automatically escapes values passed from the
  * user to write them into the database. unfortunately it uses the wrong funtion
  * ({@link addslashes() addslashes()} instead of
  * {@link mysql_real_string_escape() mysql_real_string_escape()}) is used
  * and often, one does not write these infos to
  * the database. this function checks, whether magic_quotes is turned on or not
  * and strips the slashes if necessary. this function also handles cleaning of
  * arrays by cleaning them recursively. it should be called on every string passed
  * by GET, POST or COOKIE that is used.
  * @static
  * @param string|array $val string/array to clean up
  * @param boolean $htmlAllowed is html allowed in the strings?
  * @return string cleaned string
 function cleanGPC($val, $htmlAllowed = true)
     if (is_array($val)) {
         $tmp = array();
         foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
             $tmp[is_numeric($k) ? $k : stripslashes($k)] = StringHelper::cleanGPC($v, $htmlAllowed);
         return $tmp;
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $val = stripslashes($val);
     if ($htmlAllowed) {
         return $val;
     return htmlentities($val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
  * Returns true on success false on errors (contact NOT saved -> check errorHandler then)
 function saveContactFromPost(&$contact, &$post, $pictureFile = null, $adminsave = false)
     $this->contact =& $contact;
     // force by reference
     $post['URLtoMugshot'] = $pictureFile;
     return $this->contact->saveContactFromArray(StringHelper::cleanGPC($post), $adminsave);
예제 #3
* @package plugins
* @author Thomas Katzlberger
require_once 'lib/init.php';
require_once 'Contact.class.php';
require_once 'DB.class.php';
require_once 'StringHelper.class.php';
require_once 'ErrorHandler.class.php';
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $address_id = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['id']);
if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
    $contact = Contact::newContact(intval(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['cid'])));
// use for the google-bubble?
// search correct address in value group ... not very efficient
$adds = $contact->getValueGroup('addresses');
foreach ($adds as $a) {
    if ($a['refid'] == $address_id) {
        $add =& $a;
if (!isset($add)) {
    $errorHandler->error('argVal', 'The address with id=' . $address_id . ' does not exist');
$errorMessage = 'Unable to map this address. The address may not be included in any geocoder currently available here, or it is simply misspelled. Sorry!';
// Cache Geocode ... currently not available, needs API key
  * saves the table (has not to be called by user, called by {@link TableEditor} itself)
  * this function checks for each row and field, if it may be saved by the user, and
  * if the value passed by the user is a legal value (for enum types)
 function save()
     $fields = array();
     $header = null;
     $this->popFields($fields, $header, TRUE);
     $allowedIDs = null;
     if ($this->sql !== null) {
         // same query as display again before save to verify the primKeys that we sent out?
         $allowedIDs = array();
         while ($r = $this->db->next()) {
             $allowedIDs[] = $r[$this->primKey];
     for ($i = 0; isset($_POST[$this->tableName][$i]); $i++) {
         $cur = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST[$this->tableName][$i]);
         if (!isset($cur[$this->primKey])) {
         if ($allowedIDs !== null && !in_array($cur[$this->primKey], $allowedIDs)) {
         $tmp = '';
         foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
             if ($v == 'visible' || !isset($cur[$k])) {
             if (is_array($v) && !isset($v[$cur[$k]])) {
             if (is_array($v) && $cur[$k] == 'NULL') {
                 $tmp .= $k . ' = NULL, ';
             } else {
                 $tmp .= $k . ' = ' . $this->db->escape($cur[$k]) . ', ';
         if (!$tmp) {
         $tmp = 'UPDATE ' . $this->tableName . ' SET ' . mb_substr($tmp, 0, -2);
         $tmp .= ' WHERE ' . $this->primKey . ' = ' . $this->db->escape($cur[$this->primKey]);
require_once 'lib/init.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || !$_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('guest')) {
require_once 'DB.class.php';
require_once 'StringHelper.class.php';
if (isset($_COOKIE["searchtype"])) {
    $type = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_COOKIE["searchtype"]);
} else {
    $type = "name";
$admin = intval($_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin'));
$p = $db->escape(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST['goTo']));
if ($p[0] == "'") {
    $p = mb_substr($p, 1, -1);
$limit = $options->getOption('autocompleteLimit');
switch ($type) {
    case 'name':
        $sel_lname = "SELECT CONCAT(lastname,', ',firstname) AS fullname, '' AS value FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS contact WHERE ";
        $sel_fname = "SELECT CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS fullname, '' AS value FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS contact WHERE ";
        $sel_nname = "SELECT CONCAT(lastname,', ',firstname) AS fullname, nickname AS value FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS contact WHERE ";
        $where_lname = "(lastname LIKE '{$p}%') AND (hidden = 0 OR {$admin})";
        $where_fname = "(firstname LIKE '{$p}%') AND (hidden = 0 OR {$admin})";
        $where_nname = "(nickname LIKE '{$p}%') AND (hidden = 0 OR {$admin})";
        $sql = "({$sel_lname} {$where_lname}) UNION ({$sel_fname} {$where_fname}) UNION ({$sel_nname} {$where_nname}) ORDER BY fullname ASC LIMIT {$limit}";
    case 'email':
예제 #6
// do we have a password?
if (!isset($_POST['user_password']) || !$_POST['user_password']) {
    $errorHandler->error('login', 'Please enter a password');
    // fatal
    // redisplay login page
    $page = new PageLoginScreen(isset($_GET['redirect']) ? $_GET['redirect'] : '');
    echo $page->create();
// create user class with email
$user = new User(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST['user_email']));
// was the email correct?
if ($user->id !== null) {
    // was the password correct?
    if ($user->login(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST['user_password']))) {
        $_SESSION['user'] =& $user;
        $options = new Options($user);
        if ($user->getType() == 'register') {
            if ($user->isConfirmed()) {
                // New User -> Attach Contact
                if ($user->attachContact()) {
                    $flag = 'found';
                } else {
                    $flag = 'created';
                $page = new PageRegister('confirm', $flag, isset($_GET['redirect']) ? $_GET['redirect'] : '');
                echo $page->create();
            } else {
                // User#136 has set an error message; redisplay login page
 function postEmail($eUser)
     global $errorHandler;
     if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
         if (($err = $errorHandler->getLastError('register')) || ($err = $errorHandler->getLastError('mail'))) {
         if ($eUser->id == $_SESSION['user']->id) {
             $_SESSION['user'] = null;
             header('Location:' . Navigation::mainPageUrl());
예제 #8
require_once 'ErrorHandler.class.php';
require_once 'StringHelper.class.php';
require_once 'PageSearchResult.class.php';
require_once 'PageContact.class.php';
// Is a user logged in?
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || !$_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('guest')) {
    $errorHandler->standardError('NOT_LOGGED_IN', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
// Do we have something from the text field??
if (isset($_POST['goTo'])) {
    if ($_POST['goTo'] == 'whoami' && isset($_SESSION['user']->contact['id'])) {
        header("Location: " . $CONFIG_TAB_ROOT . 'contact/contact.php?id=' . $_SESSION['user']->contact['id']);
    // Remove single quotes which come from $db->escape
    $goTo = mb_substr($db->escape(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST['goTo'])), 1, -1);
    // Search the database
    $cList = new ContactList('SELECT *
        FROM ' . TABLE_CONTACT . ' AS contact
            CONCAT(firstname,\' \', lastname) LIKE \'%' . $goTo . '%\' OR
            CONCAT(firstname,\' \', middlename,\' \', lastname) LIKE \'%' . $goTo . '%\' OR
            nickname LIKE \'%' . $goTo . '%\' OR
            CONCAT(lastname,\', \',firstname) LIKE \'%' . $goTo . '%\'
        AND (hidden = 0 OR ' . $db->escape($_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin')) . ')
        ORDER BY lastname ASC, firstname ASC');
    // if theres only one contact, show it
    if (count($cList->getContacts()) == 1) {
        // redirect to the page to have a valid URL in the window
예제 #9
 *  contact/searchlist.php
 *  Lists address book entries from a query in the same format as the main list.
 *  Has a mailing-list function.
require_once 'lib/init.php';
require_once 'PageSearchList.class.php';
require_once 'StringHelper.class.php';
require_once 'HTMLBeautifier.class.php';
require_once 'ErrorHandler.class.php';
// Is someone logged in? Terminate if not
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || !$_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('guest')) {
    $errorHandler->standardError('NOT_LOGGED_IN', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
if (!isset($_GET['group']) || $_GET['group'] == 'hidden' && !$_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin')) {
    $_GET['group'] = '';
if (!isset($_GET['search'])) {
    $_GET['search'] = '';
if (!isset($_GET['type'])) {
    $_GET['type'] = '';
if (!isset($_GET['expand'])) {
    $_GET['expand'] = 0;
// contact/searchlist.php?search=string&type=[name|www|chat|...]
$page = Page::newPage('PageSearchList', StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['search']), StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['type']), StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['expand']));
echo $page->create();
예제 #10
                                             AND certState != ' . $db->escape('revoked'));
     $revokeContacts = new ContactList('SELECT * 
                                             FROM ' . TABLE_CONTACT . ' AS contact
                                             WHERE TO_DAYS(certModifiedAt) = TO_DAYS(' . $date . ')
                                             AND certState = ' . $db->escape('revoked'));
 case 'expired-list':
     // Generate a page that list passwords by group/company
     $page = new PageExpiredList();
     echo $page->create();
 case 'utrack':
     if (!isset($_POST['mails'])) {
     $lines = explode("\n", StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST['mails']));
     $undone = '';
     foreach ($lines as $l) {
         $l = trim($l);
         if (!$l) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_CONTACT . ' AS contact, ' . TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS properties
                 SET certLastUsed = NOW(), certState = "used" 
                 WHERE contact.id = properties.id 
                 AND properties.type = "email" 
                 AND properties.value = ' . $db->escape($l) . '
                 AND ' . VALID_CERT;
         if ($db->rowsAffected() <= 0) {
             $undone .= $l . ',<br>';
  * Create search query
  * init {@link $contactList}, and menu
  * @param search $search partial string to match
  * @param searchtype $searchtype [name|email|www|chat|phone|custom_?] Custom searches defined in config.php, shared with autocomplete.
  * @global array custom searchtypes defined in config.php
  * @global DB used for database access
 function createQuery()
     // create an empty default result - any better way to do this
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS contact WHERE id=-1";
     $db = DB::getSingleton();
     $admin = intval($_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin'));
     $post = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST);
     // projects
     $props = array();
     $tbls = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['p-category'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p1';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p1.id AND p1.type="other" AND (p1.visibility = "visible" AND p1.label="Project Category" AND p1.value LIKE BINARY "%' . substr($db->escape($post['p-category']), 1, -1) . '%" )';
     if (!empty($_POST['p-role'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p2';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p2.id AND p2.type="other" AND (p2.visibility = "visible" AND p2.label="Contract Role" AND    p2.value=' . $db->escape($post['p-role']) . ')';
     if (!empty($_POST['p-company'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p3';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p3.id AND p3.type="other" AND (p3.visibility = "visible" AND p3.label="Applicant" AND        p3.value LIKE "%' . substr($db->escape($post['p-company']), 1, -1) . '%" )';
     if (!empty($_POST['p-value'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p4';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p4.id AND p4.type="other" AND (p4.visibility = "visible" AND p4.label="SWARCO Value" AND     p4.value > ' . $db->escape($post['p-value']) . ')';
     if (!empty($_POST['p-after'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_DATES . ' AS d';
         $props[] = 'c.id=d.id AND (d.label="Completed" AND         d.value1 > ' . $db->escape($post['p-after']) . ')';
     $propsel = implode(' AND ', $props);
     if (!empty($propsel)) {
         $tables = implode(', ', $tbls);
         $sel = "SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS c, {$tables} WHERE ";
         $where = "c.xsltDisplayType='project' AND c.hidden=0 AND {$propsel} ORDER BY lastname";
         $sql = "{$sel} {$where}";
         //echo $sql;
         return $sql;
     // project opportunity
     $props = array();
     $tbls = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['o-category'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p1';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p1.id AND p1.type="other" AND (p1.label="Project Category" AND p1.value LIKE BINARY "%' . substr($db->escape($post['o-category']), 1, -1) . '%" )';
     if (!empty($_POST['o-role'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p2';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p2.id AND p2.type="other" AND (p2.label="Contract Role" AND    p2.value=' . $db->escape($post['o-role']) . ')';
     if (!empty($_POST['o-company'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p3';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p3.id AND p3.type="other" AND (p3.label="Applicant" AND        p3.value LIKE "%' . substr($db->escape($post['o-company']), 1, -1) . '%" )';
     if (!empty($_POST['o-value'])) {
         $tbls[] = TABLE_PROPERTIES . ' AS p4';
         $props[] = 'c.id=p4.id AND p4.type="other" AND (p4.label="SWARCO Value" AND     p4.value > ' . $db->escape($post['o-value']) . ')';
     $propsel = implode(' AND ', $props);
     if (!empty($propsel)) {
         $tables = implode(', ', $tbls);
         $sel = "SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS c, {$tables} WHERE ";
         $where = "c.xsltDisplayType='opportunity' AND c.hidden=0 AND {$propsel} ORDER BY lastname";
         $sql = "{$sel} {$where}";
         //echo $sql;
         return $sql;
     // project candidate
     $props = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['c-position'])) {
         $props[] = 'd1.label=' . $db->escape($post['c-position']);
     if (!empty($_POST['c-experience'])) {
         $props[] = 'd1.value1 < ' . $db->escape($post['c-experience']);
     $propsel = implode(' AND ', $props);
     if (!empty($propsel)) {
         $sel = "SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM " . TABLE_CONTACT . " AS c, " . TABLE_DATES . " AS d1 WHERE ";
         $where = "c.id=d1.id AND ({$propsel}) AND (d1.visibility = 'visible' OR {$admin}) AND (c.hidden = 0 OR {$admin}) AND c.xsltDisplayType='expertise' ORDER BY lastname";
         $sql = "{$sel} {$where}";
         //echo $sql;
         return $sql;
     return $sql;
예제 #12
            $classname = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['plugin']);
            $plugin = new $classname();
            $db->query('UPDATE ' . TABLE_PLUGINS . ' SET state = ' . $db->escape('activated') . '
                WHERE name = ' . $db->escape(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['plugin'])));
    case 'upgrade':
        if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) {
            $classname = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['plugin']);
            $db->query('SELECT version FROM ' . TABLE_PLUGINS . ' WHERE name="' . $classname . '"');
            // retrieve old version
            $r = $db->next();
            $plugin = new $classname();
    case 'uninstall':
        if (isset($_GET['plugin'])) {
            $classname = StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['plugin']);
            $plugin = new $classname();
            $db->query('UPDATE ' . TABLE_PLUGINS . ' SET state = ' . $db->escape('not installed') . '
                WHERE name = ' . $db->escape(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['plugin'])));
// show admin panel
$page = new PageAdminPanel();
echo $page->create();
예제 #13
        if (!$user->attachContact() || !$user->contact['id'] == StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['id'])) {
            $errorHandler->error('register', 'This e-mail doesn\'t belong to this contact');
            $flag = 'error';
        $flag = 'ok';
    case 'resend':
        if (!isset($_GET['email'])) {
        $user = new User(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['email']));
        if ($user->id === null) {
            $errorHandler->error('register', 'A user with this e-mail does not exist');
            $flag = 'error';
        if ($user->isConfirmed()) {
            $errorHandler->error('register', 'This user does not need to be confirmed');
            $flag = 'error';
        $flag = 'ok';
$page = new PageRegister(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['mode']), $flag, isset($_GET['redirect']) ? $_GET['redirect'] : '');
echo $page->create();
예제 #14
 *  Lists address book entries. This is the main page that is displazed as default after login.
require_once 'lib/init.php';
require_once 'PageList.class.php';
require_once 'StringHelper.class.php';
require_once 'HTMLBeautifier.class.php';
require_once 'ErrorHandler.class.php';
// Is someone logged in? Terminate if not
$rightsManager = RightsManager::getSingleton();
// Allowed to view list
if (!$rightsManager->currentUserIsAllowedTo('view-list')) {
    $errorHandler->standardError('PERMISSION_DENIED', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
if (!isset($_GET['group']) || $_GET['group'] == 'hidden' && !$_SESSION['user']->isAtLeast('admin')) {
    $_GET['group'] = '';
if (!isset($_GET['begin'])) {
    $_GET['begin'] = '';
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $_GET['page'] = 0;
if (!isset($_GET['expand'])) {
    $_GET['expand'] = 0;
$page = Page::newPage('PageList', StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['group']), $_GET['expand'], StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['begin']), intval(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['page'])));
//echo HTMLBeautifier::beautify($page->create());
echo $page->create();
  * Returns true on success false on errors (contact NOT saved -> check errorHandler then)
 function saveContactFromPost(&$contact, &$post, $pictureFile = null, $adminsave = false)
     // interaction PHP/widgEditor
     $post['contact']['notes'] = $post['contactNotes'];
     $this->contact =& $contact;
     // force by reference
     $post['URLtoMugshot'] = $pictureFile;
     $p = StringHelper::cleanGPC($post);
     return $this->contact->saveContactFromArray($p, $adminsave);
예제 #16
//Render the frontpage title
$pdf->frontpage_title($frontpage_title, $your_domain, 50, $pdf->y - 100, 80, 80, 200);
$pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(560, 25, 10, '', '', 1);
$size = 10;
$height = $pdf->getFontHeight($size);
$textOptions = array('justification' => 'left');
$collecting = 0;
$code = '';
$counter = 0;
//used to count 8 to a page
if (!isset($_GET['group'])) {
    $_GET['group'] = '';
$list = new GroupContactList(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_GET['group']));
$conts = $list->getContacts();
foreach ($conts as $c) {
    $pdf->renderAddress($CONFIG_PDFBOOK_LINE_HEIGHT, $CONFIG_PDFBOOK_FONT_SIZE, createLinesFromContact($c), new ContactImage($c));
$pdf->ezStopPageNumbers(1, 1);
// Debug section...............................................................................................
// adding ?d=1 to the url calling this will cause the pdf code itself to ve echoed to the
// browser, this is quite useful for debugging purposes.
if (!empty($_GET['d'])) {
    $pdfcode = $pdf->ezOutput(1);
    $pdfcode = str_replace("\n", "\n<br>", htmlspecialchars($pdfcode));
    echo '<html><body>';
    echo trim($pdfcode);
    echo '</body></html>';
} else {
     // delete labels of empty entries to make mandatory entries optional
     foreach ($_POST['date'] as &$x) {
         if (empty($x['value1']) && empty($x['value2'])) {
             $x['label'] = '';
     if (!empty($_POST['contact']['notes'])) {
         $_POST['contact']['notes'] = XSLTUtility::arrayToXMLraw($_POST['contact']['notes'], $h = false);
     $_POST['URLtoMugshot'] = isset($_FILES['contact']['tmp_name']['pictureData']['file']) ? $_FILES['contact']['tmp_name']['pictureData']['file'] : null;
     // pic upload error!!
     if (!empty($_FILES['contact']['name']['pictureData']['file']) && empty($_FILES['contact']['tmp_name']['pictureData']['file'])) {
         $errorHandler->warning('File upload failed! Error code (6 means tmp directory not writeable): ' . $_FILES['contact']['error']['pictureData']['file'], basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
     $save = $contact->saveContactFromArray(StringHelper::cleanGPC($_POST));
 case 'contact_NoMandatoryEntries':
     if ($_POST['duplicateContact'] == 1) {
         foreach ($_POST['address'] as &$x) {
     // delete labels of empty entries to make mandatory entries optional
     if (isset($_POST['www'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['www'] as &$x) {
             if (empty($x['value'])) {
                 $x['label'] = '';