예제 #1
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $status = array("Open", "In Progress", "Close", "Cancel");
     foreach ($status as $stt) {
         $status = new Status();
         $status->name = $stt;
         $status->description = "Lorem Ipsum has been the dummy text ever since the 1500s";
예제 #2
파일: BaseSales.php 프로젝트: rayku/rayku
  * Performs the work of inserting or updating the row in the database.
  * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
  * All related objects are also updated in this method.
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @return     int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.
  * @throws     PropelException
  * @see        save()
 protected function doSave(PropelPDO $con)
     $affectedRows = 0;
     // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
     if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
         $this->alreadyInSave = true;
         // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their coresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aOfferVoucher1 !== null) {
             if ($this->aOfferVoucher1->isModified() || $this->aOfferVoucher1->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aOfferVoucher1->save($con);
         if ($this->aStatus !== null) {
             if ($this->aStatus->isModified() || $this->aStatus->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aStatus->save($con);
         if ($this->isNew()) {
             $this->modifiedColumns[] = SalesPeer::ID;
         // If this object has been modified, then save it to the database.
         if ($this->isModified()) {
             if ($this->isNew()) {
                 $pk = SalesPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
                 $affectedRows += 1;
                 // we are assuming that there is only 1 row per doInsert() which
                 // should always be true here (even though technically
                 // BasePeer::doInsert() can insert multiple rows).
                 //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key
             } else {
                 $affectedRows += SalesPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
             // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer 'modified'
         if ($this->collPurchaseDetails !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collPurchaseDetails as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
                     $affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
         $this->alreadyInSave = false;
     return $affectedRows;
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Status();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Status'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Status'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
예제 #4
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function postCreate()
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Status::$rules);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         $status = new Status();
         $data = Input::all();
         $status->date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(Input::get('date')));
         return Redirect::to(Input::get('url') . '#' . $status->id)->with('confirmation', '¡El nuevo status a sido guardado!');
     } else {
         // validation has failed, display error messages
         return Redirect::to(Input::get('url') . "#formStatus")->with('message-box', 'Debes corregir los siguientes campos:')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * POST /projectstatus
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     Input::merge(array_map('trim', Input::all()));
     $input_all = Input::all();
     $validation = Validator::make($input_all, Status::$rules);
     if ($validation->passes()) {
         $status = new Status();
         $status->status = strtoupper(Input::get('project_status'));
         $status->description = strtoupper(Input::get('description'));
         return Redirect::route('project.status.index')->with('class', 'success')->with('message', 'Record successfully created.');
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('project.status.create')->withInput()->withErrors($validation)->with('class', 'error')->with('message', 'There were validation error.');
예제 #6
 public function store()
     $rules = ['name' => 'required', 'address' => 'required', 'postal_code' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'phone' => 'required'];
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     } else {
         $password = Input::get('password');
         if (Input::has('store_id')) {
             $id = Input::get('store_id');
             $store = StoreModel::find($id);
             if ($password !== '') {
                 $store->secure_key = md5($store->salt . $password);
         } else {
             $store = new StoreModel();
             if ($password === '') {
                 $alert['msg'] = 'You have to enter password';
                 $alert['type'] = 'danger';
                 return Redirect::route('company.store.create')->with('alert', $alert);
             $store->salt = str_random(8);
             $store->token = str_random(8);
             $store->secure_key = md5($store->salt . $password);
             $store->company_id = Session::get('company_id');
         $store->name = Input::get('name');
         $store->address = Input::get('address');
         $store->postal_code = Input::get('postal_code');
         $store->email = Input::get('email');
         $store->phone = Input::get('phone');
         $store->description = Input::get('description');
         if (!Input::has('store_id')) {
             $status = new StatusModel();
             $status->store_id = $store->id;
             $startNo = rand(1, 100);
             $status->current_queue_no = $startNo;
             $status->last_queue_no = $startNo;
         $alert['msg'] = 'Store has been saved successfully';
         $alert['type'] = 'success';
         return Redirect::route('company.store')->with('alert', $alert);
예제 #7
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     if (!empty(Input::get('name'))) {
         $val = Status::validate(Input::all());
         if ($val->fails()) {
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($val);
         try {
             $status = new Status();
             $status->name = Input::get('name');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Status can NOT be created. Already exists.', 'alert'));
         return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Status Created Successfully!', 'success'));
     return Redirect::back()->with('message', FlashMessage::DisplayAlert('Enter a valid status name.', 'alert'));
예제 #8
 public function add_status()
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $rules = array('status_nombre' => 'required|max:20|unique:status,status_nombre');
     $validator = Validator::make($inputs, $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator);
     } else {
         $status = new Status();
         $status->status_nombre = Input::get('status_nombre');
         if ($status->save()) {
             Session::flash('message', 'Guardado Correctamente');
             Session::flash('class', 'success');
         } else {
             Session::flash('message', 'Ha ocurrido un error, intentelo nuevamente');
             Session::flash('class', 'danger');
         return Redirect::to('status');
예제 #9
function updateStatus($id)
    if (is_null($id)) {
    $data = Functions::getJSONData();
    try {
        $s = new Status($id);
        foreach ($s->getFields() as $field) {
            $value = Functions::elt($data, $field['name']);
            if (is_null($value)) {
            $s->set($field['name'], $value);
        $s->set('id', $id);
        return true;
    } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
예제 #10
                } else {
                    //if the item was changed successfully, add to array
                    $changes[] = "<strong>" . $value . "</strong> was not updated successfully.";
                    $changes[] = $database->last_error;
    //now we're done with all updates
    //check to see if we need to create a new status record
    //only if it's not blank
    if (!empty($_POST['new_status'])) {
        $new_status = new Status();
        $new_status->name = $_POST['new_status'];
        //try to save
        if ($new_status->save()) {
            $changes[] = "<strong>" . $new_status->name . "</strong> was created successfully!";
        } else {
            $changes[] = "<strong>" . $new_status->name . "</strong> was not created successfully!";
        $changes[] = $database->last_error;
    //at this point, we're done with all changes
    //check to see if there are any changes, if so, make them into messages
    if (count($changes) != 0) {
        $session->message(implode("<br />", $changes));
    //lastly, redirect back to itself
//header template
예제 #11
 public function addStatus($user)
     $loggedInUser = $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID();
     if ($loggedInUser == $user) {
         require_once 'status.php';
         if (isset($_POST['status_type']) && $_POST['status_type'] != 'update') {
             if ($_POST['status_type'] == 'image') {
                 require_once 'imagestatus.php';
                 $status = new Imagestatus($this->registry, 0, $this->username);
             } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'video') {
                 require_once 'videostatus.php';
                 $status = new Videostatus($this->registry, 0, $this->username);
             } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'link') {
                 require_once 'linkstatus.php';
                 $status = new Linkstatus($this->registry, 0);
         } else {
             $status = new Status($this->registry, 0);
         if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
         // success message display
         $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('status_update_message', 'profile_status_update_confirm.php');
     } else {
         require_once 'relation.php';
         $relationships = new RelationsGet($this->registry);
         $connections = $relationships->getNetwork($user, false);
         if (in_array($loggedInUser, $connections)) {
             require_once 'status.php';
             if (isset($_POST['status_type']) && $_POST['status_type'] != 'update') {
                 if ($_POST['status_type'] == 'image') {
                     require_once 'imagestatus.php';
                     $status = new Imagestatus($this->registry, 0, $this->username);
                 } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'video') {
                     require_once 'videostatus.php';
                     $status = new Videostatus($this->registry, 0, $this->username);
                 } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'link') {
                     require_once 'linkstatus.php';
                     $status = new Linkstatus($this->registry, 0);
             } else {
                 $status = new Status($this->registry, 0);
             // success message display
             $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('status_update_message', 'profile_status_post_confirm.php');
         } else {
             // error message display
             $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('status_update_message', 'profile_status_error.php');
예제 #12
 private function addStatus($array, $user)
     $loggedIn = $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->isLoggedIn();
     if ($loggedIn == true) {
         require_once 'status.php';
         if (isset($_POST['status_type']) && $_POST['status_type'] != 'update') {
             if ($_POST['status_type'] == 'image') {
                 require_once 'imagestatus.php';
                 $status = new Imagestatus($this->registry, 0, $user);
             } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'video') {
                 require_once 'videostatus.php';
                 $status = new Videostatus($this->registry, 0, $user);
             } elseif ($_POST['status_type'] == 'link') {
                 require_once 'linkstatus.php';
                 $status = new Linkstatus($this->registry, 0);
         } else {
             $status = new Status($this->registry, 0);
         if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
         $newAddID = $status->getID();
         //Status Wierdness Start
         $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('referer', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '');
         require_once 'stream.php';
         $stream = new Stream($this->registry);
         $status = $stream->getStatusByID($newAddID);
         $statusTypes = $stream->getStatusType();
         if (!$stream->isEmpty()) {
         $streamdata = $stream->getStream();
         $IDs = $stream->getIDs();
         $cacheableIDs = array();
         foreach ($IDs as $id) {
             $i = array();
             $i['status_id'] = $id;
             $cacheableIDs[] = $i;
         $cache = $this->registry->getObject('db')->cacheData($cacheableIDs);
         $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('stream', array('DATA', $cache));
         foreach ($streamdata as $data) {
             $datatags = array();
             foreach ($data as $tag => $value) {
                 $datatags['status' . $tag] = $value;
             // your own status updates
             if ($data['profile'] == 0) {
                 // network updates
                 $this->addBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '-general.php', $datatags);
             } elseif ($data['profile'] == $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID() && $data['poster'] == $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID()) {
                 $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '-self.php', $datatags);
             } elseif ($data['profile'] == $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID()) {
                 // updates to you
                 $this->addBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '-toSelf.php', $datatags);
             } elseif ($data['poster'] == $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID()) {
                 // updates by you
                 $this->addBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '-fromSelf.php', $datatags);
             } elseif ($data['poster'] == $data['profile']) {
                 $this->addBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '-user.php', $datatags);
             } else {
                 // network updates
                 $this->addBit('stream-' . $data['ID'], 'updates/' . $data['type_reference'] . '.php', $datatags);
         // stream comments, likes and dislikes
         $status_ids = implode(',', $IDs);
         $start = array();
         foreach ($IDs as $id) {
             $start[$id] = array();
         // comments
         $this->generateComments($start, $status_ids);
         $this->getRates('status', $IDs);
         //$this->getRates('comments', $IDs);
         $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('offset', 20);
         //$offset +
         $this->registry->ajaxReply(array('content' => $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->getContentToPrint(), 'status' => 'Status Added'));
         //$this->registry->ajaxReply(array('content' => '<script>$(document).ready(function(){window.location.reload();})</script>', 'status' => 'Status Added'));
         //Status Wierdness End
         // success message display
         //$this->registry->ajaxReply( array('status'=>'Status Added', 'content'=>'') );
         //$this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit( 'status_update_message', 'profile_status_update_confirm.php' );
     } else {
         //$this->registry->ajaxReply( array('status'=>'Access Denied', 'content'=>'') );
         $this->registry->errorPage('Access Denied', 'Login to continue');
예제 #13
 public function run()
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đơn hàng mới";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Grey";
     $status->type = "Đơn hàng mới";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Xác nhận còn hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Chừa hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã chuyển khoản";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã gói hàng chờ chuyển";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã chuyển hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã nhận hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Báo hết hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Khách hủy đơn";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Khách trả hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 1;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đơn hàng mới";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Grey";
     $status->type = "Đơn hàng mới";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Xác nhận còn hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Chừa hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã gói hàng chờ chuyển";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã chuyển hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Red";
     $status->type = "Đang xử lý";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Đã nhận hàng và thanh toán";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Báo hết hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Khách hủy đơn";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
     $status = new Status();
     $status->name = "Khách trả hàng";
     $status->tran_type_id = 2;
     $status->color = "Green";
     $status->type = "Hoàn tất";
  * Stores the object in the database.
  * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
  * All related objects are also updated in this method.
  * @param      Connection $con
  * @return     int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.
  * @throws     PropelException
  * @see        save()
 protected function doSave($con)
     $affectedRows = 0;
     // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
     if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
         $this->alreadyInSave = true;
         // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their coresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aUser !== null) {
             if ($this->aUser->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aUser->save($con);
         if ($this->aSchemaPropertyElement !== null) {
             if ($this->aSchemaPropertyElement->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aSchemaPropertyElement->save($con);
         if ($this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedBySchemaPropertyId !== null) {
             if ($this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedBySchemaPropertyId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedBySchemaPropertyId->save($con);
         if ($this->aSchema !== null) {
             if ($this->aSchema->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aSchema->save($con);
         if ($this->aProfileProperty !== null) {
             if ($this->aProfileProperty->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aProfileProperty->save($con);
         if ($this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedByRelatedSchemaPropertyId !== null) {
             if ($this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedByRelatedSchemaPropertyId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aSchemaPropertyRelatedByRelatedSchemaPropertyId->save($con);
         if ($this->aStatus !== null) {
             if ($this->aStatus->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aStatus->save($con);
         if ($this->aFileImportHistory !== null) {
             if ($this->aFileImportHistory->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aFileImportHistory->save($con);
         // If this object has been modified, then save it to the database.
         if ($this->isModified()) {
             if ($this->isNew()) {
                 $pk = SchemaPropertyElementHistoryPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
                 $affectedRows += 1;
                 // we are assuming that there is only 1 row per doInsert() which
                 // should always be true here (even though technically
                 // BasePeer::doInsert() can insert multiple rows).
                 //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key
             } else {
                 $affectedRows += SchemaPropertyElementHistoryPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
             // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer 'modified'
         $this->alreadyInSave = false;
     return $affectedRows;
예제 #15
 public function postStatus($doc)
     $toAdd = null;
     $status = Input::get('status');
     $doc = Doc::find($doc);
     if (!isset($status)) {
     } else {
         $toAdd = Status::where('label', $status['text'])->first();
         if (!isset($toAdd)) {
             $toAdd = new Status();
             $toAdd->label = $status['text'];
     $response['messages'][0] = array('text' => 'Document saved', 'severity' => 'info');
     return Response::json($response);
  * Stores the object in the database.
  * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
  * All related objects are also updated in this method.
  * @param      Connection $con
  * @return     int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.
  * @throws     PropelException
  * @see        save()
 protected function doSave($con)
     $affectedRows = 0;
     // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
     if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
         $this->alreadyInSave = true;
         // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their coresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByCreatedUserId !== null) {
             if ($this->aUserRelatedByCreatedUserId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aUserRelatedByCreatedUserId->save($con);
         if ($this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedUserId !== null) {
             if ($this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedUserId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aUserRelatedByUpdatedUserId->save($con);
         if ($this->aConceptRelatedByConceptId !== null) {
             if ($this->aConceptRelatedByConceptId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aConceptRelatedByConceptId->save($con);
         if ($this->aProfilePropertyRelatedBySkosPropertyId !== null) {
             if ($this->aProfilePropertyRelatedBySkosPropertyId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aProfilePropertyRelatedBySkosPropertyId->save($con);
         if ($this->aVocabulary !== null) {
             if ($this->aVocabulary->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aVocabulary->save($con);
         if ($this->aConceptRelatedByRelatedConceptId !== null) {
             if ($this->aConceptRelatedByRelatedConceptId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aConceptRelatedByRelatedConceptId->save($con);
         if ($this->aStatus !== null) {
             if ($this->aStatus->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aStatus->save($con);
         if ($this->aProfilePropertyRelatedByProfilePropertyId !== null) {
             if ($this->aProfilePropertyRelatedByProfilePropertyId->isModified()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aProfilePropertyRelatedByProfilePropertyId->save($con);
         // If this object has been modified, then save it to the database.
         if ($this->isModified()) {
             if ($this->isNew()) {
                 $pk = ConceptPropertyPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
                 $affectedRows += 1;
                 // we are assuming that there is only 1 row per doInsert() which
                 // should always be true here (even though technically
                 // BasePeer::doInsert() can insert multiple rows).
                 //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key
             } else {
                 $affectedRows += ConceptPropertyPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
             // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer 'modified'
         if ($this->collConcepts !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collConcepts as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
                     $affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
         if ($this->collConceptPropertyHistorys !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collConceptPropertyHistorys as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
                     $affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
         if ($this->collDiscusss !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collDiscusss as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
                     $affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
         $this->alreadyInSave = false;
     return $affectedRows;
예제 #17
 public function saveStatusChanges($req)
     if (!array_key_exists('action', $req)) {
         return false;
     if ($req['action'] != 'saveStatus') {
         return false;
     if ($this->readOnly) {
         return false;
     $statusMessage = $req['textfieldStatus'];
     $statusRow = new Status();
     $statusRow = $statusRow->find($this->uid);
     if (is_object($statusRow)) {
         $fields['uid'] = $this->uid;
         $fields['status'] = $statusRow->status;
         $fields['created'] = $statusRow->modified;
         $fields['cleared'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time());
         $fields['aid'] = -1;
         //Copy current status to history.
         $statusHistory = new StatusHistory($fields);
     } else {
         // Declare a new status row
         $statusRow = new Status();
     $fields['uid'] = $this->uid;
     $fields['status'] = $statusMessage;
     $fields['modified'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time());
     $fields['aid'] = -1;
     return true;
예제 #18
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     $model->cat_id = explode(',', $model->cat_id);
     $model->orig_id = explode(',', $model->orig_id);
     if (isset($_POST['Communication'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Communication'];
         $model->archive = 0;
         $model->cat_id = implode(',', $model->cat_id);
         $model->orig_id = implode(',', $model->orig_id);
         $picture_name = '';
         $picture_file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'comm_letter');
         $model->comm_letter = $picture_file;
         if ($picture_file) {
             $picture_name = $picture_file->name;
             if (!is_dir(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->comm_letter)) {
                 mkdir(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->comm_letter);
             if (!is_dir(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->ctrl_no)) {
                 mkdir(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->comm_letter);
                 $picture_file->SaveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->ctrl_no . '/' . $picture_file->getName());
             } else {
                 $picture_file->SaveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/protected/document/communication/' . substr($model->ctrl_no, 0, 4) . '/' . $model->ctrl_no . '/' . $picture_file->getName());
         $model->input_by = User::model()->findByPK(Yii::app()->user->name)->emp_id;
         if ($model->type_comm == 1) {
             $model->comm_stat = 0;
         } else {
             $model->comm_stat = 1;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $activity = new Activity();
             $activity->act_desc = 'Updated Communication ID: ' . $id;
             $activity->act_datetime = date('Y-m-d G:i:s');
             $activity->act_by = User::model()->findByPK(Yii::app()->user->name)->emp_id;
             if ($model->type_comm == 1) {
                 $stat = Status::model()->findByAttributes(array('ctrl_no' => $model->ctrl_no));
                 if (!empty($stat)) {
                     $stat->ctrl_no = $model->ctrl_no;
                     $stat->comm_stat = 0;
                     $stat->referral_stat = 0;
                     $stat->comm_meeting_stat = 0;
                 } else {
                     $stat = new Status();
                     $stat->ctrl_no = $model->ctrl_no;
                     $stat->comm_stat = 0;
                     $stat->referral_stat = 0;
                     $stat->comm_meeting_stat = 0;
             } else {
                 $stat = Status::model()->findByAttributes(array('ctrl_no' => $model->ctrl_no));
                 if (!empty($stat)) {
                     $stat->ctrl_no = $model->ctrl_no;
                     $stat->comm_stat = 1;
                     $stat->referral_stat = 1;
                     $stat->comm_meeting_stat = 1;
                 } else {
                     $stat = new Status();
                     $stat->ctrl_no = $model->ctrl_no;
                     $stat->comm_stat = 1;
                     $stat->referral_stat = 1;
                     $stat->comm_meeting_stat = 1;
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->ctrl_no));
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $model));
예제 #19
  * @param \HorseStories\Models\Statuses\Status $status
  * @param array $values
 public function update(Status $status, $values)
     $status->body = $values['status'];