/** * show all dishes for a specific store * * @param integer $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function getDishes($id) { if ($store = Store::find($id)) { return View::make('store.dishes', ['store' => $store]); } return Redirect::back(); }
public function getMenu($id) { $img = Store::find($id); $path = $img->menu; $mime = $img->mime; header("Content-Type: {$mime}"); readfile($path); exit; }
function getStores() { $brand_stores = array(); $db_stores = $GLOBALS['DB']->query("SELECT stores.* FROM\n brands JOIN brands_stores ON (brands.id = brands_stores.brand_id)\n JOIN stores ON (brands_stores.store_id = stores.id)\n WHERE brands.id = {$this->getId()};"); foreach ($db_stores as $store) { $found_store = Store::find($store['id']); array_push($brand_stores, $found_store); } return $brand_stores; }
function testFind() { $name = "Clides"; $test_store = new Store($name); $test_store->save(); $name2 = "Marthas"; $test_store2 = new Store($name2); $test_store2->save(); $result = Store::find($test_store2->getId()); $this->assertEquals($test_store2, $result); }
public function detail($id) { $param['store'] = StoreModel::find($id); $param['servedCount'] = QueueModel::where('store_id', $id)->count(); $userId = Session::has('user_id') ? Session::get('user_id') : 0; $queueNo = QueueModel::where('user_id', $userId)->where('store_id', $id)->whereRaw('DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW())')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); if (count($queueNo) > 0) { $queueNo = $queueNo[0]->queue_no; } else { $queueNo = null; } $param['queueNo'] = $queueNo; return View::make('user.store.detail')->with($param); }
public function apply() { if (Input::has('store_id')) { $storeId = Input::get('store_id'); $status = StatusModel::where('store_id', $storeId)->first(); $queueNo = $status->last_queue_no; $status->last_queue_no = $queueNo + 1; $status->save(); $store = StoreModel::find($storeId); return Response::json(['result' => 'success', 'msg' => '', 'queue_no' => $queueNo + 1, 'created_at' => $status->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'logo' => HTTP_PATH . "/assets/img/logo.png"]); } else { return Response::json(['result' => 'failed', 'msg' => 'Invalid Request']); } }
public function detail() { if (Input::has('store_id') && Input::has('user_id')) { $storeId = Input::get('store_id'); $userId = Input::get('user_id'); $store = StoreModel::find($storeId); $queueNo = QueueModel::where('user_id', $userId)->where('store_id', $storeId)->whereRaw('DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW())')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); if (count($queueNo) > 0) { $queueNo = $queueNo[0]->queue_no; } else { $queueNo = null; } return Response::json(['result' => 'success', 'msg' => '', 'store_name' => $store->name, 'company_name' => $store->company->name, 'company_logo' => HTTP_LOGO_PATH . $store->company->setting->logo, 'company_created_at' => $store->company->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'estimated_waiting' => count($store->activeAgent) == 0 ? '---' : ceil(($store->status->last_queue_no - $store->status->current_queue_no) / count($store->activeAgent)) * ($store->company->setting->waiting_time / 60) . 'min', 'next_number' => $store->status->last_queue_no, 'description' => str_replace('src="/assets', 'src="' . HTTP_PATH . '/assets', $store->description), 'category_name' => $store->company->category->name, 'city_name' => $store->company->city->name, 'address' => $store->address, 'total_customers_served' => QueueModel::where('store_id', $storeId)->count(), 'current_number' => $store->status->current_queue_no, 'queue_no' => $queueNo]); } else { return Response::json(['result' => 'failed', 'msg' => 'Invalid Request']); } }
/** * create a delivery * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postCreate() { $nowDateTime = $this->getDateTimeAfterNow(5); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('store' => 'required|numeric|exists:stores,id', 'closing_time' => 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s|after:' . $nowDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); if ($validator->passes() === false) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator); } $storeId = Input::get('store'); $closingTime = Input::get('closing_time'); $store = Store::find($storeId); $delivery = new Delivery(); $delivery->user()->associate(Auth::user()); $delivery->store()->associate($store); $delivery->closing_time = $closingTime; $delivery->save(); // push notification F4H\Pusher::push('delivery.created', array('user' => Auth::user()->email, 'store' => $store->name, 'closing_time' => $closingTime, 'delivery' => $delivery->getKey())); return Redirect::route('delivery.active'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $file = $this->argument('file'); $storeId = $this->argument('storeId'); if (file_exists($file) === false || is_readable($file) === false) { $this->error('"' . $file . '" does not exist or is not readable.'); return; } if (Store::find($storeId)->getKey() === null) { $this->error('A store with ID "' . $storeId . '" does not exist.'); return; } $this->info('Importing dishes from "' . $file . '" to store with ID ' . $storeId . '...'); $header = $this->readLine(); while (($line = $this->readLine()) !== FALSE) { $dish = $this->getNewObject($this->mergeData($header, $line)); $dish->save(); $this->comment(' - "' . $dish->name . '" ID: ' . $dish->getKey()); } $this->info('Importing stores completed.'); }
function test_find() { //Arrange $retailer = "Nordstrom"; $address = "1234 SW Main Street"; $phone = "123-456-7890"; $id = null; $test_store = new Store($retailer, $address, $phone, $id); $test_store->save(); $retailer2 = "Macys"; $address2 = "400 SW 6th Avenue"; $phone2 = "888-888-8888"; $test_store2 = new Store($retailer2, $address2, $phone2, $id); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store2->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store2, $result); }
function test_find() { //Arrange $id = null; $store_name = "Fred Meyers"; $test_store = new Store($id, $store_name); $test_store->save(); $id2 = null; $store_name2 = "Walmart"; $test_store2 = new Store($id2, $store_name2); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
function testFind() { //Arrange $name = "shoe store"; $location = "1234 nw 1st street"; $id = 4; $test_store = new Store($name, $location, $id); $test_store->save(); $name2 = "other store"; $location2 = "5555 sw 2nd street"; $id2 = 3; $test_store2 = new Store($name2, $location2, $id2); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store2->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store2, $result); }
function test_find() { //Arrange $store_name = "Portland Running Company"; $id = null; $test_store = new Store($store_name, $id); $test_store->save(); $store_name2 = "New Balance"; $test_store2 = new Store($store_name2, $id); $test_store2->save(); //Act $id = $test_store->getId(); $result = Store::find($id); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
public function save_store() { $id = Input::get('id'); $white = Input::file('logo_white'); $color = Input::file('logo'); $store = Store::find($id); $cities = City::all(); $zipcodes = array(); foreach ($cities as $city) { array_push($zipcodes, $city->zipcode); } $flag = 0; if (!$store) { $store = new Store(); $flag = 1; } $store->name = Input::get('name'); $store->minimum_order_amount = Input::get('minimum_order_amount'); $validator = Validator::make(array('white' => $white, 'color' => $color), array('white' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,bmp,png', 'color' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,bmp,png')); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_messages = $validator->messages(); $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid Input', 'error_code' => 401); $response_code = 200; $message = "Invalid Input File"; $type = "failed"; return Redirect::to('/admin/stores')->with('type', $type)->with('message', $message); } else { if (Input::hasFile('logo')) { $store->logo_url = upload_image(Input::file('logo')); } else { if ($flag == 1) { $store->logo_url = web_url() . "/uploads/default_store_logo.png"; } } if (Input::hasFile('logo_white')) { $store->logo_white_url = upload_image(Input::file('logo_white')); } else { if ($flag == 1) { $store->logo_white_url = web_url() . "/uploads/default_white_store_logo.png"; } } $store->save(); StoreLocation::where('store_id', $id)->delete(); foreach ($zipcodes as $zipcode) { $store_location = new StoreLocation(); $store_location->store_id = $store->id; $store_location->zipcode = $zipcode; $store_location->save(); } $message = "Successfully updated the store"; $type = "success"; return Redirect::to('/admin/stores')->with('type', $type)->with('message', $message); } }
function test_find() { //Arrange $name = "House of Shoes and Waffles"; $address = "123 Street"; $phone = "4-44"; $test_store = new Store($name, $address, $phone); $test_store->save(); $name2 = "Bob's Shoe Palace"; $address2 = "456 Main Street"; $phone2 = "1-800-NEW-SHOE"; $test_store2 = new Store($name, $address, $phone); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store2->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store2, $result); }
function test_find() { //Arrange $store_name = "Flying Shoes"; $id = 1; $test_store = new Store($store_name, $id); $test_store->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
$app->get('/store/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); return $app['twig']->render('store_edit.html.twig', array('store' => $store)); }); $app->patch('/stores/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); $store->update($_POST['name']); $brands = $store->getBrands(); $all_brands = Brand::getAll(); return $app['twig']->render('stores.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $brands, 'all_brands' => $all_brands)); }); $app->delete('/stores/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); $store->delete(); return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', array('stores' => Store::getAll(), 'brands' => Brand::getAll())); }); $app->get('/brands/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $brand = Brand::find($id); $stores = $brand->getStores(); $all_stores = Store::getAll(); return $app['twig']->render('brands.html.twig', array('brand' => $brand, 'stores' => $stores, 'all_stores' => $all_stores)); }); $app->post('/add_stores', function () use($app) { $brand = Brand::find($_POST['brand_id']); $store = Store::find($_POST['store_id']); $brand->addStore($store); $stores = $brand->getStores(); $all_stores = Store::getAll(); return $app['twig']->render('brands.html.twig', array('brand' => $brand, 'stores' => $stores, 'all_stores' => $all_stores)); }); return $app;
public function checkout_step3() { // Processing Cart $cart_id = $this->cart_id; if (!$cart_id) { $cart_id = Input::get('cart_id'); } $address_id = Input::get('address_id'); $payment_id = Input::get('payment_id'); $cart_products = DB::table('cart_products')->where('cart_id', $cart_id)->leftJoin('products', 'cart_products.product_id', '=', 'products.id')->leftJoin('users', 'cart_products.added_by', '=', 'users.id')->select('products.*', 'cart_products.quantity as cart_quantity', 'users.first_name as added_by')->orderBy('store_id')->get(); $cart_users = DB::table('cart_users')->leftJoin('users', 'cart_users.user_id', '=', 'users.id')->select('users.*')->get(); $response_array['cart'] = Cart::find($cart_id)->toArray(); $response_array['cart']['total_amount'] = 0; $response_array['cart']['total_quantity'] = 0; $response_array['cart']['users'] = array(); $response_array['cart']['stores'] = array(); $store_id = 0; if ($cart_products) { $response_array['cart']['is_minimum_reached'] = 1; foreach ($cart_products as $cart_product) { if ($store_id != $cart_product->store_id) { $store_id = $cart_product->store_id; // Retriving Store $store = Store::find($store_id)->toArray(); // Retriving Delivery Slot $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $slot = Slot::where('store_id', $store_id)->where('start_time', '>', $time)->where('is_available', 1)->orderBy('start_time')->first(); if ($slot) { $next_slot_start = date("D, jS M, H a", strtotime($slot->start_time)); $next_slot_end = date("h a", strtotime($slot->end_time)); $next_slot = $next_slot_start . " - " . $next_slot_end; } else { $next_slot = "No Slots available"; } $store['slot'] = $next_slot; $store['count'] = 1; $store['sub_total'] = 0; $response_array['cart']['stores'][$store_id] = $store; $response_array['cart']['stores'][$store_id]['products'] = array(); } else { $response_array['cart']['stores'][$store_id]['count'] += 1; } $product = json_decode(json_encode($cart_product), true); $product['sub_total'] = $product['cart_quantity'] * $product['price']; $response_array['cart']['stores'][$store_id]['sub_total'] += $product['sub_total']; $response_array['cart']['total_amount'] += $product['sub_total']; $response_array['cart']['total_quantity']++; array_push($response_array['cart']['stores'][$store_id]['products'], $product); } } if ($cart_users) { foreach ($cart_users as $cart_user) { $product = json_decode(json_encode($cart_user), true); array_push($response_array['cart']['users'], $cart_user); } } foreach ($response_array['cart']['stores'] as $st) { if ($st['sub_total'] < $st['minimum_order_amount']) { $response_array['cart']['is_minimum_reached'] = 0; } } if (isset($response_array['cart']['is_minimum_reached']) && $response_array['cart']['is_minimum_reached'] == 1) { $order = new Order(); $order->user_id = $this->user_id; $order->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order->total_products = $response_array['cart']['total_quantity']; $order->total_amount = $response_array['cart']['total_amount']; $order->payment_id = $payment_id; $order->address_id = $address_id; $payment = Payment::find($payment_id); $order->payment_customer_id = $payment->customer_id; $address = UserAddress::find($address_id); $order->address = $address->address . " " . $address->zipcode; $order->status = "Initiated"; $order->save(); foreach ($cart_products as $cart_product) { $order_product = new OrderProduct(); $order_product->order_id = $order->id; $product = Product::find($cart_product->id); $product->total_sale += $cart_product->cart_quantity; $product->save(); $order_product->price = $cart_product->price; $order_product->quantity = $cart_product->cart_quantity; $order_product->fulfilment_status = "Pending"; $order_product->type = "Product"; $order_product->parent_id = 0; $order_product->product_name = $product->name; $order_product->product_image_url = $product->image_url; $order_product->product_quantity = $product->quantity; $order_product->product_unit = $product->unit; $order_product->store_id = $product->store_id; $order_product->save(); } // removing products from cart CartProduct::where('cart_id', $cart_id)->delete(); // Order Placement Mail $user = User::find($this->user_id); Mail::send('emails.order_success', array('user' => $user, 'order' => $order), function ($message) use($user) { $message->to($user->email, $user->first_name)->subject('Thanks for placing the order!'); }); // Order Placement Mail to Admin $admin_email = Config::get('app.admin_email'); Mail::send('emails.admin_order_success', array('user' => $user, 'order' => $order), function ($message) use($admin_email) { $message->to($admin_email, "Admin")->subject('New Order!'); }); } else { $message = "Minimum order amount not reached"; if (Request::format() == 'html') { return View::make('checkout_step3')->with('store', $this->store)->with('departments', $this->departments)->with('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->with('city', $this->city)->with('stores1', $this->stores)->with('message', $message); } else { $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error_code' => 411, 'error' => $message); $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } } if (Request::format() == 'html') { return View::make('checkout_step3')->with('store', $this->store)->with('departments', $this->departments)->with('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->with('city', $this->city)->with('stores1', $this->stores)->with('message', 'Thanks for placing your Order!!'); } else { $response_array = array('success' => true); $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } }
function testFind() { $store_name = "Beacons Closet"; $new_store = new Store($store_name); $new_store->save(); $store_name2 = "Buffalo Exchange"; $new_store2 = new Store($store_name); $new_store2->save(); $result = Store::find($new_store->getId()); $this->assertEquals($new_store, $result); }
function testFind() { //Arrange $store_name = "Norstrom"; $id = null; $test_store = new Store($store_name, $id); $test_store->save(); $another_store = "Madewell"; $test_store2 = new Store($another_store, $id); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $store->getBrands(), 'form_check' => false, 'store_update' => false)); }); // This route deletes specific store $app->delete("/delete_store/{id}", function ($id) use($app) { $id = $_POST['store_id']; $store = Store::find($id); $store->delete(); return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', array('stores' => Store::getAll(), 'form_check' => false)); }); $app->get("/form_brand", function () use($app) { $store = Store::find($_GET['store_id']); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $store->getBrands(), 'form_check' => true, 'store_update' => false)); }); $app->post("/add_brand", function () use($app) { $name = $_POST['name']; $brand = new Brand($name, $id = null); $brand->save(); $store_id = $_POST['store_id']; $store = Store::find($store_id); $store->addBrand($brand->getId()); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $store->getBrands(), 'form_check' => false, 'store_update' => false)); }); // This route deletes a specific brand from a store $app->delete("/delete_brand/{id}", function ($id) use($app) { $id = $_POST['brand_id']; $store_id = $_POST['store_id']; $store = Store::find($store_id); $store->deleteBrand($id); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $store->getBrands(), 'form_check' => false, 'store_update' => false)); }); return $app;
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $store = new Store(); $projectionsMap = [GuestsArrivingProjection::class => new GuestsArrivingProjection($store), GuestNamesProjection::class => new GuestNamesProjection($store)]; $dispatcher = new Dispatcher($projectionsMap); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- $guestRegisteredEvent = new GuestRegistered(); $guestRegisteredEvent->fullName = "Jon Doe"; $guestRegisteredEvent->guestId = "guest_1"; $event = new GuestBookedAppointment(); $event->appointmentId = '1'; $event->appointmentDateAndTime = new \DateTime(); $event->feelGoodPackageId = '2'; $event->guestId = 'guest_1'; $event->subsidiaryId = 'belgium'; $dispatcher->dispatch($guestRegisteredEvent); $dispatcher->dispatch($event); $guestsArriving = $store->find('1'); belgianAssert($guestsArriving !== null, 'not found'); belgianAssert($guestsArriving->guestId === 'guest_1', 'wrong guest value'); belgianAssert($guestsArriving->fullName === 'Jon Doe', 'wrong name of guest'); $guestName = $store->find('guest_1'); belgianAssert($guestName === 'Jon Doe', 'wrong guest name value'); function belgianAssert($condition, $message) { if (!$condition) { throw new \Exception($message); } } var_dump($guestsArriving);
public function delete($id) { try { StoreModel::find($id)->delete(); $alert['msg'] = 'Store has been deleted successfully'; $alert['type'] = 'success'; } catch (\Exception $ex) { $alert['msg'] = 'This Store has been already used'; $alert['type'] = 'danger'; } return Redirect::route('company.store')->with('alert', $alert); }
public function search_products() { $store_id = Request::segment(2); $this->store = Store::find($store_id); if (!$this->store) { if (Request::format() == 'html') { // Not Found Page die; } else { $response_array = array('success' => 'false', 'error_code' => '404', 'error' => 'Store not Found'); $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } } if (Input::has('per_page')) { $per_page = Input::get('per_page'); } else { $per_page = 20; } if (Input::has('page')) { $page = Input::get('page'); } else { $page = 0; } $shelf_data['products'] = array(); $query = Product::where('store_id', $store_id); if (Input::has('q')) { $q = Input::get('q'); $query = $query->where('products.name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%'); } $brands = $query->leftJoin('brands', 'products.brand_id', '=', 'brands.id')->select(DB::raw('distinct brands.*'))->get(); $query = Product::where('store_id', $store_id); if (Input::has('q')) { $q = Input::get('q'); $query = $query->where('products.name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%'); } $options = $query->leftJoin('product_tag', 'products.id', '=', 'product_tag.product_id')->Join('options', 'product_tag.option_id', '=', 'options.id')->select(DB::raw('distinct options.*'))->get(); $query = Product::where('store_id', $store_id); $base_search_url = web_url() . "/store/" . $store_id . "/search?q=" . Input::get('q'); if (Input::has('q')) { $q = Input::get('q'); $query = $query->where('products.name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%'); } $base_search_url_options = $base_search_url; if (Input::has('options')) { $option_ids = Input::get('options'); $query = $query->leftJoin('product_tag', 'products.id', '=', 'product_tag.product_id')->whereIn('product_tag.option_id', Input::get('options')); foreach (Input::get('options') as $option) { $base_search_url_options .= "&options[]=" . $option; } } else { $option_ids = array(); } $base_search_url_brand = $base_search_url; if (Input::has('brand')) { $brand_id = Input::get('brand'); $query = $query->where('brand_id', Input::get('brand')); $base_search_url_brand .= "&brand=" . Input::get('brand'); } else { $brand_id = 0; } /* if(Input::has('sort_by') && Input::get('sort_by') == 'price'){ $query = $query->orderBy('price'); } else { $query = $query->orderBy('total_sale','desc'); } */ $query = $query->orderBy('shelf_id'); $products = $query->select('products.*')->distinct()->get(); $shelves = array(); $shelf_id = 0; foreach ($products as $product) { if ($product->shelf_id != $shelf_id) { $shelf = Shelf::find($product->shelf_id); $shelf_id = $product->shelf_id; $shelves[$shelf_id] = $shelf->toArray(); $shelves[$shelf_id]['products'] = array(); } $shelf_product = $product->toArray(); array_push($shelves[$shelf_id]['products'], $shelf_product); } $response_array['shelves'] = $shelves; $response_array['brands'] = $brands->toArray(); $response_array['options'] = $options->toArray(); if (Request::format() == 'html' && $page == 0) { Session::put('store_id', $store_id); return View::make('search')->with('data', $response_array)->with('store', $this->store)->with('departments', $this->departments)->with('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->with('city', $this->city)->with('stores', $this->stores)->with('q', Input::get('q'))->with('base_search_url_brand', $base_search_url_brand)->with('base_search_url_options', $base_search_url_options)->with('option_ids', $option_ids)->with('brand_id', $brand_id); } else { $response_array['success'] = 'true'; $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } }
function testFindById() { //Arrange $name = "Shoe Store 1"; $id = 1; $test_store = new Store($name, $id); $test_store->save(); $name2 = "Shoe Store 2"; $id = 2; $test_store2 = new Store($name2, $id); $test_store2->save(); //Act $search_id = $test_store->getId(); $result = Store::find($search_id); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); var_dump($test_store); var_dump($result); }
function test_find() { //Arrange $store_name = "jerrys shoes "; $test_store = new Store($store_name); $test_store->save(); $store_name2 = "newmans shoes "; $test_store2 = new Store($store_name2); $test_store2->save(); //Act $result = Store::find($test_store->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
function test_find() { $test_name = "Nordstrom"; $test_id = 1; $test_store = new Store($test_name, $test_id); $test_store->save(); $test_name2 = "Bloomingdales"; $test_id2 = 2; $test_store2 = new Store($test_name2, $test_id2); $test_store2->save(); $result = Store::find($test_store->getId()); $this->assertEquals($test_store, $result); }
function test_find() { //arrange $name = "A Shoe Store"; $id = 1; $test_store1 = new Store($name, $id); $test_store1->save(); $name2 = "Down by the riverside"; $id2 = 2; $test_store2 = new Store($name2, $id2); $test_store2->save(); //act $result = Store::find($test_store2->getId()); //assert $this->assertEquals($test_store2, $result); }
}); //POSTS (ADDS) $app->post("/add_stores", function () use($app) { $store = Store::find($_POST['store_id']); $brand = Brand::find($_POST['brand_id']); $brand->addStore($store); return $app['twig']->render('brand.html.twig', array('brand' => $brand, 'brands' => Brand::getAll(), 'stores' => $brand->getStores(), 'all_stores' => Store::getAll())); }); $app->post("/add_brands", function () use($app) { $store = Store::find($_POST['store_id']); $brand = Brand::find($_POST['brand_id']); $store->addBrand($brand); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'stores' => Store::getAll(), 'brands' => $store->getBrands(), 'all_brands' => Brand::getAll())); }); //GET AND EDIT AND DELETE STORE ROUTE $app->get("/stores/{id}/edit", function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); return $app['twig']->render('store-edit.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'brands' => $store->getBrands())); }); $app->patch("/stores/{id}", function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); $new_name = $_POST['new_name']; $store->update($new_name); return $app['twig']->render('stores.html.twig', array('store' => $store, 'stores' => Store::getAll(), 'brands' => $store->getBrands())); }); $app->delete("/stores/{id}", function ($id) use($app) { $store = Store::find($id); $store->delete(); return $app['twig']->render('stores.html.twig', array('stores' => Store::getAll())); }); return $app;
$user = User::find("id", $user_id); $store = Store::find("id", $store_id); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store[0], 'user' => $user[0], 'beers' => $store[0]->getBeers(), 'all_beers' => Beer::getAll())); }); //from store //add beer to store //show store $app->post("/{user_id}/store/{store_id}", function ($user_id, $store_id) use($app) { $store = Store::find("id", $store_id); $beer = Beer::find("id", $_POST['beer_id']); $store[0]->addBeer($beer[0]->getId()); $user = User::find("id", $user_id); return $app['twig']->render('store.html.twig', array('store' => $store[0], 'user' => $user[0], 'beers' => $store[0]->getBeers(), 'all_beers' => Beer::getAll())); }); //--------------------------------------------- Begin Review Functionality ---------------------------------------- $app->get("/{user_id}/review/{beer_id}", function ($user_id, $beer_id) use($app) { $user = User::find("id", $user_id); $beer = Beer::find("id", $beer_id); return $app['twig']->render('review.html.twig', array('user' => $user[0], 'beer' => $beer[0])); }); $app->post("/{user_id}/review/{beer_id}", function ($user_id, $beer_id) use($app) { $user = User::find("id", $user_id); $review = Review::findReview($beer_id, $user_id); $review[0]->update($_POST['beer_review'], $_POST['review_date']); $reviews = Review::find("user_id", $user[0]->getId()); $new_beers = User::findBeerStyle($user[0]->getId(), $user[0]->getPreferredStyle()); $local_stores = Store::find("region", $user[0]->getRegion()); return $app['twig']->render('profile.html.twig', array('user' => $user[0], 'reviews' => $reviews, 'new_beers' => $new_beers, 'local_stores' => $local_stores)); }); return $app; //End of app, do not code below here