function connectMitraDb() { global $mitradb, $SqlDatabase; $rs = $SqlDatabase->FetchRow("SELECT Data FROM FSetting s WHERE s.UserID = '-1' AND s.Type = 'mitra' AND s.Key = 'database';"); $settings = json_decode($rs['Data']); $mitradb = new SqlDatabase(); if ($mitradb->open($settings->host, $settings->username, $settings->password)) { if ($mitradb->SelectDatabase($settings->database)) { return true; } else { die('fail<!--separate-->Could find database ' . $settings->database . '. Is your configuration correct?'); } } else { die('fail<!--separate-->Could not connect to Mitra database at ' . $settings->host . '. Is your configuration correct?'); } }
$Config->Hostname = $ar['host']; $Config->Username = $ar['login']; $Config->Password = $ar['password']; $Config->DbName = $ar['dbname']; $Config->FCHost = $ar['fchost']; $Config->FCPort = $ar['fcport']; $Config->FCUpload = $ar['fcupload']; // Temporary folder $Config->FCTmp = isset($ar['fctmp']) ? $ar['fctmp'] : '/tmp/'; if (substr($Config->FCTmp, -1, 1) != '/') { $Config->FCTmp .= '/'; } $GLOBALS['Config'] =& $Config; $SqlDatabase = new SqlDatabase(); $SqlDatabase->Open($ar['host'], $ar['login'], $ar['password']); $SqlDatabase->SelectDatabase($ar['dbname']); $GLOBALS['SqlDatabase'] =& $SqlDatabase; // User application info $UserApplication = false; // Get user information $User = new dbIO('FUser'); if (isset($GLOBALS['args']->sessionid)) { $User->SessionID = $GLOBALS['args']->sessionid; $User = $User->FindSingle(); //$logger->log( 'User logged in with sessionid:' . ( $User ? ( $User->ID . ' ' . print_r( $args, 1 ) ) : ( 'No user id!' . print_r( $args, 1 ) ) ) ); } if (isset($User->SessionID) && trim($User->SessionID) && $User->Load()) { //$logger->log( 'fop' ); $GLOBALS['User'] =& $User; } else { //$logger->log( 'lop' );