public static function _handleZipFile($zip_path, $zip_file) { $za = new ZipArchive(); $za->open($zip_path); for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) { //look up file info. $filename = $za->getNameIndex($i); //okay, is it a supported file? if (preg_match('/(gcode|stl|obj|amf)$/i', $filename)) { $temp_file = tempnam("/tmp", "BQ"); copy("zip://" . $zip_path . "#" . $filename, $temp_file); //format for upload $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename); $filename = preg_replace("/[^-_.[0-9a-zA-Z]/", "", $filename); $path = "assets/" . StorageInterface::getNiceDir($filename); //create our file $file = Storage::newFile(); $file->set('parent_id', $zip_file->id); $file->set('user_id', User::$me->id); $file->upload($temp_file, $path); } } //exit; }
public function api_devicescanresults() { //$old_scan_data = json::decode($this->token->get('device_data')); $scan_data = json::decode($this->args('scan_data')); //var_dump($scan_data); if (!empty($_FILES)) { // We currently don't want to delete the old data // //delete any old files if we have them. // if (!empty($old_scan_data->camera_files)) { // foreach ($old_scan_data->camera_files AS $id) { // $data_file = Storage::get($id); // $data_file->delete(); // } // } foreach ($_FILES as $file) { if (is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $filename = $file['name']; $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename); $filename = preg_replace("/[^-_.[0-9a-zA-Z]/", "", $filename); $this->ensureGoodFile($file); //okay, we're good.. do it. $data_file = Storage::newFile(); $data_file->set('user_id', User::$me->id); $data_file->upload($file['tmp_name'], StorageInterface::getNiceDir($filename)); $scan_data->camera_files[] = $data_file->id; } } } //var_dump($scan_data); //var_dump($_FILES); $this->token->set('device_data', json::encode($scan_data)); $this->token->set('last_seen', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->token->save(); return True; }
/** * @param $url * @return StorageInterface * @throws Exception */ private function _handleThingiverseLinks($url) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match("/\\/thing:([0-9]+)/i", $url, $matches)) { $thing_id = $matches[1]; if (!defined('THINGIVERSE_API_CLIENT_ID') && !defined('THINGIVERSE_API_CLIENT_SECRET')) { throw new Exception("This site has not set up the Thingiverse api."); } $thingiverse_token = User::$me->getThingiverseToken(); if ($thingiverse_token === '') { $this->forwardToURL("/thingiverse/url/" . base64_encode(serialize($url))); } $api = new ThingiverseAPI(THINGIVERSE_API_CLIENT_ID, THINGIVERSE_API_CLIENT_SECRET, User::$me->getThingiverseToken()); //load thingiverse file $zip_file = $api->download_thing($thing_id); if ($zip_file !== null && $zip_file->isZip()) { $storage_file = Storage::newFile(); $storage_file->set('user_id', User::$me->id); $storage_file->set('source_url', $url); $storage_file->uploadNice($zip_file->getFile(), $zip_file->getName()); FileUploadHandler::_handleZipFile($zip_file->getFile(), $storage_file); return $storage_file; } else { throw new Exception("We can't seem to access that file"); } } else { throw new Exception("That is not a valid Thingiverse link"); } }
/** * @return string */ private function createFileForm() { $form = new Form('form', true); /** @var StorageInterface $file */ $file = Storage::newFile(); $fields = $file->getUploadFields(); foreach ($fields as $name => $value) { $form->add(HiddenField::name($name)->value($value)); } $form->add(UploadField::name("file")); $form->setSubmitText("Upload File"); $form->action = $file->getUploadURL(); return $form; }