get() 공개 메소드

Get content from session, database, $_POST/$_GET superglobals or file
public get ( mixed $params = '', string $type = 'variable', string $scope = 'user' ) : string
$params mixed The name of the variable to retrieve, or an array of key => value pairs
$type string The type of variable
$scope string The scope of the variable
리턴 string
예제 #1
  * Constructor
  * Evaluates case values and extracts the content of the 
  * first case that matches the variable parameter
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function Switchee()
     $this->EE =& get_instance();
     // reduce the PCRE default recursion limit to a safe level to prevent a server crash
     // (segmentation fault) when the available stack is exhausted before recursion limit reached
     // Apache *nix executable stack size is 8Mb, so safe size is 16777
     // Apache Win32 executable stack size is 256Kb, so safe size is 524
     ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit', '16777');
     // PCRE default backtrack limit is low on PHP <5.3.6
     // Increase it to the default value in newer versions of PHP
     ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', '1000000');
     // fetch the tagdata
     $tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata;
     // the variable we want to find
     $var = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('variable') ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('variable') : '';
     $match_all = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('match') == 'all';
     // debug?
     $debug = (bool) preg_match('/1|on|yes|y/i', $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('debug'));
     // register POST and GET values
     if (strncmp($var, 'get:', 4) == 0) {
         $var = filter_var($this->EE->input->get(substr($var, 4)), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if (strncmp($var, 'post:', 5) == 0) {
         $var = filter_var($this->EE->input->post(substr($var, 5)), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     // register variables created by Stash
     if (strncmp($var, 'stash:', 6) == 0) {
         $var = substr($var, 6);
         if (isset($this->EE->session->cache['stash']) && isset($this->EE->session->cache['stash'][$var])) {
             // first look in the native stash variables array, for speed's sake
             $var = $this->EE->session->cache['stash'][$var];
         } else {
             // we'll need to invoke Stash itself
             if (!class_exists('Stash')) {
                 include_once PATH_THIRD . 'stash/mod.stash.php';
             $var = Stash::get($var);
     // register global vars
     if (strncmp($var, 'global:', 7) == 0) {
         $var = substr($var, 7);
         if (array_key_exists($var, $this->EE->config->_global_vars)) {
             $var = $this->EE->config->_global_vars[$var];
         } else {
             // global has not been parsed yet, so we'll do it the hard way (this adds some overhead)
             $var = $this->EE->TMPL->parse_globals(LD . $var . RD);
     // log
     if ($debug) {
         $this->EE->TMPL->log_item("Switchee: evaluating variable {$var}");
     // replace content inside nested tags with indexed placeholders, storing it in an array for later
     // here's the tricky bit - we only match outer tags
     $pattern = '/{switchee(?>(?!{\/?switchee).|(?R))*{\/switchee/si';
     // more memory efficient version of the above...
     $pattern = '#{switchee(?>(?:[^{]++|{(?!\\/?switchee[^}]*}))+|(?R))*{\\/switchee#si';
     $tagdata = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array(get_class($this), '_placeholders'), $tagdata);
     // returns NULL on PCRE error
     if ($tagdata === NULL && $debug) {
     // loop through case parameters and find a case pair value that matches our variable
     $index = 0;
     // now we need to generate a new array of tag pairs for our tagdata
     $tag_vars = $this->EE->functions->assign_variables($tagdata);
     $has_match = false;
     $temp_return_data = '';
     $default = '';
     foreach ($tag_vars['var_pair'] as $key => $val) {
         // is this tag pair a case?
         if (preg_match('/^case/', $key)) {
             // index of the case tag pair we're looking at
             // replace any regex in the case values with a marker
             $tagdata = str_replace($key, 'case_' . $index, $tagdata);
             // get the position of the content inside the case being evaluated
             $starts_at = strpos($tagdata, "{case_" . $index . "}") + strlen("{case_" . $index . "}");
             $ends_at = strpos($tagdata, "{/case}", $starts_at);
             if (isset($val['value'])) {
                 $val_array = array();
                 if (stristr($val['value'], '|')) {
                     $val_array = explode('|', $val['value']);
                 } else {
                     $val_array[] = $val['value'];
                 // loop through each value and look for a match
                 foreach ($val_array as $case_index => $case_value) {
                     // convert '' and "" to an actual empty string
                     if ($case_value == "''" || $case_value == '""') {
                         $case_value = '';
                     // decode any encoded characters
                     $case_value = $this->EE->security->entity_decode($case_value);
                     $var = $this->EE->security->entity_decode($var);
                     // is the case value a regular expression?
                     // check for a string contained within hashes #regex#
                     if (preg_match('/^#(.*)#$/', $case_value)) {
                         if (preg_match($case_value, $var)) {
                             // we've found a match, grab case content and exit loop
                             $temp_return_data .= substr($tagdata, $starts_at, $ends_at - $starts_at);
                             // log
                             if ($debug) {
                                 $this->EE->TMPL->log_item("Switchee: regex match: case '{$case_value}' matched variable '{$var}'");
                             $has_match = true;
                             if ($match_all) {
                             } else {
                                 break 2;
                     if ($case_value == $var) {
                         // we've found a match, grab case content and exit loop
                         $temp_return_data .= substr($tagdata, $starts_at, $ends_at - $starts_at);
                         // log
                         if ($debug) {
                             $this->EE->TMPL->log_item("Switchee: string match: case '{$case_value}' matched variable '{$var}'");
                         $has_match = true;
                         if ($match_all) {
                         } else {
                             break 2;
             // default value
             if (!$has_match && isset($val['default'])) {
                 $default_param = strtolower($val['default']);
                 if ($default_param == 'yes' || $default_param == 'y' || $default_param == 'true' || $default_param == '1') {
                     // found a default, save matched content but keep search for a match (continue loop)
                     $default = substr($tagdata, $starts_at, $ends_at - $starts_at);
                     // log
                     if ($debug) {
                         $this->EE->TMPL->log_item("Switchee: default case found for variable '{$var}'. This will be returned if no match is found.");
     // fallback to default value if no matches
     if (!$has_match) {
         $temp_return_data = $default;
     // replace namespaced no_results with the real deal
     $temp_return_data = str_replace(strtolower(__CLASS__) . '_no_results', 'no_results', $temp_return_data);
     // restore original content inside nested tags
     foreach ($this->_ph as $index => $val) {
         // convert the outer shell of {switchee} tag pairs to plugin tags {exp:switchee}
         // now we can do this all over again...
         $val = preg_replace(array('/^{switchee/i', '/{\\/switchee$/i'), array('{exp:switchee', '{/exp:switchee'), $val);
         $temp_return_data = str_replace('{[_' . __CLASS__ . '_' . ($index + 1) . ']', $val, $temp_return_data);
     $this->return_data = $temp_return_data;
  * Method for template_fetch_template hook
  * Inject early stash embeds into the template
  * @access     public
  * @param      array
  * @return     array
 public function template_fetch_template($row)
     // get the latest version of $row
     if (isset($this->EE->extensions->last_call) && $this->EE->extensions->last_call) {
         $row = $this->EE->extensions->last_call;
     // do we have any stash embeds? {stash:embed name=""} or {stash:embed:name}
     $matches = array();
     if (!preg_match_all("/(" . LD . "stash:embed)([\\s|:].*?)" . RD . "/s", $row['template_data'], $matches)) {
         return $row;
     // deal with any unparsed {vars} inside parameters
     $temp = $row['template_data'];
     foreach ($matches[2] as $key => $val) {
         if (strpos($val, LD) !== FALSE) {
             $matches[0][$key] = $this->EE->functions->full_tag($matches[0][$key], $temp);
             $matches[2][$key] = substr(str_replace($matches[1][$key], '', $matches[0][$key]), 0, -1);
             $temp = str_replace($matches[0][$key], '', $temp);
     // match up embed params with tags
     $embeds = array();
     foreach ($matches[2] as $key => $val) {
         $parts = preg_split("/\\s+/", $val, 2);
         $embed_params = isset($parts[1]) ? $this->EE->functions->assign_parameters($parts[1]) : array();
         if ($embed_params === FALSE) {
             $embed_params = array();
         // support {stash:embed:context:var}
         if (!empty($parts[0])) {
             $embed_params['name'] = trim($parts[0], ':');
         $embeds[trim($matches[0][$key], LD . RD)] = $embed_params;
     if (count($embeds) > 0) {
         if (!class_exists('Stash')) {
             include_once PATH_THIRD . 'stash/mod.stash.php';
         foreach ($embeds as $tag => $param) {
             $out = '';
             if (!empty($param)) {
                 // process early?
                 if (isset($param['process']) && $param['process'] == 'start') {
                     // mandatory parameters
                     $param['scope'] = 'site';
                     $param['file'] = 'yes';
                     $param['save'] = 'yes';
                     $param['bundle'] = 'template';
                     #$param['process'] 	= 'inline';
                     // set default parse parameters
                     $param['parse_tags'] = isset($param['parse_tags']) ? $param['parse_tags'] : 'yes';
                     $param['parse_vars'] = isset($param['parse_vars']) ? $param['parse_vars'] : 'yes';
                     $param['parse_conditionals'] = isset($param['parse_conditionals']) ? $param['parse_conditionals'] : 'yes';
                     $param['parse_depth'] = isset($param['parse_depth']) ? $param['parse_depth'] : 4;
                     $param['parse_stage'] = isset($param['parse_stage']) ? $param['parse_stage'] : 'get';
                     $param['replace'] = isset($param['replace']) ? $param['replace'] : 'no';
                     // We need to load modules/plugins, which hasn't been done by the template class at this stage in the parse order.
                     // This only runs once - the template class won't run it again if modules[] array is populated.
                     if (count($this->EE->TMPL->modules) == 0) {
                     // parse stash embed vars passed as parameters in the form stash:my_var
                     $embed_vars = array();
                     foreach ($param as $key => $val) {
                         if (strncmp($key, 'stash:', 6) == 0) {
                             $embed_vars[substr($key, 6)] = $val;
                     // merge embed variables into the session cache in case they are used in another nested (or later-parsed) stash template
                     if (!empty($embed_vars)) {
                         // create a stash array in the session if we don't have one
                         if (!array_key_exists('stash', $this->EE->session->cache)) {
                             $this->EE->session->cache['stash'] = array();
                         $this->EE->session->cache['stash'] = array_merge($this->EE->session->cache['stash'], $embed_vars);
                     // get the file
                     $out = Stash::get($param);
                     // minimal replace of embed vars if we're not using Stash to parse the template variables
                     if ($param['parse_vars'] == 'no') {
                         foreach ($embed_vars as $key => $val) {
                             $out = str_replace(LD . 'stash:' . $key . RD, $val, $out);
                     // convert any nested {stash:embed} into {exp:stash:embed} tags
                     $out = str_replace(LD . 'stash:embed', LD . 'exp:stash:embed', $out);
                 } else {
                     // convert it into a normal tag...
                     $out = LD . 'exp:' . $tag . RD;
             // Set as a global variable so it gets replaced into the template early by the Template class
             // $row is a copy not a reference, so this is the only way to change stuff in the actual template!
             // Make sure the stash embeds are prepended to beginning of the globals array so that any global vars
             // passed as parameters get parsed later by EE
             $this->EE->config->_global_vars = array($tag => $out) + $this->EE->config->_global_vars;
     return $row;