public function printView()
		<p>Some of the following settings can be edited on this page.  Other settings are read only on this page, but can be adjusted by getting your 
        if (defined('SYSADMIN_HREF')) {
            echo '<a href="' . SYSADMIN_HREF . '">';
		system administrator
        if (defined('SYSADMIN_HREF')) {
            echo '</a>';
		to edit the Jethro configuration file.</p>
		<table class="table no-autofocus system-config">
				<td colspan="2"><h3>Overall system settings</h3></td>
				<th>System Name</th>
        echo SYSTEM_NAME;
				<th>Base URL</th>
        echo BASE_URL;
				<th>Require HTTPS</th>
        echo REQUIRE_HTTPS ? 'Yes' : 'No';
				<td colspan="2"><h3>Jethro behaviour settings</h3></td>
				<th>Enabled Features</th>
        $enabled = explode(',', ENABLED_FEATURES);
            echo '<i class="icon-' . (in_array($feature, $enabled) ? 'ok-sign' : 'ban-circle') . '"></i>' . $feature . '<br />';
				<th>Require note when adding new family?</th>
        echo REQUIRE_INITIAL_NOTE ? 'Yes' : 'No';
				<th>Attendance list order</th>
					<br /><small>When recording attendance, persons will be listed in this order</small>
				<th>Chunk size for listings</th>
        echo CHUNK_SIZE;
					<br /><small>When listing all persons or families, Jethro will paginate the results and aim for this number per page (up to a maximum of 26 pages).</small>
				<th>Lock length for editing objects</th>
        echo LOCK_LENGTH;
					<br /><small>When you open an object for editing, Jethro will prevent other users from editing the object for this long.  You will need to save your changes within this timeframe.</small>

				<td colspan="2"><h3>Security settings</h3></td>
				<th>Default Permissions</th>
        $sm = new Staff_Member();
        $sm->printFieldValue('permissions', DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS);
				<th>Session Inactivity Timeout</th>
					<br /><small>Users will be asked to log in again if they haven't done anything for this length of time.  This is important for security, especially on mobile devices.</small>
				<th>Maximum Session Length</th>
        if ($val % 60 == 0 && $val > 60) {
            echo $val / 60 . ' hours';
        } else {
            echo $val . ' mins';
					<br /><small>Active users will be asked to log in again after this length of time.  This is important for security, especially on mobile devices.</small>
				<td colspan="2"><h3>Jethro data structure settings</h3></td>
				<th>Person Status Options</th>
 (Default <?php 
				<th>Age Bracket Options</th>
					<br /><small>This list must always begin with 'adult'</small>
				<th>Group Membership Status Options</th>
					<form method="post">
					<input type="hidden" name="group_membership_statuses_submitted" value="1" />
					<table class="table-condensed expandable table-bordered table-auto-width">
        list($options, $default) = Person_Group::getMembershipStatusOptionsAndDefault();
        $options[null] = '';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($options as $id => $label) {
            if ($id) {
                echo $id;
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="membership_status_' . $i . '_id" value="' . $id . '" />';
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="membership_status_ranking[]" value="' . $i . '" />';
							<td><input type="text" name="membership_status_<?php 
            echo $i;
_label" value="<?php 
            echo ents($label);
" /></td>
							<td><input type="radio" name="membership_status_default_rank" value="<?php 
            echo $i;
" <?php 
            if ($id == $default) {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
								<img src="<?php 
            echo BASE_URL;
/resources/img/arrow_up_thin_black.png" class="icon move-row-up" title="Move this role up" />
								<img src="<?php 
            echo BASE_URL;
/resources/img/arrow_down_thin_black.png" class="icon move-row-down" title="Move this role down" />
            if ($id) {
									<input type="checkbox" name="membership_status_delete[]" data-toggle="strikethrough" data-target="row" value="<?php 
                echo $id;
" />

					<input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn" />
				<td colspan="2"><h3>Rosters and Services</h3></td>
				<th>Roster Weeks Default</th>
					<br /><small>By default, rosters will display this number of weeks in the future.</small>
				<th>Roster repeat date threshold</th>
					<br /><small>If a roster has more than this number of columns, the date column will be repeated on the right hand side</small>
				<th>Service Documents: Folders to populate</th>
            echo implode('<br />', explode('|', SERVICE_DOCS_TO_POPULATE_DIRS));
				<th>Service Documents: Folders to expand</th>
            echo implode('<br />', explode('|', SERVICE_DOCS_TO_POPULATE_DIRS));

				<td colspan="2"><h3>External tools</h3></td>
				<th>Bible reference URL</th>
        echo BIBLE_URL;
					<br /><small>Bible references in rosters will be linked using this URL template</small>
				<th>Maps URL</th>
        echo MAP_LOOKUP_URL;
					<br /><small>The "map" link displayed next to a family's address uses this URL template</small>
				<th>Email chunk size</th>
        echo EMAIL_CHUNK_SIZE;
					<br /><small>Email servers can only handle a limited number of recipients per email.  When constructing email links to multiple persons, Jethro will divide the list into several links if there are more than this number of recipients.</small>
				<th>SMS Gateway</th>
        echo SMS_HTTP_URL;
<br />
        echo SMS_HTTP_POST_TEMPLATE && SMS_HTTP_RESPONSE_OK_REGEX ? 'See details in config file' : '<b>Not fully configured<b>';
				<th>Max length for SMS messages</th>
        echo SMS_MAX_LENGTH;
					<br /><small>160 characters is generally a one-part SMS. Longer messages will be sent in several parts and will cost more.</small>
				<th>Logging of SMS sending</th>
        echo SMS_SEND_LOGFILE ? 'Configured' : 'Not configured';
					<br /><small>This allows you to track how many SMSes each user is sending via Jethro.</small>
				<td colspan="2"><h3>Locale settings</h3></td>

        echo defined('TIMEZONE') ? TIMEZONE : '(Server default)';
				<th>Label for the Address 'suburb' field</th>
        echo defined('ADDRESS_SUBURB_LABEL') ? ADDRESS_SUBURB_LABEL : 'Suburb';
				<th>Label for the address 'state' field</th>
        if (!defined('ADDRESS_STATE_LABEL')) {
            echo 'State';
        } else {
            if (ADDRESS_STATE_LABEL) {
                echo ADDRESS_STATE_LABEL;
            } else {
                echo '(State field disabled)';
        echo '<br /><small>The state field can be hidden altogether by setting this to blank</small>';
				<th>Options for the Address 'state' field</th>
  (Default: <?php 
				<th>Label for the address 'postcode' field</th>
        echo defined('ADDRESS_POSTCODE_LABEL') ? ADDRESS_POSTCODE_LABEL : 'Postcode';
				<th>Valid formats for the address 'postcode' field</th>
        echo ADDRESS_POSTCODE_WIDTH . ' characters matching the expression ' . ADDRESS_POSTCODE_REGEX;
				<th>Postcode lookup URL</th>
					<br /><small>When editing an address, the "look up <?php 
        echo defined('ADDRESS_POSTCODE_LABEL') ? ADDRESS_POSTCODE_LABEL : 'postcode';
" link uses this URL</small>
				<th>Envelope Size</th>
        echo ENVELOPE_WIDTH_MM . 'mm x ' . ENVELOPE_HEIGHT_MM . 'mm';

				<th>Formats for the home phone field</th>
        echo nl2br(HOME_TEL_FORMATS);
					<br /><small>When a phone number is displayed, it is laid out using these formats. When a phone number is entered, Jethro makes sure it has the right number of digits to match one of these formats.</small>
				<th>Formats for the work phone field</th>
        echo nl2br(HOME_TEL_FORMATS);
				<th>Formats for the mobile phone field</th>
        echo nl2br(MOBILE_TEL_FORMATS);

예제 #2
    function printForm()
        $tables = $GLOBALS['db']->queryCol('SHOW TABLES');
        $routines = $GLOBALS['db']->queryCol('SHOW CREATE FUNCTION getCurrentUserID');
        if (!empty($tables) || !$routines instanceof MDB2_Error) {
            print_message('Your MySQL database is not empty.  This could be due to a failed previous installation attempt.  Please drop and re-create the database to ensure it is entirely blank, then reload this page.', 'error');
		<p>Welcome to the Jethro installer.  The installation process will set up your MySql database so that it's ready to run Jethro.  First we need to collect some details to get things started.</p>
		<form method="post">
			<h3>Initial User Account</h3>
			<p>Please enter the details of the first user you want to add to the system.  This is the user as which you will initially log in.  After you have logged in you can edit the rest of the details for this person.</p>

        $sm = new Staff_Member();
        foreach ($this->initial_person_fields as $fieldname) {
            echo $sm->getFieldLabel($fieldname);
            $sm->printFieldInterface($fieldname, 'install_');

			<p>Please enter the names of the congregations your church has.  These can be edited later under admin &gt; congregations.</p>
			<table class="expandable">
						<input type="text" name="congregation_name[]" />
			<p class="smallprint">(List expands as you type)</p>

			<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Set up the database" />