
require 'require/class.Connection.php';
require 'require/class.Spotter.php';
$Spotter = new Spotter();
$sort = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'sort', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], "0,1", $sort);
$aircraft_array = $Spotter->getAircraftInfoByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
    $title = 'Most Common Routes from aircraft with registration ' . $_GET['registration'];
    require 'header.php';
    print '<div class="info column">';
    print '<h1>' . $_GET['registration'] . ' - ' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . ' (' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . ')</h1>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Name</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">ICAO</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Manufacturer</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/manufacturer/' . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'])) . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'] . '</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
    include 'registration-sub-menu.php';
    print '<div class="column">';
    print '<h2>Most Common Routes</h2>';
    print '<p>The statistic below shows the most common routes of aircraft with registration <strong>' . $_GET['registration'] . '</strong>.</p>';
    $route_array = $Spotter->countAllRoutesByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
    if (!empty($route_array)) {
        print '<div class="table-responsive">';
        print '<table class="common-routes table-striped">';
        print '<thead>';
        print '<th></th>';
        print '<th>Departure Airport</th>';
        print '<th>Arrival Airport</th>';
        print '<th># of Times</th>';
        print '<th></th>';

require 'require/class.Connection.php';
require 'require/class.Spotter.php';
$Spotter = new Spotter();
$sort = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'sort', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if (isset($_GET['registration'])) {
    $registration = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'registration', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByRegistration($registration, "0,1", $sort);
    $aircraft_array = $Spotter->getAircraftInfoByRegistration($registration);
} else {
    $spotter_array = array();
if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
    $title = 'Most Common Departure Airports by Country of aircraft with registration ' . $_GET['registration'];
    require 'header.php';
    print '<div class="info column">';
    print '<h1>' . $_GET['registration'] . ' - ' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . ' (' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . ')</h1>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Name</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">ICAO</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Manufacturer</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/manufacturer/' . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'])) . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'] . '</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
    include 'registration-sub-menu.php';
    print '<div class="column">';
    print '<h2>Most Common Departure Airports by Country</h2>';
  	<p>The statistic below shows all departure airports by Country of origin of flights with aircraft registration <strong><?php 
    print $_GET['registration'];

require 'require/class.Connection.php';
require 'require/class.Spotter.php';
$spotter_array = Spotter::getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], "0,1", $_GET['sort']);
$aircraft_array = Spotter::getAircraftInfoByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
    $title = 'Most Common Departure Airports of aircraft with registration ' . $_GET['registration'];
    require 'header.php';
    print '<div class="info column">';
    print '<h1>' . $_GET['registration'] . ' - ' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . ' (' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . ')</h1>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Name</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">ICAO</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Manufacturer</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/manufacturer/' . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'])) . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'] . '</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
    include 'registration-sub-menu.php';
    print '<div class="column">';
    print '<h2>Most Common Departure Airports</h2>';
  	<p>The statistic below shows all departure airports of flights with aircraft registration <strong><?php 
    print $_GET['registration'];
    $airport_airport_array = Spotter::countAllDepartureAirportsByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
    	google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["geochart"]});
예제 #4
     print '<div class="detail date">';
     print '<div class="title">Date (UTC)</div>';
     print '<div>';
     print date("M j, Y G:i", strtotime($spotter_item['date_iso_8601']));
     print '</div>';
     print '</div>';
     print '</div>';
 print '</div>';
 //	print '<div id="archive-map"></div>';
 if ($spotter_array[0]['registration'] != "" && $spotter_array[0]['registration'] != "NA" && $spotter_array[0]['registration'] != "N/A") {
     print '<div class="last-flights">';
     print '<h3>Last 5 Flights of this Aircraft (' . $spotter_array[0]['registration'] . ')</h3>';
     $hide_th_links = true;
     $spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByRegistration($spotter_array[0]['registration'], "0,5", "");
     include 'table-output.php';
     print '<div class="more">';
     print '<a href="' . $globalURL . '/registration/' . $spotter_array[0]['registration'] . '" class="btn btn-default btn" role="button">See all Flights&raquo;</a>';
     print '</div>';
     print '</div>';
 /*	     	?>
 	     <div class="column">
     	<div class="share">
 	    	<span class='st_facebook' displayText='Facebook'></span>
 			<span class='st_twitter' displayText='Tweet'></span>
 			<span class='st_googleplus' displayText='Google +'></span>
 			<span class='st_pinterest' displayText='Pinterest'></span>
 			<span class='st_email' displayText='Email'></span>
 if (!isset($_GET['limit'])) {
     $limit_start = 0;
     $limit_end = 25;
     $absolute_difference = 25;
 } else {
     $limit_explode = explode(",", $_GET['limit']);
     $limit_start = $limit_explode[0];
     $limit_end = $limit_explode[1];
 $absolute_difference = abs($limit_start - $limit_end);
 $limit_next = $limit_end + $absolute_difference;
 $limit_previous_1 = $limit_start - $absolute_difference;
 $limit_previous_2 = $limit_end - $absolute_difference;
 $page_url = $globalURL . '/registration/' . $_GET['registration'];
 if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
     $spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], $limit_start . "," . $absolute_difference, $_GET['sort']);
 } else {
     $spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], $limit_start . "," . $absolute_difference, '');
 $aircraft_array = $Spotter->getAircraftInfoByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
 if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
     $title = 'Detailed View of aircraft with registration ' . $_GET['registration'];
     require 'header.php';
     print '<div class="info column">';
     print '<h1>' . $_GET['registration'] . ' - ' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . ' (' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . ')</h1>';
     print '<div><span class="label">Name</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . '</a></div>';
     print '<div><span class="label">ICAO</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '</a></div>';
     print '<div><span class="label">Manufacturer</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/manufacturer/' . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'])) . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'] . '</a></div>';
     print '</div>';
     include 'registration-sub-menu.php';
     print '<div class="table column">';
     $limit_end = 25;
     $absolute_difference = 25;
 } else {
     $limit_explode = explode(",", $_GET['limit']);
     $limit_start = $limit_explode[0];
     $limit_end = $limit_explode[1];
 $absolute_difference = abs($limit_start - $limit_end);
 $limit_next = $limit_end + $absolute_difference;
 $limit_previous_1 = $limit_start - $absolute_difference;
 $limit_previous_2 = $limit_end - $absolute_difference;
 $page_url = $globalURL . '/registration/' . $_GET['registration'];
 if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
     $spotter_array = Spotter::getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], $limit_start . "," . $absolute_difference, $_GET['sort']);
 } else {
     $spotter_array = Spotter::getSpotterDataByRegistration($_GET['registration'], $limit_start . "," . $absolute_difference, '');
 $aircraft_array = Spotter::getAircraftInfoByRegistration($_GET['registration']);
 if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
     $title = 'Detailed View of aircraft with registration ' . $_GET['registration'];
     require 'header.php';
     print '<div class="info column">';
     print '<h1>' . $_GET['registration'] . ' - ' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . ' (' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . ')</h1>';
     print '<div><span class="label">Name</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_name'] . '</a></div>';
     print '<div><span class="label">ICAO</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/aircraft/' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_icao'] . '</a></div>';
     print '<div><span class="label">Manufacturer</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/manufacturer/' . strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'])) . '">' . $aircraft_array[0]['aircraft_manufacturer'] . '</a></div>';
     print '</div>';
     include 'registration-sub-menu.php';
     print '<div class="table column">';
     print '<p>The table below shows the detailed information of all flights of aircraft with the registration <strong>' . $_GET['registration'] . '</strong>.</p>';
     include 'table-output.php';