function initialize(&$request) { parent::initialize($request); $roleId = $request->getUserVar('roleId'); assert(is_numeric($roleId)); $this->setRoleId($roleId); if ($request->getUserVar('title')) { $title = $request->getUserVar('title'); } else { $role =& new Role($roleId); $title = $role->getRoleName(); } // Need a unique ID for each group listbuilder $this->setId($this->getId() . '-' . String::camelize(Locale::translate($title))); // Basic configuration $this->setTitle($title); $this->setSourceTitle('manager.setup.roleName'); $this->setSourceType(LISTBUILDER_SOURCE_TYPE_TEXT); // Free text input $this->setListTitle('manager.setup.currentRoles'); $this->setAttributeNames(array('manager.setup.roleAbbrev')); $this->_loadList($request); $this->addColumn(new GridColumn('item', 'manager.setup.roleName')); $this->addColumn(new GridColumn('attribute', 'manager.setup.roleAbbrev')); }
function log($priority, $message, $file = null, $line = null, $e = null) { $schema = "DEFAULT"; $table = "logs"; $trace = ""; if (!empty($e)) { $trace = $e->getTraceAsString(); } if (is_object($message)) { $message = JSON::encode($message); } $now = new Date(); $log = array(); $log["priority"] = $priority; $log["message"] = $message; $log["trace"] = $trace; $log["file"] = $file; $log["line"] = $line; $log["createdBy"] = "SYS"; $log["createdTime"] = $now; $log["updatedBy"] = "SYS"; $log["updatedTime"] = $now; $driver = $GLOBALS["CFG_DB"]->CON[$schema]->DRIVER; $insert = new Insert($table, $log, $schema); $link = DB::connect(); $success = mysql_query($insert->sql(), $link); if (!$success) { $result = Bean::invoke(String::camelize('_'.$driver.'_driver'), "error", array($schema)); throw new Exception("Cannot persist object. ".$result); } }
function valueString() { reset($this->meta); $values = array(); while(list(,$meta) = each($this->meta)) { $value = Bean::get($this->value, String::camelize($meta["name"])); $values[] = $this->escape($value, $meta["name"]); } return implode(', ', $values); }
function listen() { $pathInfo = Apu::fetchPath(); $className = String::camelize("_".$pathInfo["class"]."_action"); reset($GLOBALS["CFG_ACTION"]->NS); foreach ($GLOBALS["CFG_ACTION"]->NS as $ns) { Apu::import($ns.'/'.$className.".php"); } $action = new $className($pathInfo["method"]); $action->listen(); }
function delete($table, $obj, $schema = "DEFAULT") { $driver = $GLOBALS["CFG_DB"]->CON[$schema]->DRIVER; $objId = Bean::get($obj, "__ID__"); if (empty($objId)) { throw new Exception("Cannot delete unpersisted object"); } $delete = new Delete($table, $obj, $schema); $success = DB::query($delete, $schema); if (!$success) { $result = Bean::invoke(String::camelize('_'.$driver.'_driver'), "error", array($schema)); throw new Exception("Cannot delete object. ".$result); } }
private function delegate() { $controller = String::camelize($this->map['controller']) . 'Controller'; if (!class_exists($controller)) { trigger_error("Route Error: The class `{$controller}` does't appear to be valid.", E_USER_ERROR); die(); } $klass = new $controller ($this->map); if(!method_exists($klass, $this->map['action'])) { trigger_error("Route Error: The method `{$this->map['action']}` does't appear to be valid.", E_USER_ERROR); die(); } call_user_func_array(array($klass, $this->map['action']), array()); if($klass->redirection !== true) new ActionView($klass, $this->map); }
/** * Retrieve the requested operation from the request * * NB: This can be an operation that not actually * exists in the requested component. * * @param $request PKPRequest * @return string the requested operation or an empty string * if none can be found. */ function getRequestedOp(&$request) { if (is_null($this->_op)) { $this->_op = ''; // Retrieve the service endpoint parts from the request. if (is_null($rpcServiceEndpointParts = $this->_getValidatedServiceEndpointParts($request))) { // Endpoint parts cannot be found in the request return ''; } // Pop off the operation part $this->_op = String::camelize(array_pop($rpcServiceEndpointParts), CAMEL_CASE_HEAD_DOWN); } return $this->_op; }
/** * Parse table properties to build class methods * * @param string $field The field name from the current table * @return array An array of values to build the method */ private function _parseVars($field) { $field['getMethodName'] = 'get' . String::camelize($field['Field']); $field['setMethodName'] = 'set' . String::camelize($field['Field']); if ($field['Key'] != '') { $field['LoadByMethodName'] = 'loadBy' . String::camelize($field['Field']); $field['LoadMethod'] = 'fetchAllObject'; if ($field['Key'] == 'UNI' || $field['Key'] == 'PRI' && count($this->_primaryKeys) == 1) { $field['LoadMethod'] = 'fetchObject'; } } return $field; }
function escape($value, $name) { $schema = $this->schema; $driver = $GLOBALS["CFG_DB"]->CON[$schema]->DRIVER; $value = Bean::invoke(String::camelize('_'.$driver.'_driver'), "escape", array($value, $name, $this->meta)); return $value; }
/** * Returns a canonical form of the property * name ready to be used as a property id in an * external context (e.g. Forms or Templates). * @return string */ function getId() { // Replace special characters in XPath-like names // as 'person-group[@person-group-type="author"]'. $from = array('[', ']', '@', '"', '='); $to = array('-', '', '', '', '-'); $propertyId = trim(str_replace($from, $to, $this->getName()), '-'); $propertyId = String::camelize($propertyId); return $propertyId; }
function query($query, $schema = "DEFAULT") { $q = ""; if ($query instanceof Query) { $q = $query->sql(); } else { $q = $query; } $link = MysqlDriver::connect($schema); $result = mysql_query($q, $link); $rows = array(); if ($result) { if (is_bool($result)) { return $result; } $fieldNames = array(); $camelizeNames = array(); $fieldTypes = array(); $fieldCount = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldCount; $i++) { $fieldNames[$i] = mysql_field_name($result, $i); $camelizeNames[$i] = String::camelize($fieldNames[$i]); $fieldTypes[$i] = mysql_field_type($result, $i); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $r = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldCount; $i++) { if ($fieldTypes[$i] == "datetime") { $r[$camelizeNames[$i]] = &new Date($row[$fieldNames[$i]]); } else { $r[$camelizeNames[$i]] = &$row[$fieldNames[$i]]; } } $r["__ID__"] = $row["id"]; $rows[] = &$r; } mysql_free_result($result); return $rows; } else { return false; } }
function listen() { $this->pre(); $methodName = String::camelize("do_".$this->method); Bean::invoke($this, $methodName); $this->post(); }
public function testCamelize() { $this->assertEquals('CamalCaseString', String::camelize('camal-case-string')); }
function set_controller_class() { $name = $this->controller_name; $namespace = '\\Leeflets\\Controller\\'; if (!$name && !$this->action) { $this->controller_name = 'home'; $this->controller_class = $namespace . 'Home'; $this->action = 'index'; return; } $name = preg_replace('@[/\\-\\.]@', '_', $name); $class = $namespace . String::camelize($name); if (!class_exists($class)) { $path = File::get_class_file_path($this->config, ltrim($class, '\\')); if (!file_exists($path) || !method_exists($class, $this->action)) { $this->controller_name = 'error'; $this->controller_class = $namespace . 'Error'; $this->action = 'e404'; return; } } $this->controller_class = $class; }
/** * Set an object properties, the object must extends Document * * @param Document $object The object to set properties * @return Document The object with setted properties */ public function setObjProperties(Document $object) { foreach ($this->getValues() as $k => $v) { $method = 'set' . ucfirst(String::camelize($k)); $object->{$method}($v); } return $object; }